• What to say when you go to bed on a Sunday. Fortune telling for girls: to see a betrothed in a dream. How do bedtime spells work?


    When fortune-telling does not bring the necessary results, but you need to find out about the future, try using a conspiracy for a prophetic dream. Those who use it are alerted to what will happen in the future and will try to prevent trouble.

    In the article:

    Conspiracies for a prophetic dream - what you need to know about them

    Not everyone has such skills that they can predict the future. With a special conspiracy for a prophetic dream, you will find out what awaits you. But there are rules that cannot be neglected during magical work on a prophetic dream, otherwise everything you do will be in vain.

    Almost everyone is held directly in front of him. This means that you will have to refrain from nightly reading and watching TV, snacking in the middle of the night, sex and everything that distracts you. Wash and take a shower, change clothes - do all this before casting a spell on a prophetic dream. It is impossible to talk, correspond on the Internet, make phone calls and answer them until the morning.

    Go to bed and wake up alone. When sharing a bed with your spouse, try to find a reason to leave for one night in another room. Make sure no one wakes you up or disturbs you. Turn off your phone and alarms in advance. It is better to choose a day off so that you can wake up naturally, without an alarm clock.

    The mood is also important, as with any practice of magic, a lot depends on it. When you go to bed after reading the plot, tune in to see in a dream what you want to know. Try to get rid of extraneous thoughts and distractions. Think about what you want to know in a dream, but try not to imagine specific situations.

    The phase of the moon also matters. When this is not specified in the descriptions of the plot, choose the last days of the growing moon, before the full moon. It also fits well.

    The use of incense will be a fat plus of the ritual. Aromas will help you tune in to prophetic dreams. Dry sleep-grass and aloe stalks are suitable. Or use the usual aroma sticks and essential oils of patchouli, eucalyptus, sandalwood and others.

    This evening, the shower is replaced by a relaxing bath at a pleasant temperature. Add essential oils to the water - lavender or mint. Wiccan magicians advise inhaling the steam that comes from the water infusion of the following plants: laurel, cinnamon, wormwood, nutmeg and rose. Disposes to prophetic dreams and special witch tea. It consists of two parts of cinnamon, yarrow and three parts of rose petals.

    Prophetic dreams are like reality, but some people see dreams about the future encrypted by the subconscious. Many before falling asleep note a feeling of anxiety and extraneous presence. Do not pay attention to him, do not let him interfere with sleep.

    What to do when a prophetic dream turned out to be scary

    To partially avert the trouble, say before you get out of bed:

    Where there is darkness, there is a dream. Amen.

    Or do it with the right foot and say:

    All the troubles in dreams go to the enemies. Amen.

    So that a bad prophetic dream does not come true, this is not enough. Take large-scale measures, and you know better what they should be. There are many that you can easily find on our website.

    The dream you saw turned out to be good - say other words:

    Good sleep in my hand. Amen.

    Or get up on your left foot and say:

    What he saw in his dreams, he took for himself. Amen.

    You can't tell prophetic dreams to anyone. Especially when you had a good dream, otherwise it will not come true.

    Spell to sleep when falling asleep

    It is important to pronounce it when you sail away to sleep, but not wake up. Say in a whisper or to yourself five times:

    Let me dream what should come true. I wish so!

    It’s good when, after reading this simple conspiracy, you fall asleep.

    Spell on a mirror for a prophetic dream

    To cast such a spell, you need a round mirror. Without drawings, inscriptions and other decor. Be sure to clean, wipe it before reading the plot.

    Place a mirror under your pillow, lie down on it and say:

    As darkness and light are reflected in this mirror, so my future one will appear in it.

    People who use such a spell dream of a mirror, and in it they see a reflection of what they wanted to know about. In the morning it must be hidden. Don't talk about it to anyone and don't give it to anyone. It is used for foresight.

    Candle conspiracy to see a prophetic dream

    You can use this method three times a year, strictly on certain days - on, on the night of the old New Year and on.

    For this magical work, you need a candle, any. Before going to bed, light it and say a conspiracy three times. The text is read lingeringly, like an invocation:

    Abu, Lah, Yessa. I call you, I call you, I attract a prophetic dream to me. Take the flame of the candle to yourself, give me a true dream in exchange. The last smoke from the flame will enter my mind, predict my fate. The one who loves and who loved will show, he will tell about haters and dashing people. About whom I can escape from and about whom I myself will destroy will tell.

