• Synopsis of the creation of the world in Sunday school. Creation of the first people. Section: Jesus. jesus loves children


    Truth: God made everything beautiful.

    Purpose: To show that God is the Creator of everything. Learn to take care of all of God's creation.

    Dogma: God is the Creator.

    Christian Ethics: Concern for God's Creation.


    Who made this item? (table, cupboard, book). What are the people who build houses called? (builders). Various workers build houses: a bricklayer, a locksmith, a carpenter, and others. And what is the name of the One who made flowers, water, stones, animals? (God).

    Today we will find out how it all happened.

    Bible story:

    (All the days of creation appear on the board as numbers from 1 to 6)

    There was nothing on earth. She was naked and ugly.

    • "Day 3" What kind of flowers did God decorate the earth with? (asters, roses, daisies, etc.) What trees appeared on earth? (tree, birch, poplar).
    • "Day 4" The song "Who created?". Relax, sing a song. (Who created: heaven and earth, raging sea, green trees, twinkling stars? Our Lord God.) That's how many animals God created.

    • “ Day 5"(The teacher takes the appropriate homemade toy and straightens it in front of the children and fastens it with a stapler (this shows that God also created all living things). What fish do you know? What birds do you know?).

    • “Day 6” (Creation of animals. The teacher makes riddles, the children guess who God created on day 6, after the correct answer, the teacher makes a homemade toy in front of the children.

    • Squirrel. It's a hollow in a pine tree, it's warm in a hollow, and who lives in a warm hollow in a hollow?

    • Hedgehog. The crawler is crawling, the needles are carrying, etc.

    • Ram and Horse. , Rooster, Dog.

    That's how many animals God created. But we haven't named them all yet. God was very pleased with what He did—created. Do you like it? (Continuation of the song "Who created it?". Who created: fat hippos, toothy crocodiles, you and me? Our Lord God.)

    - "7th day" - day of rest

    Repetition of the biblical story - according to the figures on the numbers.

    The teacher shows the golden verse with movements:

    "In the beginning" - gets up,

    “created” - with his hands he “sculpts a bun”,

    "God" - with one hand points to the sky,

    "sky" - both hands stretched high, high,

    “and the earth” - hands are lowered low crouching.

    “Gen. 1:1,” he says, sitting down.

    Children repeat after the teacher at first slowly, then faster. Then at will, who will say the verse faster.


    ball game. The teacher calls the word and throws the ball to the children, sitting in one line, in order. If what the teacher called was created by God, then the children catch the ball, if not, then they throw it away. For example: table, bear, ram, radish, T-shirt, earth, lamp, moon, plate, etc. Or work with the picture "Created by God or made by man."

    A game.- Guys, for whom did God create such a wonderful world? (For us). Do you think we can hurt animals or break trees (no). And what should we do? (on the contrary, take care).

    The teacher distributes objects or drawings to the children. Children must determine who these objects or drawings refer to: bad children or good ones who care about the environment, and tell what these objects are for:

    stick, bowl with bone,

    leg crumples flower, watering can,

    feeder with bread crumbs,

    hand with a broken branch,

    birdhouse, etc.

    How would you like to act? How does God want us to act? (take care of nature).


    The teacher prepares a large thick green cardboard in advance and invites the children to mold from plasticine (1 piece each), what God created. Then together they settle on the ground-cardboard what the children got. Parents are invited to watch this joint craft.


    Tell your parents what you remember from the lesson and make a bird feeder for the winter with your parents.


    (for teacher)

    toys - homemade

    riddles about animals

    numbers 1-6 - "Days of Creation"

    objects or drawings for the game to use

    pictures of different flowers, trees

    (for children)


    cardboard for each student

    large green cardboard

    "Made or Done" picture

    song "Who created?"

    Who created?

    Who created (fluttering birds?) 3 times

    Who created the fluttering birds?

    Our Lord God!

    Who created (twinkling stars?) 3 times

    Who created twinkling stars?

