• How to tell fortunes using coffee grounds? The meaning of the heart symbol when fortune telling on coffee grounds Fortune telling on coffee grounds the meaning of the word


    Sometimes situations arise when you simply need to look into the future or past in order to find out what the cause of this or that problem is or to prevent its occurrence. One of the simplest types of fortune telling is fortune telling using coffee grounds. To make coffee, you will need coarse and finely ground coffee; for one cup, take two tablespoons of coarsely ground coffee and one tablespoon.

    The cup should be white without patterns, the drink should steep for five minutes, during this period you need to focus on the exciting issue and drink coffee. When drinking it, you must calculate it so that there is a tablespoon of thick left. Then take the cup to left hand, make three circular movements clockwise and quickly place the mug on the saucer, turning it upside down. That's all, you can decipher the shapes of the spots. What is shown on the saucer is the past, the patterns on the sides of the cup speak of future events.

    The technique of fortune telling on coffee grounds has its roots in antiquity. The coffee drink is widespread throughout the planet, and most of humanity begins their morning with a cup of an invigorating drink - aromatic coffee. Probably, it was the positive feelings after drinking a cup of brewed coffee that became the main reason for attributing magical properties to it. Telling fortunes in this way is quite easy and interesting, because you can find out the future and avoid some mistakes. But you shouldn’t think that this is a cure for various sorrows and troubles. Fortune telling should be considered as some kind of news warning about the onset of changes in your life or warning against danger.

    How to tell fortunes using coffee grounds

    The first thing you will need is a container in which to brew coffee. To do this, take a Turk with an extended handle. If you don’t have a Turk or want to know how to choose one, read. The second integral component is ground coffee beans (one teaspoon per cup). You also need a small coffee cup and a white saucer; it would be ideal if you take porcelain dishes.

    Recipes for brewing aromatic coffee for fortune telling

    • Pour water into the Turk and put it on the fire; when the water boils, pour in the required amount of coffee and leave it to simmer over low heat.
    • Pour coffee into cold water (do not stir), put on fire and make sure that it does not boil. When the cap begins to rise, wait until it curls inward and remove from the heat; after about ten seconds, put it back on the heat and repeat the same thing. After doing this procedure three times, shake the coffee and pour into cups.

    Interpretation of fortune telling on coffee grounds

    Have you decided to take a chance and tell fortunes on coffee grounds? In this case, it is recommended to drink it not sweet. But if you like it with sugar, then you can make an exception and add one spoon. Drink the aromatic drink slowly, enjoy and feel the taste of every sip, be calm, relax. You should finish the coffee drink so that the remaining grounds are a little liquid, then when you turn the cup over, flowing down the walls, it will leave a pattern. To get the fateful drawing, use your left hand to shake the remaining liquid in a clockwise motion.
    Turn the cup over, moving away from you, so that one edge touches the edge, and the other edge touches the bottom of the saucer. After a minute, turn the cup over (also with your left hand) and you can begin to “read” the coffee pattern.
    Be prepared for the fact that you will not see a clear outline of the design in the cup. Therefore, use your imagination to see some contours of objects, someone’s outlines, or even a whole drawing consisting of several parts. How to unravel the fateful pattern? Immediately take a closer look at the size of the drawing - the larger it is, the more it affects life. How quickly the fortune-telling will come true depends on how close to the edge of the cup it is - if closer to the bottom - the prediction will come true within a year, and if close to the edge - within a month. The darker the pattern, the more problems and difficulties will fall on the person. The lighter the pattern, the more joy and happiness the person asking will receive. Each drawing and pattern has its own meaning, which you can see below in the article.
    For example, on the walls of a cup you can see a branched tree, this means that your wishes will soon come true and your plans will come true. At the bottom of the cup you can see the outline of an embryo - this is a sign of a creative path. Creative plans are boiling inside you, you are nurturing some idea or creative project and are full of determination on the path to its implementation. (author - lenchik-yarosh)

    Interpretation of fortune telling on coffee grounds

    As you finish your cup of coffee, you already know what question you’ll ask about your old drink. You just have to turn the cup over, and a prediction, dressed in symbols and signs, opens before you. By the pattern located at the bottom of your coffee cup, you can determine the events happening to you at the moment, or predict your future. Be sure to pay attention to the drawing area. If it is close to the cup top, events will develop rapidly and will not keep you waiting. If the grounds reach the middle of the cup, expect that soon some people or events will leave your life, making way for a new acquaintance or pleasant emotions. A pattern extending slightly from the bottom will provide information about the distant future, but sediment at the bottom of the cup will reveal the secrets of the past. During fortune telling, the image of future events is formed due to your association. By the shape of the sediment and stains on the walls of the cup, you can determine what awaits you. To do this, let us turn to the interpretation of coffee patterns, among which the following patterns are the most common:

    1. letters;
    2. numbers;
    3. heart;
    4. woman;
    5. man;
    6. head;
    7. tree.

    Let's consider the meaning of each of them in order.

    Fortune telling on coffee grounds, interpretation of letters

    A– Quick victory in all endeavors.

    B– It means your power over something.

    IN- Something bad might happen.

    G– Go to church and pray to St. George.

    D– Money leaves your hands.

    E– Your conscience is not stained.

    AND- Someone has conspired against you.

    Z“It’s time to take a break and do what you love.”

    AND– Think about all your actions in advance, otherwise you will not be able to avoid unpleasant consequences.

    TO– A difficult time is ahead, so buy a cross.

    L– Love is very close.

    M– Financial prosperity awaits you in life.

    N– Alarming events are possible.

    ABOUT– Now is the time to go traveling.

    P– Don’t be too trusting: they can take advantage of this.

    R- Talks about your craving for alcohol. WITH– You may be drawn into a scandal.

    T– Your life will soon be filled with new acquaintances.

    U– Avoid situations that provoke a quarrel.

    F- Believe in good things.

    X– Marriage will appear in your plans.

    C– Your work will finally be appreciated.

    H– Death of a loved one.

    Sh- Conflicts will subside.

    b– Means flirting.

    Kommersant- Get ready for guests.

    E– You will lose some things.

    YU- You might get sick.

    I– All losses are in the past, life will become better and filled with happiness.

    Fortune telling on coffee grounds, interpretation of numbers

    0 Happy Star, which illuminated your birth, is a talisman and brings happiness and good luck to your life.

    1 – You should take a closer look at your surroundings: there is someone near you who feels sympathy or even love for you.

    2 – Beware of diseases and other troubles.

    3 – Profit is just around the corner, so feel free to enter into business agreements.

    4 – Now is not the right time to implement your plans.

