• Simple fortune-telling on cards for a loved one. Divination on cards by the name of a person. Likes or dislikes


    5 fortune telling on playing cards for a guy + 5 online divination + 7 useful tips.

    Divination is one of the favorite activities of unmarried girls, and not only in our country. From time immemorial, young ladies gathered at Christmas time to celebrate the year of marriage.

    They guessed in many ways, but with the help of cards infrequently. This was already the sphere of activity of professional fortune-tellers.

    Today, fortune-telling on cards for a guy is available to every free girl who is looking for the help of higher powers in building her personal life. The variety of divination options will pleasantly surprise you.

    If you are not an experienced fortune teller, then it will not be out of place to heed the advice of fortune tellers who predict fate long enough to increase your chances of getting a truthful answer from a deck of cards.

    How to effectively carry out fortune-telling on a guy on the cards

    You can guess both on ordinary playing cards and on tarot, which depict plot pictures that make it easier to interpret the alignment.

    Today we will not raise the topic of tarot, since it is quite extensive and requires a separate investigation. We will limit ourselves to fortune-telling options that are carried out on ordinary playing cards with the fulfillment of some mandatory conditions.

    Tips to help you effectively conduct fortune-telling for a guy:

    1. The 36 cards you use for divination for the first time must be new. Having acquired a deck, let it be saturated with your energy - hold it in your hands for a while, sit on it, sleep, hiding it under your pillow, etc.
    2. Use divination cards only for their intended purpose. Do not give them for playing, playing solitaire or anything else. And do not play with them yourself, otherwise they will begin to lie.
    3. Do not let someone else guess with your cards. You yourself can tell fortunes to your girlfriends, but they should not tell fortunes with your cards. Magic items must have one owner.
    4. Choose the right day and time. Can't guess big Christian holidays, during pregnancy, illness, menstruation. The best days are Wednesday and Friday. The best time is late evening or night during the waxing moon.
    5. Ask the right questions. With the help of card divination, you can get answers to many questions related to personal life, only they need to be asked as accurately as possible, indicating the guy's name, and not replacing it with the pronoun "he".
    6. Follow all instructions regarding a particular divination. Do not change or simplify something on your own. If the layout seems too complicated for you, choose the one that is simpler, but improvisation is inappropriate in this case.
    7. Don't turn magical ritual into everyday life. When you sit down to guess, it is advisable to create the appropriate atmosphere: stay alone, turn off all electrical appliances, light candles, etc. And you can’t ask the cards too often for advice: once a week is the maximum that you can afford.

    How to choose the right guy and yourself from the deck during fortune-telling on cards?

    If you are on a specific guy, then his personification must be selected from the deck. A young man will be more likely a jack (if the young man is very young) or a king if he is older or the instruction requires it (for example, there are fortune-telling for 4 kings).

    Next, you need to decide on the suit. Jacks are selected in accordance with external similarity: blond - tambourine, brown-haired and fair-haired - hearts, brunette - cross. The jack of spades is chosen when it comes to some dangerous person.

    With the kings, the alignment is a little different, here age and marital status are already taken into account more:

    • young guys are kings of diamonds;
    • older and those that are divorced - worms;
    • middle-aged and married - crusades;
    • elderly and dangerous - peak.

    Although the external similarity in the distribution of kings can also be taken into account. In general, act as your heart tells you.

    Sometimes in fortune telling you also need to choose your personification.

    Of course, the girl will be a lady:

    • fair-haired and young (up to 25 years old) - tambourine;
    • older or with darker hair - worms;
    • a married brunette over 30 years old is a cross.

    It is better not to choose the Queen of Spades as your reflection at all, even if you are a burning middle-aged brunette, because she usually symbolizes the enemy, regardless of the color of her hair and her years.

    Fortune telling on playing cards for a guy: different options

    There are so many that it's almost impossible to list them all in one article.

    For beginners, I chose the 5 most simple layouts that every girl can easily handle.

    As your skills grow, you can move on to more complex fortune-telling, choosing your favorite, the results of which seem to you the most truthful.

