• Year of the rabbit hare. Character traits inherent in those born in the year of the rabbit or cat. Personal qualities of a person born in the year of the Rabbit


    Water Rabbit

    Wood Rabbit

    Fire Rabbit

    Earth Rabbit

    Metal Rabbit

    Water Rabbit

    Wood Rabbit

    Fire Rabbit

    Earth Rabbit

    Metal Rabbit

    Water Rabbit

    Wood Rabbit

    The rabbit is the feminine principle of yin, the 4th triangle, the element of wood

    Rabbit (Cat) embodies generosity and concern for others. He is a born healer. Prefers to avoid confrontation. It is difficult to call him a coward - in extreme situations he is capable of heroism and courage. The rabbit is dependent on the environment, the conditions of upbringing and birth, its success directly depends on the environment and the attitude of others. Differs in sensuality, healthy natural instincts, high sexual temperament. Gentle partner, rarely ambitious. He prefers to wait for a successful combination of circumstances, which often happens. Responsive and kind in close relationships, Rabbit is a wonderful lover, appreciating the comfort of a family man who can hardly endure scandals and troubles in his personal life. Rarely poor, favorite of any society.

    Positive qualities of the sign

    The Rabbit is a good friend and sensual lover, has good manners, loves to communicate, knows how to create a subtle connection with another person. Outwardly, he is always elegant, kind in communication, helping people in distress. Lucky and positive sign.

    Negative qualities of the sign

    A superficial attitude to people and events, as well as terry selfishness, often spoil the character of the Rabbit. Whims and exactingness to the conditions of life interfere with equality in partnership. Prone to excesses, indulges his weaknesses and shows weakness of character where strong-willed effort is required.

    In the Year of the Rabbit good to travel and relax a lot. New types of recreation, learning and communication will bring joy and profitable connections. A good year for the Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep and Monkey. A busy year for the Rats. Neutral period for Ox, Tiger, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

    Celebrities of this sign

    Confucius, Queen Victoria, Elena Obraztsova, Walter Scott, Edith Piaf, Dr. Benjamin Spock, Orson Welles, Marie Curie, Lewis Carroll, Garry Kasparov, Fidel Castro, George Orwell, Roger Moore, Eva Peron, Prince Albert, Vlad Listyev, Henry Miller , Mikhail Bulgakov, David Rockefeller, Albert Einstein, Helena Blavatsky, Nikolai Zabolotsky. Cast: Ingrid Bergman, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Quentin Tarantino, Vladimir Mashkov, Mikhail Efremov, Dmitry Pevtsov, Jason Isaacs, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Alexander Domogarov, Angelina Jolie, Bradley Cooper, Charlize Theron, Kate Winslet, Mila Jovovich, Marion Cotillard Drew Barrymore.

    The nature of the sign by the elements

    Black (blue) Water Rabbit (Cat)

    Differs in the desire for a quiet family life, but it is often difficult to understand for loved ones. The Water Rabbit is not too constant in his feelings and not consistent in his actions, so it is difficult to understand and recognize him well. He does not like difficulties, prefers to look for workarounds, dodgy when needed.

    Green Wood Rabbit (Cat)

    Differs in devotion and desire to serve other people. The Wood Rabbit is generous, cares about the welfare of all mankind. A marriage partner should share his hobbies. Complete merger and unity of purpose is the key to a long-term alliance. More practical and rational than his brothers in sign.

    Yellow Earth Rabbit (Cat)

    He likes to help with practical advice and deeds to all his relatives. A wonderful lover, a sensual and attentive partner with charm and a developed imagination. The Earth Rabbit is easy to communicate, easily converges with people on the basis of common interests. Often sacrifices himself, selfless by nature.

    White Metal Rabbit (Cat)

    Interested in the nature of all things, actively engaged in self-knowledge and improved throughout life. He strives for well-being, is most successful in his career. A wonderful lover, the Metal Rabbit, however, needs a constant emotional response and tenderness from a partner. Understands other people well. Knows how to control his emotions.

    Red Fire Rabbit (Cat)

    Differs in an adequate sense of reality, soberly looks at the world and at relationships. Rarely retains the principle of monogamy, the high sexual temperament distinguishes the Fire Rabbit and makes him a good partner for any sign. He is proud of his family, achieves success in his profession, has a variety of talents and interests.


