• Feng Shui in Russian for a city apartment. How to design a city apartment according to Feng Shui. Feng Shui health zone in the apartment



    There are houses and apartments where, upon entering from the street, you immediately find yourself in a living room or kitchen. But still, most modern apartments and private houses have an entrance hall, perhaps a small one. If the size of your hallway is very modest, it is important not to clutter it with unnecessary things and furniture.

    The hallway should be well lit and kept clean so that the qi energy does not stagnate, creating a feeling of apathy and fatigue.

    It’s bad if in such a small hallway there is a staircase leading to the second floor. In this case, the qi energy will not cover the first floor, but will immediately rise to the top. You can correct the situation by hanging shamisen or bells, which will slow down the movement of qi energy. Since there is nowhere to hang a mirror, you can install a decorative plant diagonally from the entrance, which will also improve the interior.

    If the staircase is located to the side of the entrance, you can put a partition or movable screen that forms a barrier that prevents the qi from escaping. Hanging a mirror on the side of the door will increase its size.

    The hallway is not the center of family life, so a neutral yin-yang balance should be maintained here in both design and lighting.

    If the hallway is very bright and angular, this can be softened with pastel colors and curtains or reduced brightness of the light. If the hallway is too dark, use more saturated colors, increase the lighting and hang pictures or photographs in rectangular frames on the walls.

    You can use rugs to attract beneficial qi energy. Choose a color that matches the direction of the front door: for the south - red, for the southwest - brown, etc., as well as additional colors: in the south - green, in the southwest - red.

    To attract good luck to your home, Feng Shui masters advise brightly lighting the area located in front of the front door and directly behind it.

    Passages and corridors

    From the hallway, chi energy spreads throughout the house through passages and corridors. This resembles its flow through the meridians of the human body. Qi should move freely, but not randomly. Long, empty corridors tend to get on people's nerves and make them unconsciously quicken their pace. If qi stagnates in remote corners, it creates a feeling of gloom and despondency.

    To prevent chi energy from flowing too quickly and in a straight line, you can hang mirrors on the walls, creating a wave-like effect.

    You can also use wall decorations, dim lamps, hanging pots with climbing plants, if space allows.

    In general, hallways are more likely to cause problems in office spaces than in homes. But if you have a large apartment or a separate house, you should pay attention to this.

    In both hallways and corridors, you need to maintain cleanliness and yin-yang balance, using a relatively neutral tone of wallpaper or wall upholstery.


    The front door is the main entrance and exit for the flow of chi energy. In an ideal situation, qi is accumulated and distributed in the space in front of the house, and its flow is activated by the movement of people entering and leaving. In ancient China, the front door was called the “mouth of the house,” through which all positive and negative energy passes.

    First of all, you should make sure that the “secret arrows” that we already talked about earlier are not directed at the front door. To do this, stand in front of the door and look around. Notice any sharp corners, gutters, satellite dishes, lamp posts or spiers that direct the flow of negative sha energy towards the front door.

    Obstacles on the way to the front door worsen feng shui. If there is not enough space in front of the door for chi to accumulate, this can be corrected by painting the door the color of the direction it faces, or by hanging a lantern above it to well illuminate the area in front of the door.

    The location of the front door at the foot of the stairs is considered unfavorable for the health of family members. A simple way to avoid negative impacts is to raise the threshold 1-2 centimeters so that you have to step over it when entering the house. The same remedy can be used if the door opens to an elevator, since this also impedes the free movement of qi.

    If the front door is located at the top of the stairs, then residents may find that money does not stay with them for a long time. In such cases, it is recommended to hang a medium-sized round or octagonal mirror above the door to reflect negative energy.

    Entrance door direction

    The sector of the house where the front door is located, as well as the direction in which it faces, is associated with the head of the family. Traditionally, in the Chinese family, the head of the family has always been the eldest man. These days, of course, this is not always the case, so you need to think and decide whether the destination meets your needs and your partner's desires.

    If the front door faces northwest, it is considered a good direction for the father and the eldest man in the family. It will promote such qualities as leadership and dignity of this family member, trust and respect for him from other residents.

    A door facing north creates a tranquil lifestyle for the occupants of the house. However, there is a possibility that calmness will turn into lethargy and apathy and eventually develop into mutual alienation. If you are concerned about this, the qualities of the opposing element can be introduced to activate other characteristics of the chi energy. Add a little earth element to the water element, for example by painting your door brown or ocher yellow or hanging a small crystal in your hallway.

    In the Northeast, energies are quite volatile, and residents of houses whose front doors face in this direction are likely to be actively exposed to external forces. But if other feng shui readings are favorable, this direction is perfect for young people seeking to expand their knowledge and education.

    The eastern direction is also favorable for young people, especially if they are just starting their career and dream of realizing their ideas and aspirations. It promises a bright future for those involved in business and commercial transactions.

    The southeastern direction of the front door is favorable for those who want to improve their financial situation. Progress will be slow but sure, and peace and prosperity will reign in the family.

    A door that faces south promotes active life and social activities, helping those who strive for recognition and even fame. However, in such a situation, you should act carefully, since indulging your own whims can create a tense atmosphere and lead to quarrels in the family. If necessary, moderate the fire by adding water element symbols to this direction.

    If the front door faces southwest, this is considered most favorable for the mother of the family. The southwest direction promotes strong and harmonious family relationships, although there is a danger that the mother's personality will become too dominant and intrusive, destroying the overall harmony. To soften this effect, you can introduce colors or symbols associated with the tree.

    A door that faces west is good for families with small children, it provides the best opportunity for their rapid creative development. This direction is also associated with romantic feelings and pleasure. However, you need to make sure that your hobbies do not lead to excessive expenses. Here you can add a little stability given by the earth element.

    Shape and color of the front door

    Having established the direction of the main door of the house, you should choose a color or shade that matches this direction in order to support the qualities of a particular element. For example, if you want to emphasize the stability quality of a southwest facing door, you can paint it red; if the inhabitants of the house are more in need of family harmony, you can choose brown or yellow. If circumstances change, the door can always be repainted using elements of the spawn cycle.

    If the door faces west or north-west, then the qualities of the main element - metal can be enhanced with a white, golden or silver shade, and yellow or brown can be used for support. Do not use red, blue and black colors.

    A north facing door can be painted blue, black or white as per your choice. Avoid brown, yellow and green colors.

    If the door faces northeast or southwest, brown or yellow should be used as the main color, and red or orange as a secondary color. Green and white colors are not recommended.

    For a door facing east or southeast, the best colors are green, black or blue, but not white.

    A door facing south can be painted red or green color; blue and black cannot be used. To a lesser extent, yellow and brown should be avoided.

    In addition, forms associated with the basic five elements can be used to improve the qualities of the chi passing through the front door.

    If the front door faces north, use water symbols to enhance its cleansing properties and metal symbols for strength and support.

    If the front door faces the east and southeast, you can use tree symbols to activate opportunities for growth and development and water symbols to purify and renew.

    If the front door faces south, the symbols of fire will add liveliness and good spirits to the inhabitants of the house. Additionally, you can use tree element symbols.