    Word " Amen You can’t speak, you can’t be baptized either. After the candle is extinguished, preferably with your fingers or a special cap. And go to bed, completely remove your clothes and jewelry.

    Prayer for sleep for two candles

    This plot is used once a month. And from Thursday to Friday, around 22:00-23:00 hours.

    To read the conspiracy to sleep, where you will see the whole truth, you need two identical church candles. Twist into one so that one wick is on top and the second is on the bottom. With your left hand, hold the resulting "double" candle in the middle and read:

    Mother of God, I pray you, yes Jesus Christ.
    Let my desire become clear.
    May the grace of the Lord come to me.
    Through my dream, but in my memory.
    Let the angel of dreams tell me about the future.
    For the morning, for tomorrow, for the day after tomorrow. (tell me about the time in which you want to predict the events). Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

    When you say the last word, put out the candle. Place it at the head of the bed or on the nightstand next to the bed. Lie down to sleep. You must fall asleep before midnight.

    Take all that remains of the twisted candles to the church within three days. There is a special tray for candle ends, place it there. Do it in the morning.

    Prophetic dream spell on Saturday

    Such a spell is read only on Saturday. Before going to bed, prepare a piece of bread and sprinkle with salt. Cast a spell on them:

    Sunday with Monday, Tuesday with Wednesday, Thursday with Friday, and you, Saturday, no friends, here's bread and salt for you, and give me a clear dream.

    Then put at the head of the bed and go to bed.

    Plot on a prophetic dream on evening water

    For this conspiracy, spring water is needed. Dial at dusk. Pour into a bowl, saucepan or cup.

    When you bring it home, read these words above it:

    I invite the dawn of the evening devil,
    True and secret words I ask him.
    Not everyone knows those words, but who will hear them,
    He recognizes prophetic dreams.
    When I fall asleep, I will find answers to my questions.

    Wash your face and dry yourself with a clean towel. After - sleep, and try to fall asleep quickly. The plot is not used often.

    A conspiracy to see in a dream a remedy for a disease

    When you are sick for a long time, and the medicines prescribed by doctors do not help, try to find out in a dream what kind of remedy is needed. Do it on the day of veneration with Saint Nicholas.

    Lie down to sleep inside the church fence. There are many ways to do this. Many churches are not guarded. It makes sense to pretend that the lock has broken in the house, and it is safer to spend the night near the church than in the park on a bench.

    When you go to bed, say:

    The servant of God (your name) goes to bed on the Zion Mountains.
    Under the cover of the church, a saint, but with three angels in his head.
    The first will hear everything, the second will see everything, the third will tell me everything.
    Nicholas the Wonderworker will show them the whole truth.

    Even adults believe in miracles. Every time they go to bed and stay alone with their thoughts, they not only think about tomorrow, but also remember their most cherished dreams. As you know, there is little sense in one evening solitude. The power of magic words will help in the fulfillment of any dreams. Conspiracies for the fulfillment of desires are simple, harmless, time-saving, but most importantly, effective.

    In this article:

    How do sleep spells work?

    Many people are interested in magical rituals that will help to realize their plans. White slanders are harmless, do not carry consequences, because they do not harm anyone. Their power is aimed at the implementation of good deeds and is not supported by evil intentions. Such magic works quickly and harmlessly.

    But, the power of your desire also plays a big role. Each person carries a divine principle in himself and can, if he wants. But not everyone will be able to cope with such a situation, managing a large, even light energy, directing it in the right direction. Then magic words or, as they are commonly called, spells come to the rescue. Any, even the most powerful conspiracies are read under certain circumstances:

    • before bedtime;
    • on holidays;
    • on special days that our ancestors still honored.

    Not a small role is played by the "relations" between the moon and the earth.

    It is worth delving into the question - on which moon our ancestors read conspiracies, because this is an important aspect. That is why they read all the conspiracies before going to bed.

    The growing moon is associated with profit, reading words for the new moon means getting a chance to fulfill your dream. While the waning moon is able to take something bad with it. For example, sores or a negative mood. The full heavenly body is the queen of magical magic, it gives strength not only to a person, but also to the words themselves. On the full moon, the most serious desires are made, to which you endlessly gravitate. When reading slander on a full moon, you can look either at the moon or at a candle. It is done like this: the first half of the ritual, while you are concentrating your attention on your own person and your desire, you should look at the candle. Fire will help you focus and abstract from the environment. The appeal itself should go to the moon, so all words are read looking at the moon.

