• Manara fortune telling online. Category Manara layouts. Fortune telling Tarot Manara test of feelings


    "Station for two"- This is a classic Tarot layout for relationships. There is no better way to evaluate the relationship between two people on the cards than this alignment.

    The connections of these people are visible on three main levels: mental, sensory and everyday. The leading role here, of course, belongs to the heart level. It happens that critical and tough cards appear in people's thoughts, and real life They don’t show their best side, but cards in the heart decide everything. It is immediately clear whether there is love between people, or whether they are deceiving each other and themselves at the same time.

    However, this arrangement, in my opinion, has one drawback.

    You can’t look far into the future with its help, he shows a snapshot of today.

    I really love the Station for two, but I’m laying it out in a version adapted for myself. Maybe someone will find it interesting.

    To the classic seven cards, I add three more: people’s plans for their partner and a slightly more distant prospect for the development of relationships.

    If you do not specifically stipulate the validity period of the layout, then the last card will show the future from 3 months to six months.

    So, the layout diagram in my version looks like this:

    Positions of the layout:

    1 - What connects these two people, what is between them.
    The left row (2, 3, 4,8) indicates the questioner.
    The right row (5, 6, 7, 9) is his partner.
    2 and 5 – The top two cards characterize conscious relationships. They show what each partner is thinking about.
    3 and 6 – Middle cards characterize spiritual, emotional relationships. They show what partners have in their hearts, their hopes or fears.
    4 and 7 – The lower cards describe the external side of the relationship, how they look from the outside. Perhaps this is just a mask hiding true thoughts and feelings.

    8 and 9 – How each partner plans to develop the relationship in the future.

    10 – Prospects for the development of relations.

    This arrangement suits me completely.

    After all, it happens that the cards fall out are too emotional, reflecting the outburst of feelings of the present moment. And by looking at people’s plans, it’s easy to understand whether they flared up and calmed down or really decided to break up, for example, during a quarrel.

    It is also very interesting to decompose the layout twice into two suitors, if any. In comparison, this layout becomes even more informative and accurate.

    If figure cards fall out in a layout, this is a sure sign that this partner has other options: in thoughts, hearts, plans or in real life. If figure cards fall out between lovers, this means that other people are opposing their meetings .Don’t forget also that with the help of “Station for Two” you can consider the relationships not only of lovers, but also of friends, girlfriends, boss and subordinate.

    In order to find out about future events or understand the current situation, many people use card fortune telling. They help you learn a lot of useful information. If you want to find answers to questions about your personal life, then it is better to choose Tarot Manara, which were created in early 2000.

    Manara Tarot Cards

    The presented Tarot deck was drawn by an artist from Italy Milo Manara. The card design was created at the request of the famous publishing house Lo Scarabeo. The author never had a goal to draw the Tarot, but he could not refuse the interesting offer. Since Milo's main direction is erotic comics, this was also transferred to the drawings on the cards. The result was the erotic Tarot of Manara, which captivated astrologers and fortune tellers with its accuracy. The main focus of this deck is personal life.

    Tarot Manara - deck review

    This erotic deck contains 78 cards, as in the classic Tarot, and 22 of them are the Major Arcana (plot set) and 56 cards are the Minor Arcana of the emotional set, which are divided into subcategories:

    1. Element Air– cards belong to the suit of Swords, and they can tell about a person’s secret dreams and fantasies.
    2. Element Fire- they are compared with the Wands, and with their help you can learn about actions and actions.
    3. Element Water- the personification of the suits of Cups, and the main meaning of the Manara Tarot cards is associated with the thoughts and experiences of a person.
    4. Element Earth- is equivalent to the suit of Pentacles, and this group will tell you whether the plans made will become a reality or not.

    It is worth noting that the Aces, personifying the behavior of a woman, are of particular importance in the Manara Tarot. For correct interpretation these cards, you need to learn to feel the person asking. It is important to understand that there is a deep meaning hidden behind the eroticism of the drawings. It is especially easy to learn how to interpret the Tarot Manara layouts for people both good and imaginative.

    Rules for fortune telling using Tarot Manara

    After purchasing a new deck, you need to charge it with your energy. For this purpose, you need to hold them in your hands for a while and do a short meditation, imagining how the energy passes through your hands into cards. It is important to treat fortune telling responsibly, and not as a joke, otherwise the meaning of the Manara Tarot will be deceptive. Another rule regarding fortune telling for another person is that in order to obtain a true result, it is recommended to be unbiased during the reading. You should not start fortune telling if you are in a bad mood or feeling bad.