    5 – It is possible that your acquaintances are discussing you behind your back.

    6 – If you are thinking about a wedding, hold off: some circumstances may open up.

    7 – You will be surrounded by family happiness, care and love.

    8 – There may be minor disagreements with relatives, but over time the conflicts will subside.

    9 – Go for walks more often – a pleasant acquaintance awaits you around the corner.

    10 – Soon you will experience widespread luck along with happiness.

    Fortune telling on coffee grounds - heart

    Symbolizes the partner’s sincere sympathy, mutual attraction, interest on the part of men and passionate feelings. Moreover, if the heart pattern is located at the bottom of the cup, a turning point in the relationship or a new serious acquaintance awaits you, even a wedding is possible. The heart is closer to the edges - easy relationships or superficial flirting. A broken heart will bring you personal troubles, separations, misunderstandings on the part of a loved one. If you see an inverted heart, your partner's intentions will soon be exposed. It is quite possible that events in your personal life will involve conflicts and the discovery of the truth. You will notice things that you previously thought were unlikely to happen to your loved one.

    Coffee fortune telling - woman

    The image of a woman can be interpreted in different ways, since it depends on the figures standing next to her. If these are favorable figures like a dog or a tower, strong friendship and support awaits you. If neighboring patterns have a bad meaning, beware of envious people. A woman with a crown can mean protection from a loved one or an influential person. But if the girl in the pattern is talking, take a closer look at your friends - there may be betrayal or disclosure of your secret to strangers. a pregnant woman's dreams range from minor troubles in life to financial well-being that you will gain without effort. Moreover, if a pregnant girl sees such a pattern, her birth will be easy.

    Coffee fortune telling - man

    There is already or will soon be a loved one in your heart. It could be future husband or true friend. He will become a reliable ally for you and help resolve some difficulties. If a man's head is tilted, he will listen to you and respect you. Alternatively, it is possible that something is bothering him. Usually the figure of a man in coffee fortune-telling is perceived in its literal meaning.

    Fortune telling on coffee grounds - head

    • head - a certain man will burst into your life, making improvements;
    • profile - someone is protecting you;
    • male head - possible separation from a lover;
    • female head - love will arise.

    If your head is tilted down, danger awaits you, but if it looks up, you will find a faithful patron. Lots of goals means problems. A pair of heads looking at each other is a symbol strong love and close marriage. If there is a line between them, it means a quarrel with separation.

    Fortune telling on coffee grounds - tree

    The shape of a tree is the most common image during fortune telling. Its foliage symbolizes achieving what you want, luck, travel filled with pleasant emotions, business advancement and family support. The roots of the tree are strong connections and financial growth. A bush tree can only bring troubles and troubles. The fortune telling forecast also depends on the type of tree:

    1. Oak - victory over troubles in business and in love.
    2. Palma - implementation of plans, good surprises, monetary gifts from fate.
    3. Willow - melancholic mood, immediate sadness.
    4. Walnut tree - will bring peace of mind, good news and even an inheritance into your life.

    Fortune telling on coffee grounds - figures and spots

    1. An open circle - soon you will meet an interesting person.
    2. Vicious circle - you can easily communicate with people.
    3. Not a closed triangle - you must meet your patron.
    4. Closed triangle - all the things that you have started or are about to start will be successful.
    5. Square - your life will be full of love.
    6. Oval - marriage.
    7. Star - the situation will be resolved in your favor.
    8. Oblique - danger awaits you.
    9. Broken lines - you will have difficulties with money.
    10. Dots are a prosperous sign that indicates well-being in everything.

    Fortune telling on coffee grounds - animals

    1. Bear - beware of danger.
    2. A horse means a sudden fulfillment of a wish or news from a loved one.
    3. Half a horse - your wish will be fulfilled in half.
    4. Dog - you have a very good friend.
    5. Cat - you will face poverty and financial difficulties.
    6. Elephant - you will become an authoritative person.
    7. Dolphin - someone will give you an unusual hint.
    8. Monkey - there are many scammers and enemies around you, be careful.
    9. Wolf - you must become stronger in order to overcome illness or misfortune.
    10. The hare is cowardice.
    11. Giraffe - in a protracted matter, foresight will only help you.
    12. Leo - you will soon gain power and authority.
    13. Eagle - you will fight for something and win.
    14. Chicken - a stranger will need your help.
    15. Cow - good luck will smile on you in the near future.
    16. Rat – betrayal, loss.
    17. Pig - success awaits you, but it will be accompanied by discord.
    18. Kangaroo - you need to be careful because people close to you want to take advantage of you.

    Like any other, coffee fortune-telling only helps you understand yourself and consider the future a little. The interpretation of the patterns of the grounds should not be taken unambiguously and followed exactly. The main thing is to listen to yourself and firmly believe in happiness.

    Fortune telling is considered one of the most popular ways to find out your future, and for good reason, because it allows you to accurately predict future events. However, this option is the most complex, since it includes details on which the accuracy of the prediction depends. Let's look at how to tell fortunes on coffee grounds, symbols, and what each of them means.

    Not everyone can decipher images correctly. Due to a slight inaccuracy, fortune telling can take on a completely different interpretation. In each individual situation the outcome will be different. It all depends on the conditions in which they are guessing. Affects accuracy:

    • the purity of the water and the presence of various additives in it;
    • the country from which the coffee beans were brought;
    • degree of grinding of grains;
    • the material from which the vessel is made;
    • Atmosphere pressure;
    • the mood of the person who is telling fortunes;
    • thermal, radiation, noise background in the room.

    For correct interpretation, it is necessary to take into account all of the above factors.

    The surest way to do everything right is to rely on recommendations from the original source, but this is quite difficult, since Italians, Germans, French, and residents of the post-Soviet space all claim the authorship of this prediction.

    The birthplace of the method is the country of origin of the coffee beans themselves - North and South America, and the parents are the Indian tribes that inhabited these lands. Much to our chagrin, the original rituals cannot be restored because they were destroyed in wars.

    You can experiment and, having identified the basic information, apply it in practice, changing the conditions and further checking the reliability of what you see. It is important to comply with the following conditions:

    1. Coffee must be viscous and strong - this is the key to success.
    2. The bowl should be made of porcelain, light and preferably plain.
    3. Instant coffee will not work because it will not make a thick liquid, so the coffee must be ground.
    4. The best recipe for brewing a drink for the ritual is one that uses two coarsely ground tablespoons and a finely ground tablespoon per serving.
    5. The person who will ask the question drinks the drink.
    6. It’s better not to add sugar, but if it’s completely impossible without it, then you can add a little bit to sweeten it. Make sure it dissolves completely.
    7. Before starting the ritual, be sure to formulate the question precisely. If you jump from question to question while drinking, the grounds will not give a clear answer.
    8. When you finish the drink, make sure that about a tablespoon of thickness remains at the bottom.

