• Alphanumeric designation of pipelines. The meaning of emoticons written in symbols, their decoding, designation and types of emoticons What does this emoticon mean 3


    Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Not so long ago, we discussed in some detail the topic of using emoticons on the Vkontakte social network. The main codes for Emoji emoticons were also given there (about a thousand - for all occasions). If you haven't read that post yet, I highly recommend doing so:

    What do text emoticons made up of symbols mean?

    We are with you, let's continue to study the meanings of the most common options. writing certain emoticons using ordinary (non-pretentious) characters. Ready? Well then let's go.

    Initially, they received distribution, i.e. lying on their side (see the above examples of laughing and sad faces). Let's see what other combinations you can meet on the Internet and what they mean (how to decipher them).

    Emotion emoticon symbol designation

    1. Joy or a smile 🙂 is most often depicted using symbols: :) or :-) or =)
    2. Unrestrained laughter 😀 (equivalent to the expression): :-D or: D or)))) (undersmile used mainly in RuNet)
    3. Another designation for laughter, but more like a mockery 😆 (equivalent): XD or xD or >:-D (gloating)
    4. Laughter to tears, i.e. what does the “tears of joy” emoticon mean 😂::"-) or:"-D
    5. Insidious grin 😏:):-> or ]:->
    6. Sad or sad emoticon 🙁 has text values: :-(either =(or :(
    7. The symbolic designation of a very sad emoticon 😩: :-C or: C or (((((again, a variant of the under-smiley)
    8. Slight displeasure, confusion or puzzlement 😕::-/ or:-\
    9. Strong anger 😡 :D-:
    10. Text designation of a neutral attitude emoticon 😐: :-| either:-I or._. either -_-
    11. The symbolic value of the admiration emoticon 😃: *O* either *_* or **
    12. Deciphering the emotion of surprise 😵: :-() either:- either:-0 or: O or O: either o_O or oO or o.O
    13. Variants of what the emoticon of strong surprise or bewilderment can mean 😯: 8-O
      either =-O or:-
    14. Disappointment 😞: ​​:-e
    15. Rage 😠: :-E either:E or:-t
    16. Embarrassment 😖: :-[ or %0
    17. Moody: :-*
    18. Sadness: :-<

    Meaning of text emoji emotional actions or gestures

    1. What does a winking emoticon mean in a text-symbolic version 😉: ;-) either;)
    2. Sad joke :-(
    3. Happy joke: ;-)
    4. Options for the designation of a crying emoticon 😥 or 😭: :_(or:~(or:"(or:*(
    5. Joyful crying (means "tears of joy" emoji 😂): :~-
    6. Sorrowful crying 😭::~-(
    7. Angry scream: :-@
    8. Kiss in text notation 😚 or 😙 or 😗: :-* or :-()
    9. Hugs: ()
    10. Show tongue (means to tease) 😛 or 😜: :-P either:-p or:-Ъ
    11. Locked mouth (means shh) 😶 : :-X
    12. From the soul turns back (designation of nausea): :-!
    13. Drunk or confused (means either "I'm drunk" or "you're drunk"): :*)
    14. Are you a deer: E:-) or 3:-)
    15. You are a clown: *:O)
    16. Heart 💓:<3
    17. Text designation of the “rose flower” emoticon 🌹: @)->-- or @)~>~~ or @-"-,"-,---
    18. Carnation: *->->--
    19. Old joke (means button accordion): [:|||:] or [:]/\/\/\[:] or [:]|||[:]
    20. Krezi (means "your roof has gone"): /:-(or /:-]
    21. Fifth dot: (_!_)

    What do horizontal (Japanese) character emoticons mean?

    Initially, it so happened that most of the invented and widely used text emoticons had to be deciphered as if “tilting their heads to one side”. However, this is not very convenient, you see. Therefore, over time, their analogues began to appear (also typed from symbols), which did not require virtually or actually tilting the head to the side, because the image created by the symbols was located horizontally.

