• Taurus weekly horoscope. Weekly horoscope for Taurus Love horoscope for Taurus week


    During this week, Taurus may improve their relationships with those people on whom your professional and social success depends. Serious and methodical efforts aimed at achieving your goal will definitely lead you to success. The current week is shaping up in such a way that you can not only succeed in business, but also at the same time find time for solitary spiritual practices. Moreover, oddly enough, these two directions are interconnected. If you do auto-training, yoga, meditation, read prayers or mantras, you will bring yourself into a state of harmony when the inner world is at peace with the outer world. Indirectly, this will have a beneficial effect on success in solving purely practical business issues. Pay attention to your health. For this purpose, water procedures will be useful, such as dousing with cold water for the purpose of hardening, visiting a bathhouse or sauna.

    Weekly love horoscope for Taurus

    For Taurus in love, the week will show that the “grace period” of the relationship is over. The partner becomes less predictable, less noble and delicate. Be attentive to the first signs of nervousness and sudden quarrels: one day they can break your union. For the sake of peace in love, do not compete in the business field.

    Weekly financial horoscope for Taurus

    This week Taurus will be able to increase their income by increasing the level of professional skills and intensifying work. Relations with superiors are friendly. Your superiors will encourage your desire to master new technology. You will be able to show your best business qualities. Try to act proactively, keep abreast of all the news and be more active in making business contacts. Revenues may rise or stabilize by a reasonable amount high level. There is a chance to realize your career ambitions. If you have long dreamed of taking a more significant leadership position, then in the second half of the week such an opportunity may present itself to you. Contacts with influential people will contribute to your career advancement.

    On Monday, Taurus is ready to start a scandal out of nowhere - simply because he got off on the wrong foot. In such a mood, he will easily find a reason for this that seems logical and sufficient to him, which is why his loved one on Monday seems to be walking through a minefield - the chances that he will do something wrong increase in proportion to Taurus’ fatigue. It may not be easy, but the horoscope still strongly recommends holding back and not succumbing to the trends of this day. You will be able to disperse the gray clouds if you want to!

    Tuesday, March 31

    “You and I are dreamers” - this song by Bilan can become the anthem of Taurus on Tuesday. On this day, he is able to picturesquely describe his feelings and emotions, draw pictures of a bright future for the relationship, and, most importantly, he will believe in every word he says. Well, everything in our life begins with a dream, however, the horoscope suggests holding back the fantasy bird on Tuesday. Of course, you shouldn’t lock her in a cage, but don’t let her fly too far from reality either! Otherwise, Taurus will be accused of not keeping promises in the near future.

    Wednesday, April 1

    There are days when it seems better to be alone. It is likely that this is exactly what Taurus will have on Wednesday. It is now difficult for him to find a common language with his loved one, but the horoscope assures that this is just a trend of the day, and not a crisis in the relationship. Taurus is characterized by stubbornness; he is intolerant of other people's weaknesses and mistakes, which, in fact, is what causes most quarrels with a significant other. To defuse the tension, he needs to be more flexible.

    Thursday, April 2

    If Taurus is boiling, he will break through on Thursday, don’t go to the fortune teller! His loved one will grab the first number for all real and imaginary mistakes, so you won’t envy him. Love horoscope characterizes Taurus’ level of conflict on Thursday as the highest, so he won’t be an interlocutor - only an accuser. Given the tendency towards demonstrative behavior and rash actions, Taurus on this day may even decide to break off relations.

    Friday, April 3

    On Friday, Taurus has the power to “talk” his loved one into anything! On this day, your soulmate is soft clay, and you are a potter who, with light movements, gives it the desired shape. Have you been putting off a difficult conversation? Were you afraid to ask for something? The horoscope suggests action on Friday! However, Taurus should remember the main rule of potters - delicacy. Press too hard and ruin the harmony!

    Saturday, April 4

    For a Taurus in a relationship, the horoscope advises on Saturday to lure your loved one somewhere away from the daily routine, spending the day in activities that are interesting to both. Do something together that you didn’t have the time or energy to do before. Make a collage of your photos, sign up for online courses in surfing, programming or cooking. Firstly, this will allow you to be truly alone (the main thing is to agree to put your phones away). Well, secondly, on this day it is the most romantic and useful form of leisure.