    Divination in the name of a guy

    This divination for a specific guy with an emphasis on his name is carried out as follows:

    1. Count how many letters are in the name young man which you want to guess. Let's say his name is Stepan - this is 6 letters.
    2. Choose from a deck of jacks that will personify your young man.
    3. Under this jack, in order, begin laying out the cards into 6 piles, pictures down.
    4. When the deck runs out, take the pile that is behind the card that was last and spread it over the remaining 5 piles.
    5. Continue the procedure until you have two stacks of cards.
    6. Take a card in a row from the first and second pack, looking at their image and, if paired ones are served, put them aside.
    7. Continue until all cards are gone.

    Now it remains only to look at the decoding of the resulting pairs:

    The guy feels sympathy for you and thinks about how best to express it
    He longs to see you
    Declaration of love is not far off
    The guy truly loves you
    His interest is serious, but there is no guarantee that he will grow into something more
    He is angry with you for something, do not deepen the conflict
    Be careful you have a rival
    The guy is jealous and afraid of losing you
    He longs for you

    Fortune telling about the events that await you with a particular guy

    You need to tell in the following way:

    1. Choose a card personification of your sweetheart (jack or king) and, calling him by name, put him in the center of the table.
    2. Shuffle the deck well, remove it with your left hand to the heart.
    3. Lay 4 cards clockwise around the king or jack in the form of a cross.

    Important! If paired cards, for example, sevens, fell out in this impromptu cross, you can make another cross by laying out the cards diagonally to the jack or king, so that it is surrounded by eight cards.

    And now we look in the table the value of the deal that has fallen out:

    SixesYou have to travel - joint or separate, when you have to part for a while
    Lots of romantic encounters
    A difficult conversation, a quarrel, which, if not repaid in time, will lead to separation
    Successful long-term development of your novel
    You are not indifferent to him, but so far there is no feeling of love. Whether it will - depends on your behavior.
    It is unlikely that your relationship will end in something good and last a long time.
    Another girl can interfere in your relationship if you don’t stop her in time
    When there is a crisis in your relationship with a guy, count on the help of friends
    A long passionate romance is guaranteed to you with this guy.

    Guessing a guy's feelings

    In this divination, we will find out what a young man feels for you, laying out cards in the form of the letter “H”:

    But first you need to find the card incarnation of your boyfriend without pulling him out of the deck.

    Having shuffled the cards well, start laying them out with the letter “H”, saying the following words:

    Continue the alignment until the hidden jack or king falls out. Now look at what phrase he fell out on. If on 1, 4, 5, 6, then the guy's love is strong. If 2 or 3, then the young man has not yet decided what he feels for you. And from 7 everything is already clear - his heart is occupied by another.

    Fortune telling on a man

    Fortune telling on the cards for the future of a girl and a guy

    Guess yourself among the ladies in the deck, and among the kings - the guy that you like, without getting them.

    Shuffle the deck as usual and remove half of it with your left hand.

    Then begin the layout of cards, face up, 9 in a row, while removing cards of identical suit - both in horizontal rows and in vertical rows (leaving the hidden queen and king) and moving the rest towards each other so that there are no empty spaces .

    Repeat this until there is nothing to remove.

    Now look nearby or not, the hidden lady and the king turned out to be. If you are near, be together. If not, then you need to look at the meaning of the pictures that are between you. This is the hindrance to your love.

    Separation due to your departure or travel of a young person
    Unpleasant conversation
    Unexpected meeting
    Uncertainty of a young man's feelings
    A guy's fear that exceeds his interest in you
    Empty chores
    Feelings for another girl
    Fear of competing for you with others
    Events that will change your life (ace of red suit, which means events will be pleasant, black - unpleasant)

    Divination for the past, future and present with your boyfriend

    Divination should be done like this:

    1. Guess among the kings the incarnation of a guy, and among the ladies - your own.
    2. Shuffle the deck well and slide your left hand towards you.
    3. Lay out the cards 3 in a row in the form of a fan until the deck runs out.
    4. See where your lady is.
    5. Next, see the interpretation of the layout, taking into account the fact that the row above you is your past, the pictures in the same row with you are the present, and below you is the future. Thus, the meaning of the cards of only three rows is deciphered.


