• Horoscope for Aries for October November. Mobile horoscope - Aries


    The Year of the Rooster will be successful for the Aries wallet, but the contents of this wallet should be managed wisely. In the new year it is better not to plan global acquisitions - it is intended to wait for the right moment. No, there will be more than enough for everyday needs, and great financial success also awaits representatives of this sign.

    However, this moment will come closer to the end of the year. To this extent, it may even seem to Aries that everyone’s salary is being raised except them. But you can still get a credit card if you suddenly need a certain amount urgently - by the end of the year, there will be money to pay back small loans.

    The financial sphere itself especially favors Aries in the year of the Rooster. They have excellent opportunities to make a profitable investment or strike an excellent deal. But you need to invest in projects, and not in personal expenses.

    By the end of the year, your boss at work and relatives will give you a pleasant surprise. It is then that the former will finally decide to give Aries a substantial bonus, and the latter will please him with a cash gift.

    Aries Woman: Financial Horoscope for 2017

    Women will not have to deny themselves buying a new dress or visiting the hairdresser. They will have enough capital for such important things throughout the year. However, you should not invest in large acquisitions; let them wait a little. It would be much more promising to invest additional income in a promising area - the investment will be profitable and become a good source of income.

    Financial success awaits women in a rather unusual category for such a phenomenon – scientists. It can be seen that the stars have finally begun to form the correct picture of the universe. Such intelligent women will naturally not waste their capital on trifles, so their prosperity will continue. The rest can follow their example, not get carried away with shopping too much and not rely on quick loans.

    The end of the year will be the most successful. It is at this time that you can expect dividends from investments, bonuses for hard work, or new money.

    Aries Man: Financial Horoscope for 2017

    Such men have a penchant for risk, and this will benefit them in the new year. Aries are recommended to try themselves in business - it will pay off. Those who already have their own enterprise are allowed to make quite unexpected, extraordinary decisions. This does not mean that you need to waste money and indulge in various financial frauds. But a bold financial decision or investment in a new area in the year of the Rooster pays off well.

    The car loan will have to wait - although money will come to Aries regularly, only at the end of the year will its amount become significant. Then it will be possible to plan future global purchases.

    Aries employees will have to work hard in the first half of the year in order to receive a worthy reward in the second. But the efforts will yield results, and Aries will be able to decide for himself which goal is closer to him: getting a bonus, a position, or becoming one of the company’s partners. If he is purposeful enough, nothing will be impossible for him, and any decision will turn out to be profitable.

    Maintain a neutral position in everything and do not take sides. Get away from everything that causes bad feelings, look at possible losses philosophically.

    March 2018 Tips for Aries

    Color: blue
    Talisman: magnifying glass
    Lucky: 9, 14, 23, 27
    Dangerous: 2, 6, 17, 30
    Motto: "Everything I need is next to me."

    Aries mood in March 2018

    Be prepared for the fact that everything will go wrong for you in March. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to give up any active activities, at least until the end of the month. Be patient, don't force things and remain calm. Right now you need focus and peace. Slow down in career matters, be a good girl in love and family relationships, and agree with your significant other in everything. In short, take care of your soul and physical strength. You'll need them soon.

    Aries health in March 2018

    For the entire month you are required to strictly adhere to the work and rest regime. Before the birthday, the energy potential is slightly reduced. Eliminate heavy physical activity (take care of your legs and back), save energy, do more work for your mind and soul. The digestive system is at risk now, so pay special attention to nutrition. To avoid stomach problems, review your diet. Avoid fried foods, carbonated drinks and strong alcohol. Steam food, do not fry soups. Instead of regular tea, drink soothing teas.

    The first half of the month is favorable for facial and body skin care. Pamper yourself with spa treatments, apply nourishing masks on your face and tightening cosmetics on your body more often. Carry out rejuvenating activities.

    Aries work in March 2018

    Excessive activity and initiative in work matters can only do harm. Do not take on increased obligations, be prudent and consistent. If possible, avoid contact with management so as not to cause their displeasure and not run into a portion of undeserved criticism. Work calmly, do not brag about your achievements to anyone. All these recommendations are valid until March 21. Then the conditions change. Gradually switch to active mode, resolve pressing professional issues, and take initiative in the financial direction. The more active you become, the more opportunities there will be for income growth.