    1951, 2011, 2071 - the year of the metal cat

    According to the eastern horoscope year of the cat, a metal cat feels good only in the circle of relatives and friends. He is not very sociable and seems somewhat withdrawn in unfamiliar surroundings. His desire to stay in the background is due to the fact that he prefers to observe and draw conclusions. At the same time, a person born in the year of the cat knows how to take advantage of the opportunities that open up, can grab his chance and benefit. But he is aware of his strengths and weaknesses and will never jump above his head. The metal cat is great at trading deals, especially in the field of art.

    1963, 2023 is the year of the water cat

    Horoscope year of the cat associated with the element of water, endows him with excellent intuition. The Water Cat is able to feel other people and choose the right course of action. He is very tactful and tries not to offend or injure anyone. However, he pays for his increased sensitivity with depression: fortunately, they pass quickly. A person born in the year of the water cat has a good memory, and he knows how to express his thoughts both orally and in writing, which helps him find a common language with people. But sometimes he looks slightly inhibited and sleepy, which others take for unwillingness to communicate. In fact, during such periods, the representative of the year of the cat ponders and calculates his plans.

    1975, 2035 - the year of the wooden cat

    Horoscope year of the cat, under the influence of the element of wood, gives birth to very diplomatic people who can adapt to any situation. The Wood Cat is sociable, cheerful and pleasant, does not like loneliness, preferring to work and relax among friends. It is important for him to know that he is well treated and that, on occasion, he can count on support and help. A person who was born in the year of the cat of the Chinese horoscope and corresponding to the element of wood, from childhood tries to make as many friends as possible, lead an active life and take part in various events.

    1987, 2047 is the year of the fire cat

    The main quality determined by the horoscope year of the cat combined with the element of fire, is intuition. It can develop into extraordinary abilities, or it can lead to increased sensitivity and discomfort. If life according to the cat's horoscope develops successfully, he can reach the heights, especially if friends support and inspire him. If failures were overtaken by a Fire Cat born in the year, it is difficult for him to cope with them and enter a normal form. The Fire Cat loves his friends, understands their problems and experiences well, but will never get into advice - a natural gift for diplomacy and unwillingness to upset others can make him talk about something unpleasant only in case of emergency.

    1939, 1999, 2059 - the year of the earth cat

    earth according to chinese horoscope year of the cat makes him sober-minded, able to realistically assess his abilities and chances. He is somewhat on his mind, quietly calculates and thinks through future plans, and then is ready to implement them. The element of the Earth, born in the year of the Cat, gives the opportunity to work long and patiently. His ability to anticipate the development of the situation, the ability to attract money and intelligence attract people to him. Usually, an earthen cat enjoys well-deserved success and authority among his friends and acquaintances around him.


    Confucius, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, Konstantin Simonov, Lewis Carroll, Fidel Castro, Pinochet, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Sting, Frank Sinatra, Whitney Houston, Eva Perron, Garry Kasparov.

    Children born in the YEAR of the RABBIT (CAT):

    A child born in the year of the Rabbit requires increased attention, affection and comfort in everything. Very painfully endures family quarrels and punishments. Often prefers solitude. Children born in the Year of the Rabbit love attention. And you should know that every kind word uttered by you will eventually return to you with interest. Cats have a good memory, both good and bad.