    Our Lord God!

    Who created (the raging sea?) 3 times

    Who created the raging sea?

    Our Lord God!

    Who created the fluttering birds

    Twinkling stars, raging sea?

    Who created you and me?

    Creation (part 2)

    God makes the world beautiful and perfect Genesis 1:20-25


    Name a few of God's creations: animals, fish, birds, etc.

    Tell me who created them.

    Play the game "Let's Draw Animals".

    Sing a song about creation in gratitude to God for the animal world.

    Learn to the end the rhyme about creation

    Take a walk watching the wildlife.

    Make a turtle.

    teacher about the lesson

    The primordial world was very good and simply wonderful, the Bible testifies to this in the first chapter of the book of Genesis. For a beautiful and perfect creation, praise and thanksgiving to its Creator resounds in our hearts. (Ps. 8:9). We admire the proud beauty of mountain peaks, the vast expanse of green plains stretching into the distance, the harsh rebelliousness of the roaring sea, the splendor of the starry sky flashing with flickering!

    The fifth and sixth days of creation (lesson 2) surprise us with the diversity of the animal world that appeared. All these forms of life were created by the Great Creator. They also make us marvel and pray with the psalmist: “How many are thy works, O Lord! You have done everything in wisdom; the earth is full of your works." Ps. 103:24. And, if adults, deprived of simplicity, are surprised at God's creation, how much more are children surprised at him. And this is natural for them. For this, by talking about creation on the fifth and sixth days, maintain a childish delight. Telling them that everything they see, feel, breathe, hear and know is created by God, you begin to instill in your little listeners a deep, important picture of life, a picture of complete harmony. This perfection prompts us to thank God for the world around us.

    The Bible says that of all God's creation, only people are given the opportunity to atone for their guilt before God. Animals and humans were created on the same day. And the Bible says how God blessed them. (Gen. 1:22; 1:28). | We humans have a special responsibility towards them. Your listeners are still too young to understand and accept this responsibility, but they can and should be taught to respect other living beings as God's creatures and take care of their well-being. We earnestly ask you to work diligently on this lesson. The animal world created by God amazes us with its diversity, incomprehensibility and perfection. Part of creation, like all the rest, teaches us and shows the greatness of the self of God.

    During the classes


    1. Live animal, bird or fish.

    2. Color illustrations of the previous lesson.

    Last week we presented the children with a picture of creation. But that was only the beginning. In today's lesson, we will cover the topic of creating birds, fish and animals. You need to keep your three year olds interested. To do this, get ready to benefit from their boundless curiosity and genuine love for God's creations! You can start with a live illustration by bringing a puppy, kitten, bird, or aquarium goldfish to class. You can also bring a butterfly to class for the children to look at, touch, or hold. At this time, talk about how beautifully they are all created, pointing out their eyes, mouth, paws, wings, and other features. When you finish, tell the children that only God could create everything so beautifully and interestingly!

    After you have finished looking at the animals, show the children the illustrations you used in the last lesson to represent the beauty of God's world. Hold up all the pictures one by one and ask your children to describe them. At the same time, ask who created what they see. Use every opportunity to remind you of the basic truth of the first lesson: God created the world beautiful and perfect! Then tell the children that you have some more pictures you would like to show them today. Emphasize that they depict other equally wonderful creations of God.

    bible story


    2. Color illustrations depicting animals, fish and birds.

    Show the children your Bible, reminding them that the story you are about to tell is in God's Book. And also prepare some illustrations depicting the creation and spread it on your knees. God looked around at the beautiful world that He had created. He liked him very much. The world God created looked so amazing, so good. God liked both the sun and the moon. (Show the children the picture of the sun and the night sky.) He liked both land and water. (Show the illustration of the sea and land.) He especially liked the plant world! (Show the plants to the children.) But God is not finished yet. Oh no! It's not over yet. God wanted to create many more creations. (Use the illustrations from the previous lesson as you tell the story.) “I will fill the waters of all the lakes, streams and oceans with life!” God said. And it became so. Well, what do you think, what kind of living creatures God will place;! in water? (Give the children a moment to think and then show the picture of the fish.) Fish! Yes, there were fish everywhere. Big, small, fast and slow.