    Sunday, April 5

    It is likely that on Sunday Taurus will somehow be drawn into conversations about love. Even if this topic is not very interesting to him, he is unlikely to be able to get away. However, with a little resistance, Taurus himself will enthusiastically indulge in romantic memories or love dreams. The horoscope promises: revelations with a loved one will help Taurus to refresh his feelings on Sunday, and conversations about relationships with friends can become something like a psychotherapy session. Listening to an outsider's opinion can sometimes be very useful!

    Horoscope Taurus for April 4, 2020, Saturday

    There is no need to rush in all directions at once, trying to simultaneously arrange your personal life, solve financial issues and achieve career growth. Focus on one thing at a time and you will succeed! This day will be filled with pleasant thoughts about the upcoming vacation. Today you can make plans for the near future - nothing will disrupt them! It would be nice to go on vacation, if nothing interferes with the trip, then choose a tour. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a seaside holiday to foreign shores or a tour of the cities of your own country.

    Love horoscope for Saturday Taurus: Sometimes one spark is enough to ignite a fire of passion, jealousy, hatred, love in your soul.

    Work - daily horoscope: On this day you need to show hard work and perseverance in your work. Your zeal will be appreciated by your superiors, and you may receive a bonus or salary increase.

    Family forecast for Saturday for Taurus: Today your younger relatives will give you worries. You will be responsible for accepting important decision at the family council. By resolving everyday issues on your own, you can strengthen your authority. However, in some situations it is better to consult with loved ones.

    Financial horoscope for Saturday Taurus: The astroscope predicts changes for you regarding the material aspects of life. Perhaps you will soon want to change your job or even your place of residence. There is also a chance that your social status will change for the better. If you feel that you are ready to take risks, then keep in mind that others may not be ready to take them. However, do not give up on your planned actions - those who do not take risks do not drink champagne!

    Health horoscope: You should be careful while driving - you risk becoming the culprit of an accident. To maintain your health at the proper level, engage in light physical exercise - gymnastics or short but regular jogging.

    Color of the day Green pine

    lucky number 14430

    Magical affirmation of the day: For health: my body works like a well-oiled machine. I feel absolutely great!

    Horoscope Taurus for April 5, 2020, Sunday

    The stars say that low self-esteem is less dangerous than high self-esteem. You need to stop underestimating your own capabilities and talents! A significant part of the money will have to be spent on health, self-development and solving minor work issues. You will have to spend a lot on children. If you keep yourself in control and control your emotions, the day will pass without significant losses.

    Love horoscope for Sunday Taurus: Look forward to new interesting acquaintances! If you start a romantic relationship on this day, it will be stormy, but most likely it will not last long.

    Work - daily horoscope: To move up the career ladder, you will have to learn to cope with specific tasks. But the prospects that open up are worth the effort!

    Family forecast for Sunday for Taurus: If you don’t want this day to end in a big quarrel, don’t put pressure on your friends and acquaintances with your own authority and energy. Friends consider you an intelligent and reasonable person and therefore will seek advice. Don't disappoint them, try to figure out the problem.

    Financial horoscope for Sunday Taurus: Be careful about spending, do everything thoughtfully, compare the need for purchases with the budget. Don't make unnecessary purchases, try not to get into debt. Mercury begins to actively patronize representatives of your zodiac sign. Money will start asking for itself in your pockets!

    Health horoscope: Today you need to pay special attention to your health, eat only healthy foods to prevent food poisoning. You should hold off on fitness training and reduce your physical activity.

    Color of the day Very dark bluish green

    lucky number 6914

    Magical affirmation of the day: To achieve success: all your plans come true, dreams become reality. My thoughts and wishes come true!

    Horoscope Taurus for April 6, 2020, Monday

    If you want peace of mind and peace, then try to spend a day alone with yourself. Today, devote time to a hobby that you haven’t been able to find free time for for a long time. Today you may feel low in energy. The day will pass under the predominant influence of Saturn, so it is advisable to spend it passively, in a relaxed atmosphere. Short trips and walking will be successful. Any physical activity will benefit you.

