• Greetings from the other world. Secret signs from the world of the dead. Signs from the dead Signs from the other world real stories


    My dad was already old; on February 15 he would have been 83 years old. He was sick, but he could walk a little. I could no longer get up from a chair or armchair. It was very difficult for him, but he endured everything courageously and never complained much. Swelling was a common occurrence, but before the New Year the condition worsened significantly and my sister and I sent him to the hospital. The swelling was removed and he should have been discharged, but suddenly he began to live in two dimensions - among the living and among the dead.
    At first it was strange to listen to him, but then I kept trying to unravel his words and their meaning. He knew that the end would soon come, he had been waiting for it for a long time and had been calling him for months, for which we always scolded him. He told me that he was walking through a burning field, as if the sun was about to set, and there were two ends ahead - black and red, I asked him about the meaning, he said that my husband knows. I realized that one end is illness, and the other is death, and my husband knows because his parents have already died. Tears are coming, he said, but to my offer to cry together, he said no. The day before his death, he did not know what to do with himself, either to the toilet, or to lie down, or to sit, and was always hungry, although he ate, although he did not remember this. The next day, his sister fed him and his heart sank. They resuscitated him, but he continued to remain in a coma. I came to him, he was in a coma and with equipment connected. My sister and I stood next to each other, I stroked his arms and legs, and when I rubbed my fingers, I felt joy. She said - STRANGE, JOY. He was happy. I suddenly felt a touch on my shoulder and stepped aside, because I thought that a nurse or doctor had approached, it was such a tangible touch. This was the second sign. Just in case, my sister and I asked for forgiveness and left, leaving our phone number. It was January 7, the Nativity of Christ. My father is German, my mother is Russian, but we always celebrated both Russian and German Christmas. All my relatives and my mother gathered at my house. Then they slowly began to cook my mother and talk about my father.
    But then I said that the Nativity of Christ has already come and we must celebrate it with joy, it is sacred and comes first for me. But the father is still alive and there is no point in burying him ahead of time. Everyone's mood was different. Someone probably condemned me, someone supported me, but I kept my line and my opinion. I didn’t allow anyone to grieve or cry ahead of time until they called and said that if we still wanted to say goodbye, then you could come and say goodbye. I didn’t go, those who weren’t there yet went. They returned home to me, and at 11 o’clock they called us and said that he had died. I told my friends that God heard his prayers and gave him a chance to leave without pain and suffering, which he himself secretly prayed for more than once. They began to prepare for the funeral and I found a photograph of my father, beautiful and with a smile on his face, this has not been a frequent occurrence lately. This photo was chosen for the memorable day. What was surprising was that he lay like that in the coffin, and after the funeral I dreamed of him like that, always handsome and happy. At the last sermon, when the coffin stood in the hall, and guests and relatives were sitting in the hall, I was in the front row, and next to me stood an artificial bush. Suddenly one leaf rose and straightened. This was the third sign from dad. He looked at us. He gave me a chance to make sure that he was alive, but he was in another dimension. I almost didn’t cry, I just talked to him when he was in the coffin, probably for many it was very unpleasant, but I whispered to him, touched his cheeks and hands. I couldn’t kiss him, they don’t kiss here, so the coffin is high and you can’t reach him. I spent the first night in prayer after his death. Then I only cried sometimes, and I still don’t really know how to see him off, some do it for 40 days, some don’t, but we decided to do it the way Russian people do. Let the heaviness leave our souls, I think that the dead will not be offended by this. It so happened that after my father’s death it was my son-in-law’s birthday, my mother’s 85th birthday, and when we all got together, we still congratulated him dryly, but we congratulated him a little, but we drank to his health. Alive - alive. That's what I think.

    Signals from the other world

    This happened in the fall of 1992. One late evening in the bedroom of the American writer Mark Mackie the phone rang. Maki picked up the phone and, hearing a familiar voice, was extremely surprised. Ridiv, who... died back in 1974, spoke to him. Ridiv worked in radio engineering all his life and was considered a recognized expert in the field of sound recording devices.

    He told Mark that he and his friends had managed to establish a strong connection with the American continent and now he would be able to communicate more often with the writer, whom he knew well during his lifetime. And indeed, from that evening calls were heard frequently in Maki’s house. Apparently, this incident prompted the writer to found the “Union of Continuing Life Researchers” in 1995, which includes a dozen radio engineers.