    Let's consider, what do the most common of the horizontal text emoticons mean:

    1. (joy) is usually denoted: (^_^) or (^____^) or (n_n) or (^ ^) or \(^_^)/
    2. in symbols denoted as: (<_>) or (v_v)
    3. The following characters mean different things: (o_o) or (0_0) or (O_o) or (o_O) or (V_v) (unpleasant surprise) or (@_@) (meaning "you can be stunned")
    4. Emoticon meaning: (*_*) or (*o*) or (*O*)
    5. I'm sick: (-_-;) or (-_-;)~
    6. Sleep: (- . -) Zzz. or (-_-) Zzz. or (u_u)
    7. Embarrassment: ^_^" or *^_^* or (-_-") or (-_-v)
    8. Anger and rage: (-_-#) or (-_-¤) or (-_-+) or (>__
    9. What does fatigue mean: (>_
    10. Jealousy: 8 (>_
    11. Distrust: (>>) or (>_>) or (<_>
    12. Indifference: -__- either =__=
    13. This emoticon text expression means: (?_?) or ^o^;>
    14. Value close to: (;_;) either (T_T) or (TT.TT) or (ToT) or Q__Q
    15. What does a wink mean: (^_~) or (^_-)
    16. Kiss: ^)(^ or (^)...(^) or (^)(^^)
    17. High five (means friend): =X= or (^_^)(^_^)
    18. Carrot love: (^3^) or (* ^) 3 (*^^*)
    19. Apology: m (._.) m
    20. Greed Smiley: ($_$)

    Naturally, on many blogs and forums it has long been possible to add emoticons in the form of pictures (from ready-made sets), but many still continue to use text emoticons, because they have already gotten their hands on it and there is no need to look for the right one in the catalog picture.

    If you want to know what this or that set of characters that is a text emoticon means, then write about it in the comments. Let the whole world and let's figure it out ...

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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    The set of emoticons used in practice is small relative to their total possible number. Almost always, these are emotional emoticons and derivatives of ":-)". This set consists of 3 categories.
    1. A small core of emoticons, commonly used and with stable meanings
    2. Metacore of emoticons, rarely used, but also with stable values
    smileykey elementshort formmeaning
    :-/ / :/ insecurity, dissatisfaction
    :-\ \ :\ insecurity, dissatisfaction
    :-| | :| indifference, confidence
    :-II:Iindifference, confidence
    :- : surprise, astonishment
    :-() () :() surprise, astonishment
    :-* * :* kiss
    :-> > :> gloat
    :~- ~ :~) joyful cry
    :~-(~ :~(mournful cry
    8-) 8 8) excitation

    Replacing the element ":" (neutral value) in the position of the eyes gives the meaning a touch of playfulness, pretense. A small part of those who write does not highlight this shade, using a neutral meaning in appropriate situations.

    3. Periphery with unconfirmed meanings, consisting mainly of individual stylistic variations of core and metacore emoticons

    Most of the stylistic variations are formed by replacing individual elements in the emoticons of the core and metacore with others without changing their meaning:

    • a) Elements ":", ";" and "8" in the position of the eyes are replaced by "%", "F", "8", "=".
    • b) The "-" element in the nose position is replaced by "o" and "=".
    • c) The elements ")" and "(" in the position of the mouth are replaced by "[" and "]", respectively.
    • d) The spelling of emoticons can also be mirrored.
    • e) The elements "F", "=" are added to the emoticon in the position of the upper part of the head, which usually do not carry a semantic load.
    A separate category of peripherals is made up of alternative abbreviated forms of emoticons of the core:
    • a) "-)" and ")" for ":-)";
    • b) "-(" and "(" for ":-(".

    The article will talk about what the emoticon means and what they are. It is worth noting that emoticons have long entered our lives and have become well established in it, because they, like nothing else, can convey the emotions and feelings of a person.

    There are people who communicate regularly using emoticons, because with the development of progress there are already animated emoticons that can wave, wink, jump and change colors.

    There are several emoji alphabets, the most common are standard And Japanese. Japanese emoticons are distinguished by the fact that they pay more attention to the eyes, and standard emoticons - to the mouth.

    The history of emoticons

    Today, almost no private letter on the Internet is complete without emoticons. Some people get offended if a friend doesn't put a colon and a right parenthesis at the end of a letter. Of course, this is stupid, but emoticons are already so closely connected with our lives.

    It may seem to modern children that emoticons have always existed, but in fact, for the first time, an emoticon was drawn Harvey Bell- an artist by training. In the early sixties, there was a war between insurers in America. Employees were afraid to get laid off and, in order to cheer themselves up and each other, they were distracted and tried to communicate politely and friendly with the remaining customers.

