• What to do if the soul is restless. Restless soul. Prayer for the repose of the soul of every deceased Christian


    Necrotic: Currently, this technical term is used in the healing-spiritual environment to refer to bindings - the pumping of vital energy from living patients into a negative after-death intermediate world. In Slavic Orthodox tradition the term publicans was adopted, v - lower gandharvas, v - lower spirits-yidaki. So they designate the souls of people who died, but because of the created negatives or the primitiveness of life, who did not go to a new rebirth, neither to Paradise, nor to hell, nor to purgatory. Often this happens to people during painful deaths, during periods of massacres, wars, epidemics. Buried or unburied, they hang around paralyzed in the afterlife, tied to their negative or primitive desires, past life accumulations, and the like. This can last for years and centuries, because having a dense energy body of desires (tevish - among the Zoroastrians, karana sharira - among the Hindus) are able to partially move around the surface of the Earth, be attracted to places of food, to specific people. The food for them is the human astral (emotions) and (mental), as well as smells. Such souls themselves do not have the strength and desire to go up into the divine world, since the dense shell of the negative electromagnetic shell has bound the soul and does not let go up, but keeps it close to the surface. According to the mystical-Christian, Vedic, Tibetan schools, an ordinary good average person dies unattached to past life and in 49-50 days the interval between lives passes (Bardo in Tibetan). Then he is born in certain conditions according to the law of his own accumulated karma. He can go into rebirth and beyond the human world, into the divine.

    Publicans, on the other hand, do not pass through the Bardo, mainly being attached to cemeteries, places of life and living relatives. In the case of publicans, sorcerers, necrotes, executioners, murderers, etc. their living relatives have a heavy tribal karma. Not eliminated during the life of their children, the negative tribal karma then passes on to grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. right from birth. The negative necrotic electromagnetic field of the publican feeds on the energy of the whole clan, in turn transferring its negative dirty energy to the members of the clan. Thus, because of the constant channel of necrotic pumping out of vital energy, the protective field of the aura breaks through, immunity is weakened, fate and health worsen, and the life of living people is shortened.

    Often the situation worsens when a dead publican relative has a demonic possession. If, on average, an ordinary publican has an average Power of the electromagnetic field M = -5-10 points according to the universal Vedic scale of the Lords of Karma, then a publican-sorcerer (and ALL sorcerers-sorceresses are possessed by demons) cf. M = -10-20 points. That is, there is a real danger to human health and life, susceptibility to chronic diseases, and early death.

    There are a number of inexplicable and interesting phenomena that are associated with the appearance of various ghosts, as well as restless souls. Why do souls become like this?

    Restless souls people are those who, for various reasons, could not leave our world. This can happen to people who died suddenly, while still young, who left this world very tragically.

    Often their death is violent, associated with war, epidemics, etc. The so-called publicans or suicides, who brought much evil into our world, cannot find peace of mind. Very often, the souls of victims of murders or those dead who could not come to terms with death cannot leave our world.

    It also happens that relatives mourn their departed relative very much, and it is for this reason that he remains attached to our world, the world of the living. Whether a person was buried or not, it doesn’t matter, many esotericists argue that the souls of people will not be able to get into purgatory, they cannot be reborn for their new life. They remain forever between the two worlds. The reason may be the negative actions of a past life, there may be some unfinished business or a serious moral duty.

    How can restless souls be dangerous?

    The Slavic people have such a thing as a "mortgaged" dead person. According to popular beliefs, they are considered the most dangerous and capable of harming a living person. If the souls of our ancestors, who died a natural death, were revered by everyone as patrons in our world of the living, then the dead, who died a violent death, become Navy spirits, which are close to evil spirits. They often appear in the homes of their loved ones, just to torment them with nightmares. In the old days, it was believed that they could even control all the forces of nature, for example, cause a drought or hail, a storm or a thunderstorm.

    How to find out if there is a restless soul in the house?

    It is very dangerous when a restless soul lives in a house with the living. There are several signs by which you can easily determine the presence of the soul in the house. This:

    • heavy and gloomy atmosphere in the house, even if it has recently been renovated, and even if sunlight penetrates well into the apartment;
    • the constant feeling of someone's presence. Households all the time it seems that someone walks and watches them;
    • strange and frightening sounds are heard;
    • if you light wax candles, they will smoke and crackle when burned;
    • the tenants of the apartment have constant, inexplicable weakness and drowsiness. They often have nightmares.

    Read about other paranormal phenomena in our special section.