    "Rabbit" is a lucky man! He always falls on his paws. The owner of a bright personality, he is gifted with talents, moderately ambitious, moderately modest and restrained, refined and virtuous, distinguished by good taste and understanding of beauty. Society loves him and he loves society. "Rabbit" is very friendly to a stranger, able to treat him as if he were his own (although he is rarely attached to blood relatives). Sometimes he can be superficial if the matter or the person does not excite him. It can often gossip, but without evil, tactfully. He is an infinitely loyal friend and devoted comrade, gentle and affectionate to those he loves, who he likes. Bad news is extremely rare. Everything he does, he does skillfully and competently, honestly and conscientiously, although often very recklessly because of the lack of foresight and caution.
    Distinctive features of the "rabbit" - his mind and intelligence, lightning-fast reaction to stimuli, quick analysis and appropriate response. He moves stubbornly and persistently towards his life goal, patiently, knowing well that not everything that is desired in life can be achieved immediately. Here he is always helped by his optimism, hope and faith in the future.
    "Rabbit", as a rule, most of all loves his own home and his family, which he cares about endlessly, which he feeds, protects and protects as much as possible. The "rabbit" has both strong romantic feelings and a sentimental streak - a deep love for nature and animals, our smaller brothers. A clear preference is given to women's society. Most of the "rabbits" have excellent business qualities, they are enterprising, conscientious in their work, they have developed a strong sense of duty, commitment to people, responsibility for their actions.
    In their work they are very careful - to the point of pedantry, everything is important for them, even the most insignificant trifles. They can be both conservatives and revolutionaries, but they always respond to the new and progressive. True, there is an exception: in the world of art they recognize only the classics, they laugh at ultramodern and avant-garde trends, especially in music and painting. In literature, they prefer the historical genre and the heroic.
    "Rabbits" tend to have a rich imagination and a lively, vivid imagination, which connects them with the world of arts and arts. They are much dearer and closer to a small circle of like-minded bosom friends than the rest of the world put together. Authority, prestige, reputation is won only by the natural qualities of character, acquired knowledge. In the field of their profession and hobbies, "rabbits" are recognized specialists and experts, although, on the other hand, they may not understand other sciences and matters at all.
    "Rabbit", as a rule, has a calm, unflappable disposition, although on the other hand they can be very emotional. But God forbid to anger him and piss him off, then he can reach cruelty, ruthlessness. He can cry quickly and easily, but is also quickly and easily comforted. The melancholy inherent in many female "rabbits" is actually one of the main reasons for their charm and charm, their attractive power.
    "Rabbit" is angry with everything that could shake his peaceful, familiar everyday world and regime. He is also intolerable to all the reasons that cause some kind of complications in his personal life. And this is also understandable - for successful and productive work, he needs not only comfort, but also safety.
    Because of his increased sensitivity and sensuality, susceptibility and impressionability, many traits of his character and disposition, both good and bad, depend on the upbringing received in early childhood and youth. He is also often torn apart by strong internal contradictions. On the one hand, he can be cautious and conscientious and does not do anything without weighing all the pros and cons in advance, but on the other hand, "impulsively, recklessly goes on any risky venture. As in the first, and in the second case, people admire, trust him, and blindly go where he goes, putting into practice his ideas, plans, intentions.
    The financial situation of the "rabbits" develops very successfully over the years. In financial terms, they are also almost always successful, in business and transactions they are dexterous and agile. They have a special gift - right on the go to grab a suitable and happy occasion and use it.
    Rabbit women can shine in all activities that require special taste, understanding of beauty, hospitality and good representation. Politicians should choose a female rabbit as their wife.
    The life of the "rabbit" will be calm only when he consciously avoids exceptional situations, dramatic events, avoids obstacles, obstacles, obstacles. And wars and revolutions, natural disasters and catastrophes do not bother him until they touch him or his loved ones. Everything that can shake his calmness, he will show the most striking resistance, going to any forgery or even force.
    Many Eastern peoples see in the "rabbit" the bearer of God's spark, who inherited the power and skill of the ancient priests, shamans, sorcerers. Indeed, our contemporaries also recognize his magical abilities.
    Sociable "rabbits", pleasant and cute, polite and sincere, helping others out of a difficult situation, have good control over their feelings and are not even averse to showing it to others.
    The closed type of "rabbits", with a penchant for solitude, for meditation, when communicating with them, reveals a noticeable timidity, shyness. At the same time, they have deep feelings and sensations, often they are endowed with the gift of insight and divination.
    One of the distinguishing features of the "rabbit" is the ability to tune in to other people, to understand them, to help them, to work for the benefit of progress and happiness. In professional life, in a leadership position, they are distinguished by a strong sense of responsibility towards their team and society.
    In sports, they prefer wrestling and boxing, cycling and rowing, hockey and football.
    The countries most favorable for "rabbits" are Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Wales, Canada, Singapore.
    The Years of the Rabbit should be calm. You can take a break, relax, make visits or receive guests yourself, arranging the necessary receptions with a very distant aim. Read more, educate yourself. You can just chat, gossip, without harm to others, sit by the fireplace or a fire and dream, philosophize about the future.
    These years portend good luck in the diplomatic field and great changes and changes, rearrangements in the political arena. They are most favorable to people of law and justice.
    A person born in these years promises to be happy, especially if he was born in the summer.

    MOUSE in these years should be cautious, prudent, vigilant. As never before, she should be quieter than water, below the grass, since the "rabbit" can expect her everywhere, around any corner and around any turn. It would be nice not to stand out in anything, and even better - not even show your nose from your mink.