    Love horoscope for Monday Taurus: The stars predict that a sense of peace and harmony will take over your personal relationships. You can relax and enjoy the attention that your loved one gives you.

    Work - daily horoscope: There is a possibility that the burden of responsibilities that you have placed on your shoulders turned out to be too great. If this is the case, then try to delegate some of the worries to other people on whom you can rely.

    Family forecast for Monday for Taurus: The horoscope advises spending more time with household members. You can go together to a city festival, visit relatives or friends, or simply take a walk in park areas more often. Today it is better not to discuss controversial issues and not talk about politics. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to avoid disagreements.

    Financial horoscope for Monday Taurus: On this day, it is advisable not to deal with money issues, especially if we are talking about large sums. Today your attention will be scattered, so there is a risk of making a mistake. Your natural practicality will fail today. You will want to buy an expensive item, but do not rush to spend money - perhaps this is a momentary whim.

    Health horoscope: You will soon have great opportunities to improve your health. Try not to overexert yourself and don't bother yourself with everyday activities. In all your activities, do not forget that sometimes you need to rest. Restore your strength, otherwise you risk undermining your health.

    Color of the day Reseda green

    lucky number 9419

    Magical affirmation of the day: To protect against negativity: higher powers protect me from all troubles and misfortunes. The Universe is favorable to me, I can count on its help.

    Horoscope Taurus for April 7, 2020, Tuesday

    You can use the influence of planetary aspects to manifest a very real and tangible expression of your feelings towards someone special. Quite often it is difficult for you to express your love in words, but today the stars are on your side! You will show remarkable persistence on any, even the most insignificant, occasion. It will be difficult to argue with you on this day, and, in fact, unnecessary. Sometimes take a break from current affairs and find time that you can devote exclusively to your own needs. You might want to get out into nature or just do some quiet reflection.

    Love horoscope for Tuesday Taurus: No matter what you've been going through lately, now is the time to have a heartfelt conversation with your loved one.

    Work - daily horoscope: Take on the most difficult cases, your superiors will appreciate your success. There will be an opportunity for further career growth.

    Family forecast for Tuesday for Taurus: The stars recommend that you listen to the advice of a person whose opinion you trust. If you act based only on your own opinion, you may make a mistake. Your partner's behavior puts you in a skeptical mood. But the stars affirm: the culprit understood everything, realized it, and is now ready to go to the mountains for the sake of love.

    Financial horoscope for Tuesday Taurus: It is better to refrain from visiting a bank or other financial institution. It is possible that they will try to impose an agreement on unfavorable terms on you. If possible, avoid driving. Financial losses are possible if you are overly trusting of your partners.

    Health horoscope: Don't demand too much from yourself - such perfectionism never leads to good things! Sometimes it is better to limit yourself to small things than to try to reach sky-high heights. Now you can take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle, restore the expended strength and mental energy. If you have long dreamed of getting enough sleep and relaxation, now is the perfect time to put those plans into action.

    Color of the day Chestnut brown

    lucky number 18831

    Magical affirmation of the day: To complete what I started: step by step I get closer to the intended goal. Nothing distracts me, everything planned is accomplished easily and without problems!

    Horoscope Taurus for April 8, 2020, Wednesday

    In every defeat the seed of future victory is hidden. Don’t forget about this if something doesn’t work out for you “here and now.” The horoscope says that it is high time for you to relax. You can take a few days off at your own expense and devote them to yourself. You might receive a prize or gift, news from a friend, or a bonus at work. You will have bright prospects in business relationships. But you shouldn’t brag, embellishing the luck that has befallen you.

    Love horoscope for Wednesday Taurus: You will come face to face with sentimental reminders of your former affair and how it affected you.

    Work - daily horoscope: There is no need to sign contracts or financial documents now. There is a risk that you will enter into an unfavorable contract.