    Step by step

    So, for this to work you need strong, coarse and finely ground coffee. Brew coffee: pour a couple of coarse and one finely ground spoons, add a minimum of sugar (if necessary), and put on fire until ready. The drink should be poured into a plain, light-colored vessel without a pattern. Ideally it would be a white cup. We wait 5 minutes until the coffee cools down a little, and you can proceed to the main thing.

    We slowly drink, thinking about an exciting question. In this case, you need to leave a tablespoon of grounds in the cup. Now comes the fun part:

    1. We take the vessel with our left hand and make circular movements clockwise, slightly shaking the contents.
    2. Now, moving away from us, we place the bowl on the saucer, with one edge placing it on the edge of the saucer, and the other on its bottom. So the grounds flow down, forming images on the walls of the container.
    3. All you have to do is wait just a couple of minutes, turn the cup over again with your left hand - and you can interpret the patterns.

    Arrangement of drawings

    First of all, you should pay attention to the location of the pictures. The closer to the center the images are located, the further in the future the events will occur. But the pictures formed on the saucer symbolize the past.

    You need to look at the drawings in this order: first we look from left to right, then from right to left, then at the bottom, and lastly we look from the edge of the wall to the center.

    There are patterns that allow you to more accurately interpret the signals:

    1. Its influence on life depends on the size of the sign: the larger it is, the greater the influence.
    2. An image located close to the edge of the dish will come true within a month.
    3. Pictures located closer to the bottom come true within a year.
    4. The signs located right next to the handle of the vessel symbolize the present time.
    5. The darker the patterns, the more problems a person has.
    6. Accordingly, the brighter the picture, the easier a person’s life.

    Let's move on directly to decoding the images.


    A long straight line warns that life is wasted.
    Oblique contour is a possible disease.
    A few crooked strokes mean failure in business.
    Many broken contours are a complication of the financial situation.
    Short and long straight lines are happiness in life.
    The line in the middle of the cup is an interesting ride.
    A large number of straight strokes means longevity.
    Straight bending - a possible illness or adventure.
    A crooked line - be careful, there is an enemy around!
    Many crooked lines - many enemies.
    Wave - travel.
    The contours intersect - the heart will probably be broken.


    0 – congratulations, you are under the reliable protection of your guardian angel;
    1 – they think about you;
    2 – the possibility of the appearance of many diseases;
    3 – the concluded deal will be profitable;
    4 – don’t build castles in the air;
    5 – people will gossip about you;
    6 – problems in your close circle are likely;
    7 – family happiness;
    8 – quarrel with a loved one;
    9 – a connection with a stranger is soon possible;
    10 – happy life;
    101 – longevity.


    A - you will emerge victorious from this situation;
    B – expansion of powers;
    B - beware of possible grief;
    G - you cannot do without the help of higher powers;
    D – financial difficulties;
    E - you are not to blame for anything;
    F – gossip is spreading about you;
    Z - you will enjoy life;
    And – carefully consider the possible consequences;
    K - difficult tests await you, get ready for them;
    L - love will come into life;
    M – material wealth is ensured;
    N – alarming news;
    O – travel;
    P - those around you are insincere;
    R – feast;
    C – dispute;
    T – unfamiliar people in the environment;
    U - quarrel;
    F – don’t lose hope;
    X – quick wedding;
    C – career growth;
    H – loss of a loved one;
    Ш – reconciliation;
    b – flirting;
    Kommersant – unexpected guests;
    E – theft of property;
    Yu – serious illness;
    I am an improvement in all areas.

    Human figures

    In fortune telling on coffee grounds, outlines of human figures or body parts are often encountered:

    A rose between two persons means marriage.
    The line between two persons is divorce/separation from a loved one.
    Two faces enclosed in a circle - a marriage proposal.
    A head without a body - you have a faithful friend.
    Head in profile - you have a guardian angel.
    A little head looking down means danger awaits you.
    Head looking up - help from the defender.
    Women's - you will soon meet your chosen one.
    Male - separation.
    2 or more goals - you are surrounded by real friends.
    Girl - love.
    An older woman has a happy family life.
    The guy is a separation issue.
    Grandma is a hot passion.
    Fisherman - a long-term relationship with a loved one.
    A man with wings is the protection of a guardian angel, a quick solution to problems.
    Angel - good news.
    Damn - a rash act.
    Hand - disappointment.
    Mouth - efforts will bear fruit.
    A person and an animal are troubles.

    Pay special attention to the heart, eyes and lips.


    The heart should be looked at as a signal for love pleasures and attention from the opposite sex.

    There may be a lot of emotional distress. Very quickly you will meet a person whose communication will change your worldview and old foundations. In addition, there are a couple more interpretations of the picture:

    • a heart pierced by an arrow warns of betrayal of a loved one, breaking of a long relationship with him, quarrels, resolution of plans and defeat in the fight;
    • inverted heart - being in the world of illusions, you should return from the imaginary world to reality.


    Eyes in this context signal observation and curiosity.

    Pay special attention to business offers from partners. Depending on what is seen in the thicket, the decoding will be as follows:

    • Drooping corners of the eyes, sadness in them - depression, loneliness. Beware of bad news. You will likely be robbed of the opportunity to showcase your talents and skills.
    • If a triangle is located close to the eye, rest assured that, despite the obstacles, any test will end well. Expect positive changes in life
    • Large and beautiful eyes mean a surge of strength and powerful protection.
    • On the contrary, bulging eyes warn of betrayal, complicating relationships, manifestations of suspiciousness and cowardice.
    • Narrow eyes like those of an Asian recommend remaining calm and balanced. It is better not to talk about your plans for the future, and reveal your secrets to people as little as possible.


    Lips are considered a sign of stability. Much depends on their location:

    • location in the center - stability of the financial situation;
    • location at the bottom of the container - meet good man, to whom you can safely entrust affairs;
    • lips located near the field - romantic adventures, happy wedding;
    • open lips - surprise on the part of people watching your activities;
    • next to the lips of the face - one of the most important adventures in life will happen in the future.


    The Dragon

    The dragon symbolizes climbing the career ladder and improving the quality of life, but in order to accurately understand the meaning of the signal, you should compare it with other symbols.


    Favorable sign. If you found it, it means:

    • stable financial position;
    • contentment;
    • security;
    • additional source of income;
    • cash prizes.
    • big fish means big deal;
    • a large number of small fish indicates a quick ceremonial event.