    VOL Of course, you can safely continue to work. These years, although not quite ideal for him, are not so bad.

    TIGER during these years, let him take a break in his affairs and take a well-deserved rest to strengthen his health. Her “Rabbit” will not only harm him, but on the contrary, will contribute to everything.

    RABBIT in these years will feel like a fish in water. There are only carrots and cabbage in his garden. No problems, and worries are minimal. That's when it's time to engage in friendship, and love, and favorite things, favorite hobby,

    THE DRAGON also in these years can be calm. "Rabbit" will not prevent him from shining, on the contrary, he will even try to entertain him.

    SNAKE during these years, let him enjoy a well-deserved rest or think about love. She will be successful.

    HORSE also don't have to worry about anything. For her, these years are good, successful. In addition to work and secular duties, love is also possible here. You can, of course, engage in politics, but - knowing the measure.

    GOAT during these years, she will not only be satisfied with everything that happens, but even be happy, because finally they will deal with her - invite everywhere and everywhere, appreciate her company, respect her as a person

    MONKEY she will also be pleased with these years, for they are favorable for her in all respects, in all plans. But the main thing - finally, and her affairs will go great.

    ROOSTER but nothing new should be accepted! Slightly injured in previous years, let him heal old wounds, but remain on the alert.

    DOG also must in these years take a break from all their affairs and just relax. She will feel the approaching twist of fate. All changes and changes, fractures and rearrangements will be joyful, but at the same time very difficult.

    BOAR should try to do everything possible to avoid the expected possible processes at all costs, even if it means paying the price of his own stubble.



    It shouldn't be! The "Rabbit" is jarred by the unscrupulousness and bragging of the "mouse", and he has to spend a lot of effort to refrain from the temptation to destroy it. Friendship between them is also unrealistic, because the "rabbit" has special feelings for her, far from being friendly. Business relations are also unpromising, and even dangerous for the "mouse".

    RABBIT and OX

    It all depends on the behavior of the "ox". In a marriage union, only the “rabbit” should command the parade, and the “ox” should obey and, of course, work with all his might. Friendship is possible within the framework of good secular relations. Business relationships are also possible, but "rabbit" can abuse the patience of the "ox", exploiting it to the seventh sweat.


    This union is very problematic, although the "tiger" really likes the peaceful and calm nature of the "rabbit", and the latter is impressed by the scope and many positive properties and qualities of the "tiger". Observing them in a marriage union, we notice that as soon as the relationship between them is strained (and this happens not so rarely), the "rabbit" immediately makes a light pirouette and very calmly gets out of the next situation. Friendship is always in question here, because they do not have mutual understanding in the full sense of the word. "Rabbit" does not take the "tiger" seriously, he is not even afraid of him, but for the "tiger" it is simply unbearable. Business relations, on the other hand, are very possible, because both partners complement each other in many ways. The caution of the "rabbit" goes well with the courage and audacity of the "tiger".


    This union is not only possible, but under certain conditions it can become very happy. And this requires little - one of them must unquestioningly obey the will of the other. Only sometimes children can become a bone of contention. The friendship between them can be perfect and lasting. They can endlessly sit by the fireplace with sweet talk and romantic conversations. Business relations can give excellent results, especially if they have a joint bureau or office - a lawyer or notary, astrological or psychological, sociological or medical profile - a clinic, massage or psychic rooms, etc.


    The "dragon" is very fond of the "rabbit's" pliability, its constant optimism and goodwill, although the "rabbit" is embarrassed by the "dragon's" thirst for power. If both partners come to a compromise - marriage, the union will be good and calm. The friendship between them is already quite problematic, if not worse. Business relations will go well if the "rabbit" is limited to the role of "titular adviser", and the "dragon" itself will decide any issue.


    Why not? Here, there is often a strong attraction already at first sight, the first meeting. Together they will contemplate each other. But so that this spontaneous sympathy would not turn into antipathy, they must control their feelings. The friendship between them takes the form of long and passionate conversations, where someone outwits whom. Business relationships will simply flourish, provided that both will work.