    If the front door faces southwest and northeast, the symbols of the earth element emphasize its stability. As additional symbols, you can use the symbols of the fire element.

    If the front door faces west and northwest, the metal symbols will give it strength and strength. Additionally, you can use the symbols of the earth element.

    Entrance door style

    Since the front door is intended to protect the house, it should be solid and durable, but in no case glass. In addition, it should be the largest in the house to ensure maximum flow of qi energy into the living spaces. It should be taller than the tallest member of the family. In this case, no one will experience inconvenience when entering the house or going outside.

    It's good if the front door opens into the house. If it opens outward, it is better to outweigh it by placing the hinges on the other side. This is what Feng Shui masters think.

    If there are windows on either side of the front door, then the qi energy, having entered the house through the door, can freely exit through them, bypassing the house. In this case, you will be protected by lace curtains on the windows or potted plants on the windowsill.

    Where does the front door open?

    Ideally, the front door should be hung from the side closest to the wall of the house or apartment and open towards this wall. This creates a sense of space and promotes good feng shui for the hallway. If the door is hung on the opposite side, the person entering momentarily finds himself in a confined space and experiences a feeling of inconvenience.

    If the front door is located opposite the back door (that is, the “back door”), this creates a powerful flow of qi, which, passing through the house, practically does not stop in it. To correct the situation, barriers in the form of mirrors, screens or decorative grilles should be installed on the path of qi movement. If it is difficult to erect a physical barrier between the front door and the “back door”, then you can improve the situation by hanging a curtain in front of the second door. Moreover, it does not have to be a heavy velvet curtain; it is too expensive for a corridor; an ordinary muslin curtain, which has an attractive appearance, will do.

    Entering any building, be it your home, your friends' house or even a work space, you immediately feel how harmonious the interior is. If, upon entering, you are immediately confronted by the corner of a wall or the edge of a large closet, you will almost certainly instantly be in a bad mood. Similar negative impact can be softened by using a decorative screen, plants or ornament.


    As a rule, the bathroom receives the least attention when planning and decorating a home. The actual placement of components in a bathroom rarely leaves much room for choice, and if you're buying a new home or apartment, the last thing you'll get around to doing is a complete bathroom remodel.

    In the bathroom, there is a general rule for the whole house: no matter what you do, you must see any person entering. Of course, it's unlikely that anyone will walk in while you're showering or sitting on the toilet. However, each piece of furniture must be positioned in such a way that the person using it does not have his or her back to the door.

    When you enter the bathroom, you should not immediately see the toilet. This can be avoided by reversing the door so that it “covers” the toilet rather than opening towards it. In Fig. on the right is a good position for the door if the toilet cannot be moved to another location; the dotted line indicates an unfavorable position.

    Leaking water is unfavorable from a feng shui point of view. It is also believed to take money away from your home. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that the taps in the bathroom, shower, and water in the toilet do not leak. If this does happen, the breakdown should be repaired immediately. This also applies to kitchen taps.

    Bath and shower

    The main piece of furniture in a bathroom is the bathtub - either without a shower or combined with a shower. Usually the bathtub has a rectangular shape, which, of course, saves a lot of free space. However, if you have the opportunity to install a semicircular or oval bathtub, take advantage of it. These baths are especially good because they reproduce the curves of a coin, and when combined with the element of water, symbolizing money, it promotes wealth and prosperity.


    The bathroom should be dominated by white or very soft pastel colors. Avoid bright colors. Small objects can be used to stimulate chi energy in certain areas. In a combined bathroom, the bathtub, shower and toilet should have the same color and design, with white earthenware and chromed metal being better than dark colors.

    The bathroom floor should be tiled, but not too cold to the touch.

    If the bathroom has a window, it is better to use blinds instead of curtains. The bathroom curtain should be made of waterproof material to prevent steam from damaging the fabric.

    Drawers, shelves and bedside tables

    These items should be simple, functional and fit well with the style of the bathroom. Perhaps the most important feature of bathroom shelves, cabinets and cabinets is that they need to be used. At first glance, it sounds strange, but according to Feng Shui, there is nothing worse than a bathroom filled with lotions, shampoos, creams and all sorts of little things that are not used. The chi energy should move as smoothly as possible, and rows of bottles and bottles do not contribute to this.

    If you don't have enough free space to store these items in wall cabinets or nightstands, you can either purchase larger ones or, and this is the simplest solution, leave only what is really necessary. Many bathrooms have a veritable display of cleaning products and cosmetics, but not all of them are used every day. When you remove all unnecessary things and organize shelves and cabinets, chi energy will circulate much more freely, and the bathroom will be more conducive to relaxation.


    Since water is associated with wealth and the flow of chi, regularly flushing the toilet requires one to approach the feng shui of this space with extreme caution. No matter what area of ​​the house or apartment the toilet is located in, some of the qualities of this area will be “washed away” along with the water if you do not take precautions. Therefore, the best position for the toilet is where the excess energy can compensate for its consumption.

    If the toilet is located in a separate room from the bathroom, it will be more invisible. The toilet lid and toilet door should always be kept closed, especially if the toilet is located near the front or bedroom door.

    You can hang a mirror on the outside of the toilet door to reflect the flow of energy. This should be done if the toilet is located in an unfavorable location.

    The toilet brings a strong yin influence to its surroundings, so you can, if necessary, complement its interior with some yang elements to create balance.

    Good circulation of air (and therefore chi energy) is important regardless of the location of the toilet, so the toilet should have either a small window or a vent

    Many thousands of years ago, the ancient Chinese discovered: if a person does not fight with nature, but lives in harmony with it, then the quality of his life improves noticeably. They found that life flows more smoothly if the house faces the sun and is protected from the cold northern winds by hills. Naturally, it is good to have a stream flowing slowly in front of the house.

    Year after year, various ideas were tested, and over time, the basic principles of Feng Shui were formed. This art is approximately five thousand years old. No one knows exactly who and how started it. The founding of feng shui is attributed to Wu of Xia, the first of the three mythical emperors of China.

    According to legend, Wu carried out irrigation work on the Yellow River. One day a giant turtle crawled out of it. This was considered a favorable sign, since in those days it was believed that gods lived under the shell of turtles. When Wu looked more closely, he saw on the back of the turtle a regular magic square formed by the lines of the shell.


    In it, the sum of the numbers in each of the vertical, horizontal rows and diagonals was 15. This was so unusual that Wu called the sages to study the turtle. As a result of the meeting of the wise, not only Feng Shui, but also the I Ching (the so-called Book of Changes), Chinese astrology and numerology appeared. Thus, Feng Shui was not invented by the movement's proponents New Age, Feng Shui has been around for thousands of years.

    There is a proverb in China that explains how important the art of Feng Shui is to the Chinese. "First, fate, second, luck. Third, feng shui, followed by charity and education." Our destiny is revealed to us through a horoscope, showing our strengths and weak sides. Luck is more difficult to define, but the Chinese believe they can attract it by working on the other four principles. We can say that luck is a state of mind in which we attract what we think. In third place is Feng Shui, with the help of which we can live in harmony with the universe. Then - charity. Ancient Chinese philosophical and religious treatises note that a person should give selflessly. And finally, we have education, which should continue throughout our lives.