    One insurance company, in order to stay afloat, decided to hold a promotion for which they needed an interesting drawing. In late 1963, they approached Harvey with this request. He drew the first smiley :-) , which took him ten minutes to develop. He was paid mere pennies for the drawing: $43. He did not know then that his simple drawing would become so popular, so he did not issue any rights to it. Harvey's first emojis were pinned and given out to customers. People liked these cute smiles so much that the company re-applied to the artist and ordered another ten thousand smileys.

    Another story that played an important role in the development of the smiley can be called the seventies, when brothers from Spain developed the slogan " Happy day!". Since that time, emoticons began to be depicted on clothes. In 1971 the FrenchFranklin Loufrani The smiley has been trademarked in 80 countries.

    And the first electronic Emoticons appeared in the sixties of the last century. Then emoticons were used in encoding Unicode. In 1982, Microsoft decided to create emoticons that could show emotions.

    What do emoticons mean decoding

    Emoticons can convey almost every human emotion, from laughter to tears. Below is a table that indicates what this or that emoticon means.


    Other designations


    This emoji is in the shape of a human face and means smiling.

    wild laughter





    Shock: pleasant in the first case, not in the second

    Laughter to tears

    :-P,=P,:b, :-b, :p

    Show tongue


    3 - this emoticon means a cute cat face or "lips in a bow" (cuteness). Options- :3:=3:-3

    These are the most common emoticons, the designation of which many people know.

    Smile and grief emoticon

    The smile and grief emoticon, presented first in the table, has often changed and transformed over time. When people began to use emoticons in communication, it consisted of eyes, nose and mouth. Then the nose disappeared. And the eyes began to be drawn not with dashes, but simply with dots. Many are familiar when the smiley had only one eye - .) , and then he disappeared, to show a smile or sadness, people put only brackets. To show joy or sadness, many brackets are put. If we are talking about strong disappointment, then it can be shown like this - ((( or so - :WITH.

    What do emoticons mean in Vkontakte

    On the social network VK There are two types of emoticons, these are the standard ones that were discussed above, and the voluminous ones offered by the service itself. For the past three years, VKontakte users have been able to use emoticons, since only in August 2012 such an opportunity was added to communicate in personal correspondence. Until that time, Vkontakte users had to independently compose the designation of emotions from punctuation marks. But the developers have made it easy for them: the user can open the menu of emoticons and select the one that describes his state.

    Initially, about thirty emoticons appeared on the network, but after a while another hundred were added, which depicted not only emotions, but also the actions of people, as well as food and animals. But due to the wide variety of emoticons, people's communication becomes not always clear. Not all people understand the meaning of this or that emoticon, or understand it differently. To avoid such situations with you, you need to write a few words in addition to the smiley so that the interlocutor understands you.

    popular VKontakte emoticons the following can be named:

    • :ok - all is well;
    • -: o - fear;
    • -3(- sadness;
    • -8) - love;
    • -:] - stupid smile.

    Also in VK there are hidden emoticons that can be sent to users by pressing a few keys. But the disadvantage of such emoticons is that they are black and therefore repel many users.

    The most common commands include the following:

    • ALT+ 1 - white emoticon denoting a smile ☺
    • ALT+2 - black smile: ☻
    • ALT+3 - love heart:
    • ALT+ 11 - male character: ♂
    • ALT+12 - female character: ♀
    • ALT+13 - ringtone:♪
    • ALT+15 - sun: ☼

    In order for the symbol to appear in the message, you need to:

    1. Hold down the "Alt" key on your keyboard
    2. Dial a number combination
    3. Release the Alt key

    What does emoticon 3 mean

    The table above showed this emoticon and said that it means tenderness. But it is worth dwelling on its decoding in more detail, since it is not understood by many. This symbol is associated with such animals as a dog and a cat. And indeed, if you look closely, it seems to be similar to the muzzle of an animal. In another way, this emoticon stands for " cute"- that's how you can characterize any cute animal.

    Do not confuse this emoticon with <3 , which means heart.

    Many people and smiley :3 consider it a kiss, but they are mistaken because it means not quite a kiss, namely cuteness.

    There was a period of time when this emoticon was read from a mathematical point of view, and it meant nothing more than divide by 3. But this is a comic version that did not take root among Internet users for a long time.

    Emoticons denoting actions

    As mentioned above, emoticons can replace a person's written speech and whole expressions. After all, their collection is constantly replenished, and soon people will be able to communicate with only one emoticon. Below will be presented a few emoticons, meaning human actions.

    Smiley designation


    Loud laugh

    Listen to music with headphones

    wave your hand



    go crazy

    As we can see from the table, you can use emoticons to talk about even your actions and desires. Some social networks have emoticons that mean that a person is reading a book, relaxing, eating or playing ball.

