• Energy

    • What icons to put in the house: home protection

      Having gotten married and given birth to children, I began to increasingly ask myself the question of what kind of icon should be in the house in order to protect all family members and protect them from possible influence from unkind people. Here's what I learned and put into practice

      2020-09-12 09:27:05
    • What is feminine energy and can it really be developed?

      Differences: Male energy is focused. Points in space do not interfere with each other's existence. Men have independence and it does not interfere with coexistence. Feminine energy is space. When women interact, they have to give up some space

      2023-08-15 00:49:11
    • Where to put the candle after cleaning the apartment

      Our home means a lot to us. This is the place where we love, dream, rejoice in our achievements, laugh, worry, be sad, create a family, and just live. Only in our home can we open up, become ourselves, throw off all masks, hypocrisy and falsehood. E

      2023-08-13 00:49:19
    • Restoring positive energy in the house How to create good energy in the apartment

      To create positive energy in your home and make your home comfortable and cozy, use the following tips and tricks from Feng Shui experts. TIP 1 Start with energetic cleaning How do you feel about your home? Liu

      2023-01-13 04:16:40
    • How to make a magic mirror to develop clairvoyance?

      Mirror magic is perhaps one of the most mysterious and interesting. It is believed that it is mirrors that serve as guides to a parallel world and, due to this, are able to show us various visions. How does this type of magic work and what are the rituals with it?

      2020-09-06 15:35:38
    • What does it mean to dream in which you see rotten teeth?

      Our ancestors believed that health and strength largely depend on the teeth. Therefore, amulets were often made from animal fangs. And the teeth of their own ancestors were kept as a special talisman. Today, doctors say with reasonable confidence that dental health

    • Holy prayers for healing

      70369 views Every Orthodox Christian knows prayers for illnesses. In a situation where there are no medications with you, prayer is always with you and words addressed to higher powers, to God, do not require effort, money and time to honor them. In case of serious illnesses, in any

    • Tattoo of a barbarian on a horse killing people

      A tattoo with the image of a horseman means love of freedom, loneliness, introversion, mysticism, determination, will, fidelity, devotion, travel, wandering, fortitude, creativity, originality, originality, romance, childishness

    • How to play solitaire at home

      There is probably no person in the world who has not played solitaire at least once! Cards have a magical effect on a person - they relax, make them believe and even trust their destiny. It’s hard to call solitaire a game as such. This is yours

    • Orthodox prayer that delivers from all curses

      A curse is a bad, evil wish spoken or mentally, it is applied without the use of certain rituals. If certain conditions and auxiliary elements are necessary to impose damage, then in this case a surge of the most negative

    • St. Isaac's Cathedral Unsuccessful start of construction

      The most important secret for me personally in St. Isaac's Cathedral is whether it is true that on the relics (well, naturally, on particles) of Alexander Nevsky there is an inscription - Jesus Joshua. -An elderly Leningrad woman fills out a form at some housing office--"Vasilieva....Nina....Isaakovna...-E

    • The meaning of the name Elena. Interpretation of the name. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Elena Horoscope for Elena

      The meaning of a name is always directly related to its origin, and here there is a certain complexity with the name Elena. There is still no single theory of the origin of the name Elena. One of the main theories of the origin of the name is considered to be the origin of the name of the god Helio

    • Signs for girls for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in April: signs and beliefs

      Today Christians have a special holiday - the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, yandex.ua On Friday, April 7, they celebrate the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, one of the 12 most important Orthodox holidays of the year. Church traditions claim that on this day Arch

    • What is a Maltese cross?

      The Maltese cross, the cross of the Johannites, the cross of St. John of Jerusalem, and the Cross of St. George received their name due to the widespread use of this symbol by the knightly order of the Hospitallers. The Maltese cross is a four-pointed cross

    • Pessimism: what is it and how to get rid of it?

      At the layman level, pessimists are usually associated with a bad mood, with despondency. But pessimism itself is not considered something “deadly” that can radically influence a person’s perception of the world and his way of life. In reality, everything is more serious than
