• Avdotya freckle. The abandoned son of the famous actress Evdokia Germanova knocks on his mother's door. When is the Evdokia holiday in the year?


    On the 14th the memory of the martyr Evdokia Iliopolskaya is honored. At first, Evdokia led a dissolute lifestyle, but later she got married and converted to Christianity. The saint was so imbued with faith that she became a nun and distributed her wealth to those in need. She also became famous for her special healing, helping the poor and wanderers. In the folk month, this day was nicknamed “Evdokia the Ivy”, “Evdokia the Whistler”. There are many customs for the holiday of Evodokia and will take place on March 14, you can’t name them all!

    Folk signs about the weather on March 14

    The peasants watched nature, animals and birds to find out what the spring would be like and what the summer season would be like.

    On March 14 they said: “If it’s nice for Evdokia, the whole summer will be nicer” or “If Evdokia is red, all the spring holidays will be great.”

    According to popular belief, stoneflies began to sing from Evdokia. If this happens, the birds will not be silent until Trinity.

    • Whatever the weather is like on this day, that’s how summer will remain.
    • If there are drops on Evdokia, it means that summer days will be warm.
    • Clear weather foreshadowed a fine and fruitful year, while cloudy weather promised bad weather and a poor harvest.
    • If the snow began to melt on this day, then wait for early spring.
    • We observed the winds: from which direction the wind blows, from that direction it will continue to blow in the spring and summer.
    • If the marmots crawled out of their holes on Evdokia, it means that real spring has come.
    • Summer will be rainy if it rains on the evening of March 14 and the moon is visible through the clouds.
    • Has there been a snowstorm? Spring will be long and fierce.
    • If the rooks have already returned from warm regions, it means that the snow will melt away very soon, and the summer will have heavy rains.
    • You can watch the juniper: there will be a sharp warming, the weather will improve if the branches are slowly straightening.
    • In the summer there will be a lot of greenery and mosquitoes if the ivy is damp and windy.
    • In the forest they looked at squirrels: if the animal’s fur acquired a bluish tint, then spring would be early.
    • Southerly winds promise heavy rainfall in summer, while northerly winds foretell cold summers.

    Evdokia the whistler: features of the day and folk traditions

    It so happened that on Orthodox holiday Evdokia On March 14, according to folk signs, it is customary to give alms. Moreover, this is done not only for oneself, but also for the remission of sins of deceased relatives. It is believed that in this way you can find peace of mind during life and go to the kingdom of heaven after death. The main condition of the ritual is to do good meekly, with modest intentions and a pure heart. It is advisable that others do not notice this act at all.

    Folk signs on March 14

    • If puddles rise to the doorstep of the house, it means that beekeepers will have a rich harvest of honey.
    • Did it snow on Evdokia? Expect a bountiful harvest of mushrooms in the fall.
    • The north wind on the 14th promises a successful summer season for beekeepers.
    • Wheat will grow richly if it is sunny on the ivy.
    • Traditionally, a wet piece of cloth was placed under the threshold in the evening. If by morning the rag is frosty, then spring will turn out to be fierce.
    • The women looked at the icicles in the evening: if the long icicles remained, it meant that a lot of flax would be produced.

    On this day, our ancestors called for spring: the roofs were cleared of snow and ice, and the houses were thoroughly heated so that spring would remain warm. Girls, women and children were having fun and calling out warmly. After all, according to the old style, Evdokia Ivy fell on March 1, just when the Slavs celebrated the onset of the New Year. People climbed onto the hills and roofs, rhymes were read and songs were sung.

    Our ancestors endowed melt water with magical powers. People believed that she could give Evdokia strength and health, so they gave it to their children to drink, and also gave water to those who were sick, hoping for a miraculous healing. Women washed the floors with this water to protect the house from all evil spirits and the family from illnesses. And the weavers tried to whiten the woven work in it.

    The national holiday Evdokia Svistunya is celebrated on May 30, 2019 (old style date - May 17). By church calendar On this day the Venerable Euphrosyne of Moscow is venerated. The holiday got its name “Whistling” because of the winds that whistle during this period.


    The Monk Euphrosyne was born in 1353 into a princely family. Her father, Prince Dimitri of Suzdal, and mother, Princess Anna, raised their daughter in obedience and love for God. When the girl turned 14 years old, they married her to the Prince of Moscow Dimitri Donskoy. The young married for love. Their union led to peace between the two principalities.

    Euphrosyne’s main support and support was her love for the Lord. The husband shared charity, fasting and prayer with his wife.

    From 1389, after the death of the noble prince Dimitri from an incurable disease, and until 1407, Euphrosyne raised children, built churches and monasteries. When, in the last year of her life, the Archangel Michael appeared to her and informed her of her imminent death, she decided to leave the throne and become a nun. She took monastic vows with the name Euphrosyne, lived for several more months and peacefully departed to the Lord.

    Miraculous deeds began during the saint’s procession to her last monastery - the Ascension Monastery. 30 people who touched her clothes were healed of various diseases.

    Traditions and rituals

    On this day they monitor the weather. It predicts what the summer season will be like.

    They call upon the heavenly watchman Ondron, also known as Adrian, to help the crops. Legend has it that this saint holds the keys to the gates of heaven that hold the rain clouds. When there is a drought, people ask him to water the earth. There are special conspiracies and rituals for this. All rituals for calling rain must be performed by a man, preferably over 33 years old. The following ritual is common: a man goes out into the open with an aspen branch, bows to four sides, whittles the branch, while pronouncing a spell, and sticks it into the ground. If there is no aspen tree nearby, you can stand with your back to the wind and read special words.


    Whatever the weather is like on Evdokia Svistunya, that’s how the summer will be.

    A cool day is a sign of frequent hail in the summer.