    The wolf means danger emanating from gossip and intrigue, as well as:

    • greed;
    • envy;
    • robbery.

    2 or more wolves, or an animal howling at the moon indicates the threat of blackmail. If there are bars near him - a warning about false accusations and imprisonment.


    The lucky ones who come across a camel should prepare:

    • show strength of character and calmness;
    • to overcome difficulties;
    • reaching heights.

    And this is also a sure sign of traveling around the world. If the camel had a burden on its back, change your place of residence.


    Beware, there are ill-wishers among your friends! But this animal with a cub hints that there may be a desire to take care of its closest people. You may even have to make sacrifices for your loved ones.


    Squirrel is cunning and intelligence, which are present in the character traits of the fortuneteller. A rodent among the branches speaks of a reward for your ingenuity and ingenuity.


    The sign cannot be interpreted separately; it must be compared with other figures. Here are the most common cases:

    • A monkey hanging on a tree - dissatisfaction with life, awareness of how little has been done. There may be misunderstandings with your significant other, whims and resentments that will only increase discord.
    • A monkey in tandem with a rooster - society will laugh at the action.
    • Monkey with bars - you drive yourself into a cage, creating difficulties and illnesses for yourself. It also foreshadows skepticism and suspiciousness.


    A good symbol that tells about satisfaction with intellectual and spiritual work, monetary bonuses, and also about sporting achievements. In addition, there are several more meanings of the picture seen:

    • Rider - mastering another profession, unexpected news, travel and successful marriage.
    • A horse and a straight outline next to it - longevity, a healthy lifestyle.
    • Horse and rat tandem - beware of conflicts and quarrels, pay attention to your health. Accidents are possible.


    Those who see an elephant will receive recognition, rewards for long hard work, and a long, happy life.


    If the bird is singing, then prosperity and prosperity will soon come to life, but if it is in flight, there will be troubles. Depending on the bird itself, the meaning will be different:

    • Owl - wisdom and independence. Not the most favorable signal for sick people - the illness will be severe and long-lasting, and death is likely.
    • Duck - wedding. The duck guarantees a good, faithful husband.
    • Swan has a dual meaning: financial takeoff or a calm, carefree life.


    There will be changes and good friends. There will be an opportunity to prove yourself; the trade you start will be very profitable. A bear's head surrounded by jagged strokes strongly recommends paying attention to your health. But if there is a ring near the bear, then a soul mate will appear who is in a good financial position.

    A bear paired with a straight line means you will go abroad for work. And if there are several contours near the animal, the plan will be defeated.


    To see a deer means to be generous, open to the world, wise and sincere with your loved ones.


    You have secret enemies, and you may suffer losses due to the incompetence of relatives. Pay attention to the images next to:

    • there is a triangle next to the mouse - the lost expensive thing will be found;
    • mouse with zero - handle jewelry carefully so as not to lose it;
    • mouse inside the contour of the face - beware of scandals and squabbles;
    • a mouse being in the middle of the dishes means sudden financial difficulties.


    Small cash incentives, good luck at work. Since in mythology whales were conductors between worlds, in fortune telling by coffee grounds they speak of a possible trip, a long journey.


    The image of a crocodile asks you to be careful in your relationships with management and customers, and especially if there is a human figure or the initials of an unreliable comrade next to it. A crocodile at the top of the container portends making a wrong decision.


    The most popular drawing for fortune telling. Dolphin foretells the help of a friend, trips and travels, friendly support. When you see a dolphin, know that the situation is under control.

    Other animals

    The following animal designations should be highlighted separately:

    • A butterfly is the influence of a person somewhat younger in age. Butterfly at the top - events that bring happiness. Butterfly with dots - life is wasted.
    • Bull - danger awaits. The bull at the bottom of the bowl is the treatment of illness. The bull is at the top of the cup - you are completely healthy.
    • Raven - grief in the house.
    • Dove - there is a kind person next to you.
    • Hedgehog - take a closer look: one of your friends is using you for their own purposes.
    • The crane is synonymous with longevity, strength and endurance.
    • Hare - fear.
    • A zebra is not a very good signal: difficulties in finding a common language with people, or you have created an idol for yourself that you are trying to be like.
    • Snake - take a closer look, there is an enemy near you.
    • A goat is a danger posed by enemies.
    • Cow - good luck.
    • Cat - financial decline, poverty.
    • Chicken - helping a stranger.
    • Leo – power and might.
    • Fox - there is only deception around.
    • Frog - good news; unexpected guests; depression. A frog near the cage - the disease will be cured.
    • Fly - expect a financial takeoff.
    • An ant is an unnecessary fuss.
    • Deer - wisdom and honesty.
    • Eagle - victory after a long struggle.
    • Rooster head down - positive changes. Rooster - welcome news or wedding. Rooster at the top - news about a dear person. A rooster at the bottom of the vessel means a conspiracy is being prepared against you.
    • The spider is a surprise.
    • A dog is a friend.
    • Owl is a very serious disease.
    • Tiger – strong anger.
    • A lizard is an unexpected occurrence.

    Trees and plants

    The meaning of the symbols when telling fortunes on coffee grounds also depends on whether there are any plants in the picture. The interpretation and characteristics of plants are below.


    A young, strong tree with rich foliage and powerful roots predicts excellent health, energy and prosperity. It often comes across to people with a creative type of thinking who know how to achieve recognition in the social sphere. But if the tree’s branches are drooping, powerlessness, difficulties and illnesses will come into life for a long time. When the branches are dry and without leaves, relatives will experience failure and trouble.

    A broken plant trunk speaks of losses, and a broken one - that you should not start a business, as it will fail completely.

    Depending on the type of interpretation, they may be as follows:

    1. Oak - a surge of strength, relief from a protracted illness.
    2. Spruce - found among long-livers, means accumulated life experience.
    3. Willow - melancholy, tears, depression.
    4. Bush - deterioration in business, troubles that will fall out of the blue, obstacles.
    5. Forest - you are going the wrong way.
    6. Only leaves - support from strangers or unfamiliar people, success in business.
    7. Walnut tree - people take your opinion into account and make it a priority.
    8. Apple tree - bright and rich impressions.

    The interpretation of fortune telling on coffee grounds is associated with the place where the symbol itself is located:

    • a tree located at the bottom of the container indicates strong resistance to difficulties that prevent you from achieving your goal;
    • the figure of a tree on the walls of the dishes draws attention to the affairs within the family, its interests.


    Mushrooms in fortune telling on coffee grounds can have two meanings at once: these are either monetary rewards or victories that will come unexpectedly, or a warning that sooner or later you will have to pay in full for your actions.