    Also consider where the king fell, personifying your guy. If:

    • in the same row with you or in that fan that symbolizes the near future - well, your relationship will be strong and lasting;
    • in the past (all rows above your lady) - most likely, nothing good will come of you;
    • in the future, but far away (all the rows below your lady) - there are chances for a happy ending, but difficulties will arise.

    Fortune telling on cards for a guy is a way not only to pass the time in an interesting way, but also to open the veil over your future. But remember that you cannot completely trust any magical rites. Your life, including your personal life, should be built independently, guided by the mind and heart.

    There are many fortune-telling cards that will help open the feelings of a loved one.

    How to tell fortunes on cards

    True divination on playing cards for a loved one will turn out if you follow a few simple rules of divination.


    For fortune-telling, they take a separate deck - they never play games of chance on it.
    The new deck should spend the night under the pillow of the fortune teller in order to adopt her aura. Fortune tellers never give their cards into the wrong hands.

    Time for divination

    According to tradition, they do not guess on the days of saints Orthodox holidays and on Sunday. It is believed that the best days for divination are "women's" days: Wednesday and Friday.
    Divination requires concentration - it is better to conduct the ritual after midnight, in a closed room.

    How to prepare for the ritual

    Before divination, the fortune-teller looses her hair and removes all jewelry. It is believed that all sorts of fasteners, for example, a closed belt, can interfere. With any divination, you should not cross your arms and legs - this way you can block information channels.
    Before picking up a deck, you need to focus and tune in to a serious mood. Shuffling the cards, think about a loved one.

    How often can you guess

    Fortune telling on a person on playing cards is carried out as rarely as possible. The correct answer can be expected from a single scenario per day. They do not guess twice on the same question, even if the girl did not like the answer received.

    Divination interpretation

    The most difficult thing is to correctly interpret the result of the resulting scenario. A good fortune teller is distinguished precisely by the ability to interpret the alignment for each specific case. You can not "read" the result literally - it is best to rely on intuition and knowledge of the "object".

    Fortune telling "Six cards"

    A simple divination for a loved one on playing cards will give a detailed answer to all possible questions.

    They mix the cards and take off on themselves. 1 card is drawn at random from the middle of the deck and placed on the table. Then the deck is shuffled again and another 1 card is drawn - and so on 6 times. There will be a row of 6 cards on the table.

    What do they mean?

    1 - thoughts of a loved one;
    2 - what is the heart of a loved one busy with;
    3 - events that will soon occur in the life of a loved one;
    4 - what the beloved desires;
    5 - what he does not want;
    6 - what events are happening in the life of a loved one now.
    See the meanings of the cards below.

    Fortune telling on a dozen cards

    An old divination for a loved one on playing cards, which helped our grandmothers to understand the essence of the events.
    After shuffling the cards, they are removed with the left hand to the heart. Then they take cards from the top of the deck in order, three at a time.
    1 "three" is placed in the center of the table - it means what is in the heart of the fortune-teller;
    2 and 3 "triples" - on the right and on the left - reflect the present;
    4 "troika" - on top - reflects the future;
    5 "three" - below - means the past, which is already leaving.

    See the meanings of the cards below.

    What do the cards predict?

    Hearts (feelings, passion)
    "6" - the way in the morning;
    "7" - unfulfilled desires;
    "8" - separation;
    "9" - passionate relationship;
    "10" - a date or a romantic intrigue;
    Jack - Trouble for the King of Hearts
    Lady - a woman without marriage obligations;
    The king is a man unmarried;
    Ace is a fun bunch.

    Peaks (passion, time for events - night)
    "6" - the way in the late hours;
    "7" - sorrows, troubles;
    "8" - disease;
    "9" - stay alone;
    "10" - range of interests;
    Jack - enemy, enemy;
    Lady - a conflict situation or a passionate romance;
    King - marital relations;
    Ace with the tip up - a stormy hobby; point down - unpleasant events.