    Family forecast for Wednesday for Taurus: Dedicate the second half of the day to yourself, you need to distract yourself and relax. You can have a party with friends or attend some interesting event. Family representatives of your zodiac sign will discover new, admirable qualities in their partners.

    Financial horoscope for Wednesday Taurus: Needless to say, excessive spending always leads to financial difficulties? You need to be more careful about the funds available. Circumstances are working in your favor. Try to take advantage of a good moment!

    Health horoscope: Try not to expose yourself to excessive physical activity unnecessarily. Remove fatty foods from your diet, which contribute to high blood cholesterol. If you decide to lose extra pounds, then count calories and exercise.

    Color of the day Yellow-gold

    lucky number 5743

    Magical affirmation of the day: for successful studies: I feel a craving for new knowledge, which opens up wide opportunities and brilliant prospects for me. Learning is easy and enjoyable!

    Horoscope Taurus for April 9, 2020, Thursday

    Success comes when you can be persistent enough. Don't let yourself be thrown off course. This day will be filled with pleasant thoughts about the upcoming vacation. Today you can make plans for the near future - nothing will disrupt them! Avoid risks and stressful situations. Today, new opportunities may open up that will help unlock your inner potential.

    Love horoscope for Thursday Taurus: If you have the opportunity to get out into nature on this day, don’t miss it! There is a good chance that you will meet an interesting person away from home.

    Work - daily horoscope: Put in a little effort, and climbing the career ladder will no longer be just a dream.

    Family forecast for Thursday for Taurus: Most representatives of your Zodiac sign are eccentric and impulsive. Excessive activity during this period of time can harm you considerably. You are valued at work and loved at home. You can easily find a way out of any problem and be able to make your cherished dream come true. Dedicate the evening to self-development.

    Financial horoscope for Thursday Taurus: You will have a small amount at your disposal that you did not expect to receive. If you have debts, then try to “close” them as soon as possible. The possibility of unplanned expenses that can “tatter” your budget cannot be ruled out. What you definitely shouldn’t do is go into debt to purchase a newfangled gadget.

    Health horoscope: Be careful when crossing the road. Today, many drivers will be distracted, which can cause accidents. Today, there is a high probability of getting an injury that will take a long time to heal. Therefore, it is better to postpone sports and heavy physical work until next time.

    Color of the day Very deep red-purple

    lucky number 6723

    Magical affirmation of the day: For health and beauty: vitality bubbles in my veins, spreading into every cell of the body. All organs work harmoniously, like a clock.

    Horoscope Taurus for April 10, 2020, Friday

    The abundance of information can paralyze your thinking. Find out as much as you need to know, then take action! If you begin to delve into any little details that have no special significance, then you will only harm yourself. Take a break from constantly solving other people's problems! Focus on yourself and how you feel. In order for the day to be extremely successful in every sense, the horoscope recommends not to get angry or irritated over trifles. Those who prefer to quarrel with neighbors or work colleagues for any reason are unlikely to find harmony today.

    Love horoscope for Friday Taurus: An office romance, which may begin soon, promises to bring pleasant emotions. Meanwhile, it can put an end to your career.

    Work - daily horoscope: It is necessary to be patient, avoid conflicts with superiors and colleagues, but at the same time show pressure, determination and perseverance. Some things may have to be started over again more than once.

    Family forecast for Friday for Taurus: The position of the planets indicates that spouses with experience will have the opportunity to experience a renewal of feelings. The horoscope foretells many unexpected and pleasant events that can diversify your daily routine. Most likely, you will be distracted from work matters by everyday issues. Try not to mix life and work together.

    Financial horoscope for Friday Taurus: Unexpected cash receipts are possible, old debts may be returned to you. Unplanned expenses will be covered by income that you did not expect to receive. This will allow you to balance your personal balance.

    Health horoscope: Water has a special energy today. But today it’s easy to get sick and catch a cold - take care of your health! It is also not recommended to overload the body with physical exercise. Today, some representatives of your sign may experience digestive problems. Try to limit yourself in food, do not eat unfamiliar dishes on this day.