    This is possible because they have a lot in common. The cheerfulness and gaiety of the "horse" goes well with the philanthropy and always open soul of the "rabbit". The masculinity of the "horse" and the efforts of the "rabbit" to be an understanding partner also contribute to this. At the same time, they should avoid mutual annoyances and petty skirmishes. The friendship between them, based on a solid foundation of excellent secular relations, will be strong and lasting. Business relationships can be like real sports spectacles, useful and beneficial to both.


    This is possible with full mutual agreement and if you give up the habit of delving into the details. They are brought together by artistic taste, rich imagination and vivid, vivid imagination. They get along well with each other, moreover, the "rabbit" knows how to create comfort and coziness and does not pay attention to the whims and whims of his "roe deer". Friendship is strengthened by the love of both partners for the world of art. Business relations will again be successful in cooperation and especially in the free professions.


    And it's possible! - Even the fact that they look at the world from their own bell tower does not interfere. The secret of their prosperous life together lies in the fact that the "rabbit" takes care of the "monkey", and she gladly entertains him. The hand washes the hand, and both are white. Friendship here is strong and enduring. And do not think to hurt or separate them. Business relations, however, are very unpromising! It's just a fruitless game.


    There is a clear lack of perspective here! "Rooster" is the opposite of "rabbit" in both good and bad. "Rabbit" does not tolerate a "cock" in his house because of his eternal fanfare and performances arranged on the home stage. Friendship between them does not work out: the "rooster" is too noisy for the "rabbit", it often tires him, but you still need to work and work. Business relationships can end very badly for the "rooster". Here the "rabbit" is as secretive as its partner.

    RABBIT and DOG

    The union between them can end favorably, safely! If only both of them will be faithful to each other, then happiness is guaranteed here. Friendship between them is also possible at the highest level. A "rabbit" for a "dog" can become a reliable confidant, even if it may not always be able to provide specific assistance and support to it. Business relationship is just perfect! Here, the industriousness and efficiency of the "rabbit", its gentle nature and calm disposition meet with the fidelity and devotion of the "dog", as well as with its realism and practical inclinations.


    The union is very possible, because the partners have a lot in common. Their life together will go on without disputes and quarrels, without complications and discord, provided that the "boar" avoids debauchery and is not too scrupulous. Friendship between them is also possible, if only they avoid a large society, crowds of people, since the "boar" involuntarily can shock the "rabbit" with their usual boasting. Business relations are not only promising, but even excellent. The "rabbit" will contribute to this with his agility and dexterity, and the "boar" will strengthen them with good luck. Working together, they can make a fortune and even more.


    ARIES is a wild rabbit.

    CALF- this is a "rabbit" gentle and affectionate, which purrs near the fireplace and almost never releases its claws.

    TWINS- This is a domestic "rabbit", the calmest of all "rabbits", but may be at some risk.

    CANCER- this is a "rabbit" on his knees. Charming and pampered, inactivity does not put pressure on him.

    A LION- this "rabbit" is already a tiger! Although he is rather meek and calm, he nevertheless passes his life path with his claws extended.

    VIRGO- this is wise, "rabbit". He even knows how to carry chestnuts from the fire (though sometimes with other people's paws).

    SCALES- the "rabbit" is charming, melancholic, feminine, but everyone likes it.

    SCORPION- this is already a "rabbit"-sorcerer". Beware of damage, the evil eye!

    SAGITTARIUS- the "rabbit" is exceptional! Probably the most balanced of all the "rabbits".

    CAPRICORN- "rabbit" is sad, less sociable, sometimes strict and harsh, sometimes just boring.

    AQUARIUS- this "rabbit" is one of the most capable. It can be a true devoted friend, a valuable comrade. Achieves great success in writing.

    FISH- this is already three times "rabbit"! In society, handsome and pleasant, charming and charming.

    Rabbit (Hare) belongs to the Yin group. This is the fourth sign in the Chinese horoscope and governs the time interval from 5 am to 7 am. The season of the Rabbit is spring, it brings him good luck in everything, and the best month is March. Its element is Wood. On the European Zodiac, it corresponds to the sign Pisces. The color that brings good luck and happiness is white. Favorable Plants for the Rabbit (Hare) - fig tree and meadowsweet. The best countries for their residence: Belgium, Switzerland, Wales, Holland, Singapore, Canada.