    Fortune telling Tarot Manara

    Each card in this erotic deck is a symbol of a different interpersonal relationship, so fortune telling is carried out in order to find answers to questions related to the opposite sex. Fortune telling with Manara Tarot cards can determine important details and compatibility of partners, as well as the causes of problems. The layout can be done for a difficult situation, for choosing between several partners, for determining the cause and for receiving useful advice. The meaning of the Manara Tarot cards can be found here.

    Fortune telling using Tarot Manara for relationships

    Using the popular “Two Hearts” layout, you can find out options for the development of relationships, what to expect from a partner, as well as events that, to a greater or lesser extent, affect the harmony of the union. The Tarot Manara layout for relationships will be some kind of indication of actions that can improve mutual understanding between lovers. It is worth noting that the “Two Hearts” layout can be used not only to understand the relationship between lovers, but also relatives, colleagues and friends.

    Take the Manara Tarot deck, shuffle it and make a layout. After this, proceed to the interpretation:

    • card No. 1 – what is in the relationship at the moment;
    • card No. 2 – compatibility level;
    • card No. 3 – the fortuneteller’s expectations about relationships;
    • card No. 4 – the expectations of a lover;
    • card No. 5 – possible prospects in the near future;
    • card No. 6 – tips on how to improve relationships;
    • card No. 7 – which can negatively affect relationships;
    • card No. 8 – whether there is outside influence or not.

    Tarot Manara fortune telling for the future

    To find out about future events related to relationships, you can use the “Wheel of Fate” layout. Tarot Manara will tell you about the potential of relationships, and they can also show what can be obtained from an alliance with your chosen one. In addition, the alignment will help to understand for what purpose the meeting took place from the point of view of karma. Shuffle the deck and perform the layout, and then interpret the Tarot Manara:

    • card No. 1 is a karmic lesson that explains why relationships are needed and for what purpose people met;
    • card No. 2 – what is currently happening in the relationship;
    • card No. 3 – a fortuneteller in a relationship;
    • card No. 4 – partner in a relationship;
    • card No. 5 is a critical point that will help you understand whether the potential will be realized;
    • card number 6 is the maximum that can be obtained from the union.

    Fortune telling with Tarot Manara on a person's feelings

    Using a simple layout, you can conduct some kind of test of feelings. He gives answers to questions related to the development of relationships, and will also talk about the thoughts, feelings and emotions of his partner. To test your feelings, you must first hold the Manara Tarot in your hands for a while and clearly imagine the image of your lover. After this, shuffle the deck and make a layout. The interpretation of Tarot Manara cards is carried out as follows:

    • card No. 1 – the lover’s thoughts related to intimate life and feelings;
    • card No. 2 – his real intentions;
    • card No. 3 – the fortuneteller’s feelings towards the object of feelings;
    • card No. 4 – how personal life may change in the near future;
    • card No. 5 – what the union will be like in a couple of months;
    • card No. 6 – what will happen in a year;
    • card No. 7 – do partners have thoughts about marriage;
    • card No. 8 is the result, reflecting the compatibility and rationality of further relationships.

    Tarot Manara fortune telling for career

    Although the Manara deck is believed to provide answers to questions related to personal life, it can also be used to learn about career prospects. For this purpose, there is a “Path” layout that will help you analyze the situation in the team and learn about the possibility of career advancement. Shuffle the deck and lay out seven cards as shown. The interpretation of Tarot Manara cards is as follows:

    • card No. 1 – the essence of the issue and prospects for solution;
    • card No. 2 and 3 – description of the mental background;
    • card No. 4 and 5 - tips on how to change the behavior of the fortuneteller, taking into account the situation;
    • card No. 6 – recommendations for adjustments;
    • card No. 7 – conclusions that need to be drawn from the current situation.

    The Erotic Tarot Manara is better suited than other cards for determining the feelings of a loved one and predicting relationships with him. There are several layouts aimed at obtaining different information. Fortune telling on Manara cards for love involves the meaning of the rules, features of the deck and the interpretation of the arcana in the layouts.

    Features of fortune telling

    Manara cards are similar to the classic Tarot, but differ in that all arcana have images in an erotic style and give predictions in the field of relationships.

    There are different layouts in fortune telling on Manara cards. By choosing them correctly, they receive information about relationships in the present and future, about the peculiarities of communication with a partner, his character and intentions. Seniors and minor arcana The layout also indicates health status, work and career.

    Erotic Tarot Manara gives answers to the following questions:

    • love relationships, their state in the past, present and future;
    • the querent’s problems at the emotional and psychological levels, ways to solve them;
    • the querent's perception of the world around him.

    The main feature of Manar is accurate answers to the questions posed. They point out in detail and without mystery the causes of the problem. Tarologists advise to be gentle about the negative meaning of the cards that fall out.