    Tambourines (profit, time for events - morning, afternoon)

    "6" - a trip related to the solution of business issues;
    "7" - contract;
    "8" - loss, sadness;
    "9" - achievement;
    "10" - receiving benefits, showing interest in business;
    Jack - the solution of financial issues; chores for the King of Tambourines;
    Lady is not a free woman;
    The king is a man bound by marriage.
    Ace - a welcome date.

    Clubs (creativity, time for events - evening)
    "6" - travel on business or in the late hours;
    "7" - interlocutor;
    "8" - a difficult event, grief;
    "9" - feeling;
    "10" - worries in an official institution or with the King of Clubs;
    Jack - parting with tears;
    Lady - a wealthy woman in years;
    The king is a middle-aged man, wealthy and decent.
    Ace is an official institution.

    Divination on paired cards

    The shuffled cards are laid out in 6 rows of six cards face up. If, when laid out diagonally, there were cards equal in value (for example, King - King, "7" - "7", etc.), they must be removed and replaced with other cards from the deck. When all the cards are laid out and there are no more diagonals, they collect cards in a deck from the end.

    In the second layout, the cards are also laid out, removing the same cards that lay diagonally, but 5 cards are placed in each row.
    Then they make similar layouts with rows of 4, 3 and 2 cards.

    In the last scenario, the remaining number of pairs is counted. According to their number, they interpret the result of divination:

    1 pair - wedding bells;
    2 pairs - mutual feeling;
    3 pairs - interest;
    4 pairs - longing for you;
    5 pairs - you are in the thoughts of a loved one;
    6 pairs - you can expect betrayal;
    7 pairs - indifference.

    Layout "2 crosses"

    Step 1 - the choice of the king, which will symbolize the guy in fortune-telling.

    How to choose?

    • Single guy - King of Tambourine;
    • a male adult or married - King of Hearts;
    • a man in years is the King of Clubs.

    The selected card is removed from the deck and placed in the center of the table.

    Then they remove the shuffled deck - the upper part is shifted down and the top 4 cards are laid out in a cross around the King-betrothed. These cards will show how the guy feels about the fortune teller, as well as the events that are happening to him right now.
    If among 4 cards there are 4, 3 or at least 2 cards of the same value (Lady - Lady, "7" - "7", etc.) - lay out 4 more cards (second cross) as shown in the figure.

    The result of divination is interpreted only by the value of the cards, regardless of their suit:

    "6" - a journey, far and long; perhaps it will cause separation;
    "7" - a date soon;
    "8" - an unpleasant conversation that can lead to a break;
    "9" - relations will develop successfully, you can wait for the conclusion of a marriage union;
    "10" - interest in you does not mean love at all;
    Jack - fruitless chores;
    The lady is a bad sign: you can expect the appearance of a rival or betrayal;
    King - support of a close faithful friend;
    Ace - mutual harmonious feeling.

    Simple fortune-telling "Yes" - "No"

    Would you like to know how to guess on cards for a loved one and not only? A simple fortune-telling with the result "Yes" - "No" will allow you to get answers to any question. Only ask questions should not be more than once a day!

    They shuffle the cards, focusing on their question. The question should be designed in such a way that the answer is "Yes" or "No".

    For example:

    • does Imyarek love me?
    • will we be together?
    • Will I marry...? and so on.

    Remove the deck from above and put the cards down. Now they take the top 3 cards and lay them out in a row.


    • Spades and Hearts say "Yes", Clubs and Diamonds - "No".
    • If all the cards give a positive answer - undoubtedly, your desire will come true.
    • 2 cards "Yes" and 1 "No" - you will have to work hard to get the result or unexpected obstacles will appear.
    • 2 "No" cards and one "Yes" - a positive result is unlikely.
    • 3 cards "No" - the answer is clearly negative.

    It is believed that with such fortune-telling, each question can be asked only once.

    In order not to promise cards for any fortune-telling, interpret the result for the better.

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    Julia Alekseevna Caesar

    Hereditary witch. Tarologist. Runologist. Reiki Master.

    Articles written

    Predicting how relationships will develop can be difficult. If young people who behave in a completely unexpected way. For example, after a date where you smiled sweetly at each other, kissed and said goodbye warmly, he doesn’t even call. How to look into the soul of this person and understand what is happening there? There are only two solutions - ask directly or use the powers of magic.