    Years of the Rabbit (Hare, Cat) in our century

    • January 29, 1903 - the element of the year is water
    • February 14, 1915 - element of the year tree
    • February 2, 1927 - the element of the year is fire
    • 1939 February 19 - element of the year earth
    • 1951 February 6 - element of the year metal
    • 1963 January 25 - element of the year water
    • 1975 February 11 - element of the year tree
    • 1987 January 29 - element of the year fire
    • 1999 February 16 - element of the year earth
    • February 3, 2011 - element of the year metal


    Fidel Castro, Walt Whitman, Frank Sinatra, Ingrid Bergman, Harry Belafonte, Confucius, Whitney Houston, Cary Grant, Rogers Mayer, Garry Kasparov, Arturo Toscanini, Joseph Stalin, Queen Victoria, Martin Luther, Catherine de Medici, Anne Boleyn, Marie Antoinette, Albert Einstein, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Georges Simenon, Henri Stendhal, Henry James, Marie Curie, Jean Martin, Nicola Fouquet, Fernand Fernandel, Louis XI, Edvard Grieg, Jacques Offenbach, Queen Marie, Sergei Prokofiev, Edith Piaf, Saint-Simon, Raphael Santi, Walter Scott, Johann Friedrich, Matvey Blanter, Leon Trotsky, Monaco, Prince Albert, Georgy Tovstonogov, Mario Del, Mikhail Kupriyanov, Evgeny Dolmatovsky, Arthur Miller, Mikhail Matusovsky, Evgeny Mravinsky, Georgy Milyutin, Julius' Reisman, Irving Stone, Ugarbe Pinochet, Mstislav Rostropovich, Svyatoslav Richter, Mikhail Svetlov, Eldar Ryazanov, Georgy Viridov.

    Rabbit (Hare) - refers to the animals of the Yin group, it symbolizes the West, the beginning of autumn and the full moon. Rabbits come in two varieties - white and grey. But there is also a domestic rabbit, whose coloring is very diverse. In the eastern countries, the Rabbit is called the Hares or the Cat. These universal favorites, with golden or green eyes, were called sorcerers, and even raised them to the rank of gods, heavily adorned with Jewels. This is how Steinberg wrote about Cats: “God created the Cat in his own image and likeness, and later, created man for only one purpose, so that he would serve the Cat, and be his slave at the end of his centuries. God gave the cat sobriety of mind and indifference, and to the man - skill, labor enthusiasm and infidelity. Man created his civilization only based on his inventions, on intensive consumption and production, but in fact the development of civilization was only for one purpose - to provide comfort to the Cat.

    Rabbit, this affectionate fat man, at first glance seems to be an incomprehensible and mysterious creature. The Rabbit does not cause hostility and superstition in anyone, and does not generate superstitious fear, as the Cat does. Black cats were always accompanied by witches and were a symbol of black magic. In front of the cat, the Rabbit (Hare) looks helpless and funny. He never shows aggression and always flees. He is a small and affectionate god, he does not like night walks, it is impossible to tame him or lock him up in a small world, but on the contrary, it is easy to get into the world of fairy tales with him. This is one of the animals that cannot be trained. Have you ever seen a trained Rabbit (Hare) in a circus?

    The rabbit is an animal with soft pleasant paws, a mixture of unknown and beautiful reality, sweet and captivating. Less has been written about Rabbits than about Cats, but they were not burned at the stake with the witches. It symbolizes a calm, wise companion, as opposed to evil spirits. Rabbits cause adoration and never generate hatred. The indifference of people does not affect their fate in any way. In Chinese astrology, this is one of the most difficult signs of the zodiac to describe, because it has many different subtle shades. Because of this, it is very difficult to express in specific and simple words about the Rabbit.

    Rabbit (Hare) loves different trips, but without any risk, he will never go camping without a first aid kit. It can often be found on sparsely populated paths.


    The Rabbit (Hare) is very happy if born on a summer day. In the summer Rabbit, fate passes more calmly and he experiences much less disappointment and cold. The Rabbit's childhood and youth pass without any outbursts, and maturity is filled with knowledge of the outside world. In the process of the entire life path, the nature of the Rabbit (Hare) strives all the time to find peace. But this does not always work out, because the Rabbit in maturity is replete with dramatic events, insurmountable obstacles and exceptional situations. The rabbit is not created for rivalry and struggle, he is very afraid of instability, but no matter how hard he tries to avoid change, they pursue him until old age. If a person born under the sign of the Rabbit does not rid himself of this complex, then by about thirty years he can easily go crazy or leave his life principles, which will lower him to the bottom of society.