    For the first time, incomprehensible voices were heard in 1921 by the famous Guglielmo Marconi on his yacht in the Mediterranean Sea. He is considered the creator of the first radio receiver in Europe. Marconi was always busy inventing and carried various radio equipment with him everywhere. Thanks to this, he heard the voices that so amazed him, which were clearly of extraterrestrial origin. Until his death in 1937, Marconi secretly worked on creating radio devices capable of receiving information from the past.

    Thomas Edison, a famous American radio engineer, conducted similar experiments starting in 1923. He believed that there were certain frequencies at which one could communicate with the other world.

    Increasing the sensitivity of radios allowed more people to hear mysterious sounds over the airwaves. In 1934–1935, strange voices were picked up by Swedish military counterintelligence radio operators. They then decided that these were coded negotiations between German agents and submarines. Then it turned out that there were no German submarines off the coast of Sweden at that time. However, leaked information about mysterious phenomena interested the Swedish artist and writer Friedrich Jurgensen. He was so fascinated by the idea of ​​​​obtaining information about the other world that, having thoroughly studied the radio business, he first recorded these strange sounds on film and began researching what he called “the phenomenon of electronic voices.”

    Ridiv also studied the problem of otherworldly sounds, recording on tape about 70 thousand mysterious voices, which sometimes even conducted dialogues with each other. Often, even polyglots could not decipher the language in which the dialogues were conducted. Therefore, scientists have suggested that these speeches are simply encrypted. The deceased have been particularly active in invading the field of electronic media since 1979. Messages from the dead came on faxes, their voices sounded in mobile phones, they were found on computer networks, and appeared on television screens.

    Strange signals were often heard on the radio

    To explain these phenomena, scientists have put forward a number of hypotheses, for example, that the souls of people located in near-Earth space communicate with each other at certain radio frequencies. And since these frequencies are constantly changing, it is quite difficult to fix them. But this hypothesis has not yet found serious confirmation, and scientists still continue to puzzle over the mysterious phenomenon of “electronic voices”...

    In addition to voices from receivers, the spirits of the dead sometimes show themselves on television screens. According to some reports, there are more than 15 photographs of such ghosts in the world: one photograph from Brazil, five from Germany, three from England... One similar fact has been recorded in Russia.

    “It happened on February 6, 1990,” writes E. Nikiforova from Novorossiysk. – I was watching TV. Suddenly the screen became covered with stripes, and then a man’s face appeared on it, as if in a haze. It was motionless, something like a photograph. I looked at him and screamed in horror. My brother Misha, who died in 1985, was looking at me point-blank from the screen. After a few seconds, stripes started running across the screen again, and then the TV started working normally again.”

    And in 1990, TV viewers in Luxembourg were even able to see a multi-part documentary film dedicated to photographs of ghosts. In particular, it showed five photographs of “spirits” that appeared on television screens. And then one day, during the demonstration of one of the episodes, the motionless face of a pretty girl appeared on the television screen. The owner of the TV used a camera in time, photographed the image and handed it over to the police. A little later, a photograph of this girl, published several years before this incident in a local newspaper, was found in the archive. The text accompanying the photo said that the girl left her house one day and did not return.

    When the filmmakers showed an old newspaper with a photograph printed in it and an image that appeared on the TV screen, hardly anyone doubted the identity of both faces...

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    Hello, dear editors of the newspaper “Adventures. Secrets. Miracles!" In September 1988, my husband died. According to the custom established in those places, a woman, the so-called reader, reads the Psalter for the deceased before the funeral. The sons took their father’s death very hard, especially the eldest, who was twenty-eight years old at the time. And suddenly this reader approached the eldest son and asked why he did not have a cross on him and why, while reading the Psalter, he never made the sign of the cross. The son replied that he was not baptized. The reader sadly shook her head and said: “Your father will not hear your unbaptized son - neither your words of farewell, nor your prayers.”

    Immediately after my father’s funeral, my son was baptized, and I began to have amazing dreams. I dream that I am standing under a spreading linden tree, and suddenly, from behind its trunk, pushing aside the branches with her hand, a beautiful woman in a brocade robe comes out to her toes. Throwing back the half of her blanket, she puts the baby in my arms with a smile, smiles at me goodbye and disappears. There was such a wave of grace and peace coming from this woman that I immediately realized that it was the Mother of God herself. But who is this baby she handed to me?

    And the next day I had a dream again - but this time I saw my dead husband. He walked along some long corridor, looked back all the time and repeated: “Remember: Thursday, 11 o’clock in the afternoon; remember: Thursday, 11 o’clock in the afternoon...” In the morning I told my dream at work, and I was advised not to leave my office anywhere on Thursday, just in case. I was looking forward to Thursday with excitement, but it passed as usual, and after that the next one... Outwardly I seemed to have calmed down, but my soul was still heavy, there was some kind of bad feeling pressing down on me. I was so exhausted by this that I couldn’t help but think: I wish everything had already happened, how much can I suffer...