    Westerners were introduced to feng shui only twenty-five years ago. Representatives of Eastern civilizations valued Feng Shui so much that they deliberately hid this art from strangers. Recently, Asians have spread throughout the world, bringing feng shui to their new homes. Today, conversations about feng shui can be heard not only in Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, but also in San Francisco, Moscow and Buenos Aires.

    These days, few people can afford to arrange their home so that it faces south, with hills behind it, and a babbling stream flowing in front of the porch. Many of us only dream of such an ideal home. Millions of people around the world live in apartment buildings. Where there is a housing problem, people often have no choice but to agree to the first apartment that comes their way. They may feel helpless and unable to somehow improve their environment.

    Fortunately, feng shui helps those who live in city apartments just as much as everyone else. In fact, it turns out to be even more useful here, since those who live in these apartments have a greater need for it than the inhabitants of separate houses.

    By applying the principles of Feng Shui in your apartment, you can live in harmony with nature. Feng Shui will bring to your daily life more satisfaction, happiness and even abundance.

    The location of a house/city in relation to rivers and other water bodies is very important in Feng Shui. Water brings or, conversely, takes away energy, so we look at the direction of the river, the confluence of rivers, the turn of the river, etc.

    Feng Shui and water features at the city level

    We are living in the 8th period, now the biggest money comes from the South-West.

    We care water bodies, confluences of rivers, turns of rivers, roads (when water flows through them during rain), if they are relative to you to the southwest is good.

    Of course, when we look on a smaller scale, we take into account the period in which the house was built, what kind of stars there are, etc. Now we are talking about a more global scale.

    Let's look, for example, at Kazan:

    Map of Kazan

    Regarding the city center, the confluence of rivers to the southwest is very favorable in this period, bringing prosperity.

    Also, water is allowed in the following directions:

    • East (second choice for the 8th period until 2024),
    • North
    • and Southeast.

    Feng Shui and water features at home level

    The same rule works if you need to choose a house or apartment in your city. Look relative to the house in which sector the rivers merge or turns:

    • if in the South-West - great,
    • if in the East, North, South-East, that’s also good.

    ! Bad sectors for the location of water relative to the house in the 8th period:

    • Northeast,
    • West
    • and North-West.

    Look at the map of Volgograd, for example:

    Map of Volgograd

    In the North-East there is a confluence of rivers, plus in the North-East there is a hydroelectric power station, which is very large activator.

    Plus, the water goes to the South, and bifurcates, such a formation brings problems with money.

    Basic rules for water bodies in Feng Shui

    1. Favorable location water bodies in South-West sector relative to the selected premises, because in the 8th period (now) large money come from the South-West.
    2. It is permissible for the house or the chosen apartment to merge rivers or turn at East, North, South-East.
    3. Before choosing a house, apartment, check, whether he is in a place where there is water relative to him in the North-East, South, North-West or West - this is harmful.
    4. Distance of the house to the water talks about how quickly prosperity will come:
    • if it’s too close, it’s luck here and now,
    • if far away - longer term,
    • if it’s not far or close, this is the best option, so it’s better that the water body is a little further away.

    These simple rules on how to choose a house, apartment and even a city can help you make a wise choice for your destiny.


    Many thousands of years ago, the ancient Chinese discovered that if a person lives in harmony with nature, then the quality of his life improves markedly. They found that life flows more smoothly if the house faces the sun, is protected from the cold northern winds by hills and has a stream flowing slowly in front of the house. Year after year, various ideas were tested, and over time, the basic principles of Feng Shui were formed. This art is approximately five thousand years old. These days, few people can afford to arrange their home so that it faces south, with hills behind it, and a babbling stream flowing in front of the porch. Many of us only dream of such an ideal home. Millions of people around the world live in apartment buildings. Therefore, for them, Feng Shui inside the apartment is more important than Feng Shui around it. This is explained by the fact that apartment dwellers often cannot change anything outside, but are able to control what happens in their own home.

    By applying the principles of Feng Shui in your apartment, you can live in harmony with nature. Feng Shui will bring more satisfaction, happiness and even abundance into your daily life.

    Qi is the universal life force present in all living things. It is created in different ways. Everything perfect creates qi.

    A skilled musician creates chi while playing; When a good gymnast performs successfully, qi also arises.

    In nature, qi is constantly being formed. Slowly flowing water creates qi in abundance. This is why we feel so refreshed after spending some time near a fountain, pond or lake. A light breeze also brings qi.

    The beauty of a majestic mountain peak or green meadow creates and attracts chi. An unnamed 17th-century author wrote that qi is present in places where "the hills are low, the water is clear, the sun is pleasant, the wind is gentle; there is a new light in the skies. There is peace in the midst of the commotion; in the calm is the air of celebration. When one comes to this place, his eyes open; he sits or lies down, there is joy in his heart. Here the qi gathers and the aroma accumulates. The light shines and the magic spreads outward."

    Storms and hurricanes, like rapid water flows, carry qi away. When qi is carried away, luck turns away from us. Qi can become stagnant. A blooming pond with rotten water creates negative energy that scares away good luck.

    We want as much positive energy as possible to enter our home, and thanks to this, we would prosper and be full of vitality.


    Qi can be divided into yin and yang. This is the Taoist symbol of the universe - its two opposite sides; one does not exist without the other. Yin and yang are complementary, not opposing elements. Yin is dark, passive, feminine. Yang - light, active, masculine. Together they create a harmonious combination. In an apartment, yin and yang must be balanced.

    Sha are "poison arrows", negative energies created by straight lines or sharp angles aimed at you. The most common example of a sha is a straight path leading directly to the door of an apartment building. She creates sha, which affects the quality of life of everyone who lives in this house. Another example is the corner of a neighboring house facing your apartment. He fires poisoned arrows at everything in his path.

    Fortunately, if the sha is not visible, it ceases to exist. That is, if you don’t see the harmful angle, then you don’t have to worry about it. If you see it, then the situation can be corrected in several ways. You can keep the curtains drawn at all times to avoid seeing the source of the poisoned arrows. You can also hang a ba gua mirror to reflect the sha.

    Mirrors play a very important role in Feng Shui. Usually they belong to yin, the passive principle, but the ba-gua mirror is an aggressive yang. It owes this to the eight trigrams of the I Ching that surround it and give it strength. The ba-gua mirror is mounted on an octagonal board. It has always been considered a beneficial symbol in China. Ba-gua mirrors are always small in size. It is believed that their small size concentrates their energy.


    Each apartment has four negative and positive places, which are determined by your personal trigram. These places are in turn determined by the directions magic square(magic compass).

    Positive places

    Main place. This is the best part of the apartment and always matches the direction the back of the house faces. It is called "fu wei", which means " happy life". This location is ideal for bedrooms and doors.

    Place of health. This is also a good part of the apartment, it is associated with health and vitality. He is often called tian yi, which means “heavenly doctor.” This name is explained by the fact that activation of the place of health promotes healing even in the case of chronic diseases that doctors cannot cope with. This place is perfect for a dining room or bedroom for the head of the family. It can be activated by hanging crystals or wind chimes.