    The slanders themselves are read on various personal items, such as jewelry, photographs, wardrobe items. Or, hand-made, for example, a sewn shirt, handkerchief, pillow,.

    Favorable conditions for magic

    Many people wonder what day the quick fulfillment of desires is carried out. Favorable conditions for magical rituals are holidays, backed up by the energy of ancestors. At this time, a “portal for communicating with spirits” is opened, the forces of heaven that help us achieve our goals.

    The most powerful day in terms of strength is, of course, the birthday. No less responsive will be the time of pagan celebrations, backed up by the huge protection of the ancestors.

    • Christmas time.
    • Spring spell.
    • Rodonitsa (Radonitsa, Radunitsa).
    • Earth Day.
    • Green holidays.
    • Ivana bathed.
    • Perunov day.
    • Honey saved, Apple saved.
    • Rod and Rozhaniya.
    • Cover.
    • Feast of Friday, and also, during the year, any Friday.

    They also read on Christian celebrations, but one should already resort to prayers within the walls of a church or at home before the images of saints.

    1. Firstly, they must fast for three days before the night when the magical action is planned.
    2. Secondly, ask for forgiveness from those whom you intentionally or accidentally offended. This can be done mentally, but very sincerely, from the bottom of the heart.
    3. Thirdly, tune in to good, wishing it to everyone and everyone.
    4. Fourth, before going to bed, you will need to wash yourself. It is good if a person is cleansed with water in a bathhouse or a river, but if this is not possible, use running water in the shower.

    It is necessary to turn to the heavenly forces for help in complete solitude. It is categorically impossible while reading to be distracted by domestic, everyday problems, otherwise any rite will not be effective.

    Old conspiracies before going to bed for different occasions

    There are many strong conspiracies, everyone chooses for himself the one that he likes, that is, he will attract him on a subconscious level.

    You will need:

    • ring;
    • red wool thread;
    • Holy water;
    • red candle (for love).

    On a ring without stones and patterns, they most often read requests of a romantic nature, love ones that they secretly keep in their hearts. Rings with a precious stone bring wealth, profit.

    A conspiracy before bed for love and a loved one

    In the first case, before going to bed, you should pour holy water into a saucer and put a ring on its bottom, leaving it there for an hour. It is advisable to bring this hour in solitude, focusing on your desire. With a lit candle, on a full moon, read the following words:

    “You roll my ring, to the darling on the porch, let him see my love. You penetrate the ring into his still empty heart and fill me with love. May the heart of the servant of God (name) turn towards the servant of God (name) forever and ever, amen.

    Then wrap the ring with a thread, and tie it to the bed with the free end and put it under the pillow, on which you should immediately lie down.

    Conspiracy for wealth

    Such a rite will certainly solve financial problems.

    In the second case, you will need:

    • a ring with a stone;
    • red flap;
    • Holy water;
    • green candle (for money).

    In order to perform the ritual, you should light a green candle, put an ornament in a saucer with holy water and leave it there for an hour. It is desirable to lead this hour in solitude, focusing on your dream. Then you will need to read the following words:

    “You roll my ring on the rich porch! As this stone sparkles, so will my purse sparkle with gold, supply me with wealth. The words of the servant of God (name) are strong. Amen".

    Then wrap the decoration in a red flap and put it under the pillow at night.

    Universal conspiracy for a shirt

    You will need:

    • undershirt without a baptismal pattern);
    • Banya broom;
    • mirror;
    • red thread, needle.
    • silver candle.

    The ritual is performed under a full moon. On the night before the ceremony, you should definitely evaporate in the bath or wash yourself in the bathroom, but using a broom. Soaring yourself with a broom, you need to pronounce the following words:

    “I wash the body, and cleanse the soul! My soul is like a blank slate, it has only one dream of mine and nothing more. My words are strong."

    Then, come out of the bathroom in a sheet and with fluffy hair. Put in a corner on the windowsill, a mirror so that the moon and you are reflected in it at the same time, you can partially, with a slight change in angle, the luminary and the person fall completely. Stare at the candle for five minutes, focusing on your dream.