    In many nations, philosophers believe that a person is something like a receptacle filled with something intangible, the energy of a person. This internal energy determines the human essence, many of his thoughts and actions.

    The earthly path for the soul is a temporary refuge. During earth travel human soul goes through many tests that determine the nature of the essence. A pure and free soul becomes in cases of good deeds, thoughts and work of a person (assuming creation, development).

    A dark soul comes from anger. Destruction, envy and accompanying feelings and actions. Throughout the life path, a person grows, gains experience, takes certain steps that affect his own spirituality.

    At the end of the life path, a person, dying, frees the soul, which leaves this world. But, this does not always happen, to find out why this happens, you should consider possible options.

    In most world religions, suicide is a grave sin, because life is given from above and a person has no right to take it away, both from another person and his own. Thus, premature death forces human soul stuck in our world without finding a way to escape.

    If the soul for some reason does not leave the world of people, they, in turn, can feel their presence.

    There are many statements in history when relatives felt that they were next to a buried person and then they tried to establish a connection if they were not afraid of it.

    The presence of a deceased person manifests itself in different ways: it can be a phone call from a number belonging to the deceased person, a feeling of touch, a rearrangement or loss of the deceased's things.

    Besides, restless soul can visit relatives in a dream with a variety of requests. Many people will say that these are the inventions of superstitious people, but, with the development of technology and science in scientific circles, there are much more questions than answers.

    Now technology and science have made extraordinary progress. Every day a person meets with cameras, voice recorders, players and tape recorders. It would seem that in such a world where everything can be measured down to an atom, there should be no questions for mysticism, but they still exist.

    At the end of the 1950s in Estonia, by chance, was recorded otherworldly voice. On the magnetic tape, the voice of the dead mother of the person who discovered this type of phenomenon was clearly audible.

    This phenomenon today has a lot of controversy, despite the fact that numerous scientific minds have tried to conduct experiments by recording silence in quiet rooms. In such rooms it was possible to record otherworldly voices that no one could explain.

    Constantly, since the 19th century, when the first camera was invented, many people have been able to capture spirits or ghosts on film. Despite numerous fakes, among the many thousands of pictures you can find only a dozen of those that photomontage experts cannot explain.

    But it’s not worth every presence of a deceased person in a dream to represent paranormal activity. Psychologists say that the loss of a loved one is a great stress that the brain tries to understand, thereby causing dreams involving the deceased person.

    Believe in otherworldly forces and restless souls is a personal matter for each person. But, do not reject numerous, inexplicable cases.

    Father, please explain why in Orthodoxy it is customary to worship saints, relics and objects (for example, a nail - with which Christ was crucified). There is no such instruction in the Word of God. But there is a place where an angel forbade worship even to him: 1. Rev.19:10 I fell at his feet to worship him; but he said to me: look, do not do this; I am a co-servant with you and your brothers who have the testimony of Jesus; worship God; for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.2. Rev.22:9 but he said to me, be careful not to do this; for I am a co-servant with you and with your brethren the prophets, and with those who keep the words of this book; Bow down to God.3. Lev.26:1 Do not make for yourselves idols and statues, and do not set up pillars in your place, and do not lay stones with images in your land to bow down before them, for I am the Lord your God. And it is also written: Matt. 23:9 and do not call anyone on earth your father, for you have one Father who is in heaven; And in Orthodoxy they call a person father and master, although the Lord is Christ and they still kiss the hand of the priests. I treat Orthodox Christians with respect, but I am very embarrassed these things that are expressly forbidden by God. Because of this, I am currently left without a church community, since in the place where I now live there is Orthodoxy, but there is no Baptist Church in which I was spiritually born and nurtured.

    Hello! I'll start with my father. Do you have a biological father? what do you call him? uncle, so as not to break the interpretation of the mind, or how else? I will give you an interpretation of the blessed. Theophylact of Bulgaria: “But do not call yourself teachers, for you have one Teacher-Christ, yet you are brothers. And do not call anyone on earth your father, for you have one Father who is in heaven; and do not call yourself teachers, for one you have Christ as your teacher, and let the greatest among you be your servant, for whoever exalts himself will be humbled, but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