    A place of longevity. This place symbolizes peace, harmony and well-being. It also plays vital role in ensuring harmonious family relationships. This place is perfect for the bedrooms of the oldest members of the family. The place of longevity can be stimulated with the help of mirrors and crystals. Such stimulation will help get rid of disagreements and other family problems.

    A place of prosperity. This place is considered the most positive in the apartment, symbolizing progress, financial success, enthusiasm and vitality. It is suitable for the location of the front door, the door to the kitchen, the master bedroom, an office or any room in which financial issues are resolved. This is the best place for the table at which family expenses are calculated. This is the worst place for toilets and bathrooms, since water stimulates lost financial opportunities. It needs to be well lit and activated with crystals and objects that symbolize your personal element. It is believed that if you activate this area of ​​your apartment, you will eventually become rich.

    In the East, many people orient their beds in the direction of a place of prosperity, and when going to work, they go in this direction.

    Negative directions

    A place of death. It is sometimes called "quan ming", which means "total disaster". The direction of death is associated with accidents, illness and other misfortunes. No wonder it is considered the worst place in the house. It is believed that if the door of your house faces this direction, your family will suffer from illness and be in danger of losing money and reputation. All negative places are suitable for the toilet, since here the negative qi is symbolically carried away.

    Disaster site ("ho hai", which means "disasters and dangers"). It is associated with disappointments, delays, difficulties and small losses, but not major misfortunes. You should not orient the bed in this direction, because in this case you will suffer from constant minor setbacks. This space is good for a pantry or closet.

    Place of six sha (“liu sha” - “six deaths”). It is associated with all sorts of delays, scandals and losses. It is also associated with legal problems and illness. This is a suitable place for a kitchen and toilet.

    Place of the Five Spirits. This place is associated with fire, theft and financial difficulties. It is believed that you will be haunted by fires and thefts if the front door of the house faces in this direction. This place, like a disaster site, is suitable for a pantry or toilet.


    Another apartment valuation method that is extremely popular in Hong Kong is known as Ba Gua influence. It is somewhat controversial because it does not use a magical compass.

    The same magic square is applied to the apartment plan, as when determining locations, however, since a compass is not used, the apartment's front door is always aligned with the underside of the magic square. Nine different areas of the apartment are subject to study.

    Wealth. The wealth zone is located diagonally to the left of the front door. It is associated with money, finances and abundance. If you want to have it all, you need to activate this area of ​​your apartment. To do this, you should increase the lighting; place something metal in this part, since metal symbolizes money; an aquarium would also be appropriate here (water is a symbol of money, and fish are a symbol of success and achievement). Don't start an aquarium if your personal element is fire, as water extinguishes fire. Instead, hang red fish decorations. Crystals accumulate qi and distribute it in all directions. Place some object that symbolizes the element that precedes yours in the cycle of generation, as well as an object related to your element. All this will help activate the wealth zone of your apartment.

    If the wealth area in your apartment is cluttered (for example, in this part of the room there is a wardrobe in which no one has put things in order for a long time), then you will have difficulty getting money, and the money you earn will not bring you moral satisfaction, you will experience confusion, not knowing how to invest capital correctly.

    Glory. The fame zone occupies the middle third of the back of the apartment, between the wealth and marriage zones. It symbolizes your position in society. If you want to become famous, you need to activate this area. You can stimulate it by increasing the lighting in this area of ​​the house. This is where you can hang crystals and place something related to your element. It’s a good idea to hang your own portrait in this place or display your hunting trophies, awards and diplomas.

    Disorder and poor lighting in the glory zone give rise to doubts and anxiety in the soul regarding the position in society. The opinion that other people have about your professionalism and mental abilities will be characterized by biased assessment, injustice, and you will often have to suffer from the envy and hatred of others. Do some general cleaning, get rid of unnecessary things in order to get rid of your own complex, which has recently complicated your life and communication with people. Then the judgments of strangers about you will most likely change for the better.

    Marriage. Z it relates not only to marriage, but also to intimate relationships. If you are looking for new acquaintances or want to improve existing relationships, you need to activate this part. Attract chi here by improving the lighting in this area. Hang crystals here and place pleasing objects that relate to your element and that of your life partner. Photos of both of you will be very useful here. If you're looking for love, a shot of two lovers walking hand in hand along a deserted beach. In general, this is a place for any items that evoke love associations in you. By striving for comfort in your home, you will simultaneously improve your relationship with your marriage partner the way you would like, and not lose control of the situation.

    Keep the marriage area clean and tidy if you don’t want problems to arise in your personal, intimate life.

    Family. The family zone is a symbol of family in the broadest sense of the word. It symbolizes people close to you. This part of the house is also associated with health. Its activation strengthens family ties and can be used during periods of quarrels or disagreements. This is a good place to display family portraits and items reminiscent of close friends and loved ones.

    If you or someone close to you is sick, this zone should be activated. To do this, we should improve the lighting of the area, place objects that symbolize the element of the one we want to help. In the case of illness, items associated with the element preceding the sick element in the generation cycle are needed.

    A cluttered family area will affect the relationships between its members, give rise to misunderstanding, indifference to other people's problems and needs, scandalously demonstrated independence, which will lead to the fact that each of the household members begins to live a separate life, and the family as such will cease to exist. Put things in order, remove all visible barriers to the qi, increase the lighting and ventilation of this sector, and the feng shui of the apartment will change for the better.

    Ideally, a kitchen or living room will be located in the family area. Ensure the circulation of chi in these rooms. Use all stove burners, repair any broken stoves, and repair leaking kitchen faucets. Take out the trash and wash the dishes on time, clear the refrigerator and pantry of food that has expired. Carry out wet cleaning regularly, clean heavily soiled surfaces using a disinfectant.

    All chairs and armchairs in the dining room and living room must be used, and faulty televisions and tape recorders should not be located in these rooms. It is best to take them to a repair shop immediately.

    As a result, the family will again begin to gather at the dinner table, talk in the living room in the evenings, the younger ones will begin to listen to the advice of the elders, peace and harmony will reign in your home.

    Children. The children's area is located on a small diagonal to the right of the front door, between the marriage and teachers areas. It can be activated in two ways.

    If you are having trouble with a child, you can activate this part of the house with items related to the element that precedes the child's element in the cycle of generation. Naturally, the lighting in this area should also be increased.

    If you're looking to have kids, this area is activated by increased lighting and crystals suspended from red ribbons. For the same purpose, you can use young plants in pots or fresh flowers. Once the flowers begin to wilt, they should be thrown away immediately, as dying plants spread negative qi. You can also put artificial flowers here; It is not recommended to use dried plants: they do not contain water, which is unacceptable from the point of view of Feng Shui. After all, the word Feng Shui itself means “wind and water.”

    In the children's area there is usually a nursery or a teenager's bedroom. Order is a phenomenon that is difficult to imagine in these rooms, but it is extremely important. The relationship between the elders and the younger ones in the family, including children and parents, depends on whether the child will put away toys, whether the parents will teach him to put all things in their places, to put things in order on the desktop, in closets, on bookshelves and under the bed. .