    In general terms, these are love interests for single people, and the warmth of a family hearth for those who have found their soul mate.

    Bouquet - enhancing the meaning of the drawings next to them.

    Here are some interpretations of the most common images:

    • dark flowers at the top of the cup - you will soon meet your destiny;
    • a flower in the middle of the bowl - a happy old age is guaranteed: family and friends are guaranteed to brighten up the remaining days, providing warmth and comfort;
    • at the bottom of the vessel - an outing into nature, feasting and fun;
    • side by side with face plants - fall in love with a new friend;
    • flowers in tandem with animals - an addition to the family;
    • flowers are fragrant near the road - people are in a hurry to visit, whom they did not expect to see soon;
    • rose - wedding, engagement;
    • violet - a rich wedding;
    • chrysanthemum - maintain faith in sincere feelings, despite difficulties and troubles.

    Shapes and lines

    St. Andrew's Cross - in the future, seal your union with marriage.
    Star - a difficult problem will find a solution.
    A vicious circle - your views and the views of your friends diverge.
    An open circle is an interesting acquaintance.
    Arc - a traitor hid among friends.
    Oblique lines are a dangerous situation.
    The cross is bad news.
    Black cross, white inside - happiness in the sphere of family and relationships.
    Broken lines - difficult financial situation.
    Zigzags - rest, otherwise you will be exhausted.
    The circuit is interrupted - you will suffer losses.
    Triangle - you will achieve recognition in all areas.
    Intermittent triangle - a wise man will help.
    Dots mean good luck in all endeavors.
    Strokes are good luck.
    Quadrangle - love.
    Dashes - a takeoff in your career.


    There is a house at the top of the mountain - feel free to start new projects.
    Building next to the circle - buy new housing.
    A full-fledged house with a roof and windows is family happiness.
    There is a cross on the window - a fire is possible.
    Window - thieves will break into the house.


    Let's look at the decoding of the remaining words:


    The arch is a gift.
    Diamond - happy love.
    Harp - family harmony.


    Baggage is a journey.
    Bank - friendly help.
    Drum - quick success.
    Shoe - clear outlines mean that you are loved by friends and neighbors; blurry picture - your environment doesn’t like you. A torn shoe is a shame.
    Tambourine - unstable relationships with the opposite sex. The tambourine at the bottom of the dish is non-reciprocal love. The tambourine at the top of the container is a new novel. The tambourine in the middle is a whirlwind romance.
    Bottle - beware of diseases.
    A bouquet of flowers is happiness.


    Vase - quick profit. A vase standing upright is a person’s generosity. A tilted vase means monetary losses.
    A wreath means success in all matters.
    Bicycle - continue on the chosen path, it will lead to success.
    Broom - change.
    Rope - deterioration in financial terms. A rope connected to something means poor health.
    Libra - subpoena.
    Paddle - effort wasted.
    Hair - under no circumstances give away other people's secrets.
    Kite - fulfillment of desires.
    Balloon - moving.
    Question mark - doubts.
    Vulcan - the emergence of personal problems and passions around them.
    Horsewoman - meeting a woman who will bring trouble and discord.
    The horseman is the patronage of an influential person.


    Nail - unfair treatment towards you.
    Nesting is a job involving children or pets.
    A garland is someone's wedding.
    The head of the dog is loyalty to the other half.
    Head with one eye - promises made will not be realized.
    Mountain - the desire to stay on top; unclear outlines - think about how best to achieve your goals; clear drawing - achieving goals; several mountains - achieving several goals at once.
    Rake - things are in order, but you need to adjust the rhythm of life. Rake at the bottom of the vessel - you will soon reap the fruits of your activity. A rake at the top of the dish is a big profit. Rake in the middle of the container - the result of the action is worth the effort.
    The coffin is the arrival of sadness and grief in the family. A coffin standing next to the bed is a serious illness.
    Mushrooms are a new addition to the family.
    Pear - prosperity and comfort in the family.


    The door is success in a new business.
    Tree - with effort, success will be achieved.
    Paper money - receiving a large amount of money.
    Money in coins is smaller money, but the more coins there are, the more money there will be.
    Airship - a wish will come true if you approach it creatively. Complete tasks on time to make your wishes come true faster.
    Road - there will be a trip soon.
    Oak - long-awaited victory, triumph.


    Women's handbag - buy a lottery ticket and win big.
    A woman with flowers means your friend is sincere with you.
    A woman with a tulip - danger comes from her friend.
    A woman with a rose - your significant other will have someone on the side.
    A woman with a stick means the husband meets another woman, which can lead to many problems in the family.
    Acorn - love for nature and relaxation in it.


    A fence means a certain constraint in actions and planning for the future.
    Castle - a strong character suppresses the people around him.
    Keyhole - there will be many obstacles on the way to the goal.
    A star with five points - you will achieve your goal, but it will not bring joy; with six ends - a dream come true; with seven ends - grief; with eight ends - an unexpected event.

    Umbrella - support will be required.
    Snake - gossip weaving around.


    Cabbage - refrain from jealous feelings, otherwise they will lead to difficulties.
    Square - isolation, restriction in something, even restriction of freedom.
    Dagger - hot temper; your enemies are making insidious plans against you.
    The key is that in order for new opportunities to open up, you need to soberly assess the situation.
    The book is an open book: legal disputes, closed: difficulty in finding.
    A bell means important news, two bells mean you will laugh a lot.
    Ring - independent decision-making, completion of what was started, engagement; two rings - dreams will come true.
    Comet - expect guests from afar.
    Ship - victory is near.
    The crown is a big victory, likely to receive a good inheritance from a close relative.
    Cat - among your friends there is a traitor who makes up gossip behind your back.
    Bed - neatly folded - great intelligence; unkempt - sluggishness.
    Jug - good health.


    Ladder - advancement in business.
    Lines - a shift in running processes.
    Boat - no matter how difficult it is, everything will be resolved for the better.
    Shovel - hard work will be rewarded.
    The moon - if full - then love; new moon - new goals; old moon - loss of strength, despair. The moon surrounded by dots means marriage, getting married according to convenience.


    Lighthouse - troubles will be foreseen and eliminated in advance.
    Hammer - you are prone to cruelty, but thanks to it you will be able to overcome obstacles.
    Bridge - luck will slip out of your hands only one step before victory.
    Ant - the path to victory passes through perseverance and effort.
    The ball is a wish fulfillment.


    Knife - long-term friendships will be broken.
    Scissors - a strong quarrel, separation from loved ones.