    Christ does not forbid to be called teachers, but forbids one to passionately desire this title and to try in every possible way to acquire it. The dignity of a teacher in the proper sense belongs only to God. Also with the words: "do not call father" does not forbid honoring parents; on the contrary, He wants us to honor our parents, and especially our spiritual fathers. With these words, Christ leads us to the knowledge of the true Father, that is, God, since the father in the proper sense is God, while carnal parents are not the culprits of our being, but only the co-operators and instruments of God. Showing the benefits of humility, Christ says that the greatest of us should be the servant and the last. Who will elevate himself, considering himself something great, he will be abandoned by God and humiliated. "In my comments, it is unnecessary. Kissing the priest's hand, which occurs when he gives the cross or blesses, in contrast to a simple greeting, has a special spiritual and moral significance. In biblical times, kissing was a common form of respectful greeting, especially hand kissing. To do this, one had to bend over to the hand of another person, kiss it and pass it over one's forehead. Kissing as a symbol of love and respect was also perceived by the early Christians: "Greet all the brethren with a holy kiss" (1 Thess. 5:26). Receiving grace from God through a cross or priestly blessing, a person mentally kisses the invisible right hand of God, which gives him this grace. By the second commandment, the Lord God forbids idolatry, that is, he forbids making idols or idols for himself, or honoring likenesses or images of what we see in heaven and what is on earth or in the waters. The Lord forbids worshiping and serving these idols instead of true God like the pagans do. With the prohibition to bow to idols and idols, one cannot in any way confuse the Orthodox worship of holy icons and relics. Honoring the holy icons, we do not consider them gods or idols, they are for us only an image, an image of God, or angels, or saints. The word icon is Greek and means image. Worshiping icons and praying in front of an icon, we are not praying to a "material icon" (i.e., paint, wood, or metal), but to the One Who is depicted on it. Everyone knows how much easier it is to turn your thoughts to the Savior when you see His Most Pure Face, or His Cross, than when there is an empty wall in front of you. Holy icons are given to us for the reverent recollection of the deeds of God and His saints, for the reverent elevation of our thoughts to God and His saints. Through this, our heart is kindled with love for our Creator and Savior. Also in Old Testament Moses, through whom God gave the commandment forbidding idols, at the same time received from God the command to place in the Tabernacle (i.e., the movable Jewish temple) golden sacred images of cherubs on the lid of the Ark of the Covenant. The Lord said to Moses: "Make them at both ends of the lid... There I will open myself to you and speak to you over the lid, in the midst of the two cherubim that are over the ark of revelation, about everything that I will command through you to the children of Israel" (Ex. 25, 18, 22). The Lord commanded Moses to also weave images of cherubim on the curtain separating the Sanctuary from the Holy of Holies, and on the inside of linen (made of expensive woolen fabric) bedspreads, which covered not only the top, but also the sides of the tabernacle (Ex. 26, 1-37). In the temple of Solomon there were also sculptural and embroidered images of cherubs on all the walls and on the church curtain (1 Kings 6:27-29; 2 Chronicles 3:7-14). And the cherubim on the lid of the Ark of the Covenant were renewed (2 Chronicles 3:10). When the temple was ready, "the glory of the Lord (in the form of a cloud) filled the temple" (1 Kings 8:11). The images of the cherubim were pleasing to the Lord, and the people, looking at them, prayed and bowed. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself sent a miraculous image of His Face to the Prince of Edessa Abgar: the so-called miraculous image. Having prayed before the miraculous image of Christ, Abgar was healed of an incurable disease. St. Evangelist Luke, a doctor and painter, wrote and left, according to legend, icons Mother of God. Some of them are in our country. The Lord glorified many of the holy icons with miracles. The veneration of holy relics does not contradict the second commandment. In holy relics, we honor the grace-filled power of God, which acts through the relics of the saints. For Christians, idolatry, in the form that all pagans are devoted to, is impossible. But on the other hand, instead of pagan idolatry, there is another more subtle idolatry. Such idolatry includes serving sinful passions, such as: avarice, covetousness, gluttony, pride, vanity, etc. The main source of error for the Baptists (as for all Protestants) was the rejection of Holy Tradition. Sacred Tradition is the teaching of the Lord and the Apostles, handed over to the Church as a shrine, orally and not written down in the Bible. It was preserved and handed down to us by the pious men of the apostles and their successors, after careful verification of its authenticity and divinely inspired dignity. The Savior Himself did not write down His teaching; it was written down by St. the apostles, but not completely: “Many other things Jesus did: but if they were written about in detail, then I think that the world itself would not contain the books that were written. Amen" (John 21, 25). The apostles taught primarily orally (See Acts 20:31; 1 Tim. 6:20-21; 2 Tim. 1:13) and praised those who hold the tradition: our message” (2 Thess. 2:15). See also 1 Cor. 11, 2. It is thanks to Holy Tradition that we know which books are included in the Bible (which the Baptists also use). The list of these books was confirmed by the Council of Carthage and finally approved at the 6th Ecumenical Council. The Apostles wrote down everything essential for the salvation of believers, but briefly, the rest was transmitted orally. From Holy Tradition, we know exactly how to perform baptism, communion, anointing with oil, what spiritual songs to sing in the Church, and much more. A distinctive feature of sectarian preachers, including Baptists, is their confidence in their own salvation: if you believe, you are already saved. Very easy, right? There is no need to repent, pray, fulfill the commandments of God, if God has already saved a person, regardless of his desires and efforts. This is not how St. Church. Yes, the Lord speaks of salvation by faith. However Holy Bible makes a distinction between a dead and a living faith, a saving faith and a faith that cannot save. “What good is it, my brothers, if someone says that he has faith, but does not have works? Can faith save him? Faith, if it does not have works, is dead in itself” (James 2:14-17)... “and the demons believe and tremble” is an example of a dead faith that cannot save. Therefore, only those who have a living, active faith will be saved. That is why the Lord said: “Not everyone who says to me: Lord, Lord! will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven” (Matthew 7:21). In conclusion, I would like to say holy Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) which he wrote in his work “The Concept of Heresy and Schism”: “The devil, infected with heresy and schism, does not care to tempt other passions and obvious sins. - and is killed by eternal death, and already alive is the property of the devil? On the contrary, the devil supports the heretic and schismatic in abstinence and other outward feats and types of virtue, in order to support him in self-satisfaction and error, and the faithful with the guise of holiness that the heretic wears heresy, or at least lead to justification and some approval of it, also to doubt and coldness towards orthodoxy. The enemy strongly attacks the faithful, tries to present him before human society in a state of victory, with the same goal with which he tries to present the heretic as virtuous and worthy of respect. With the same incomprehensible cunning, the evil spirit acts in favor of heresy and to the detriment of true Christianity. Unfortunately, this intrigue of his is very successful for him! With it, he catches thousands of people into destruction. Many led the strictest ascetic life, being in heresy or schism; when they accepted Orthodoxy, they were subjected to various weaknesses. What conclusion should this lead to? To such that in the first state the enemy did not fight against them, recognizing them as his own, and in the second he rose up against those with a fierce war, as against those who clearly declared and confessed themselves to be his opponents. "God help you!