    There is no need to take care of broken toys or store clothes that your children have already outgrown. Items that the child found on the street or traded with friends should also be disposed of. It is not recommended to fill the space under children's beds with things. Otherwise, you and your children will experience some anxiety, lack of confidence in your own strengths and the support of a loving person.

    Knowledge. The knowledge zone is located on the same side of the room as the entrance door, at the maximum distance to the left of it. This place has to do with learning. It is perfect for a library or office. It’s easy to work on a project or bring a new idea to life here; there’s nothing stopping you from studying, reading, or working on the computer. Any activity that requires mental activity will be most effective here.

    Crowding, clutter, stale air, heat, and improperly organized lighting will distract you from your studies. Moreover, the flow of qi here will slow down, energy will begin to accumulate in this zone and, quite possibly, will be reborn into sha. It is difficult to learn anything in such an atmosphere, and the information received will not be remembered for a long time and will not be useful.

    Attract more chi energy to this area, ventilate the room even in winter. Remove all unnecessary items from your desk that distract your attention from your work, empty your wastepaper basket, and you will see that your work efficiency will increase.

    The knowledge zone is activated in the usual way - with the help of lighting and crystals. In addition, subjects related to what exactly you are going to study will become a source of additional activation. For example, if you are going to learn a foreign language, you should study in this zone and keep textbooks and dictionaries here.

    Career. The career area occupies a central position on the wall of the apartment in which the door is located. If you are trying to advance in your job or looking for a new activity, you should activate this zone. To do this, you can use light, crystals, wind chimes and objects that symbolize your element. This is a good place to put a fax, computer, telephone - any office equipment.

    The quarry area should not contain dried out indoor plants, a storage area for old items, or a wall carpet that has not been cleaned for a long time.

    Often it is in this sector that the hallway and front door are located. The influx of qi into the apartment and the speed of its movement through other rooms depends on how clean, welcoming, and light it is in this part of the room. Make sure that outerwear hangs in strict order only on a hanger (on special hangers), so that shoes do not remain dirty, and the rug at the front door is regularly cleaned and replaced with a new one. Store items seasonally.

    It is best to make built-in wardrobes in the hallway, install furniture that will allow you to hide stored items from prying eyes.

    The closet must be in order; do not forget to close the door tightly, otherwise the entire space of the apartment and you yourself will be vulnerable to negative influences.

    The consequence of any disorder in the career area can be indecision in official matters, erroneous decisions made during work, any troubles in the service, including dismissal or demotion. A person will feel insecure, doubt the correctness of his chosen profession and future career.

    Teachers. The teachers' area is located to the right of the front door. There is an ancient proverb: “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” If you feel ready and the teacher has not yet appeared, you can speed up his arrival by activating this part of the apartment. Teachers are people who help us in life in word and deed, those on whom we can rely in different areas of life. By activating this zone, we encourage them to come and help us.

    The Teacher Zone can be activated using normal means, however, if you have a specific person in mind and know their year of birth, you can place an item here that relates to their element.

    This part of the house is also associated with travel. If you want to go on a journey, you can activate this zone by hanging a crystal there or placing an item here that symbolizes your element. Here you can hang pictures of the places where you are going to go.

    Luck center. The place in the center of the apartment is known as the “luck center” or “spiritual center”. It should be well lit - this will encourage the inhabitants of the apartment to communicate and spend time with each other. This is the most suitable place for a crystal chandelier - each of its crystals will spread qi throughout the apartment. Watch your luck zone very carefully and keep it clean to bring happiness and good luck into your home. Order in this area will contribute to the spiritual growth of each person living in the apartment.

    Mess in teachers' zone will make it difficult to attract the right people. If you need advice and support, you won't find it. Another option: help will come, but not from the people or organizations you need.

    Wanting to correct the feng shui of an apartment, someone will think about what means of activating a particular sector are available to him, what recommendations of feng shui masters exist in this regard. But the situation will not change as long as the attracted qi is neutralized by sha, which originated in a dimly lit, dusty, rarely ventilated room.

    Start the fight for the happiness and prosperity of your family with a good cleaning, a thorough, “targeted” inspection of the apartment - for sources of sha.

    You will see that such actions will very soon become a habit for you and your family; Breakdowns that cause irritation and inconvenience will be noticed and corrected in a timely manner.

    All the time and effort that you spend on caring for your own apartment will soon pay off, and your family will find happiness and improve their quality of life.

    How to activate the marriage (partnership) zone

    The most important and influential zone for maintaining partnerships of any type is the marriage zone. First, conduct an assessment of this sector of Bagua influence to determine what tools are needed to activate this zone. To do this, apply a magic square to the plan of the entire house or apartment. The area you are interested in will be in the upper right corner. In addition, be sure to check the condition of this area in your bedroom, living room and other rooms. Its absence or weakening is the reason for your loneliness, failed marriage, failed date.

    In order to improve existing relationships or start new ones, it is necessary to activate the marriage zone. If it is poorly lit, remains gloomy in natural and artificial light, your relationships and connections with people will be uncertain, unproductive, and will develop slowly and without bringing satisfaction. Be sure to open the curtains and blinds in the rooms, leave some lighting fixture (sconce, night light) on all night so that qi constantly circulates in this part of the house.

    Of course, qi should not encounter any obstacles on its way, so in the marriage sector you cannot store unnecessary things or create a mess. Even magazines, things scattered on a table or a chair in the bedroom can bring discord into your family life, depriving intimate relationships of diversity and romanticism.

    Do not allow dust and debris to accumulate in this part of the apartment, monitor and care for the plants and animals located here, and immediately eliminate all sources of dust.

    Your task is to attract as much positive energy as possible into the marriage zone. It would be good to place in this part of the bedroom or living room some object that is a symbol of the element that precedes yours in the birth cycle. If your element is Earth, then in the marriage zone place an object associated with Fire (a vase with fresh scarlet flowers or candles that will be lit every evening). The situation becomes somewhat more complicated if you and your partner are protected by different elements. Let's say your element is Metal, and your spouse belongs to the Wood element. The bronze sculpture in the marriage zone has sharpened your senses, increased your sex drive, and improved your overall well-being, but you notice that your wife is moving away from you more and more every day. An explanation for this fact must be sought in the theory of mutual destruction of the elements. It should be remembered that Metal destroys Wood. The sculpture strengthened Metal, and therefore further aggravated the conflict of the elements and your relationships. Remove the Metal symbol from the room and install something that belongs to Water (Metal generates Water, and Water generates Wood).

    Another way to attract chi and increase its influence on both partners belonging to different elements is to keep an equal number of objects related to both elements in the room. However, this recommendation only applies if your elements are not adjacent to each other in the destruction cycle.

    A universal incentive for the appearance of an ideal partner in your life, a life partner, can be an object that is your personal symbol of happy love. Of course, the word “love” evokes its own associations and memories for everyone. The talisman can be a book telling about happy love, or a porcelain figurine depicting two doves. Someone will keep a silver ring or medallion in a box - a memory of their first love.

    If your relationship lacks passion, place some red object (symbol of Fire) in the marriage zone, which awakens sensuality and determination.

    The tender feelings of spouses are negatively affected by factors such as household chores, business trips, stress, etc. In this situation, Feng Shui advises using yellow, the color of communication, to stimulate relationships. Just remember that too much yellow can cause headaches.