    In old age, the Rabbit must be careful: he can spend his old years in sadness and loneliness if he fails to make the right choice at a fateful moment in his life. The Rabbit can have a quiet life, if cataclysms, revolutions and wars do not suddenly happen. His fate often depends on external factors, on the environment and the era.


    The duality of the characteristics of the Rabbit lies in the alternation of dual dependence and wildness. You need to know the Rabbit very well to see how he bypasses all the traps of the enemy, his behavior is often unpredictable, when they expect a bold act from him, he evades when he is sure that the Rabbit will run away - he will take it and stop. The rabbit is a very sensitive creature, well receptive to the climate, he trusts his intuition and feels good when noodles are hung on his ears. It is difficult to speak with the Rabbit in the language of logic, even if he works with numbers, his reaction will still lie in the subjective area. It may seem that the Rabbit is easy to adapt and tame, but in fact he hides his discontent in the depths of consciousness and one day, under certain circumstances, all his emotions will spill out. People born under the sign of the Rabbit are moderate and reserved. They always show diplomacy and subtlety to avoid conflict situations and quarrels. They are sensitive to harmony and are very demanding in maintaining a caring environment and a peaceful climate.

    Rabbits are endowed with natural chastity, a sense of strict morality, they are always thoughtful and prudent. They are very fond of safety, tranquility and comfort. All their lives they work to strengthen their structures.

    Rabbits are considered the happiest people, they are created for well-being and harmony. It is very pleasant to spend time with them. Rabbits are very ambitious, reserved, refined. Everyone wants to be in the company of Rabbits because they are pleasant and kind companions, and always share with their surroundings.

    Their world is the immediate environment, and only bypassing their territorial possessions, and fully convinced of the safety, they can risk moving on. Rabbits are cautious and cautious and always on the alert. This is a waiting position, it is caused by internal fears that often upset their life balance. The Rabbit is not at all a warlike or aggressive sign of the zodiac. Its representatives will never rush into difficulties for their own pleasure, if they can be circumvented. In a difficult environment and situation, Rabbits feel squeezed in the grip of circumstances. They are dangerous in rare situations, only when they were cornered. In all other situations, they try to avoid unnecessary discussions and flee. It is difficult to provoke the Rabbit, because he is sober and calm - a pacifist. The Rabbit is more sensitive and not particularly sentimental, but he is more concerned about his own problems than world cataclysms. Hunger, catastrophes, wars are completely indifferent to him, if they do not concern him personally. But as soon as the little things touch him, he immediately finds it unbearable. They are quickly comforted and cry easily. Melancholy and sorrow are the main weapons of the Rabbit. Their weak point is timidity, cowardice, indecision. They will not act if they do not know what awaits them. Rabbits are not made for critical situations, so they can easily miss an interesting chance. Worrying about the future, they often stand still. In Rabbits, peace of mind is of paramount and major importance, and help to others is provided only if their life order is not disturbed. They can come up with a thousand different excuses to justify their refusal, but in reality this is self-deception.

    Rabbits are very easy to live with, they have a calm and peaceful nature. They rarely get annoyed, quickly agree, always keep cool and calm. These are warm, hospitable and the most loyal people, they are very attentive and delicate to their friends. They are patient and understanding. Rabbits cannot stand vulgarity, so they are easy to offend. People under the sign of the Rabbit are very big conservatives, they live by the principles of honor. They are a little distrustful and silent.

    Rabbits are very fond of shining in a public environment and are highly respected in a narrow circle of their friends. They are too cautious, and even a little shy, they will not take any action until everyone has calculated all the pros and cons. For many people, these Rabbit talents are very valuable, and many are consulted with them. In many matters they are explained naturally and easily. Rabbits are perfectly oriented in everyday life and do not adapt well to some unexpected situations. If the Rabbit does not know the outcome of the event, then he is very nervous, because their happiness often depends on many circumstances.

    People under the sign of the Rabbit quickly lose their positive qualities, with a negative and bad set of circumstances, they often become superficial people.

    Rabbits love their close company, and the company loves them too. They often have people from different social strata in their friends, and they are good at recognizing them. Rabbits are often intriguers, gossips, but they get out of the situation tactfully and accurately. In life, they never try not to talk about unpleasant things. Rabbits are secular people, they are very fond of showing their culture and intelligence, especially if it was quickly, hastily acquired. They delve deeply into most topics, but only to surprise with their knowledge of society, and often do not notice important life events.