    Reading time: 1 minute

    Pregnant women have different quirks. Ho, what happened to me cannot be explained by physiological features. And yes, you can't explain it. My husband Kolya left for another business trip, and then he called and said that he would not return. Carrot love: tired of hiding, second youth and all that. I was left alone, and two weeks later I realized that I was pregnant. I decided this: I will inform my husband, and if he insists on a divorce, I will get rid of the fetus. I didn't want to be a hero. Giving birth at 45 is no joke. Moreover, I already have a daughter - she is an adult, married, lives in another city. I didn't tell her. My news did not return Kolya to the family. I said that he had another month and a half to think.

    A month has passed. I signed up for an abortion. And suddenly Kolya returned. I basically didn't ask any questions. He asked not to tell his daughter anything about our quarrel. Like, I realized everything, this will not happen again, there is no better me in the world. I was amazed. I saw his passion once. Younger than him (and me) by twenty years, almost the same age as our daughter. All of myself, a cheeky vile doll without shame or conscience. She probably expected daddy to shower her with diamonds, but his modest supply quickly ran out, and the aged Romeo was fired.

    For me, all this was not important, because I began to have severe toxicosis. And yet I began to notice some oddities behind me. It is known that pregnant women experience various taste anomalies and whims. But I was drawn to vodka and constantly wanted to smoke - this was the first time for me. I am against smoking, the smell of tobacco has always made me sick. And here I was ready to snatch cigarettes from passers-by to take a puff. Naturally, I restrained myself, but I was blown away by the mere thought of tobacco.

    I took alcohol in moderation. Like everyone else - a glass of wine or champagne on holidays. Here I wanted to be drunk around the clock. I became annoyed at every nonsense, threw tantrums, somehow rushed at Kolya with my fists. She didn't know what was happening to me. My husband insisted that I lay down for preservation, I agreed. He visited me every day. Sedatives and vitamins did their job, I stopped being nervous.