    Aries relationships in March 2018

    Serious problems in love and family relationships are not expected, unless you come up with them yourself. Try to find a common language with your chosen ones, do not argue with them over trifles, openly show your good feelings. Emphasize their strengths and ignore their shortcomings. In a word, sorting things out throughout the entire month is contraindicated. The consequences are unpredictable, up to and including complete rupture. Everything is calm for family Aries. The house will turn into a quiet, cozy haven. And it contains attention, care, gifts from loved ones, pleasant surprises from children. In the first half of the month, joint family activities will have a beneficial effect on your mood and well-being.

    March will be held under the auspices of the card Six of Wands. This is a card of triumph and victory. You will receive a reward for the work done, and there is a high probability of promotion. And it's deserved! Everything you undertake now is under the auspices of Fortune. Success in studies and education is expected. All possible problems will be resolved, controversial issues will be successfully resolved. There may be news of particular importance that will have a great impact on the near future. Be prepared for important trips and unexpected trips as well.

    Behavior style: confident and successful.

    Personal qualities: diplomacy, wisdom.

    Mascot people: winners who received recognition

    The Chinese Book of Changes sends you a good sign - with the symbol Possessing great. The sun is shining brightly. This means that you feel completely free. We can say that you are rich - both materially and spiritually. To succeed in business, you need to concentrate your will and desires on what is necessary at a given period. And don’t lose sight of the main goal, remember it, even if it seems to you that everything is going quite favorably. Don't spray yourself!

    The motto of October is composure and concentration. In October 2017, Aries has one task - to achieve more with less.
    According to the Aries horoscope for October 2017, your character will be characterized by some duality. At this time, it will be easier for you to tune in to the same wavelength as your interlocutor, your reaction to events will correspond to the situation, which will help when working with the public, when establishing new contacts and conducting diplomatic negotiations. You will strive to get along with others, but at the same time you will try in every possible way to insist on your own and make decisions for others.
    In an effort to expand your influence on others, you will spend more time in public. Celebrations associated with a wedding, engagement, the opening of an exhibition of your works, or simply your first appearance in public will be quite successful. It is possible that fans and admirers will appear.
    Standing up for justice, in October 2017 Aries can engage in social activities.
    Almost the entire month of October, according to the 2017 horoscope, will pass under the auspices of the goddess of balance and love, Venus. It is at this time that lessons will be sent to you in the form of life situations that should reveal your abilities for compromise, dialogue and diplomacy. So keep that in mind. You will have to learn to curb your impulsiveness and harshness if you want to be successful in society and in personal relationships.
    The second half of October 2017 will draw Aries’ attention to health and energy levels. Your patron and “battery” Mars is now on the other side of the barricades, that is, in the sign of Libra, which is opposite to the sign of Aries. Therefore, save your energy, don’t waste it and watch your immunity. I do not recommend engaging in any fights, both physical and verbal, otherwise there is a high chance of failure.
    The last ten days of October 2017 are a time of crisis for Aries. We'll have to run through the authorities. At this time, you will be busy with paperwork related to insurance, taxes, and alimony. Reluctance or inability to reach a compromise regarding controversial financial issues with a spouse or business partners can at the end of the month lead to a sharp break in relations, divorce, loss of a good position and deterioration in social status.

    Favorable days in October 2017: 13, 14, 22, 23, 28.
    Unfavorable days in October 2017: 4, 5, 12, 17-19.