    In the first case, you can hear something unpleasant and be disappointed in the person, but the cards, on the contrary, will prepare you for any outcome. Do not take fortune-telling results for granted. If he does not love you, then no force can draw him to you. But if hidden sympathy is found in the scenario, you will have hope for the development of relations. Fortune telling on a loved one will help you find out what is hidden in his heart.

    The first way on 36 cards

    Fortune telling on playing cards for love requires perseverance, but you will quickly figure it out and deal with the alignment. First of all, you need to choose the card of the man you are guessing at. It is most convenient to do this by hair color or age. The king of tambourine is a young man with light brown hair, the king of hearts is a divorced or married, blond, the cross is a black-haired old man, the king of spades is a free brunette of middle age. Set aside also your card - the lady with whom you associate yourself.

    The value of playing cards in fortune-telling in our case is pairs. Before starting, remove the deck and draw one card from the top and bottom. Lay each pair around the king on four sides. Sequence: top, right, bottom, left. In each pair, both cards help to correctly determine the meaning of each other. If you do not have enough information, draw 4 additional cards and place them next to the pairs.

    Read also: Divination for the return of a loved one

    The dropped suit does not play a role. The prediction is based on the value of the cards.

    • Sixes. Separation, road, distant and long trip. Business trip.
    • Seven. Date, romance, flowers and sweets.
    • Eight. Difficult conversation. Find out how he relates to you.
    • Nine. Perhaps marriage, reconciliation and great happiness.
    • Ten. The chosen one is actively interested in you, it can be passion or just friendship.
    • Jack. In divination for a loved one, it symbolizes useless chores.
    • Lady. You have someone to fight. The black cat crossed the road. You are betrayed.
    • King. A friend will help you deal with problems and connect your hearts.
    • Ace. Mutual and passionate love.

    There are many ways to play cards for divination. This one is one of the simplest and most interesting. Interpretation can be applied to any situation.

    The second way in the name of the beloved for 36 cards without change

    A loving look forgives many shortcomings. Let's try to dispel the myths about the chosen one with the help of this layout. It is necessary to select all small cards from the deck in advance. Sixes, sevens, eights, nines of all stripes, put aside. We do not need them to guess the name. Please note that 10 is left.

    Shuffle the cards, slide the deck towards you with your left hand and say the name of your beloved. The nickname or diminutive does not fit. Then you should put the first card on the table. Shuffle the cards again. Lay out the second one. Repeat the procedure until there are 6 cards on the table.

    The fortuneteller receives information on the cards from left to right:

    • First on the left: the thoughts of the chosen one at a given moment in time.
    • Second: what is in the heart of a loved one.
    • Third: the near future.
    • Fourth: an event that no one could have predicted.
    • Fifth: what is he doing now.

    The card layout must be analyzed depending on the suit and value.

    Love or even falling in love are reckless and uncontrollable feelings. No matter how skeptical a woman is, when a close person appears in her life, the analyst falls asleep in her soundly. Feelings control thoughts. At such moments, a craving for the mystical is born, because everyone wants to know the future, to know what awaits her and her lover, what he feels for her. Someone is able to be content with intuition, but many young ladies resort to the methods of their grandmothers, namely, fortune telling on playing cards for a loved one.

    Fortune telling on playing cards for love is one of the oldest rituals that was practiced by mediums of the ancient East and priests of nomadic Scythian tribes. The rite is based on the fact that each card has its own specific meaning and is "charged" with the fortuneteller's energy. The deck seems to be saturated with information coming from a person, and displays the present along with a possible future. A lot of important part of fortune-telling is the correct decoding of the cards that have fallen out, so this particular moment requires special attention.

    Cards are symbols of love

    If you decide to tell fortunes for your loved one, then you need to familiarize yourself with a few basic rules, or rather recommendations for fortune telling. People have the ability to underestimate the importance of this or that step, do not make such a mistake. Serious attitude to the ritual is half the battle.