    It's a rainy day and the moon is just emerging - there will be a lot of rain in the summer. If the wind also blows from the north, then the summer will not only be rainy, but also cold.

    There is a lot of color on the apple tree, rowan tree and lilac - there will be good fishing in the coming days.

    A bluish flicker is visible around the weather vane, spire and similar pointed objects - a thunderstorm will begin soon.

    On March 14, 2019, the national holiday Avdotya Vesnovka is celebrated. The Church today remembers the Venerable Martyr Evdokia Iliopolskaya, Abbess.

    Folk and church roots are intertwined in this holiday.

    Who is Evdokia Svistunya, Avdotya Plyushchikha

    Saint Eudokia of Iliopolis, whose memory is celebrated on March 14, is a Christian martyr. Most signs on this holiday are associated with the onset of spring.

    It was a fun and great celebration in honor of the onset of spring, and the saint was nicknamed Vesnovka.

    Evdokia was called the whistler because the winds were very strong, they really whistled. Although there is a version that this is due to the awakening of animals that roared and whistled, heralding the approach of spring.

    But they call it Ivy because it flattens snow and ice, that is, it tears it into shreds.

    According to legend, Evdokia, originally from Samaria, led a dissolute lifestyle for many years. One day on her way she met a monk who was reading holy scripture aloud. These words greatly influenced Evdokia, so she soon received baptism and entered a monastery. She soon gained the ability to resurrect the dead.

    Evdokia began to help wanderers, beggars, and orphans. But 56 years later she was slandered by the pagans, she was accused of witchcraft and deception, which is why she was executed by beheading.

    What you can and cannot do on March 14

    You can safely go shopping, because they will be successful and will last you a long time.

    To protect yourself from gossip and slander, it is believed that on this day you need to read appropriate prayers that will protect you from evil tongues.

    On this day you should not make plans for the future, because they will not come true.

    Signs for this holiday March 14

    If it’s sunny and warm in Evdokia, it means the weather will be good all spring

    It's nicer in Evdokia - it will be nicer all summer

    Cloudy weather portends a cold and hungry year, and sunny, clear weather portends a fruitful year.

    Cold Avdotya is a sign that spring will come late and be cold. The snow will most likely not melt for a long time

    Ringing drops - wait for the hot summer

    Girls who wanted to get married need to go out to a clearing where there is wind and ask him for a good life partner.

    Evdokia Vesnovka is a folk holiday in Rus', so called because on this day the ancient Christian saint Evdokia was revered. They called it freckle because the snow melted profusely and thawed patches appeared.

    According to legends, she guards female beauty and helps to get married; many signs were also attributed to the day, by which the weather for the summer was determined.

    On this day, they put the name of the person they would like to marry under the pillow and before going to bed they said, “Help Evdokia, bewitch your betrothed...”
    On this day, according to tradition, birds that were not suitable for breeding were slaughtered and prepared for storage. Smoked, salted or preserved for spring.
    On this day we noticed what kind of wind was blowing. If it is warm and humid, then the summer will be wet from rain.
    On this day they collected melt water, believing that if you wash your face with such water in the morning before sunrise, any rash on your face will go away and your face will become smooth and beautiful
    Evdokia Vesnovka is a holiday of the national calendar, which is not included in the register of memorable and holiday dates of the Russian Federation.
    All holidays on March 14

    Share with your friends on in social networks! - Folk signs mid-March predicts the weather of the long-awaited summer. “If there is a lot of fog in March, then it means a rainy summer,” says popular wisdom.

    March 11 – Sevastyan. Porfiry the Late.

    According to folk superstitions, thawing and deepening of paths means a protracted spring. A rich harvest of grain promises the arrival of birds from warmer regions on this day.

    March 12 – Prokop Perezimnik. Road destroyer.

    “The dug-out sled track is ruining,” “the snow lay there, lay there, and ran into the river,” people said.

    The buds begin to swell and the ice on large rivers breaks up.

    March 13th is Vasiliev's Day. Solnechnik. Dropper. Vasily is warm.

    This day is known among the Russian people under the name of Kapitel, or Kapelnik, as spring warmth begins, the effect of which is first of all revealed by dripping from roofs and generally from high places where snow begins to melt.

    “On Vasily Warm, the sun is in circles - for the harvest,” say folk signs. Rain on this day foreshadows a wet summer.

    March 14 – Evdokia. Evdokia Vesnovka. Evdokia Mokrokhvostka. Evdokia Plyushchikha.

    Celebrating the beginning of spring. In ancient times, the onset of spring was celebrated solemnly and cheerfully, which is why St. Evdokia received the nickname Vesnovka: “Evdokia Vesnovka equips spring.” By folk tradition, St. Evdokia, or Avdotya, rules the spring, keeps the keys to the spring waters.

    Another popular name for this day is Call of Spring. On the cheerful holiday of Evdokia, spring is called at folk festivals.

    On Evdokia, it was customary to wash the children with melt water so that they would be strong and healthy all year round.

    The weather for that day was used to judge the weather for the whole year. “Like Evdokia, so is summer.”

    If the day is clear, then there will be a harvest of milk mushrooms in the forest and in the garden. Snow on this day means a good harvest.

    Beginning of preparations for field work.

    March 17 – Gerasim Grachevnik.

    On the day of remembrance of this saint, rooks fly to the north from warm countries. In honor of this event, they baked rooks from dough and said that Gerasim caught up with the rooks.

    “The rook will pick up a twig from the ground - he promises a sunny summer,” say folk signs.

    March 18 – Konon Ogorodnik. Gradar.

    “Konon the Gardener called me to the garden.” The ancient church monthly books say: “Even if it were winter on the day of Konon Gradar, start plowing the garden, and just plow on this day, the garden will certainly be good and
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