    If you are alone, be sure to use all the chairs and armchairs available in the house (alternately, of course). This is done so that friends visit your home more often, and your family grows. While sleeping, change your body position so that the entire area of ​​the bed is activated. Choose a bed for your bedroom that has enough room for two. With such actions you will prepare a place for your lover and attract love to your lonely home.

    A cozy atmosphere should reign in the marriage area. Soft, well-organized lighting, light, pastel colors, and favorite things are welcome. Arrange the furniture in such a way that you can spend as much time as possible in this sector of the apartment that is so important for your future. For example, place your bed in the far right corner of the bedroom, where you sleep for about 8 hours, this is quite enough. Place a desk and your chair in the appropriate area of ​​your office; progress in relationships with business partners will serve as proof of the effectiveness of this feng shui recipe. A dining table in the marriage sector in the kitchen-dining room will revive your relationships with friends and attract new people to your home and life.

    Did you know that chi only attracts positive human emotions and their manifestations? Do not come to the marriage zone when you are tired, angry, do not cry or swear in the sanctuary of love. Try to think about good things, dream about the happiness that awaits you, about love and the person who will soon become part of your life, listen to pleasant music. Remember that our thoughts determine our future.


    The influences of ba gua are not limited to the walls of your apartment - they extend beyond it into infinity. Therefore, if you want wealth, you should look for it in the direction indicated by the wealth zone of your apartment. In exactly the same way, in the direction indicated by the marriage zone, you can find a life partner.

    If you want to succeed in your career, every day when you go to work, you must start moving towards the career zone, even if the place where you work is in a completely different direction. After walking a little and thus activating the direction of your career, you turn and go in the right direction.

    Let's give an example of how to evaluate an apartment using the principle of ba-gua influences.

    The second bedroom and toilet are in the wealth area. This is the worst possible position for a toilet, as wealth is symbolically flushed down the drain. To mitigate the effects of this layout, you should always keep the toilet lid and toilet door closed. You can hang a mirror on the door from the outside so that this room symbolically disappears.

    Anyone who uses a second bedroom can activate it to improve their financial situation.

    The glory zone is partially shared by both bedrooms. If their occupants wish to improve their reputation or position in society, they can activate these parts of their rooms.

    Most of the head of the family's bedroom is in the marriage area. This is an ideal location and the occupants of this room will have a strong and long married life. Naturally, it can be improved by further activating this zone.

    The dining room is located in the family area. Members of this family will enjoy gathering at a common table.

    The children's area accounts for a quarter of the living room. Since there is no children's room in the apartment, children will naturally spend a lot of time here. And the best place for them to play is located in this part of the living room.

    The kitchen occupies almost the entire knowledge area. Residents of this apartment will enjoy studying at the kitchen table.

    The career area is located mainly in the living room, including the kitchen. In this part of the living room, it is recommended to display diplomas and awards related to your work. And in that part of the career area, in the kitchen, it’s good to put a telephone, fax or something else related to the career.

    The teachers' area also falls into the living room. It is good to receive elders here and talk with them.

    The influence of Ba Gua extends to infinity, therefore, the inhabitants of this apartment should look for wealth in the northeast direction, fame in the east, relationships in the southeast, etc.

    How good it is (from an energy point of view) when a person has the opportunity to choose a site for the construction of his house and has the means to build it! Unfortunately, the majority of people are “huddled together” in big cities and are forced to choose from what is available (and there is not so much!).

    If, when choosing a site, a person first of all evaluates the impact of external factors, and then moves on to the internal arrangement of premises, then in urban conditions, assessing the environment usually takes less time due to the limited space around the home or place of work.

    And yet, there is no need to be lazy when it comes to the place in which you plan to live for quite a long time. First, evaluate large structures and buildings located in the vicinity of your home or office, then objects located nearby the place you are studying.

    If external conditions are clearly unfavorable, then there is no point in further analysis. Unlike natural landscapes, artificial structures are mostly devoid of internal energy, since they exist only for a short time. However, they can direct the flow of energy or prevent the movement of destructive energy.


    First of all, pay attention to the larger and perhaps more distant structures that have the strongest energetic impact on the area being studied. As a rule, these structures cannot be adjusted (it is impossible to move a high-rise building or move a freeway).

    The influence of these structures is enormous, but in some cases the negative energy they direct into your home can be mitigated with the help of corrective means (see the chapter “Correction in Architecture”).

    Favorable structures primarily include gardens and parks, especially with conifers and other evergreen trees, which symbolize health and longevity, since they do not shed their leaves with the onset of cold weather. Gardens and flower beds symbolize growth and prosperity. The most favorable location of the park is considered to be on the front side of the house.

    It will be easy and happy to live in a house from which you can see domes or round buildings with smooth outlines, these could be churches and, for example, stadiums.

    Ponds and fountains have an equally beneficial effect on the surrounding area, which is why ancient estates often had a fountain at the entrance or in front of the entrance to the house.

    Water symbolizes well-being and prosperity; it is good when there is a pond, spring or small river with a smooth flow near your home or office.

    Unfavorable structures

    Unfavorable structures include any structure with sharp corners directed towards the house. Hazardous objects include transformers on power lines, construction cranes and high-rise towers. Structures with a shiny surface that are located opposite the house collect negative energy and reflect the destructive flow of energy.

    As a rule, these are glass or metal structures, mirrored walls of skyscrapers, apartment buildings with a large area of ​​window glass, as well as poorly located bodies of water that reflect the sun's rays onto nearby houses or the bright light of lanterns.

    Unfavorable ones also include horizontal structures that seem to “cut” the house. These are power lines, overpasses and overpasses that are within sight when looking from the window.

    Dangerous feng shui neighbors for your home

    From a Feng Shui perspective, very large structures that rise or overhang a house are also considered dangerous neighbors. They have a depressing effect on residents, constantly “decreasing” their importance in the surrounding reality. In a city, these structures can be dams, towers and skyscrapers.

    Favorable structures

    Once you have assessed large distant structures, begin to study the effects of nearby objects.

    Favorable structures include small ponds or fountains.

    Located in front of the house, they significantly improve the circulation of energy flows and freshen the air. You just need to make sure that the water does not stagnate or become polluted. Objects with smooth, rounded outlines located near the house have a beneficial effect.

    These include most sculptures (except for some abstract and modernist works), smooth stones and boulders, alpine slides and mounded flower beds, as well as trees and shrubs with rounded crowns.

    Gazebos and pavilions located near the house create favorable Feng Shui. Semicircular bay windows dissipate negative energy flows directed towards the house.

    Objects are especially harmful

    Pointed and angular objects pointing towards the house are especially harmful, as they direct a flow of negative energy in your direction. It's worst if they point towards the front door or bedroom window. Such dangerous parts may be: a corner of a building, a roof ridge, a pyramidal spire, a square pipe, a television antenna, decorative elements, etc.

    Satellite dishes that reflect light and are equipped with a pointed antenna are especially harmful, as they simultaneously accumulate and focus destructive energy.