    “I am also going to fill the air with living creatures,” God said. And now the air was filled. Can you tell me what it was filled with? (Listen to the sentences, and then show the children the picture of the birds.) Birds! Birds of different colors and sizes. Robins, jays, eagle owls, sparrows, peacocks, doves... How beautiful it all is! God spoke again and said, "Let there be animals in My world!" Bears and lions, dogs and cats, and many different other animals filled the forests, fields, hills and plains. (Show the children the animals.) Now God's peace was almost complete. God looked around at all the beautiful things He had created. God's world looked very beautiful. But that wasn't all...

    When you finish telling the Bible story, take time for the children to look at the pictures more closely. And also give the kids the opportunity to talk about their favorites. Emphasize that every little kitten, every dog, every parrot, fish swimming in the aquarium, was created by God!


    Practical activity is the time for outdoor games, walks and creativity! Invite your children to play with you the game "Let's Draw Animals*. Let each child choose the animal they would like to portray. While playing this game, children must make sounds and move in the same way as the animal chosen by each of them does. Set an example yourself by drawing, for example, a duck. Ask the children, imitating you, to walk, waddling around the room and quack. (If the weather permits, you can play this game outside, where you have more space and freedom, and where you will not disturb anyone). If children have trouble choosing animals, be ready to help them.

    Some options you can use:

    Jump like rabbits or frogs;

    Jump like a kangaroo;

    Fly like birds;

    Stomp like elephants (the trunk can be depicted with arms outstretched in front of you);

    Slither on your belly like snakes and crocodiles;

    Walk on all fours, depicting dogs, cats, lions, tigers, etc.;

    Walk on your toes like a giraffe;

    Run like horses;

    Buzz and fly like bees.

    To calm children down after playing, ask them to hold hands in a large circle and then sit down on the floor or grass. Finish your practice with singing. If your practice was outdoors, ask the children to return to the classroom as quietly as possible, pretending to be little mice.


    Materials Picture for the Bible story. (Each one).

    Sing the song “Who Could Create?” that you sang in the previous lesson. Talk to your little ones about birds, fish and animals and sing about them. Singing a song, give special meaning the one who created this wonderful world for our enjoyment. End your lesson with a prayer of thanksgiving for the wonderful wildlife. In prayer, mention your children's favorite animals. If possible, give each child a picture of a Bible story and ask the parents to read the story of God's beautiful creation at home.


    1. Walk. If, for whatever reason, you weren't able to go for a walk last lesson, do so today. Even if the walk took place in the last lesson, you can repeat it again, because small children love to walk! Take a box with holes in the lid so that air can pass through. A walk is a wonderful opportunity for children to look around at the beautiful creation of God. During your walk, pay attention to the children different kinds birds, insects and other living things. Stop for a while and, closing your eyes, listen to the amazing singing of birds, the chirping of crickets and the buzzing of various insects. Take the time to look for the tiny ant or other small bugs. And, if possible, catch a few to take with you to class and then show moms and dads your little ones. With every living thing you find, remind the children of their beautiful Creator. (Make sure children don't catch bees!).

    2. Light snack. A light snack may consist of cookies baked in the form of animals or fish. Discuss them with your children as you eat.

    3. Rift with movement. If you started teaching rhyme 1 (Creation) with your children last week, then today repeat the first verse with them. Then add a second verse and repeat the rhyme all together until the children remember it.

    4. Making an animal. If your children like to do something with their own hands, then to take the craft home. Today you can invite them to make a turtle. To do this, you will need small paper plates, models of the head, legs and tail (preferably from green paper), green crayons and felt-tip pens, glue. Assemble the turtle by showing and explaining to the children how they can do it themselves: turn the paper plate upside down; color it in green color; lay out the models of the head, legs and tail in the right places; glue all the details. (Maybe the kids can't glue them on themselves, be sure to help everyone!) After the kids show you the turtle they made, give them time to play with it.