    Horoscope for October 2017 Aries - Love, family
    According to the Aries horoscope for October 2017, Mars, your ruling planet, this month connects with the planet of love - Venus. This means that, in general, everything is in order in love relationships. Under one condition: if you are united by work, joint responsibilities, in a word, hard and creative work. An office romance is quite likely, which will benefit the common cause. You will strive to join elite circles, and will seek to meet people in the arts, theater, fashion, diplomats and lawyers. The admiration of others for your talents and successes will contribute to even greater creative expression.
    The couple will not live a particularly smooth month in October 2017, and most of the disagreements will occur at the end of the month. During this period, remember that the stars are on the side of the other half and your military actions are doomed to failure. Therefore, be more modest and do not start conflicts where you will certainly find yourself the injured party.
    In October, according to the horoscope of 2017, Aries, both in public life and in personal life, will focus on relationships with partners. Or more precisely, on your ability to interact harmoniously with your loved ones. I recommend that, at least during October, you give up the idea that you decide everything and that everything depends on you. Give your children more initiative and your spouse more freedom to act. Also remember that even the Sun, around which all the planets revolve, is just an ordinary star on the scale of the Universe. What can we say about the size of the human Ego? Purposeful work on pride and selfishness is welcome.
    In October 2017, Aries's relationships with relatives are quite complex; in all likelihood, we are talking about relatives living in another city or another country, or about close people of the other half. The causes of the conflict will not come as a surprise to you - you may have encountered all this before. However, if you trust your partner and withdraw, then he will cope with all this without you. So do not touch on topics that may contain pitfalls and remember the proverb “The less you know, the better you sleep.” It is always relevant, and especially this month.

    Aries horoscope for October 2017 - Health
    In October 2017, according to the horoscope, the energy potential of Aries is low, which will be expressed in frequent states of lethargy and fatigue, the best remedy for which is walks in nature and a cup of coffee in the morning.
    As autumn gets colder, it's time to strengthen your immune system. And the gifts of nature can help with this - herbal teas, honey, freshly squeezed juices from seasonal fruits and vegetables. Also at this time you need to monitor your work and rest schedule. Try to go to bed earlier and get up earlier. While it's not too cold yet, take walks before bed. This is much better than watching almost always shockingly negative news or pointlessly spending time on social networks.
    In the last ten days of October 2017, Aries’ health will be unstable, so preventive measures will not hurt.

    Horoscope for October 2017 Aries - Money, finance
    Aries's financial position is stable in October 2017; perhaps you will receive profit from steadily developing businesses, as well as support from partners.
    Aries who are not involved in the world of business can count on help from a loved one whose business is on the rise.

    Horoscope for October 2017 Aries - Work, business
    According to the Aries horoscope for October 2017, professional life is accelerating. You are taking on more and more responsibilities, it seems that we are talking about a large-scale expansion of the business. Former partners may take part in your work, and some of them live in another city or in another country.
    At the same time, cooperation does not always go smoothly and smoothly; contradictions periodically arise in business; Perhaps both parties have different ideas about the work process.
    In another scenario, some actions of your employees may not suit your partners, although you most likely think otherwise. There is nothing wrong with this - normal work issues, and over time they will be successfully overcome.
    In the first days of October 2017, Aries’ performance will be great. If you show determination, you can achieve a lot. Not only festive social events, but also official duties at this time may require you to go out into the world.
    In October 2017, the Aries employee will complete a large amount of work, and his diligence will be noticed - the attention of his superiors and material reward will not be long in coming.
    It is possible to have hidden egocentric aspirations and take advantage of partners and colleagues. When working together, disputes may arise. Try to prevent healthy rivalry from developing into hostility. You may need to seek legal advice or a lawyer to resolve the conflict. However, resolving controversial issues may not go in your favor if you unexpectedly buck, showing haste or excessive stubbornness.
    At the same time, real estate-related events are looming on the horizon; it may be necessary to somehow change working conditions or engage in large-scale reconstruction of production premises.
    The success of Aries in October 2017 will directly depend on the level of communication skills. Be open and tolerant, strive for progress in thoughts and deeds. Stop criticizing and noticing only the shortcomings in the people around you, especially your opponents. In October 2017, Aries needs to become a team player. Remember that together with like-minded people and a close-knit team, you will always achieve more than alone. Respect the differences and views of others, and initiate as many productive business meetings as possible.
    Your earnings will be related not only to how proactive and professionally competent you are, but also to how profitable your connections are. The work may involve manipulating other people's money. However, on October 9, 10, 15, 23-31, beware of the selfish desire to get your way at any cost. Although you will strive to behave diplomatically in public, your temperament will still occasionally erupt.
    Based on materials from Pavel Globa and Tatyana Borsch

    • Favorable days for Aries in October 2017: October 3, 6, 13, 23, 24, 31.
    • Difficult days for Aries in October 2017: October 5, 12, 20.