    Then, on the shirt, embroider rings all over the hem, only 9 pieces, not 1 cm in diameter. You can just stitches, the main thing is that they are continuous and the ring does not come apart. While the work is going on, you should also repeat what you want. At the end, put on a shirt on yourself, sit in front of the moon and say the following words on it:

    “I washed myself, freed up a place for a dream. Then I ringed the dream and put it on myself. As she sits quietly waiting for fulfillment, so I will wait until my dream comes to me. The words of the servant of God (name) are strong and inseparable!

    Remove the mirror and candle to your personal space and do not use it. Go to bed in your shirt. The wish must come true within a month.

    Conspiracies for a birthday wish

    As mentioned above, a birthday is a special time. It is then that the stars are arranged in a way that is beneficial only to you, and the guardian angels concentrate all their strength behind their shoulders. On your birthday, you can make the most secret desires.

    On a bay leaf

    For this ritual, it is advisable to personally pick a lavrushka branch, but if this is not possible, purchased goods will also do.

    You will need:

    • red, green and brown candles lit in the church.
    • 7 bay leaves;
    • scarlet flap;
    • red ink;
    • feather.

    Lighting the candles will place them in a triangle. 10 minutes to sit in silence and focus on your desire. Then, in red ink, write it on a piece of paper (red on red, so no one will know what you are craving). Place a fabric in the middle of the triangle, put bay leaves on it. Say the following words:

    “I am a servant of God (to call myself) I ask for blessings from the powers of heaven in my good undertakings. Heavenly patrons grant me strength, eternal, such as these leaves remain green forever. By the power of the saint, the desire that has settled in my heart will be fulfilled, and it will remain there. My words are strong, my desire is kept by angels, fulfilled by angels! Amen!".

    After that, wrap the laurel in a cloth and put it in a place where no one ever looks. Read once, but repeat the procedure three nights in a row. Your birthday wish will surely come true. Here are others that work.

    Conspiracy for the quick fulfillment of desire

    If the desire is not very big, a slander on the water consecrated in the church will help you. On the night of the full moon, after bathing, concentrate on your desire, holding a glass of holy water in your hands. While speaking it, call to action, asking them for help. Then stand with a glass in front of a window in which the moon is visible and, turning counterclockwise around you three times, repeat what you have in mind. Then, looking at the moon, drink a glass of water, mentally thinking about what they thought of, and read these words:

    “Guardian angel, be with me, fulfill the desire behind my back! My words are strong, my words are true!

    Validity and consequences of rites

    The more serious the desire, the more time your angels need to help fulfill it. Each desire passes, so to speak, a "heavenly filter" in the office of the Divine forces. Small ones are executed much faster, literally in the coming days. If your dream is to come true the next day, for example, try to give it as much energy as possible. With each procedure, you should be as concentrated as possible, it is impossible that when reading a conspiracy to desire before going to bed, you are distracted by third-party noises.

    Light magic, even at home, brings only good with it, so you should definitely try to keep all thoughts pure. In this regard, not a single ritual carries consequences, because the fulfillment of desires is carried out with the help of good forces and positive energy. Try to rest more after the rituals and wash yourself with water.

    By whispering a conspiracy to a prophetic dream, you can see an important date or event. Sometimes prophetic dreams come on their own, but that's a rarity these days. But what if there is a need to know about the upcoming event or if you really want to know the name and appearance of your future husband? Then, of course, you have to call on the forces and ask for help. Not all dreams can be considered prophetic, the fact is that some spirits in this way make fun of mortals.

    Signs of a prophetic dream

    A person does not always need to know his future, so it is necessary to pronounce the words of the conspiracy very carefully. After all, you can anger the spirits. It is not advisable to ask the same question over and over again. It will only piss them off.

    What you need to remember when reading texts for a prophetic dream:

    • Think over your question. It should not be hard to understand;
    • Each word must be pronounced clearly and confidently;
    • You must consciously perceive what you see and put everything on the shelves. After awakening, do not be indignant and slander fate. After all, you yourself wanted to know it;
    • After waking up, be sure to verbally thank the spirits for the fact that they did not refuse you and showed the future;
    • You can tell it only after three days. And it's better not to tell at all;
    • Conspiracies are pronounced on the night of Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

    There is one more nuance for reading the plot: do not read on the full moon and church holidays. Because you can't see the future.