    Fire - hasty conclusions and impulsive decisions will not work to your advantage.
    Necklace - rest assured, your friends will support you; torn necklace - you will break up with your significant other.
    The circle is a good result of the work done.


    Palm tree - honors, recognition.
    Parachute - a dangerous situation will be resolved.
    Pen - choose the main task and focus on solving it.
    Saw - a stranger will interfere with family harmony.
    A pistol is a health hazard.
    The letter is bad news. There are dots around the letter - business agendas.


    Fork in the road - it's time to choose the road to follow.
    Gun - family harmony is threatened by ill-wishers.
    Mermaid - temptations, be careful.
    A glass is a generous feast.


    Candle - make an effort in your studies.
    Network - beware of pitfalls.
    Skeleton - problems with health, money.
    Violin - selfish tendencies.
    The sun - a lot of positive emotions, joy, power.
    Table - a feast, a gathering of relatives at the festive table.
    Arrow - disturbing news.
    Chair - the situation will go up.


    Ax - obstacles.
    Dot - several: monetary incentive, one - strengthening the value of the symbol near.
    A triangle with its apex up means victory, and a triangle with its apex down – defeat.


    The flag is a hidden enemy.


    Teapot - spout up: great luck, spout down: conflicts in the family.
    Person - to receive guests or give a gift.
    Suitcase - a quick decision, a trip.


    Hat - competitors will appear, defeat.
    Brush - minor troubles are temporary.


    The egg is a symbol of prosperity and brotherhood.
    Anchor - successful progress of business.

    Bottom line

    The interpretation of the results can only predict the likely development of events, but what comes of it depends entirely on you.

    With the help of such a ritual you can really predict future events. Take it seriously. Think carefully about your actions, because they determine where life will turn.

    Coffee fortune telling is an affordable way to find out the future or find the answer to an exciting question. But should all symbols be perceived according to generally accepted concepts? Often, a heart-shaped image is associated with love and affection. But will there be the same association if the heart falls out in coffee fortune telling?

    General value

    The heart symbolizes the spiritual union of lovers experiencing strong sensual excitement: a romantic mood tightly intertwined with passion.

    The heart can represent the path of trials and love changes.

    It is worth paying attention to the social status, since the meaning of this silhouette from coffee grounds will change:

    • At the beginning of a relationship there is a favorable silhouette. Presages the creation of a strong family in the future.
    • For a lonely person, it is interpreted as meeting a person who will become a true friend.
    • For people who are married or in a relationship, this figure portends finding reliable partners who will help resolve minor problems at work.

    A person whose heart has turned out to be coffee grounds foretells increased attention from the opposite sex: a compliment, admiring glances, gifts, etc. But one should not be deluded, since it will be very difficult to start a serious relationship.

    For those who are moving up the career ladder, this drawing has a coffee-leaf interpretation of improving relationships with both the team and management.


    What does a heart mean on coffee grounds will help you understand its appearance:

    • Fragmented - temporary problems, but in the near future everything will end.
    • Turned upside down - you need to reconsider your life views. This suggests that he is used to going with the flow, and all achievements at the moment are just a fluke. When fortune turns, all will be lost.
    • Two hearts or initials next to each other - great love for a lonely person. There is a second interpretation - positive changes in personal life.
    • A dark or black figure is a good sign. This is interpreted as the couple’s connection is so strong that they can overcome any troubles and difficulties.

    During coffee fortune-telling, it is imperative to pay attention to the clarity of the picture and its contours. A bright heart stands for a faithful partner with whom you can start a serious relationship.


    When telling fortunes on coffee grounds, you need to pay attention to where exactly the heart is located on the cup:

    • At the rim - a love affair will soon appear, but there is no need to rush into it. After all, during this period you may not notice your true love. If the fortuneteller has already found his soulmate, then this symbol foreshadows a joint journey with love adventures.
    • On the wall - falling in love during this period will later develop into a strong relationship.
    • Bottom part. A heart at the bottom of the cup suggests that the fortuneteller has already met his soulmate, but cannot understand whether she is nearby or not.

    There are other signs nearby

    It happens that more than one heart falls out, but there are other figures nearby. In fortune telling on coffee grounds, they cannot be ignored, because they can completely change the semantic meaning during the interpretation of the symbol:

    • Wings - elation and inspiration that will contribute to the embodiment of romantic ideas. This will strengthen the relationship with your loved one.
    • Arrows located nearby or piercing it - betrayal, frequent quarrels. Indicates the destruction of plans. It could also be a sign that there will be a breakup in the future.
    • A crown placed on the heart is a sign of honor and praise from others.
    • The dots indicate imminent financial problems, but difficulties will be overcome.
    • Square - it's time to reconsider your personal attitude in order to bring back love and romance.
    • The letters are the initials of a person with whom an intrigue will begin in the near future.

    People have always sought to look into the future, see what lies ahead, and get answers to their pressing questions. One of the most common ways to penetrate the secrets of the future has always been fortune telling on coffee grounds - you will learn the interpretation of the symbols that can be seen on the bottom and walls of the cup in this article.

    Fortune telling by coffee grounds and interpretation of drawings: a little history

    At the moment, fortune telling with coffee grounds is known all over the world. But where did it come from? Where was the connection between mysterious symbols and life events first noticed? It is difficult to give a definite answer to these questions. It is safe to say that fortune telling originated where coffee grew.

    The Italians defend their authorship of the discovery most zealously. Based on their written sources, fortune telling was first described in the 18th century. However, reasonable doubts arise about the fact that fortune telling is so “young”.
    At the moment, it is reliably known that Indians from Peru have long used coffee grounds for predictions. The same can be said about the court of the Turkish Sultan. They liked to entertain themselves with such experiments. From the moment coffee appeared in Russia, and this happened thanks to the efforts of Peter I, the Slavs were imbued with the opportunity to lift the curtain of the future.
    The ritual was not always and everywhere accepted positively. For example, there was an opinion (which can often be heard now) that mysterious symbols do not arise on their own, but with the help of the Devil himself. At the same time, the fortune tellers were considered his henchmen and, at best, they simply looked askance. However, the number of their visitors never diminished. Still, the mystery attracts. And the mystery associated with the threat beckons with redoubled force.

    Fortune telling procedure

    Despite the widespread use of fortune telling, its basic principles remain unchanged everywhere. It is necessary to stock up on high-quality ground coffee, because it is very important to enjoy the drink, and not think about when this disgusting liquid will finally run out. You will also need a porcelain cup and saucer. It is best if they are white, without any drawings or inscriptions. Dishes with recesses, recesses, etc. are also not suitable for the procedure.