    Pay attention to billboards with images of cutting objects or instruments of destruction, as even images of sharp and angular objects can be no less dangerous than the objects themselves. Beware of long tree branches that reach dangerously towards the house.

    Try to remove gnarled or splintered branches that create the impression of a hidden threat. Large lifeless objects located near the house have a negative impact by absorbing energy from the environment.

    These include dry trees with an abundance of branches and roots, piles of stones and building rubble, pits and deep ditches. Long thin objects located parallel to the house are also unfavorable for residents.

    Examples include wire lines, cables and even clotheslines if they are constantly in the same place.

    Any large stationary object located opposite the main entrance will block the flow of favorable energy and create a symbolic barrier in your path. Because of this, you will constantly encounter obstacles in any of your endeavors.

    Pay attention to the general situation in the area

    Having studied the immediate “neighbors” of the house proposed for housing, pay attention to the general situation in the area. For such an assessment, there are a number of general recommendations for taking into account favorable and unfavorable factors.

    Where is the best place to live?

    It is best to live in natural conditions - among forests, meadows, rivers and lakes. If you live in a city, then first of all you should look for housing located near a park, lake or environmental zone.

    Plants and water emit beneficial energy. It is good to live next to a temple, a center of spiritual development.

    Activities that contribute spiritual development, creates nutritional energy and has a stabilizing, strengthening effect on the entire surrounding area. It is considered favorable to locate a kindergarten or playground near the house.

    Children radiate vital energy, charging the place with vigor and optimism. It’s even better if the playground is located not in the courtyard, but in a small park.

    The source of beneficial energy is various institutions where beneficial communication between people occurs. These include various interest clubs, cozy cafes, small restaurants, shops and small food markets (wholesale markets do not count).

    Simply put, it’s good to live where there is a “spirit of place” that distinguishes this area from others. All kinds of sports and recreational institutions are also a source of healing energy.

    These include skating rinks, swimming pools, gyms, fitness clubs and centers for healing, yoga and meditation.

    Sources of healing energy also include homeopathic pharmacies and oriental medicine shops; schools, colleges and lyceums, where the work of teachers and students is aimed at learning and self-improvement, will also have a beneficial effect on your chosen area.

    However, hospitals and specialized clinics cannot be considered favorable factors, since in modern cities people associate them with illness, suffering and death.

    Don't live nearby

    Try not to live near cemeteries, morgues, crematoriums and funeral service bureaus, or any organizations related to death and funerals. They accumulate and strengthen stagnant energy, creating an atmosphere of gloom and despondency.

    Of course, you should not buy an apartment if the house is located next to a prison, police station or other institutions associated with crime.

    In such areas, streams of wandering aggressive energy are created, caused by excess violence. Avoid houses located near power plants and high-voltage lines.

    The powerful concentration of energy in these places disrupts the movement of natural energy flows and has a destructive effect on both the mental and physical health of the inhabitants of the home. Do not purchase housing located near landfills or waste treatment plants.

    Waste contains a lot of stagnant energy, which is transferred to the surrounding area. It is not recommended to live in close proximity to casinos, amusement parks and crowded shopping centers.

    The powerful contradictory energy of such places and the constant flow of money have an adverse effect on the residents of this area.

    And you definitely shouldn’t buy housing next to a meat processing plant, slaughterhouse and other similar places. Any activity related to murder generates destructive energy, and this necessarily affects the residents of the area.

    In such an important matter as choosing a place to live, it is best to rely on your own intuition, and if for some reason you don’t like a place, then there are reasons for it, even if you yourself don’t understand why exactly you feel discomfort. By trusting your intuition, you will soon be able to make sure that your feelings do not deceive you.

    In most cases, modern urban architecture cannot be considered an example of harmony and balance - this fact is well known. A standard urban rectangular “box” is not the worst option.

    It is much more dangerous for residents of buildings with overhanging parts, protrusions of several floors, unevenly sloping, with pitched roofs, etc. The basic law of Feng Shui states: all sharp angles directed at a person, lines or structures hanging overhead, as well as all , which appears unbalanced, incomplete and disproportionate has an adverse effect.

    High-rise buildings located among similar high-rise buildings should not have pointed roofs or spires - this leads (due to an excess of active male energy) to disturbances in the overall balance.

    Buildings with shoe-shaped extensions (the first floors are much wider than the last) are also considered unfavorable for living, since people living or working in the “sole” of this building will be subject to various troubles and deprived of luck.

    If the building resembles a “butcher’s knife”, that is, the wide part of the building is several floors, and a small tower rises above it on one side, in this case the “blade of the knife” is sharply negative for living, that is, the side of the wide part farthest from the tower.

    The most favorable building forms.

    Rectangular or square building shapes are the most favorable. It is best when the facade of the building is narrower than its sides (the building is deep). A trapezoidal façade, tapering upward, is also quite acceptable.

    Negative energy flows down

    A building that rises above others, “suppresses” its neighbors, as negative energy flows down. On the other hand, too much height above the surrounding landscape is also harmful: in this case, the house turns out to be like the top of a hill, on which no energy is retained.

    It is best when the houses in a block or area are approximately the same height: in this case, the energy is distributed evenly. Taller neighboring buildings can have both positive and negative impacts - it's all a matter of relative position.

    The worst option for such a neighborhood is considered to be if a tall building is located in front of the facade of your house.

    If a high-rise building is located behind a house, then this location is already considered favorable, since a high-rise building is interpreted by Feng Shui as a protecting hill.

    Very good symbol

    A very good symbol is a high-rise building that is located north of your house and does not have sharp corners directed towards you.

    The houses on the left and right may be slightly higher than your house. When the right house (if you turn to face the front of your house) is slightly higher than your house and the house on the left, this means that they form a classic pair of “patron hills”: the Green Dragon and the White Tiger.

    If the Tiger is higher than the Dragon, this will lead to an imbalance of energies and may change the balance of the elements. In this case, the flow of energy into your home will be difficult and will have to be regulated artificially.

    In most modern cities, there is a standard rectangular building pattern, in which houses stand along the street in orderly rows. On such streets, neighboring buildings have almost no influence on each other, except perhaps due to different heights and colors.

    In relatively new microdistricts, there are high-rise buildings located across the street and even diagonally. In this case, the corners of the walls and roofs of these houses begin to send “poisoned arrows” to neighboring houses, therefore, their residents urgently need to take protective measures.

    Sometimes low old houses are “hostile” to the appearance of neighbors: their two- and four-slope roofs with their ridges form a negative flow of energy directed to apartments and offices located at the same height level.

    Enclosed courtyard (“well”)

    A high fence or blank wall located in front of the main entrance or window will definitely overwhelm you, leading you to dark thoughts. The only thing worse than such an obstacle is a closed courtyard (“well”), into which almost no fresh energy enters, and that which does enter is immediately carried upward.

    Residents of the upper floors can still receive some crumbs, but on the lower floors it is necessary to take measures against the “sucking out” of life-giving energy from the apartment.

    If such measures are taken, and the entrance to the entrance is not inside the “well”, but faces the street, then there is a chance of turning the opposite side of the yard into a protecting “turtle”.