    1. Each element will require decryption. Depending on what exactly you wanted to know (who wishes evil or how the exams will go), signs will be present. For example, the forest is a foreign side; boat - life; planes - dreams will not come true;
    2. If you need to know the importance of an event, then when you fall asleep you will see the numbers. It’s much more difficult with them, since it’s difficult to understand what exactly they mean (month, day or year);
    3. There is no need to hope that you will actually remember the face of your future spouse. It can only be a vague outline;
    4. If the spirits believe that it is better for you not to know about what was asked, then there will be no obvious result. You can even remember minor elements, but the essence will be hidden from you. Unable to fully decipher.

    A conspiracy for a prophetic dream

    This spell for a prophetic dream must be read while lying in bed. Since it is pronounced only once:

    “I expect an event in my life, what to expect from it I don’t know. Spirits of sleep, come, bring me the truth. What should I expect, fear. Is it necessary to take on this matter? You can change what you do. I will be grateful to you (grateful), I will not disturb you over trifles.

    This plot is read on the night from Thursday to Friday. Lie comfortably in bed and read the text:

    "Saturday with Sunday. Monday to Tuesday, Wednesday to Thursday. You are Friday, one. I'll be with you. Show, tell: (question follows).

    After the words are spoken, one cannot speak to anyone. You can immediately designate signs in a dream. For example, if a successful resolution of the problem, let him dream of a flower.

    Ritual for the fulfillment of desires

    In order to find out whether your desire will come true or not, you need to ask the same question to your guardian angel from 12 noon. The more often you turn to the angel. The more likely it is that he will reveal the secret to you. You don't have to say it out loud, you can mentally. But this should be done only after the full concentration of one's consciousness and a clear formulation of the question. It is best to write down the request on a piece of paper and say the words:

    “I turn to my angel, I want to ask a question: (say what you want to know).”

    The answer will be exactly at 12 o'clock at night.

    If you fell asleep and did not have time to ask, then there is a chance that the angel will still show the answer. Since he was addressed throughout the day. In order to find out the name of the betrothed, it is better to use the Christmas week. It is on these days (from Christmas to Epiphany) that spirits are more favorable to girls and guys who want to know their couple. All of the above texts work regardless of when they are spoken.

    If you have any questions, feel free to write in the comments. If you liked the article, then share it with your friends on social networks.

    In this article:

    A conspiracy or ritual for a prophetic dream is a great opportunity to find out your future. A prophetic dream can give a person the information that he simply needs to make the right decision.

    But just wanting to see it is not enough. There are many magical practices that allow a person to learn to see prophetic dreams, some of them involve training for the body and spirit, and in others you need to use magical rituals for a single dream induction.

    It is possible to perform rituals to call a prophetic dream only in the last few days of the growing moon period.

    Ritual for a prophetic dream

    In order to see your future or discover any hidden events, you need to perform a special magical rite. Before the ritual, take a relaxing bath, add a few drops of peppermint, rosemary and lavender oil to the water. While you are basking in warm water, the room in which you will sleep should be fumigated with dry sleep grass or a dried aloe stalk.

    The most important element of the rite is that in order to call a prophetic dream all evening and all night, while you sleep, you must be completely alone.

    When you go to bed, try to relax as much as possible, clear your thoughts of everything extraneous and think only about what you want to know. Distract from all the guesswork, you do not need to try to guess the answer to the right question, otherwise you may not get a prophetic dream, but a projection of your own speculation.

    When you feel that you are starting to fall asleep, whisper the words of the conspiracy five times:

    “Let me dream what will come true. I so want!”.

    A simple ritual with a mirror

    Shortly before going to bed, put a small mirror under your pillow and say the words:

    “As everything is displayed in a mirror, both light and darkness, so in the dream of the servant of God (name) her future will be displayed. Let it be so. Amen".

    One condition: you must not wake up in the morning on an alarm clock

    That same night, you should dream of a mirror that reflects your future, or the answer to a question that interests you. If you get an answer, then when you wake up in the morning, hide the used mirror in a secluded place and store it there. In no case do not tell anyone about the ceremony, otherwise the future may change.