    Here are a few questions to end the lesson with:

    1. Who created all the animals, birds and fish?

    2. Name the animals, birds and fish that you know. 3. What is your favorite animal?


    1. To the examples of God's creation laid out on the table, add some more that are related to today's topic: live fish, insects and other living things, bird nests, feathers, shells, tortoise shell, starfish, butterfly cocoons and other things related to the animal world. Try to draw the children's attention to these objects and use every opportunity to tell them about the Creator, Who created everything around so wonderfully!

    2. Prepare picture books and riddles that talk about animals. Give the children the opportunity to look at the pictures, and then make riddles. If the kids can't answer, tell them the answer.

    3. Place the pot of plants you planted last week out of reach of children. Ask the children if they can now recognize seeds that have already begun to sprout. Ask those who wish to help you water the seedlings.

    4. Choose a few toys with the children and arrange them on the playground, creating a zoo in the classroom. Play fishermen, zoo, circus on wheels.

    5. Draw a color picture with crayons or felt-tip pens that matches the topic of today's lesson. You can also use dough that the kids can use to squeeze or shape different animals. Give each child a piece of dough and be ready to help them with this work. Prepare a simple dough: mix water and flour, based on how many children you have in your group.

    Creation of the first people

    God created all other creatures of the visible world with one omnipotent Word. On the sixth day God said, "Let us make man in our image and likeness." And God created the body of man from the earth and gave him a rational and immortal soul. The name of the first man was Adam, which means "made from the earth."

    God made Adam lord over all the earth and brought all the animals to him to give them names, each according to his nature. Adam gave names to all the animals. And the man knew that he was their master, and all the animals on earth were created for him. But he had no helper like him.

    Then God said: "It is not good for a man to be alone; let us make him a helper." And God inspired a sound sleep on Adam and during sleep he took one rib from him, created a wife from him. Waking up, Adam saw his wife and said: “This is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She will be called wife because she was taken from her husband. And Adam gave his wife the name Eve, which means "life."

    The Lord blessed Adam and Eve and said to them: "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue the fish of the sea, and the birds of the air, and the beasts of the earth, and every kind of livestock, and all the earth."

    Adam and Eve were both naked and not ashamed, because they did not yet know what shame, bad deeds and sin were - after all, they had not yet done anything for which they would be ashamed before the Creator.

    From the book of the Bible retold to older children the author Destunis Sofia

    From the book of the Bible, retold to older children. Old Testament. Part one. [(Illustrations - Julius Schnorr von Karolsfeld)] the author Destunis Sofia

    II. About the life of the first people in paradise... and the loss of paradise. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You shall eat of every tree in the garden; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, do not eat from it; for on the day that you eat of it, you will die the death. And the Lord God said, It is not good to be

    From the book The Holy Bible History of the Old Testament author Pushkar Boris (Ep Veniamin) Nikolaevich

    Creation of the first people and their blissful life in paradise. Man, as the crown of creation, was created on the special advice of the Holy Trinity. God creates him in his own image and likeness. His body, like the bodies of all animals, is formed from the earth, but his spiritual nature is an immediate

    From the book Essay on Orthodox Dogmatic Theology. Part I author Malinovsky Nikolay Platonovich

    If 73. Unfounded opinion? savagery of the first people The newest natural science of a known direction of divinely revealed teaching? the primitive state of man is opposed to opinion? the savagery of the first people. They affirm that to the degree of consciousness and truly

    From the book Funny Bible (with illustrations) author Taxil Leo

    Chapter 3 A Brief History of the First Men The fourth chapter of the book of Genesis begins with a brief and fairly clear remark that after the expulsion from paradise, the biblical "ancestors" first of all took care to leave behind posterity. “Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived

    From the book Lessons for Sunday School author Vernikovskaya Larisa Fedorovna

    Dwelling of the first people God settled the first people, Adam and Eve, in paradise. Paradise is a beautiful garden planted by God Himself in the east, in the place where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers flow.