    The meaning of the street in front of the house

    From the point of view of Feng Shui, the street in front of the house is extremely important. It symbolizes a water stream, which can both generate favorable energy and carry it away. The higher the speed on the street, the faster the flow.

    It turns out that a quiet street will bring you energy, but a high-speed highway will not only bring nothing, but will also deprive you of even what has accumulated in the house over the years.

    The life-giving energy of the house is very badly affected by the railway, metro line, as well as tram or trolleybus wires under the window.

    Much depends not only on the speed, but also on the direction of the flow. If the house you live in is at an intersection, bend or turn in the road, pay attention to where the traffic is directed.

    If the house is on the outside of a curve, it is unfavorable location, if inside the bend, know that such a movement around the house can bring good luck to it and protect the inhabitants.

    Not only the road, but also the gap between buildings can generate negative flows, especially if it is located opposite the window of your apartment or the main entrance.

    The negative flow that passes through the resulting gap between the houses is significantly enhanced if the buildings standing on the sides of the passage are high-rise.

    Candles at home

    Two parallel multi-story “towers” ​​are a very bad combination, especially if they are identical in architecture, and their tops are illuminated at night: there is a clear association with funeral candles.

    Such “candles” can take away luck not only from those who live in them, but also from all places from which they are visible.

    A variety of troubles, accidents, etc. happen next to them. Remember the sad fate of the famous American “twins,” blown up by terrorists.

    The part of the city where such “candles” are located will gradually lose its importance and fall into decay.

    This influence can be partially weakened by “extinguishing” the candles (turning off the night lights) or by building several more buildings nearby of the same height and similar architecture.

    From the point of view of Feng Shui, it is customary to also consider the top view of the building (plan). The most suitable for business, production or training centers are considered to be several rectangular buildings located in a row one after another, such a building resembles Chinese character"luck" or "king".

    Octagonal or round buildings

    Buildings that are octagonal or round in plan are most favorable for both the people in them and those around them. A beveled or rounded corner of a house is perfect for placing shops, cafes and other institutions whose well-being depends on the number of visitors.

    The appearance and decoration of the house outside are also of no small importance for the energy of the house and for the surrounding area.

    Gloomy gray blocks of concrete or chipped brickwork with traces of mortar, even on a sunny day, have a rather depressing effect on a person.

    Under the cloudy autumn sky, their appearance brings melancholy and hopelessness. Colors that are too bright can also ruin Feng Shui, especially if they draw attention to a building that is not of the best architecture.

    Two colors for the home

    A house painted in two colors looks harmonious, one of which is background, and the other emphasizes any architectural details. It is best to use colors of calm shades. Bright scarlet or dark red colors should be used with great caution, as many people associate them with blood.

    Large surfaces painted scarlet or unexpected details highlighted with red paint can cause serious tension and subconscious anxiety.

    Vivid positive emotions are evoked by patterns and reliefs with natural, plant motifs and smooth lines.

    You should be wary of broken lines, crosses, diamonds, and masks of various monsters, as they create psychological tension and significantly worsen the Feng Shui of the entire surrounding area.

    What kind of windows should there be?

    Windows are the “eyes” of the house, so their shape, size and location are of great importance. For any home, the optimal combination is three windows per door.

    To prevent the house from giving the impression of a “glass house,” it is better to place windows on two walls, and make two blank or with very small windows.

    Naturally, the facade of a multi-story building cannot meet this rule: there are dozens of windows per entrance door. However, there are many ways to harmoniously distribute windows and break up a huge “window space”: you can divide the wall with lines of balconies or loggias, visually separate floors with different colors or finishes, put window frames of different shapes, stained glass, etc. on different floors.

    In a building with a solid wall or a line of windows, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve advantages in obtaining additional energy flows, but then everyone will get troubles equally.

    It is advisable that the northern walls of the house should be completely windowless, and if there are already windows, it is advisable to close them tightly with blinds. It is not advisable to place windows in the west either; it is believed that the western and northern directions are unlucky.

    Windows on the first floor, their shape and size, are of great importance for the penetration of positive energy into the house.

    If there are no windows at all on the ground floor, such a house will look like an impregnable fortress, pushing away both people and flows of energy.

    It is better to make the window opening expand outward, because if it is narrowed, it will become, like a funnel, drawing out all the luck, money and accumulated energy from the residents. The most successful shape for windows is rectangular or square.

    In modern houses you can find hexagonal, round or triangular windows - they are very unfavorable for the house and the people living in it.

    Tinted mirror glasses are best suited for hot sunny places, where they work to reflect excess sunlight, although in central Russia (where the majority of Russians, in fact, live) there is nothing special to reflect, since there is not enough sun.

    But if you really want to keep up with fashion, you can use blue tinted glass on the ground floor, and greenish or brown-orange glass on the upper floors, since from the point of view of the compatibility of elements, water (blue color) on the mountain (upper floors) is very unfavorable sign.

    It is customary to install bars on the windows of the first floors, since an open window is like an invitation for thieves to enter. The shape of the grille, as you may have guessed, is of great importance for the inhabitants of the house.

    Lattice with a square pattern is unfavorable, since this shape symbolizes a trap: the inhabitants of the apartment are in danger of lifelong imprisonment in a prison of everyday problems and quarrels with no way to get out of them. In lattices with a triangular pattern, the element of Fire is strongly expressed.

    If the triangles are directed downwards, such a pattern can provoke the beginning of a career decline for the owner of the house. Triangles pointing upward promise prosperity and career growth for ambitious and purposeful people. But you also need to beware of the fire element: it brings with it not only strength, but also hidden aggression, and this can manifest itself in intra-family relationships. Rectangular pattern gratings express stability.

    The round lattice elements symbolize completeness and prosperity. Grids with round images and curlicues will be good for businessmen, diplomats, teachers and other people who, due to the nature of their work, have to communicate a lot with partners, students, and subordinates.

    And finally, a couple of words about the sore point - our balconies, balconies and loggias.

    In city apartments, balconies are not only a place to relax. The balcony is a receiver of energy that flows into the house.

    Therefore, all requirements that apply to doors will apply to it (see next chapter).

    The shape of the balcony is also very important from a Feng Shui point of view. The triangular shape of the balcony is unstable and dangerous for apartment residents, as it symbolizes the element of Fire. It is unlikely that you will feel comfortable relaxing on such a balcony. A square balcony symbolizes conservatism and the inability to adapt and navigate changing energy flows.

    Balconies located in a niche create a separate enclosed space and are therefore also unfavorable. A small balcony in the shape of a quarter circle (sector) is capable of great mischief - to prevent the owner or mistress of the apartment from arranging their destiny (getting married), since this form of balcony first of all upsets the balance between the masculine and feminine principles.

    A symmetrical balcony with beveled edges in the shape of a trapezoid symbolizes wealth and prosperity. The rounded outer corner of the balcony promotes the smooth movement of energy flows into the house and brings peace and prosperity to the owners.

    The short course in urban Feng Shui has come to an end. Now it seems to you that it is simply impossible to fulfill everything on the order, that thousands of poisoned energy arrows are flying at you from all sides. Don't rush to conclusions. You can do at least something with almost any home to make it more comfortable and harmonious, so don’t despair!

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