    We examined in detail what emoticons mean, how they can be used to express actions and emotions. In a few years they may replace written language. After all, it is much easier for people to put a smiley than to write for a long time and explain to a person what he is doing or what emotion he is showing at the moment.

    Video with decryption of emoticons

    Today we will tell you what the mysterious emoticon 3 means on the VKontakte social network, tell you its meanings and in what cases it is used.

    But first a little history

    Our modern life is saturated with social networks. Sitting there for hours, people get to know each other, communicate, exchange emotions and news. And the new generation cannot even imagine their life without social networks. For young people, not even half an hour passes without the status of "online".

    To enhance emotional perception and clarify the meaning of the message, as well as for the speed of communication, in 1982, scientists from the United States of America invented emoticons (emotional icons), better known as emoticons. After this discovery, life and communication on the Internet and via SMS have changed a lot. Now, in order to show your mood or emotions, the interlocutor does not need to write a huge sentence - you just need to type a few characters.

    What is the “3” emoticon in VK for and how to use it correctly?

    Often, when communicating on VK, interlocutors exchange emoticons and signs. Some of them are familiar to many, and some make you think about what emotion the interlocutor expresses with this emoticon? An unknown emoticon can significantly change the conversation, and the interlocutors will remain misunderstood.

    One of these emoticons is "3". At first glance, it is an incomprehensible and frightening symbol, but if you turn on the imagination and turn "3" to the right, we will get a cute smiling face of a kitten, or, well, a part of the face showing a smile. Another name for this emoticon is "nyashka".

    The word "Nyashka" comes from the Japanese word "nya", if translated into Russian - "meow". Previously, this was the name of girls from Japanese anime. The girls had a pretty appearance and spoke in a cute voice, reminiscent of a cat's meow. When I saw them, I wanted to say "cute". Now the word "nyashka" refers to everything cute and cute: cats with a bow, dogs on a beautiful bed, cute smiling children, etc.

    Also, "nyashka" is called people in an ironic sense. Those who want to be deliberately too sugary or cute.

    Another name for the “3” emoticon is “lips with a bow”. Indeed, this sign is suitable for such an expression. The meaning is the same as "nyashka" - tenderness, pleasure and satisfaction.

    Hence the conclusion follows that the sign "3" in VK means tenderness, mercy, cute. By sending such a smiley, the interlocutor is trying to express his emotion and satisfaction to the opponent. In general, this is a very kind and sweet sign, so when communicating on social networks, do not neglect it, give your loved ones only positive emotions.

    The set of emoticons used in practice is small relative to their total possible number. Almost always, these are emotional emoticons and derivatives of ":-)". This set consists of 3 categories.
    1. A small core of emoticons, commonly used and with stable meanings
    2. Metacore of emoticons, rarely used, but also with stable values
    smileykey elementshort formmeaning
    :-/ / :/ insecurity, dissatisfaction
    :-\ \ :\ insecurity, dissatisfaction
    :-| | :| indifference, confidence
    :-II:Iindifference, confidence
    :- : surprise, astonishment
    :-() () :() surprise, astonishment
    :-* * :* kiss
    :-> > :> gloat
    :~- ~ :~) joyful cry
    :~-(~ :~(mournful cry
    8-) 8 8) excitation

    Replacing the element ":" (neutral value) in the position of the eyes gives the meaning a touch of playfulness, pretense. A small part of those who write does not highlight this shade, using a neutral meaning in appropriate situations.

    3. Periphery with unconfirmed meanings, consisting mainly of individual stylistic variations of core and metacore emoticons

    Most of the stylistic variations are formed by replacing individual elements in the emoticons of the core and metacore with others without changing their meaning:

    • a) Elements ":", ";" and "8" in the position of the eyes are replaced by "%", "F", "8", "=".
    • b) The "-" element in the nose position is replaced by "o" and "=".
    • c) The elements ")" and "(" in the position of the mouth are replaced by "[" and "]", respectively.
    • d) The spelling of emoticons can also be mirrored.
    • e) The elements "F", "=" are added to the emoticon in the position of the upper part of the head, which usually do not carry a semantic load.
    A separate category of peripherals is made up of alternative abbreviated forms of emoticons of the core:
    • a) "-)" and ")" for ":-)";
    • b) "-(" and "(" for ":-(".
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