    Color of the day Light bluish gray

    lucky number 1757

    Magical affirmation of the day: To promote health: My happy thoughts help create a healthy body. My day begins and ends with gratitude!

    Online fortune telling for Taurus:

    An astrological forecast for the week was prepared for the site http://site ("Belshazzar - the world of Mysticism and Magic" ©). Horoscope Taurus woman and Taurus man.

    You will want to relax at home with your family. If your partner doesn’t mind, you will be very satisfied. You don't want any entertainment, you want a little peace. And in the middle of the week you will need to take care of yourself. Go to a beauty salon, you obviously need a new hairstyle. Indulge in the spa and sauna. Even if you are not a family person, this week is unlikely to please you with romantic dates.

    Taurus Man

    You will devote a lot of time to your appearance, and it will be right. After all, even if you don’t meet your soulmate this week, at least prepare yourself for this meeting. You definitely need to get yourself in order. Only after you work on your appearance can you expect good luck in love.

    Taurus Woman

    If you are passionate about flirting on the Internet or you have a relationship that you keep secret from others, then it will develop very quickly. But it is unlikely that these relationships can be called long-term if the partner requires special attention. You will be distinguished by your love of life and creative energy, and many fans will appear.

    Don't waste your energy on relationships in which you don't see any prospects. But if you have nothing to do on Saturday, then one date won’t hurt you.


    If you want stability and confidence, look for it in Taurus! And these are your most important qualities, dear Taurus, for which your bosses value you very much and your family adore you. Ease and carelessness are not your option; let it be slow at times, but always surely you move towards your goal. And your patience, peacefulness and ability to enjoy the simplest things will be the envy of anyone. You plan your whole life in advance, and, usually, everything works out for you. But at some point this can also turn into a disadvantage: sometimes you value form much more highly than content. While focusing on material values, do not miss something else that does not fit into the usual scale of values.


    Although you are no less physically resilient than mentally, you should not deny the obvious - you usually love to eat. Of all the zodiac signs, Taurus is the most likely to have difficulty losing weight. Over time this can become a real problem. Take our good advice - try to eat small portions, spend more time in the fresh air, walk more. While caring for your family, don't forget to take care of yourself. Your healthy foods and supplements: carrots, sea buckthorn, eggs.


    Your planet is Venus, so it’s not surprising that you are so attractive to the opposite sex. Fleeting novels are not for you. You choose a life partner, as a rule, immediately and for the rest of your life, and for the sake of your family, you, Taurus, are ready for a lot. For those who are lucky enough to live with you under the same roof, you become a real stone wall. Family is your most important life purpose, and you realize it brilliantly.

    Work and career

    As a rule, a career occupies one of the leading places on your list of life priorities. You are diligent by nature, so, in general, you don’t have to make any special efforts to advance in your career. The bosses like you and always take one of the first places on the bonus lists. And no one will say that you don’t deserve this “special treatment”!


    Your best friend, lover and colleague is, of course, another Taurus, because together you are... enormous strength. Relationships with Virgos and Capricorns will work out well; you are similar, and this similarity will help you avoid many unnecessary conflicts. You are not always able to come to an agreement with fiery Aries, Sagittarius and Leo, and yet such relationships can bring a lot of joy to both parties; you have something to give each other. Water signs (Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces) complement you perfectly, so such unions (work and personal) are usually fruitful. Perhaps only airy people (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra) are not very suitable for you: they are used to fluttering through life, and you will only pull them to the ground.


    You approach your appearance as thoroughly as you approach your entire life, preferring classic suits, time-tested accessories and only the highest quality materials. And you allow yourself a little more mischief - the result will surprise not only those around you, but also you!


    Your home is your fortress. “Everyone in the house!” This is your motto, and therefore sometimes there is almost no free space left in your house. You do not like to throw away even things that have become unusable, which, alas, your loved ones do not always approve of. Many Taurus, especially the fair sex, cannot imagine a cozy home without numerous pots with indoor plants and hand-embroidered paintings and pillows. Well, among you there are real Feng Shui experts. You love to spend most of your time in the kitchen, and it is almost always equipped with the latest technology and design.

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