    From the book The Law of God author Sloboda Archpriest Seraphim

    The fall of the first people Once Eve walked in paradise alone without a husband and went to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Here she saw a snake-tempter, in which the devil moved in. The snake asked her: “Is it true that God forbade you to eat the fruits of all the trees of paradise?” Eva replied:

    From the book Fighting Sin author Dyachenko Grigory Mikhailovich

    How God Created the First Humans God created man differently from other creatures. Before his creation, God Holy Trinity, approved His desire, He said: "Let us make man in Our image and according to Our likeness." And God created man from the dust of the earth, that is, from

    From the book New Bible Commentary Part 1 ( Old Testament) author Carson Donald

    The life of the first people in paradise The earthly paradise, or a beautiful garden in which God settled the first people - Adam and Eve, was located in Asia, between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates. The life of people in paradise was full of joy and bliss. Their conscience was calm, their heart was pure, their mind was bright.

    author Holy Scripture

    5. The history of the fall of the first people (According to the teachings of Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow) I. Origin of sin. The beginning of sin is in the devil. - The sin of man was preceded by sin in the spiritual world (1 John III, 8). “Before the visible and rational creature, that is, man, God created the invisible

    From book Bible stories author author unknown

    1:24-31 The Creation of Animals and Humans The climax of the creation story comes on the sixth day. Notice how much more detail than on any previous day the works of God on that day are presented, and also the similarity of the descriptions of the sixth and third days.Here

    From the book Fundamentals of Orthodoxy author Nikulina Elena Nikolaevna

    From the book Explanatory Bible. Old Testament and New Testament author Lopukhin Alexander Pavlovich

    The life of the first people in paradise God arranged a wonderful garden - paradise and settled Adam and Eve in it so that they cultivate and store it. Rivers flowed in paradise and trees grew, on which beautiful and pleasant fruits for food ripened. Two special trees grew in the middle of paradise . One of them was a tree

    From the book Bible tales author bible

    The life of the first people in paradise For human habitation, the Lord planted, that is, arranged by His special action, paradise in Eden - a beautiful garden, a specially allocated place on earth (Gen. 2.8). Being in paradise, a person had to cultivate and keep it (Gen. 2.15). Among the numerous

    From the author's book

    II The Creation of the First Humans and Their Blessed Life in Paradise Man, as the crown of creation, was created on the special advice of the Creator, and he alone was created in the image and likeness of God. His body, like the bodies of all animals, is formed from the earth; but its spiritual part is the immediate

    From the author's book

    The life of the first people in paradise God arranged a wonderful garden - paradise and settled Adam and Eve in it so that they cultivate and store it. Rivers flowed in paradise and trees grew, on which beautiful and pleasant fruits for food ripened. Two special trees grew in the middle of paradise . One of them was a tree

    Abstract of the lesson, 09/24/2017

    1. The world around us is beautiful.

    2. How did it all come about.

    3. We are looking for a wise answer in books.

    4. The Bible is a book of books.

    5. The creator of the world is God!

    Good morning dear guys!Who will tell you where each lesson in Sunday school should begin? Yes, with prayer. Before starting to do something, we must ask God's blessing, God's help.

    So let's make a prayer. Let's get up from the tables, turn to the icon of the Lord Jesus Christ and say: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Let's cross ourselves. And we'll sit down again. Fine.

    Today, guys, we will talk about very important things. You said that you are already adults, so you can talk about serious things.

    Tell me guys, do you like the forest? And what do you like? River, sea, ocean...? Have you ever seen mountains? It's all very nice guys.

    But where did all this come from? Who came up with this beauty?

    Guys, let's turn around. What do you see in front of you?
    - Books.
    Do you have books at home?
    - Yes, I have.
    Surely there is. And I have books too.