    There is a book “Tarot Manara. All the colors of love,” which tells in detail about the features of this Tarot.

    Fortune telling rules

    To get reliable information, you need to guess, adhering to the basic rules:

    • preparation for fortune telling must be serious;
    • It’s worth charging the deck with your energy by holding it between your palms; when fortune telling for love, the person being told fortunes should hold the cards;
    • tune in to the result, for example, through meditation;
    • When telling fortunes for a stranger, you should be impartial and objective.

    Cards require responsibility and dedication. If such fortune telling is a way of entertainment, then interpreting the arcana will be problematic, and the data obtained will be false. You should not guess when you are in a bad mood or feeling bad, because the Tarot senses this and will give incorrect information.

    Fortune telling for love and relationships

    There are many fortune telling for love and relationships online. However, their result is not always reliable, because there is no way to hold the Tarot in your hands and charge them with your energy. To achieve the most accurate forecast from an online reading, you need to vividly imagine the image of the person you are fortune-telling for each time you choose a card.

    Fortune telling for the future in a relationship

    The “Wheel of Fate” layout will help you find out about the future of your relationship. This fortune telling will tell you about the prospects for an alliance with your chosen one, the benefits of this relationship, and also explain the karmic meaning of meeting a specific person.

    For the layout, six cards are taken, each of which carries certain information:

    • the first card reveals the purpose of the meeting from the point of view of karma and explains the need for relationships;
    • the second talks about the current development of love affairs;
    • the third indicates the behavior of the person asking the question, his role in the relationship;
    • the fourth touches the partner;
    • the fifth reports a turning point on which the future of the union depends;
    • the sixth determines the maximum benefit of the relationship.

    To get a more accurate result, you need to interpret the cards, taking into account the neighboring symbols.

    Fortune telling about a person's feelings

    Fortune telling about a partner's feelings is carried out using an 8-card layout. This method will help you learn about the development of relationships, the thoughts and emotions of your lover, and can also show the presence of love in a couple and arrange a test of feelings. More often, men become the objects of this fortune telling.

    Before fortune-telling, the person who is going to be told fortunes must hold the deck in his hands and imagine the image of his loved one. The deck is then shuffled and 8 cards are selected from it. Each of them has a specific interpretation:

    • the first shows the thoughts and feelings that the wife or husband has;
    • the second reveals his disposition towards his partner, readiness and desire to develop feelings;
    • the third indicates the querent's feelings;
    • the fourth warns of possible changes in the union;
    • the fifth shows the future of the couple in a few months;
    • the sixth predicts the couple’s relationship a year later;
    • the seventh talks about the lovers’ relationship to marriage;
    • the eighth determines compatibility.

    You should not blindly rely on the result of fortune telling; there are a number of factors that can affect the reliability of the prediction. It makes sense to repeat the alignment.

    Layouts for fortune telling for love

    The magic of Tarot Manara in different scenarios for love helps to find out about the feelings and intentions of partners, indicates the presence of a mistress (lover).

    Two hearts

    The “Two Hearts” layout will show in which direction the union will develop, what to expect and fear, what the partner feels. The layout consists of 8 arcana, each of which has its own meaning:

    • the first lasso indicates the relationship at the moment;
    • the second talks about compatibility;
    • the third will tell you what the fortuneteller expects from his lover;
    • the fourth speaks of the lover's expectations;
    • the fifth will present options for the development of your union soon;
    • the sixth will tell you how to strengthen your connection with your loved one;
    • the seventh will reveal circumstances that may negatively affect communication;
    • the eighth shows whether there are any external factors affecting your relationship.

    This alignment will tell you what actions should be taken to improve mutual understanding with your partner. However, in some cases, the “Two Hearts” layout concerns relationships with friends, colleagues and family.

    Prism of love

    Fortune telling “Prism of Love” also touches on the topic of relationships between a man and a woman. It will help you learn about the following:

    • how strong is the union with your loved one at the moment;
    • what feelings does the beloved experience?
    • what he thinks and how he feels about intimate life;
    • what benefits he wants to get from this connection and what fears he has;
    • what are his intentions?
    • how the relationship will develop in the near future, after a year or several years;
    • what measures should be taken to maintain communication.

    The “Prism of Love” layout is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the connections between individuals and their feelings for each other. There are several versions of this layout, which touch on the desires of the partners and consider possible events in the future.


    THE FUTURE OF YOUR RELATIONSHIP. Online fortune telling on Manara cards

    Three card spread. Tarot Manara. Relationship. Love. Sex.


    Manara Tarot cards are used to tell fortunes about love and relationships. They show the real feelings that partners have for each other, the development of their union in the present and future tense. To get accurate information, choose the layout of the cards and adhere to the rules of fortune telling.