    Horoscope for October 2017 Aries woman

    Love horoscope

    October 1 - October 10. In the first ten days of October, the realization may come to you that you have caused trouble in your personal affairs. You and your loved one will feel equally depressed and humiliated, since all your steps forward, as well as your partner’s concessions, will lead to nothing. All the same, there will be serious obstacles between you, which will greatly complicate your life during this period.

    October 11 - October 20. Your position in personal relationships will strengthen. Your chosen one will be less lucky. He may behave dishonestly, show weakness, and mislead you. All these tricks are perfectly visible to you, but for now you will be bound by these relationships. Therefore, meetings and dates with your partner will become regular, but will not bring you any joy.

    October 21 - October 31. Throughout the entire decade, it will not be easy for you to cope with your feelings. When you realize that you are simply finding fault with your loved one, it may already be too late. Aries are hot-tempered people, and as a rule, little time passes between word and deed. You may say too much. The main thing is not to regret what you did later, because you may never meet such a good partner again.

    Romantic date. You may stay late after work to go to a restaurant or a movie. Accordingly, you will choose those places that are located near work.

    Family horoscope

    In your family life, it will be important for you that there is order everywhere - both in things and in business. You will prove yourself to be a personal housewife - you will begin to clean the apartment more often, and cook only healthy and inexpensive food. You can read a lot of books and articles about how to properly manage your household, save money, and buy only what you need. Your active approach to business may alienate your relatives from you, as they will understand that you will not force them to change their habits and daily routine.

    The secret of happiness. You should take annoying little things more calmly. Otherwise, your conversations with your spouse may turn into a complete showdown over trash that hasn’t been taken out or things that haven’t been put away. Don't jeopardize your love.

    Holiday horoscope

    Life during this period will be quite stressful for you. And you can afford a short vacation only at the very beginning of October. Don't go far from home. It’s good if you spend a few days outside the city, in nature, completely alone.

    Place of power. You will feel good in the office or, in extreme cases, next to your loved one. Visit the place where you plan to get a job in the future, because you can not only become familiar with this place, but also make useful contacts.

    Horoscope of work and money

    The Sun activates in you such qualities as diplomacy and the ability to build bridges in business relationships. You will be willing to compromise. But flirting in the workplace can hinder your career advancement. And the bosses will consider you too frivolous.

    Purchase of the month. Buy gifts for your partner - you can make a very good choice. In general, now it’s better to spend money not on yourself.

    Health horoscope

    Your health will depend on what kind of people you surround yourself with and what doctors you visit during this period. But most of all you need the attention of your loved ones. If you are not sure that you are loved, your body may malfunction. Try to think less about current problems, do not exaggerate their scale.

    Horoscope for October 2017 for Aries men

    Love. Your partner will be so busy with work that he may have absolutely no time for love. But the thing is, your Aries might develop an interest in someone at work. If you are colleagues or have some kind of professional connection, you can easily attract his attention. But if you are in a long-term relationship and do not work together, then the situation may be risky for you. Keep him busy with household errands, then he won't have time for nonsense.

    Tone. Your chosen one will be passionate about a healthy lifestyle, sports and proper nutrition. But he will absolutely need your support. Otherwise, he will begin to look for like-minded people elsewhere.

    Finance. Your Aries's income is now directly related to how much time he devotes to work. Any of his efforts will be well paid. Therefore, you can recommend that your loved one look for a part-time job or additional income if his salary does not suit you.

    Hobbies. Your chosen one will be interested in activities related to advanced training or searching for a new job or business partners. He can spend hours scouring the Internet looking for interesting vacancies. Or he will study information for a project in which he would like to participate.

    Horoscope for October 2017 Aries child

    0–6 years. The Aries baby will become a very active child. His sociability will increase, he will literally pursue a friend he likes and offer his friendship. He can also become interested in designing.

    7–12 years old. Young Aries will be able not only to perform well in their studies, but also to be known as good comrades. Your child will develop such positive qualities as the ability to work in a team, set tasks for himself and solve them together with his friends.