    You know guys who read books get smarter because books are written by wise people.

    But even the most wise people always asked themselves: how did the sun appear, which warms and shines so pleasantly? Who invented flowers so beautiful and fragrant? And most importantly - who invented man? Where did all this come from?

    And wise people, trying to find the answer, wrote books.

    Let's go guys to the bookshelves. What books do you see?

    Different: big and small, different colors, the book can be about animals, or maybe with fairy tales.

    All of these books are wonderful. And when you are a little older, and you will have your own books - very different, very interesting books.

    All these books are good, but there is a book in which we will find the answer to the question "where did everything come from?". This book tells how the sea, sky, trees and flowers, forests and mountains came into being and, of course, how man was created.

    Let's try to find it in our library. I'll give you a hint: this is the largest book, and it can be very heavy.

    That's right guys! You guessed. This book is called the Bible.

    Let's say together? - Bible.

    Look how big and heavy it is, like a real encyclopedia. Whoever reads the entire Bible will become a very wise person.

    You and I wanted to know how our world appeared, everything that we see around.

    Let's open the Bible and see. Let's just be very careful.

    On the very first page it says: ... (We read Gen 1:1-5 ). The Bible goes on to talk about how God created everything in the world.

    The Bible says that everything we see - the sky, the sun, the moon and stars, animals and birds, seas and mountains, even people - all this was done by Almighty God.

    Everything God did was very beautiful. God rejoiced when he saw how the fish splashed in the river, how the birds fed their chicks, how the butterflies fluttered with their wings.

    All this was very beautiful. And God wanted to share that joy with someone else. Then... Then God made man. The very first person. And now God, together with man, rejoiced at this extraordinary beauty.

    We read about all this in the Bible. This is the most amazing book of all.



    PURPOSE: Continue teaching to recognize Jesus in pictures. To teach to understand that Jesus loves everyone and takes care of His creation, that He created this beautiful world for us. Teach children to care for God's creation. Induce a joyful mood. Cultivate love for God and a sense of gratitude.

    Memory Verse: Gen. eleven . "God created heaven and earth"


    1. Hello, children! I am glad to see you all, both Mashenka and Sashenka (name each child, pat on the head). Let's ring the bell. This means that it is time for us to start our Saturday lesson (the teacher calls and recites the verse).

    The teacher invites the children to sing the song “Saturday Bell” (hand out small bells to the children) or another song on the topic.

    2. Someone knocks at the door to us,

    Someone is in a hurry to visit us.

    (The teacher brings in the doll).

    Tanechka came to visit us. Children, let's say hello to Tanechka (children say hello). Tanechka wants to meet our children. Who came to our lesson? To the song, Tanechka shakes hands with the children.

    3.Look, little children with mom and dad go to Church on Saturday. They are very happy (show the picture). We also went to church today. Let's hold hands and sing a song (children join hands, dance and sing).

    Today is a beautiful Saturday! (1st verse)

    Today is a beautiful holy day! (Verse 2) Singing. heart #42

    4. Jesus loves when children pray to Him. Our children already know how to pray. See how Tanya does (a doll with which you can fold your arms, close your eyes): she closed her eyes, folded her arms. Let's do the same (song "If I Pray to Jesus". Prayer).

    5. Tanechka came to us on this train from a distant country (name the country where the donations go) to collect gifts for Jesus in order to buy Bibles for the children, and they will also have a Sabbath school. They will sing songs to Jesus, pray and listen interesting stories.

    Song. "My Jesus loves me

    I know this for sure"

    Prayer: (holding hands around) “Dear Jesus! Help all the children on earth to hear about You and sing beautiful songs about Your love. Amen".

    Congratulate birthdays.


    I. Bible theme. World creation.

    1. Today we will find out how God created the world. Let's open our Bibles and sing our memory verse (the teacher has a large, double-folded cardboard on which "Bible" is written, and give the children a smaller one. Supposedly singing according to the opened "Bibles." The text of Gen. 1: 1 is sung to any melody 2p) .