    Coffee should be brewed in such a way that the grounds fall into the cup. The “oriental” recipe is ideal. You can buy the finest grind coffee and brew it with boiling water directly in a cup. However, this option will not allow you to experience the beauty of the process, to feel in touch with many people from different generations who performed the same actions.

    While the coffee is brewing, you have time to focus on the questions you want answered. You can’t just look “what’s there.” It is necessary to mentally turn to higher powers that can satisfy your curiosity. It is important that you are not distracted by anything.
    Pour the coffee into a cup and, when it has cooled a little, drink slowly, savoring every sip, while continuing to concentrate on your questions. You shouldn’t drink all the liquid completely, the sediment should float, so leave at least a tablespoon.
    Now you need to take the cup with your left hand and make three vigorous circular movements in a clockwise direction. Make sure that the sediment does not spill, but it should reach almost to the edges.
    Then quickly turn the cup over onto the saucer. In this case, one edge should touch the side, and the other should stand on a flat surface. As a result, the cup stands at an angle. Leave it in this position for a few seconds, and then pick it up and look inside.
    Before you, one might say, is an open book of your future. All that remains is to read it.

    Geography of the cup

    Not only what you see in the cup matters, but also its location. Each zone is responsible for its own sphere and time.

    So, closer to the edges of the cup there are symbols that talk about the future. The bottom is the past. Accordingly, the lower the spots, the more ancient events they tell about.

    The handle of the cup is the object of fortune telling itself. That is, the closer the symbols are to it, the more relevant they are to your life. The most distant ones are those that move away from you or become indifferent.

    Interpretation of symbols

    In fortune telling on coffee grounds, a number of symbols are used, the interpretation of the meanings of which is the main task of the fortune teller.
    To read the prediction, you need to consider several of them at once, usually five. They should be analyzed in combination, not individually. This requires skills and, as fortune tellers say, a special gift. However, this does not prevent you from trying to do everything yourself.

    Fortune telling on coffee grounds: the meaning of symbols

    All symbols that appear on the walls of the cup usually have analogues in real life. This is precisely why fortune telling on coffee grounds differs from most of its counterparts, which involve reading the future from vague images. Here everything is the other way around. In the spots on the cup you need to look at something ordinary, and it will already have its own hidden designation.


    • Squirrel - you need to learn to set priorities for yourself. It’s as if you are jumping along the branches, now to one, then to the other. As a result, you get nothing and slow down your forward movement.
    • Wolf - you recently did something heroic, selfless, or were seriously ill.
    • Dove – denotes someone pure, immaculate.
    • Goose is a smug, self-confident person, accustomed to honors and emphasizing his importance, which in fact does not exist.
    • Dolphin is an unexpected help that comes whenever the need arises; Friend.
    • Dinosaur - you can help someone with their studies or self-development.
    • Dragon - you are guaranteed success in your undertaking.
    • An animal (not a domestic one) is a secret enemy.
    • Giraffe - when setting goals, you do not distinguish between reality and the unrealistic, so you are marking time.
    • Snake - there is a hidden enemy in your environment, a slanderer; treason; successful enterprise.
    • Keith - receiving small income.
    • Horse - quick personal happiness, good luck.
    • Cat - someone pretends to be your friend, but in reality is spreading dirty gossip; devastation.
    • Crocodile - you should pay more attention to the decisions you make, especially in business.
    • Rat – disappointment, betrayal of close friends.
    • Swan - a pleasant journey that you did not know about.
    • The fox is a deception, there is someone nearby who is cunning, two-faced, a fraudster.
    • Horse - someone is in love, news from a lover or beloved.
    • Frog - good news awaits you, luck will turn its face, happiness.
    • Bear - danger awaits you, you can avoid it only if you do nothing about it.
    • Mouse - perhaps you should not associate with new business partners.
    • Monkey - you are surrounded by people pretending to be friends; fraud.
    • Deer - love of truth, wisdom.
    • Peacock - increased attention to one’s own appearance; tendency towards narcissism.
    • The rooster is family happiness.
    • Bird - good news; good business news.
    • Fish - reception, party. The number of fish is equal to the number of guests who came.
    • Fish - you are ripe to pass on knowledge to others.
    • Pig - your wish will definitely come true. Some of the hidden ones.
    • Elephant - in a difficult situation, do not hesitate to ask for help from those closest to you. Wealth. Force. Power.
    • Dog - you are lucky, you have true friends who will always protect and support.
    • An owl is a harbinger of death, a serious illness.

    Interpretation of symbols: body parts

    • Head - indicates that you think a lot and often about something. Indulge in memories. Digging into yourself.
    • The face is very good protection; defender.
    • The leg is a symbol of the road, a new enterprise. If she is wearing shoes, everything will end well, financial income is possible. If you are barefoot, it is better to refuse such a trip; it does not promise anything good.
    • Profile - mutual love awaits you.
    • Heart - can have several meanings depending on its appearance. An ideal heart, like in the picture, speaks of complete happiness in love. A crooked heart portends health problems. Depending on the location, they either already exist or are waiting in the future.
    • The heart at the bottom is an all-consuming passion that influences your life, although it is in the past.

    Interpretation of signs: figures of people

    • The horseman is the patronage of the powers that be.
    • The girl is love.
    • A woman is a best friend. If there is a flower nearby, then the friend is dangerous. Holding a stick - seduction, love spell for a man.
    • A man is seduction, seduction for a woman.
    • Man and woman - secret passions, betrayals.
    • A child is a symbol of procreation. Located at the bottom - means that a child from the past will soon return to your life again. Above is the appearance of the baby.

    Interpretation of symbols: natural objects

    • Mountain - your goal is already close. Don't be afraid to reach very high and covered peaks.
    • Tree - you are used to overcoming difficulties and are not afraid of obstacles. A great future awaits you. The main thing is not to stop and confidently move forward.
    • Rose - a wedding will take place in your life soon. Not necessarily yours - determined by proximity to the handle of the cup.

    Interpretation of signs: celestial objects

    • The star is a very good symbol. Regardless of the position, it means a happy outcome. Luck. Fulfillment of desires.
    • The full moon says that you easily share your feelings and experiences with others.
    • A month - on the contrary, you keep all your feelings to yourself.

    Interpretation of signs: biblical symbols

    • Angel - someone secretly wishes you harm, but there is also an unknown protector who will not allow anything bad to happen. Good news awaits you, which you really hoped for. Joy.
    • Cross – if it looks like the letter “x”, it means marriage.
    • The cross is white with a black outline - family happiness.
    • A black cross with a white outline means sadness, bad news.