    13–17 years old. Aries teenagers will be primarily interested in their personal lives and relationships. If your child is not yet in love, he will make every effort to find a mate. This will increase his self-esteem and inner self-confidence. But he can show coldness and prudence in the relationships that already exist.

    Read the horoscope for October 2017 for other zodiac signs:

    Useful tips

    Mid-autumn will bring you many new and interesting events in the love sphere. Moreover, these events can be both positive and very stressful. Some may face breakups, others may face major changes in their relationships.

    We will see the first half of the month Venus in Virgo , where she entered last month. Virgo is a serious and practical sign, so any relationship that may begin until October 14, 2017, will be taken very seriously. Even the most frivolous people in these first two weeks of the month, they will approach the choice of acquaintances or existing relationships with all seriousness.

    Read also:General astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for OCTOBER 2017

    Virgo is also quite picky, so doesn't like casual relationships. On days when Venus moves through the sign of Virgo, people will be less likely to rush into quick one-night stands.

    Important aspects of Venus in October 2017

    In October Venus and Mars– two planets important for relationships will meet in the sign of Virgo. This will happen at the beginning of the month - October 5, 2017. On days close to this conjunction, people of the opposite sex will pull each other stronger than usual. The desire to love and be loved will especially intensify at this time. Although Virgo is not a very passionate sign, you can’t expect great passions now. However, without strong passions You can get by quite well.

    There is now a high probability of office romances, that is, this is the ideal time when a business relationship can develop into a love relationship. However, be careful about excessive flirting at work: you may be misunderstood.

    October 7 and 8, 2017 can be expected very conflicting emotions: It will be difficult to understand your feelings and desires. In some couples, coldness, detachment and indifference to the feelings of the other party may grow. These days, we do not advise you to sort things out or demand something from your partner, as pressure can worsen the relationship. It is possible that weak ties will break, and strong relationships will also be tested for strength.

    Valid days for wedding: October 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 29, 30, 2017.

    Astrological forecast: love life of zodiac signs in October 2017

    ♈ Aries love horoscope for October 2017

    This month, your relationships with partners may be quite difficult, especially towards the end of the month, when Venus and Pluto will make a negative aspect. There may be quarrels and disagreements: partners will not understand your goals and aspirations. Your relationship may deteriorate. If you correctly perceive the situations that you will encounter together with your partners, and are not too categorical and harsh with them, serious problems can be avoided. Take care of your partners, do not take important decisions, they may be premature.

    Luck : average.

    Events in personal life : disagreements with partners, clarification of relationships, misunderstandings with partners.

    ♉ Love horoscope Taurus for October 2017

    The beginning of the month can be very successful for you: your love life will be in full swing, there are chances to make new acquaintances and even meet your other half. Use first 5 days month in order to get the most positive emotions: communicate more, be visible, meet people on the Internet. But now it’s closer to October 8, 2017 try to reduce communication with the opposite sex. October 6-11, 2017 It is dangerous to sort things out and demand something from partners. In existing relationships, there is a risk of rupture or very serious crises, leading to coldness and distance between partners.

    Luck : average.

    Events in personal life : dating, romantic relationships, having a good time, breakups, quarrels, separation.

    ♊ Love horoscope for Gemini for October 2017

    This month will not bring you success in love, rather it will be quite stressful and will make you think. The events of this month in your love life may not seem the most pleasant at the beginning, but you will appreciate their meaning a little later. If your relationship is too strained or you feel like it's time for a big change, there's no better time. Moreover, situations may help you, and you will be able to make the right choice, albeit a painful one.

    Luck : low.

    Events in personal life : separation, breakups, serious changes in personal life.

    ♋ Cancer love horoscope for October 2017

    In general, this month is not suitable for dating and starting serious relationships, as they will not be the most successful for you. You will find fault with little things and will find it difficult to perceive new acquaintances as potential partners. But still, the chance of meeting love is small, but there is. If you are single and want to find a partner, it is better to go looking for him in the first 5 days of the month: then there are more chances to make a romantic acquaintance. Later, the risks of unsuccessful and disappointing meetings increase.

    Luck : average.

    Events in personal life : low likelihood of new romantic acquaintances, disappointing relationships.