    “God created the heavens and the earth” Genesis 1:1.

    2. The Bible tells us that Christ created the world in 7 days. (The teacher holds an open children's Bible in his hands). At first it was very dark. Close your eyes. How dark! But Jesus said, "Let there be light!" Open your eyes. And there was light! (flanelegraph). In the dark we cannot see, but in the light we see different colors and colors. For example, in soap bubbles (the teacher blows soap bubbles). Look how beautiful they are, how they fly! It's good that the good Jesus created the light and we can see so much beauty.

    3. It is light now, because it is the day when we can see everything, play and walk. But then the night will come when we close our eyes and sleep. Jesus knew that we would be very tired if we did not rest. See how kind Jesus is. Let's play the game "Day and Night" (hand out dolls to children). Now it's day and the dolls are walking (Children are playing with the doll), night is coming, it's time for the dolls to sleep, they are tired. Let's rock them and sing a song:

    Bye bye, bye bye

    Fall asleep slowly

    You will see a bright Paradise,

    Collect flowers in it.

    We will be together in Paradise

    Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word.

    Our dolls fell asleep, we will quietly put them down and continue to listen.

    4. On the second day, Jesus created air so that we could breathe. Let's inhale with the nose, like this (the teacher shows), and now exhale. We cannot see the air, but we can feel and see what it does. On a hot day, it's so nice when the breeze blows (give paper fans to the children and let them wave, creating the wind. The teacher shows how to do this). The wind sets things in motion (show the spinner as it spins). Jesus also created the clouds. Attach them to the board (clouds of cotton wool can be distributed to children, let them attach).

    5. The next day Jesus looked - there was water all around (flanegraph - ocean). We cannot live when there is water all around, we are not fish. And Jesus created the earth for us. And we can hear the water splashing (recording the sound of noisy water or splashing water in a container). Jesus wanted the earth to be beautiful and He created a lot of trees, bushes and grass (flanelegraph - tree). Let's show how the trees sway when the breeze blows and sing a song (song with movements).

    God created our big world. He loves us!

    God created a wonderful light. He loves us!

    God created heaven around. He loves us!

    He also created the clouds. He loves us!

    6. Jesus also created many beautiful flowers. Look how beautiful: red, yellow, white - different. These are the beautiful flowers that Jesus created to please us. What a good Jesus! We will sing a song and wave the flowers, and then we will collect them in a basket (vase). (give out artificial flowers). Song.

    Our God created the sea. He loves us!

    And God planted flowers. He loves us!

    7. And on the 4th day, Jesus created the sun to shine during the day (we hang on a flannelograph) and the moon to shine at night (flanelegraph). And He also created stars, many, many stars (hand out stars on sticks. Children sing a song). Song.

    God created the light of the sun. He loves us!

    Created the stars and the moon. He loves us!

    8. Then Jesus decided to create someone who would live in such a beautiful world. He created all sorts of fish and marine animals (hand out fish from flannelgraph). Let's attach them to the board in the "water". Fish live in the water, they swim there, eat and sleep. How do fish swim? (teacher shows, children repeat). This is how they swim. We will sing a song about fish (to the song, children imitate the movements of fish with their hands).

    God created wonderful fish. He loves us!

    And He also created birds so that they would delight us with their singing (show a picture of a bird and turn on the recording of bird voices. Instead of recording, you can rub a wet cork on the walls of a glass bottle, the effect of birdsong is created, but so that children do not see). Some birds live on the ground or trees, others on the water - these are ducks, geese (hand out birds from a flannelgraph). Glue the birds on the board. See how many different birds and how beautiful. How Jesus loves to please us. How do birds flap their wings? (children repeat after the teacher). And how do the grains peck? (tap finger on the floor or table). Now we will sing a song about birds.

    God created beautiful birds. He loves us!