    Interpretation of symbols: signs

    • Zodiac signs - you will meet a person born under the sign you saw.
    • A circle - a sign always speaks of change. This can be any area.
    • Interpretation of symbols: decorations
    • Rings - a closed ring foreshadows an imminent wedding. Torn - on the contrary, divorce, misunderstanding. Several rings - many marriages await you, according to the number of symbols.
    • The crown is an inheritance.

    Interpretation of symbols: clothing

    • Dress - you urgently need to decide on your life goals - luck favors you.
    • Boot - you have to go a long way.

    Interpretation: other symbols

    • Roads – an exciting journey is about to begin. Adventures and travel await you.
    • Boat - romance.
    • Horns - you are in danger. There is a possibility that someone close to you will betray you.

    If you want to look into your future, fortune telling using coffee grounds will help you - the interpretation of symbols can be very difficult, so sometimes it is better to consult a specialist. If everything is done correctly, then the future will appear out of the fog.

    Here are examples of what the symbols can look like:

    1. Bag 2. Ax 3. Point 4. Triangle 5. Teapot 6. Flag 7. Hill 8. Flower 9. Clock 10. Lines 11. Human figure 12. Suitcase 13. Jester 14. Turtle 15. Monster 16. Hat 17 Bee 18. Pentagon 19. Fork 20. Gun 21. Mermaid 22. Fish 23. Glass 24. Airplane 25. Candle 26. Pig 27. Net 28. Skeleton 29. Violin 30. Elephant 31. Dog 32. Owl 33. Monkey 34. Clouds 35 Fire 36 Necklace 37 Circle 38 Peacock 39 Parquet 40 Palm 41 Fern 42 Parachute 43 Spider 44 Feather 45 Saw 46 Pistol 47 Letter 48 Fruit 49 Parrot 50 Reptile 51 Profile 52 Bird 53 Leaf 54 Boat 55 Shovel 56 Horse 57 Moon 58 Frog 59 Mask 60 Lighthouse 61 Bear 62 Baby 63 Hammer 64 Bridge 65 Ring 66 Comet 67 Ship 68 Basket 69 Crown 70 Bowler 71 Cat 72 Cross 73 Bed 74 Crocodile 75 Rabbit 76 Wing 77 Rat 78 Jug

    A heart dropped on coffee grounds during fortune telling is often a symbol of positive changes associated with love relationships. For unmarried people, this is a sign of an upcoming romantic relationship; for married people, it is an opportunity to make friends in a team and resolve minor family conflicts. Only in some cases is this an unkind prediction.

    Basic meaning

    A heart dropped on coffee grounds is a symbol of the spiritual union between lovers and is associated with sensual experiences. It means the romantic mood of the fortuneteller and the revelation of his sexual potential, the path for love changes and trials.

    The symbol of the heart when fortune telling on coffee grounds is especially favorable for those who are at the very beginning of a love relationship. The symbol promises upcoming harmonious and strong family ties.

    Singles, seeing a heart symbol at the bottom of the cup, can expect to meet a person who will later become a reliable friend. Those with families in the heart sign will be able to gain hope of finding reliable partners and with their help solving minor work problems.

    Fortune telling on coffee grounds will be interpreted more accurately if you take into account the place in the coffee cup where it was formed (at the bottom or on the wall of the mug), as well as the shape (regular, distorted) and the meaning of additional symbols nearby.

    Where did the heart fall out?

    The meaning varies depending on which part of the coffee cup the fortune-telling formed the heart sign:

    • a heart formed at the bottom of the cup is a sign that the fortuneteller has already met true love, and he will be able to decide for himself whether she is near him or whether he has missed her,
    • coffee grounds formed into a heart symbol in the middle part of the cup shows that the person is currently in a romantic relationship, and this promises him a reliable connection,
    • when a heart sign appears near the edge of the mug, near the rim, they say that a love relationship is ahead, but there is no need to rush, so as not to pass by true love in a hurry; for those who have already found a loved one, a heart near the edge is a sign of a joint romantic journey full of love adventures.

    Symbol Shape

    The shape of the heart made from coffee grounds determines correct interpretation symbol in the process of fortune telling.


    An even and beautifully shaped heart, with clearly drawn contours, promises great success in love affairs. The person will be sure that he will avoid unrequited love, will not be betrayed and will not experience the bitterness of betrayal or attacks of jealousy. The second half will fully meet his expectations and will bring confidence to their relationship. At the same time, a large figure is a sign of imminent mutual great love, and 2 symbols falling at the same time are a sign of strong love, which will develop into a happy and long marriage.

    An irregularly shaped heart is a warning about heart disease and associated fears. Distorted and ugly indicates a depressed state, loss of strength, nervous exhaustion and general malaise.

    Broken or divided

    A heart divided into 2 halves warns that betrayal on the part of a loved one is possible ahead, or a painful breakup is ahead. For families, this is a sign of an upcoming protracted marital conflict, in some cases leading to divorce.

    A coffee heart consisting of numerous fragments is a sign of separation from loved ones, as well as a sign of loneliness and social isolation.


    The inverted figure indicates that the fortuneteller has lingered in the world of illusions and does not see the real reality, therefore life will soon present trials that will show the true state of affairs. This will be a reason to reconsider your relationship with your other half.

    Related signs

    When fortune telling on coffee grounds, additional signs appear next to the heart symbol, which also carry semantic meaning when interpreted.


    If the heart figure has wings, this promises uplift and inspiration, which will help you find and realize romantic ideas that will renew and further strengthen your love relationship with a loved one.


    An arrow present nearby or piercing the heart sign is a symbol of infidelity and frequent quarrels between spouses. The arrow has the meaning of the collapse of dreams and plans, often indicating an upcoming separation.


    Those who have a crowned heart on the coffee grounds can count on honors and praise, fame and approval from others.

    Points and shapes

    When dots or specks are located next to the heart sign, it is believed that the fortuneteller will not have financial problems in the near future. He will be able to overcome all financial difficulties.

    The square formed nearby indicates a complete lack of personal life. This happens if the fortuneteller devotes himself entirely to work, not noticing the love of loved ones. The square indicates the need to reconsider your attitude and bring love and romance back into life.


    The letters located nearby are considered the initials of someone with whom a whirlwind romance will soon arise.

    Fortune telling on coffee grounds. The meaning of figures and animals. Viewing fate. What's on the heart.

    The meaning of animal figures in fortune telling using coffee grounds. Part 1

    Fortune telling on coffee grounds: review cup, meaning of figures, roads, what’s in the heart


    A heart falling out on coffee grounds during fortune telling is often a positive sign, bringing love changes or new relationships. His exact interpretation largely depends on the symbols that have developed nearby and the shape of the sign itself.

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