    Tarot Manara is a special deck of cards in every sense. You won't find another like it anywhere. This is a deck for those who have already become adults. It is not suitable for fortune telling for children or teenagers. Although, it’s no secret that for the first time some of us picked up cards when we were twelve or fourteen years old. It is at this time that all mentally healthy people, without exception, begin to fall in love for the first time. Girls like boys, boys like girls. And that's okay. There is nothing reprehensible in this.

    At the same time, the first interest appears, the first desire to lay out the cards and find out something more about your sweetheart. Find out something that others don't already know. I would like to know absolutely everything about him (her)! And that's okay too. After all, the one (or she) who makes the heart beat faster seems to be some very special creature, seems to be an alien from other worlds. Everything about this little man is special, everything is different from others: eyes, hands, movements, speech, habits. Everything is special!

    In such cases, you can take any solitaire game, any deck of cards, or just some kind of online fortune telling and hit the road for answers. There will be answers, no doubt! It's a completely different matter when a person becomes an adult. His life was filled with new aspects that were not there before. intimate relationships are one such area. So what then? Other Oracles come to the rescue! And the first of them is in front of you!

    Tarot Manara, the meaning of the cards we are pleased to offer you, will answer all questions related to the hidden part of an adult’s life. With that part of him that is not customary to be shown. In any case, if we are talking about feelings behind which there are intimate relationships, then no one will shout about it on the street corners. This deck of cards will help you understand more about your partner, get to know him better, and as a result, build a more harmonious relationship with him.

    We offer online fortune telling on Tarot Manara cards for love, relationships and testing feelings. The Manara Tarot deck will help clarify the relationship between partners. Fortune telling on these cards is aimed at unity with the subtle energies of divine love and carnal passion. Usually, Tarot Manara is used to tell fortunes for lovers and ardent people. With the layouts presented here on the Manara Tarot cards, you can tell fortunes about love and relationships online.

    Can fortune telling using computer technology be considered “real”? Yes - you can. As theory and practice show, when working with a computer, as well as when fortune telling using the regular Tarot, your subconscious gives a signal to select a card: pressing a key is equivalent to touching the back of a certain card. Cards can answer with varying degrees of depth, which, of course, depends on the ability to understand the problem. If the readings of the cards are apparently contradictory, see which values ​​outweigh or seek the help of professional experts. Try to focus on the Major Arcana.

    Fortune telling Tarot Manara test of feelings

    Fortune telling on Tarot Manara cards for relationships and feelings will help you understand an unclear situation, understand what emotions and feelings your partner is experiencing. The “Checking Feelings” layout shows the prospects for the development of your relationship, emotional relationships, feelings and fears. In the 4 card relationship reading of the Manara Tarot, the following aspects are considered: thoughts, emotions, externalities and perspectives.

    Free online fortune telling on Manara cards "Disposition for feelings"

    To start fortune telling, CLICK ON THE CARD

    Fortune telling on Manara cards "Choosing a partner"

    Fortune telling with Tarot cards to choose between two partners will help you choose the partner that suits you best. Love is such a strange thing, sometimes it is very difficult to decide which of them is better and to stay with one. By choosing 6 cards from the Manara Tarot, you will understand how the relationship with each partner will develop. Fortune telling will reveal the hidden sides of the personality of each partner and it will be easier for you to decide on the choice of the applicant. Manara cards will give a forecast for the development of relationships with one and another partner.

    To start a new layout, or close this one, click on the card again

    Fortune telling online using Tarot Manara cards "Choosing a partner"

    Fortune telling online "Yes and No" on Manara cards for free

    To start fortune telling, CLICK ON THE CARD

    Fortune telling using Tarot cards Manara "Development of the situation"

    Fortune telling on Tarot cards about the situation in relationships and love will give clarity when some difficult situation arises, of which, unfortunately, there are quite a few in love. A 4-card layout will show the possibility of developing a planned plan or a love situation that has arisen in a relationship with your partner. Internal are the unconscious motives that drive you in this situation. External - external influences that help or hinder in the current situation, these can be actions, behavior or attitudes of people. Manara tarot reading “Development of the situation” will tell you how to act or not to act in a given situation.

    To start a new layout, or close this one, click on the card again

    Fortune telling on Manara cards online for the development of the situation

    Using Tarot Manara cards, it is possible to predict the development of relationships between a man and a woman, the duration and significance of their connection. Remember that the key to long-term, harmonious relationships is the compatibility of partners at the sensory-emotional level.
    If you really love a person, and you value and respect intimate relationships as a vibrant and necessary component of close relationships, then the Manara Tarot reading is for you. Professional experts They will answer all your questions online at any time and show you the right path to harmonious relationships in your personal life.

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