    A novice fortuneteller needs to know the following:

    • Not every day is suitable for divination. It is best to conduct a session on Wednesday or Friday, avoiding holidays (especially religious ones).
    • The deck chosen for divination must be “clean”, either new or not used for its intended purpose.
    • If you are going to tell fortunes for yourself, then you should retire so that outsiders are not nearby. When fortune-telling someone, stay alone with this person.
    • The prediction may not be what you expected, but the cards cannot tell you exactly what you want. Do not try to achieve a certain result from them, it is better to repeat the alignment later.
    • Divination for a loved one is somewhat more complicated than a regular session, as it concerns a person to whom you are not indifferent. You need to catch a state of calm, give up too obvious emotions (for example, jealousy or resentment) so that your feelings do not cloud the prediction.
    • The result of fortune-telling depends on many factors, so it may not be entirely accurate. Nevertheless, be as objective as possible and do not invent your own meaning for the cards.

    Playing card layout

    Proven by generations

    If the deck is ready, a favorable time has been chosen, the head is free from unnecessary thoughts, then it remains only to decide on the alignment itself. Over the years, we have become aware of many ways of divination on playing cards, a variety of rituals. Below are the three most common and easy layouts that our mothers used, who learned about them from their mothers and so on. No need to grab all three at once, remember that the cards also need a rest.

    The magic of triplets

    This is one of the oldest divinations. The alignment is very simple and clear, the main thing is concentration.

    Shuffle the deck carefully, thinking about your favorite. Try not to allow extraneous thoughts, aim to get the most accurate prediction. Start laying out the cards in front of you in threes (hence the name). Lay the first three in the center, it symbolizes what is in his soul. Place the next two triples to the right and left of the first - this is the present, what is happening in life at the moment. Two more triples - above and below. They will talk about the future and the past, respectively. You need to lay out the cards with the picture up, preferably with your left hand. We will talk about the meaning of each card a little later.

    Fortune telling on playing cards for a loved one has established itself as the most sought-after prophetic ritual of all time. A fragile, sensitive feminine principle, despite its powerful inner strength and ability to survive in the most difficult conditions, can easily break from betrayal, lies and hypocrisy. Therefore, almost everyone tries, at least with the help of magic, to penetrate the thoughts of the person to whom they are going to give their heart.

    In the article:

    Ritual divination on a loved one on the cards

    Blinding with feelings during the period of candy-bouquet love euphoria does not allow you to think about a possible catch. Unfortunately, too often morally unscrupulous people play on feelings for selfish purposes. To find out the true intentions of a man, his thoughts will help on a loved one according to ancient Slavic rites, but in a modern magical interpretation.

    Our progenitors used special attributes and conspiracies for predictions of this kind. The best atmosphere for a card prophecy was considered to be the presence at the place of the ceremony energies of the four elements. For this, candles were necessarily lit, three vessels were placed on the table: one empty, the second with salt, the third filled with spring water - symbols fire, air, earth and water.

    Modern magicians recommend reinforcing the ritual with the visualization of the person who is being divined. For this, a photograph is sufficient, in which he is depicted alone or together with a fortuneteller. It is recommended to put the photo in the center of the table on which the layout is made, its energy will direct the cards in the right direction.

    The layout "He is at gunpoint" will show the real face of the partner

    In order to fully know the person who is nearby, sometimes a lifetime is not enough. And if the relationship is just beginning, it is possible to penetrate into the mysterious soul of your chosen one only through fortune telling on playing cards. Known layout "He's under attack" reveals not only the secrets of the past, but also the true intentions of any person.

    The ritual is carried out alone, in a separate room, using the symbols of the elements and a photograph of the chosen one. The deck should not be played, best of all personal, that is, one that no one except the fortuneteller picked up. The cards are laid out on top of the photo. Laying out each, you should pronounce the accompanying words:

    With the first card, his thoughts about me are clarified, with the second - his words about me, with the third - his feelings for me, with the fourth - his true desires, along with the fifth and sixth, actions will appear, the seventh with the eighth will open goals.

    The first four cards are laid out in a row one under the other, the rest - two down. It is advisable to open the cards sequentially, interpreting each separately, then all together. If there is a lady in the layout, according to the suit of a fortune-telling girl, the prospect of a serious relationship is obvious.