    ♌ Leo love horoscope for October 2017

    This month your personal life may change seriously. If earlier you were quite careless and frivolous in relationships with your partners, now you have to seriously think about what needs to be changed in your personal life. If you are single, you will want to find someone, if you are in a relationship, you will want passion and sharper and brighter emotions. Remember that everything is in your hands and do not be too afraid of the changes that may now occur. Be prepared for them.

    Luck : high.

    Events in personal life : changes in personal life, transition to another level of relationships.

    ♍ Virgo love horoscope for October 2017

    This month you will especially want to love and be loved, but, unfortunately, not everything in your personal life will be cloudless and simple. You may be tormented by a feeling of loneliness, various experiences that you will not show to others and, as always, you will be quite stingy with emotions. Events that contribute to this can be very different: from a banal quarrel and disagreement with a partner, coldness in a relationship, misunderstanding to temporary separation or breakup.

    Luck : low.

    Events in personal life : various problems in personal life, obstacles to understanding.

    ♎ Libra love horoscope for October 2017

    This month may bring events that will heighten your feelings and inner experiences. You will daydream and fantasize a lot, so some experiences will not be particularly supported by external events, rather they will be your memories or fantasies rather than anything specific. There may be secret love dates and meetings; it is also possible that you will meet a person with whom you will not advertise your relationship. In the second half of the month, everything may be revealed, secrets will become apparent, and at the same time you may experience not the most pleasant emotions.

    Luck : average.

    Events in personal life : dreams and fantasies prevent you from looking soberly at the world, secret events in your personal life, betrayal, complex emotions and feelings.

    ♏ Love horoscope for Scorpio for October 2017

    This month you will be very firm in your convictions, you will want to persistently achieve your goal and insist on your opinion. This can strain and even ruin relationships with existing partners. Lonely Scorpios can start relationships with people from a friendly group: friendships can develop into love ones. In the second half of the month, you will want to hide your feelings more. You may be tormented by emotions and strong internal contradictions. You may find it difficult to make any decisions regarding your partners. If you decide to break up with someone, it will be very difficult for you.

    Luck : average.

    Events in personal life : communication and flirting in a friendly group, internal experiences, suspicion and anxiety, obsessive thoughts regarding personal partners, separation and separation from loved ones.

    ♐ Love horoscope Sagittarius for October 2017

    In the first half of the month, you will be more concerned with work and career issues. Personal life may fade into the background, or events in your personal life will not be as bright as events in the professional sphere. In the second half of the month there may be disagreements and misunderstandings with partners, which are also related to your hobbies and friends. For example, your partners may not understand your desire to spend more time with friends and like-minded people.

    Luck : low.

    Events in personal life : There are no particularly important events, but there may be quarrels and disagreements with partners.

    ♑ Capricorn love horoscope for October 2017

    This month it will be more difficult for you to restrain your negative emotions: you may become more picky and critical of your partners, which can lead to serious quarrels, disagreements and even a breakup! If you value your relationship, it is better to remain silent once again and do not find fault with trifles. In case of serious conflicts, restrain yourself and try to be alone for some time so that all passions subside and you can look at situations with a more sober gaze, without criticism.

    Luck : low.

    Events in personal life : quarrels and disagreements with partners.

    ♒ Aquarius love horoscope for October 2017

    At the beginning of the month, your feelings and emotions will be very heightened. Events are possible that will affect the future development of your relationships with partners; fatal meetings are also possible. Your wishes may come true by themselves, you may be surprised by it. Your relationships with partners can become closer and more intimate, and deeper feelings will appear. But at the same time, not the most favorable events may await you this month: there may be one-sided love, or insufficient attention from partners. Not the best month for dating, especially with foreigners and people from afar.

    Luck : average.

    Events in personal life : changes in relationships with partners, dissatisfaction with personal life, unhappy love.

    ♓ Pisces love horoscope for October 2017

    The first week of the month will be very successful for you and your partners: you will be in a good mood, your partners will delight you and take care of you. You will feel special affection and gratitude. But closer to the middle of the month, situations may change. Any trifle can make you angry and ruin your relationship. There is an increased risk of relationship breakdown or serious crises in the partnership. It will be difficult to start a new relationship.

    Luck : average.

    Events in personal life : mood swings, very different events - both good and unfavorable.

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