    And then one Thursday our paramedic ran into my office with the words: “Run home quickly - your eldest son has just been hit by a car! He was taken away in an ambulance!” I involuntarily glanced at my watch - the hands froze at 11:30.

    As it turned out, my son was hit by a Volga racing at high speed. The son was hit by the hood, he flew over the roof of the car and fell into the snow on the side of the road, miraculously missing a telegraph pole. Doctors found a closed head injury, a severe bruise of the chest and hip - but not a single fracture. As they say, God was merciful. Or maybe the Mother of God, who gave me a healthy baby in a dream? What if my son had not been baptized then? I don't even want to think about it!

    The following summer, I decided to put a monument on my husband’s grave instead of a cross. I didn’t have any money, but my vacation was approaching and I was counting on buying a monument with my vacation money. And again I dreamed of my husband; We stood next to each other, talked, and I said: “Soon I will erect a monument to you.” And he answered very sadly: “No, you won’t bet this summer - you won’t have money.” When I woke up, I was very surprised - how could I not have money? Where will I put my vacation money?

    In the end, everything turned out exactly as my husband said. There was a fire in the house due to a gas leak - so my vacation money, not only for a monument to the grave, was not enough for repairs!

    Signs from the Other World (No. 24)

    Here's what one woman said:
    My husband died in 1993 and as he was dying he knocked on the door; I even know what time he died - at 17.00. There was a knock on the door, I opened it - no one was there. As a rule, the soul stays in this life for 40 days, and then flies away... Sometimes they even call me on the phone. My friend’s girth died, on September 2 at 6 o’clock the phone rang and the connection was immediately cut off. But I have a phone with an ID, and it didn’t even record this call. It seems to me that scientists need to think about this, decide what it is...

    This is not just about banal knocks and phone calls. One Armenian psychologist writes about this in his book “The Mystery of Death”. We are not talking about some situations, like something hit, and I felt that we are talking about very specific situations. Professor Vasiliev cited the following case back in the 70s: a young man lay down in his bed and saw on the opposite wall the image of his beloved girl, she was dying and told him: “Borya, Borya, there is no dust, no decay.” He was so amazed that he called all the residents of the communal apartment and wrote it down in writing, and they all witnessed this experience. After 2 weeks, a letter arrived from Moscow, the mother of this girl wrote to him that this girl was wounded in a shootout and died, saying before her death: “Borya, Borya, no dust, no decay.” The fact is that during death a huge amount of psychic energy is released. Both materialists and idealists say one thing, that energy is released, that is, some kind of electromagnetic vibrations, radio waves... there are many names. These waves reach enormous power and can influence the consciousness of a particular person.

    Plato gave the following evidence of the immortality of the soul - he said that since every action has an opposite, for example, there is falling asleep and there is waking up, there is also death and birth. Dying, a person is reborn. But the concept of the immortality of the soul is very ancient. It is very difficult to understand what is happening.

    No I do not believe. They’ll bury it... but where can you go? You'll rot.
    I believe, there is no evidence, but dreams came true.
    Not into the afterlife itself... but there is something. The body dies, and the energy flies away somewhere.
    Well, how can there be an afterlife?
    Yes, I believe in both the past and the future.
    I didn't think about it.
    No, I don’t believe that’s all.
    I believe. In any case, according to the literature it is.
    No, because I don’t believe it, and when I see it with my own eyes, then maybe I’ll understand.
    I believe, otherwise I cannot explain the meaning of life.
    I believe in an afterlife, I guess. That it exists.
    I think this keeps a lot of people from doing bad things.
    I believe that when a person dies, he still ends up somewhere.
    No, I haven't encountered this.)

    (I remember two cases: the first, when a man got off the bus, looked at the road and saw a car rushing towards him, and did not move away. As a result, he spent a year in the hospital, and when the car hit him, he saw himself from above. Second case: my friend was driving a car and it caught fire for him green color, he wanted to press the gas, but could not and saw a passing truck on red. After that, the gas pedal was already pressed. Why did this happen?)

    After all, we live in real life and if you focus on the signs, then insanity will begin. It is no coincidence that people who encountered amazing phenomena began to study them. And very often this ended in persecution from society. It is very easy to accuse such a person of fraud. Why are fortune tellers treated so poorly? Because the phenomenon of clairvoyance escapes, it cannot be grasped and strengthened.