    A week later, I thought it would be nice to change my hairstyle. She took time off to go to the hairdresser. Trimmed, dyed. Terribly pleased with herself returned. Kolya entered the ward and clutched his heart. I laughed: “Don’t you know? Like? I think it suits me!” He forced a smile: “Yes, you are just beautiful. Sorry, tired at work and took the order to the house. I won't be with you for long." He left almost immediately. My mood was high. Purring some melody under my breath, I went out into the hospital square and heard my husband's voice.

    He spoke on the phone: “I almost died when I saw her! I thought Yanka had returned from the other world! Not only did my missus begin to behave one to one like Yana, she also made her hair the same! Yanka was at the hairdresser the day before the accident and built the same multi-colored nonsense on her head. I don't know who I'm with! Sveta always scolded me for cigarettes, but here she constantly asks me to smoke, and sniffs the smoke. He says he wants vodka and will get drunk right after giving birth! While he endures, he does not want to harm the child ... "

    I ran back to the ward and called Kolya. She said that I was not well, asked to come urgently. He rushed over and stayed with me until late in the evening. I lied that I wanted to call my daughter, and my account ran out of money, and asked for his phone. When my husband turned away, I looked into the magazine and saw that he made that call from the hospital park to our old friend Yura. It is not surprising that a friend of her husband was aware of his adventures.

    In the morning I ran away from the hospital. Went straight to Yura. He was just coming out of the entrance and shied away from me like a leper. I grabbed his hand and demanded to explain why Kolya had returned to me. The story was creepy. Nikolai had fun with his mistress to the fullest. She was not averse to drinking and hanging out in a nightclub. He felt like a young man next to her. He drank, jumped to the music, drove a car around the city at night.

    One day Yana offered him some pills. Together with alcohol, they literally knocked him off his feet. Drunk Yana climbed behind the wheel. She drove badly, Kolya tried to stop her. But she pushed him away and stepped on the gas. The car abruptly took off, sped a couple of hundred meters, did not fit into the turn, rolled over and crashed into a fence. Yana, sandwiched between the steering wheel and the seat, died, and rescuers removed her corpse from a mangled pile of metal. Kolya was not injured - not a scratch. He was just scared. He took what happened as a sign from above. He repented and returned to me.

    When I accepted him without tantrums, he perked up. The familiar environment gave him strength, he really understood that our marriage is the best thing in his life. And then I began to suspect that one of us was going crazy. Because I began to turn into a copy of Yana. At first, the demeanor changed, bitchiness appeared, which had never happened before. Then facial expressions, gestures, intonation began to change. I looked younger, despite the pregnancy, prettier. But it could be attributed to my condition, okay. But if you don’t look at my face, I could easily be mistaken for a dead homemaker. Kolya was afraid to talk to me, so as not to call her name. The fact that I did exactly the same hairstyle finished him off. I couldn't believe what I heard. Yura opened Yana's page on the social network and showed me. Looked at me almost my copy. I could look like this in my youth, if not for the fashion for clothes and hairstyles.

    I returned to the hospital, where they had already searched me. Maria Igorevna, head of the department, called me into the office and reprimanded me. In my position, at my age, the regime cannot be violated. I nodded and sobbed, first holding back, and then out loud, and could not stop. The doctor got scared. She demanded to know what happened. I threw it all out.

    Maria Igorevna's face changed. She lowered her voice, “I had a similar experience in my life. I suspect that the restless soul of that girl has moved into you. She died suddenly and hovered between the worlds. Perhaps she is just unable to accept the death of her body. It may be that this is the soul of a terrible sinner who is afraid of the Supreme Court and hides on Earth. Restless souls need a body to take over. And then live in it again. It is easier to subjugate a person when he is under stress or weakened by an illness. And the easiest way to move into a pregnant woman. After that, changes occur in a person. He begins to do things that are unusual for him, changes his appearance, and may even leave home. If you do not send the soul where it should go, you as a person will cease to exist.

    I was shocked: “What should I do?” - "To get rid of the invader, you need to say your name out loud more often, do only what you like, and not allow extraneous thoughts." Having gone to the hairdresser, I returned the old hairstyle. I began to monitor my speech and desires. I began to communicate more with friends in order to hear my name more often. I confess it was very difficult. When I wanted to breathe tobacco, I bought a bouquet of flowers. When she was drawn to alcohol, she took juice or milk. If anger rolled in and curses were ready to break from my tongue, I went to visit friends who have children, and there I smiled, laughed and joked ...

    After giving birth, I realized that I no longer had any strange desires. I became the same again!

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