    Fortune telling on cards for a loved one - features of interpretation

    An interesting feature of predictions on a playing deck is the non-standard interpretation of cards for some rituals. If in the layouts for fate, the future or events of a certain period, the old gypsy designation of suits and ranks is used, then fortune telling on playing cards for a loved one is most often interpreted especially. This interpretation applies to layouts "He's on target" And "What kind of person?".

    As in other fortune-telling, sixes predict the road, but only heart- an easy, joyful, close family walk, tambourine- pointless trip clubs- a complicated evening or long journey, and peak- a long, long way.

    Four sixes in the layout they emphasize the need for an important choice, a responsible decision, for which the best conditions have developed. Two sixes can show the crossroads at which the chosen one is located.

    Sevens And eights of all suits are communication cards. They reflect emotions, feelings, experiences that are associated with surrounding people, both relatives and strangers. So, four sevens very accurately predict scandals, unpleasant showdowns, blowing peak And clubs of sevens- lawsuit, tambourine- monetary claims, and only heart shows a pleasant pastime with family or loved ones.

    If the schedule contains All eights, there is a serious conversation ahead, it may concern business issues, domestic or love, but in any case, its result will be acceptance important decisions for all participants.

    Nines And dozens- these are cards of love, passion, fulfillment of desires, as well as emotions associated with these processes. Only nine of spades contains an unpleasant prognosis regarding health, and paired with the same eight predicts a long-term illness. All other suits give a positive prophecy regarding the development of love, sexual, trusting and material relationships.

    They have a clear difference in their beloved jacks. If standardly these cards are interpreted as various chores, then in the layouts for feelings they characterize the emotions and experiences of the chosen one. Becomes a warning Jack of Diamonds, showing hidden self-interest, material interest, the falsity of the man on whom the alignment is made. Cross Jack- this is sincerity, honesty, directness both in thoughts and in actions. Jack of Hearts good only in combination with a similar suit - this is a confirmation of serious, far-reaching plans for a life together, with spades, clubs and diamonds partners shows uncertainty, hesitation, lack of clear intentions to continue the relationship.

    kings And ladies- these are very capacious cards in interpretation. Paired neighborhood, regardless of suit, means marriage - a real or broken marriage union that affects existing relationships. four kings in the scenario - a warning about impending problems in a pair, four ladies- gossip, intrigues, intrigues from the outside, capable of destroying the idyll.

    Aces, in the description of a loved one, as a rule, means his family, house, apartment. Ace of spades talks about the unfavorable environment of a young man, clubs about the threat of the state house in his life. But if ace of diamonds adjacent to ten of hearts- get ready for the wedding, soon you will receive a marriage proposal from your chosen one.

    "What kind of person?" - quick characterization of the chosen one

    Using a special interpretation of the deck, you can try another one for your loved one called “What kind of person?”. Observing all the requirements of ritual divination, you should lay out the entire deck into four rows of nine pieces with pictures up. Each last, namely the ninth card in a row will describe the features of life, character, habits of a young man.

    Aces they will tell about the priorities of a man: hearts - home, hearth, family, clubs - self-realization, business, career, diamonds - pleasures, peak - morality, moral standards. Kings and Ladies they will show people whose opinion is more important to him than his own: hearts - father and mother, clubs - boss, employee, curator, diamonds - friends, buddies, spades - an influential patron or patroness. Jacks reveal the price of words and promises: if a peak has opened, you should not trust the stories of the chosen one, he will easily lie on any topic, hearts and clubs - what is in the mind, then in the tongue, and the tambourine warns of the ability of a person to offend and hurt with words. Ten and nine clubs, nine and eight tambourines speak of selfish interest in a relationship. Thoughts about a joint future show sixes of diamonds and hearts, a frivolous, windy attitude - six of spades, seven of hearts and eight of clubs.
    , ordered dreams that could show the betrothed. The energy of the elements has always helped the fairer sex in finding answers. After all, such information allows not only to avoid disappointments, but also to achieve real happiness in love, harmony in the family, material well-being in the house.

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