    There is an opinion that there is an appeal to the global information field, where absolutely everything is collected. Our life is to gain knowledge and experience. Many people who have experienced clinical death, they described that in that world they were told that earthly life needed for gaining knowledge, for development. And this process continues endlessly.

    Perhaps there are people who are prone to seeing signs, etc., and there are people who are not affected by all this at all. Many people see dear people in their dreams and feel some kind of support. This is due to the person's mood. No wonder Victor Hugo said: “We all crawl in the mud, but some of us sometimes look at the stars.” It all depends on where you look, very often our success depends on our attitude. Recently there was news that somewhere they began to bury cell phones with the dead so that they could talk to them.

    A woman wrote a novel about people who lived in past life, and she wrote about it well, everyone praised her. And then she met one of the heroes of the novel on the street, he made a sign to her with his hand, which only close relatives knew about, which also means she met...
    Writing novels is generally not safe. Is it true that everything you write comes true? Everything you think comes true...

    You need to take what you write seriously.
    How do you explain to children that someone has died?
    This is very difficult to do, because at the age of 4-5 a child first encounters fear for his parents; he is not even afraid for himself. From this moment on, the fear of death begins to haunt us. But, as my dad said, when a person gets old, he gets tired of living, he gets tired, and just wants to go to bed. And my mother said that they would give us pills, after drinking which we would live forever. So I didn’t have that fear. It seems to me that it is more important for a person to be afraid of illness, suffering, and weakness.

    Anna Kiryanova

    All this happened directly to me, maybe someone will think that this is all a whim, a dream, but this is not so, everything actually happened.

    At that time I was 5 years old, my father became very ill and soon he died. Since this all started. Before my dad was taken away at the age of 30, death came to me myself. I saw her and wasn’t even scared, apparently due to my youth.


    It was late at night, I slept that night with my mother. I remember that I was lying and could not sleep. Suddenly my gaze turned to my mother, who was lying on the edge of the bed, and I saw that there was someone tall, a man, with a hood up. He stood there for a short time. I remember well how I stretched out my hands to him - and he disappeared. He probably didn’t come for me that time. Soon my dad died...

    Another story happened to me when I was already studying at the university. I left for a big city, far from my mother. And my grandparents lived next door to my mother, and sometimes their grandchildren visited them. Their children were some kind of failed individuals: almost all of them drank and did not lead a very decent lifestyle, so their children always came to us, to their mother, for advice and to talk. In general, they simply did not have enough attention, and my mother, a compassionate woman, always found time to communicate with them, help, etc. Moreover interesting fact: I called them Uncle Tolya and Aunt Mareya, although they were already close to 80, and I was 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. (I mean the age difference, which makes it difficult to communicate between grandparents).

    First Uncle Tolya dies, then Aunt Mareya. I was a second-year university student at the time, and just before the May 9th celebration I had a dream. It’s as if I came to my mother, I go out onto the porch, and our porch just overlooks their garden, and I see Uncle Tolya walking there. I’m already in a dream, I know that he died, that he is no longer alive, but I feel my physical essence. I feel a feeling of fear taking over the site. No, fear - this is an understatement - horror, fury. And it lasted forever. And then he turns to face me... I can’t tell you what it was like for him. Completely distorted by a grimace of anger, and filled with hatred - it was horror! Moreover, there is horror in his eyes.

    Literally 2 days later my mother calls me and says that this misfortune has happened.

    After the death of Uncle Tolya and Aunt Marea, their granddaughter and her family, a young couple in their early 20s, with a child, began to live in their house. As a result, the husband of this granddaughter hanged himself, although he had no apparent reason for this.

    2 years pass. Again in the spring, around mid-May, I again dream of Uncle Tolya. Like, he comes to his mother’s house, and at this time I seem to be at my mother’s house. website We sit with her and drink tea. And again it was all as if in reality. He rides a motorcycle along the alley, drives up and enters the house, while turning to his mother so that she packs her things to give to dad. Mom has already started packing things, but I see all this and understand that he is not alive. Mom is already coming out with the bag and giving it to him, and at this time, without thinking twice, I rush at this bag, knocking it out of my hands right in the air. I fell on my bag and cried, screaming with a heart-rending cry that I shouldn’t give my things back, he was dead, they were all dead, and Uncle Tolya freaked out, abruptly took off, started the motorcycle and drove off. Soon, after about 5 days, my uncle died...

    There are still many stories of communication with the other world in my life; if you like it, I can write more.

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