    9. And the next day Jesus created all kinds of animals. What a kind Jesus that created cats, sheep, elephants (show the children a toy and distribute it to them). Let's sing a song about animals (children sing a song with toys).

    God created all animals. He loves us! (Song collection)

    Now let's put the animals near Jesus (the figure of Jesus is on the flannelgraph, the children bring toys to Jesus).

    10. Then Jesus created Adam and Eve. These were the first dad and mom. They will take care of this world (figurines of Adam and Eve who talk to Jesus). Jesus looked around - everything was very beautiful. He said, "Everything is so good!" And then Jesus decided to create another day, the Sabbath, as a day of rest. It's the birthday of the world (give out bells, sticks and sing "Saturday bell or another song about the Sabbath").

    11. Let's repeat our memory verse (distribute cardboard "Bibles" again and the children repeat the memory verse after the teacher). Then you can give the children memory rhymes written on paper cut Bibles.


    And now let's play (charging).

    "To rest a little

    We clap our hands (clap)

    We turn around (turn around)

    We'll run. (Run)

    We raise our hands to the sky - (raise our hands)

    He created our earth

    To the earth bow to Him (bow down)

    God loves all children

    Let's take a deep breath (breathe)

    Sit down, get up and again (sit down, get up)

    II. The story on the carpet "Flowers"

    1. (The teacher shows a bouquet of natural flowers). Look, these flowers were created by God. So beautiful. These are leaves (shows). And this is a flower. Smell how it smells (let the children smell it). Jesus created these flowers for us so that they can delight us with their beauty and their smells. They grow in the forest and in the meadow, in the flower beds near the house or in our house in pots (show a flowering houseplant). Jesus wants us to take care of the flowers. They need to be watered with water, like this (the teacher waters), the flowers love the light and the sun, they need to be put on the window. They are so delicate, you need to touch them carefully, do not break the flowers, let them grow and delight everyone with their beauty.

    Fixing game

    Charging game "What God Created"

    (Children repeat the movements after the teacher, the number of movements at the request of the teacher).

    1. God created light (closed eyes with handles),

    2. God created a breeze (waved their hands at the top),

    3. God created trees, like this (stretched),

    4. God created grass, like this (sit down),

    5. God created the big-big sun (spread their arms to the sides),

    6. God created small stars (bring their hands together),

    7. God created fish (move hands like fish),

    8. God created birds (waving hands),

    9. God created a bunny (jumped),

    10. God created me too (cross your arms over your chest).


    1. Let's remember our memory verse (repeat). God created heaven and earth because He loves us: both adults and children. Let's sing a song to Jesus.

    Song: "Jesus loves little ones like me, me, me."

    2. Let's say thank you to Jesus for the beautiful world He created for us. “Dear Jesus! Thank You for the sun and flowers, for fish, birds and all animals, Thank You that You love us. Amen".

    Carpet games:

    1. Game with soap bubbles (the teacher blows bubbles, and the children catch them).

    2. Game with grits. Or flour. Draw a flower.

    Task for parents:

    1. Make a turntable at home.

    2. Involve children in the care of indoor plants (water them with the children).

    3. Games with water (to launch boats).

    During these activities, review the story of creation and the memory verse.

    Complication for classes 3-4.

    1. Instead of a turntable, take a boat, a basin of water and let the boat float. Create a stream of air to make the boat float. You can use a hair dryer or blow it yourself. Children can help blow.

    2. You can bring a jar of live fish, a live bird in a cage or a live turtle

    3. Instead of animal toys, you can make sock dolls.

    4. Hand out large painted butterflies, have the children color them with crayons.

    5. The game "What God created" - II option for older children. Children are given toys or pictures on sticks: animals, birds, fish, flowers, a cloud, etc. The teacher says: “God created the fish. Fish, show yourself. The game goes differently if you change the task: “Bunny, show yourself”, “Bird, show yourself”, etc. (The child rises with this manual. The teacher helps the children orient themselves).

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