    Conspiracy before sleep

    This strong and effective plot should be read shortly before bedtime. Conspiracy words:

    “I, the servant of God (name), hurried to the beam of light as best I could, as I heard a ringing from the heavenly bells for mass. That mass was served by the Lord God himself, with his angels and archangels.

    In one hand the Lord held a small rod, and in the other hand the keys to the gates of heaven.

    The sacred child goes to the mother, Mother Mary the Mother of God. The child asks from whom the light comes bright, the light of God.

    The Mother of God answers him, that from her son, who was crucified on a tree, from the fact that he was nailed with an iron nail, that he was stabbed right into the merciful heart.

    Let me see, the servant of God (name), through a dream, a blue cross, a red cross, on which the Lord God is crucified. Amen".

    To enhance the effect of the conspiracy, you can light incense before going to bed, for example, sandalwood or patchouli.

    Conspiracy of the 77 Druids

    This is an effective rite that must be performed right before bedtime. Sit on the edge of the bed and read the words of the plot:

    “I conjure, servant of God (name), you, Venus, with the names of the angels of sleep, the names of the third legion. I conjure you, Great Angel Anael, representing the day of the sixth creation of the world. I conjure with the sacred seal of King Solomon and King David. I conjure holy, powerful, Divine angels with the names: Adonai, them, Ey, Asim, Hey and Sadai. I conjure with the star of Saturn, with the names of all the stars of heaven, with all their powers and light, with all their mighty power.

    With all the names of the angels of the second legion, the name of the Creator, the names of all who are with our Savior in mercy. I conjure the earth, on which all trees and herbs grow. I conjure the earth, in which lies the ashes of the forefathers of all the people of Adam and Eve. I conjure the names of all who were, and who will only be. I conjure all the mother's milk of mothers, all the torments of hell and the most terrible torments of childbirth. By the power of the keys of Solomon, by the name of the throne of the six-winged creatures.

    May my dream this night be true and completely accurate, as true are all the words in the holy book of the Bible that the Father God gave us. May my future and my destiny be displayed in a dream, may Archiristratus Morpheus himself send me a dream. In the mirror of your consciousness. I am God's creation, slave (name). God of Israel, God of Moses, Eternal God, bless my words, bless the dream of your servant (name). May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    After pronouncing the words of the spell, you can’t talk to anyone until the morning, and also get out of bed, eat, drink, read. After the conspiracy, you must immediately go to bed and sleep, otherwise the rite will lose its power.

    Also, don't tell anyone what you see tonight for the next three years.

    Many girls dream of seeing their betrothed in a dream. And this can be facilitated by special conspiracies. As a rule, they are pronounced just before going to bed on days that are considered the most favorable for divination. First of all, this is Christmas week, Walpurgis Night, Epiphany.

    Effective rites

    The conspiracy is very effective, so that the betrothed is dreamed, which is pronounced during a special ceremony directly on Christmas night.

    With broom twigs

    To do this, the girl must pull out several rods from the household broom constantly used for cleaning and tie them together.

    On them in the evening before going to bed, you need to read the following conspiracy:

    “I want my narrowed mummer, through a bridge made of twigs, to fall into the dream of a servant of God (proper name) and I saw him. So be it. Amen".

    The charmed connected rods from the broom should be put under the pillow and go to bed.

    With matches

    There is another version of this rite. In it, instead of bars, you need to make a well out of matches.

    Speak to him in the following words:

    “I want my betrothed mummers to come to me, a servant of God (proper name) to drink water in a dream. So be it. Amen".

    Similarly to the previous method, an impromptu well should be placed under the pillow and go to bed. A very important requirement of the above rituals is that the girl, after pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, should not talk to anyone.

    With water and mug

    Various things are used as various magical attributes, which, in combination with a conspiracy, allow you to see your betrothed in a dream. So, instead of a well, you can put a jug of water and a mug at the head of the bed.

    Next, say the words:

    “My betrothed mummer, if you get tired on the road, get off the road and come to me to drink water.”

    After that, you should cross yourself and go to bed.

    With comb

    A comb plot is very popular, its magic words sound like this:

    "My betrothed mummer, come to me in a dream and comb my hair."

    This rite requires the girl to go to bed uncombed. Whatever magical conspiracy is chosen, the main condition for its effectiveness is sincerity and faith. Conspiracies aimed at seeing the betrothed in a dream do not have negative consequences, so rituals can be performed countless times.

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