    Rabbit is a good businessman, so he is doing well financially. Those who make a deal with him will not regret it at all. The Rabbit is lucky in trade, he can also be successful in the sale of antiques, for which the Rabbits have good taste. They are also good diplomats and therefore can show themselves excellently in jurisprudence, all these properties allow them to live in prosperity.

    Women of the Rabbit sign love glitter, they have good taste, they are talented in their profession and demanding. For Politicians, the Rabbit is an ideal partner, Rabbit women are excellent housewives, disciplined, cultured and know how to enhance the brilliance of a partner.

    The rabbit is responsive and affectionate, gives love and attention to loved ones, but despite all this, he is bad, created for a large family, he often looks at children and his loved ones as strangers, and prefers friends more. But Rabbits women scrupulously fulfill their family duty, they are very attached to maternal feelings.

    The characteristic of rabbits is more positive, since by its nature it is a harmless animal that can cause delight and tenderness.

    The Rabbit can fit into almost any company, as it has leadership traits. Distinctive character traits include the following:






    His character is soft, such people need to constantly take care of someone and protect someone. Very often, because of the positive characteristics, rabbits are envied. But even in such cases, they rarely show aggression and anger towards their opponents. It is these qualities that distinguish the sign from other signs of the horoscope.

    Horoscope for a rabbit

    They are hardworking and go to their goals. The distinctive features of these personalities can be called decisiveness, intelligence and intelligence, Cats understand that not everything in life can be achieved simply, and therefore they are ready to constantly work on themselves.

    Their priority is family, and they can be called household members. Therefore, male cats become wonderful husbands and fathers, and women become mistresses and keepers of the hearth.

    Also, rabbits are very fond of nature and animals, so they love to go hiking and spend their leisure time in nature.

    Their career and money are completely unimportant to them, they value the human attitude towards other people - and therefore they are ready to come to the aid of even a stranger.

    Despite the calmness of the animal, there are situations when a person can explode and show his emotionality not from a good side. Astrology also develops in such a way that rabbits can be unbalanced when they try to disturb their spiritual state and disturb the peace that they have been trying to build for so long.

    The eastern horoscope characterizes the cat as a simple person who obeys many people, but there are people among them who are in prestigious positions. But such a characteristic for the Chinese sign is quite acceptable, because rabbits are very smart and quick-witted - and, therefore, they will be able to control people. Therefore, their financial situation is improving at lightning speed - and all because people know how to spend money wisely and increase the budget

    The personalities of this sign fantasize very well and in their dreams represent a fictional life.

    Rabbit and Compatibility

    If we talk about the compatibility of signs that can get along with a cat, then, first of all, these are the signs of a boar and a dog. Also, the rabbit gets along well with the rabbit and with the goat.

    But it is unlikely that you will be able to get along with a rooster. It will also be difficult for this sign to live with a tiger, although with a good relationship, their union can become long and strong.

    As for love relationships, people in the year of the cat can behave differently. One type of people tries to fully know their partner and penetrate his life. The other one just wants a stable relationship. It is very important for cats to be understood, loved and respected. It is also important for them to know that they can trust and rely on someone.

    Representatives of this sign have never been deprived of attention - since many people dream of such partners. Most often, the rabbit makes plans for the future, otherwise it does not see the point of a joint union. But because of their high requirements for a partner, most often it is not easy for a cat to find a worthy partner.

    In general, the characteristic of this sign is positive, rabbits are soft and trusting individuals who need care, love and understanding. Cats do not strive to be a leader, it is more important for them to be themselves.

    > Year of the Rabbit

    The Rabbit, as well as the Cat, has the ability to land on its feet when it falls. Person born in the Year of the Rabbit, is distinguished by increased individuality, modesty, kindness, he is very talented, he has an exquisite taste and a sense of beauty. In society, he feels at ease. Representatives of the year of the Rabbit have increased compassion for the people around them. For close and dear people, he is a reliable and faithful companion.

    The qualities that distinguish the Rabbit from other people are the following: resourcefulness, intelligence, quick response to the situation and its analysis, immediate decision-making. He is well aware of those life moments that are associated with the achievement of certain goals. The rabbit is aware that there are things in the world that cannot always be obtained. The representative of this sign has an optimistic attitude and looks to the future with hope.

    For the Rabbit, family and home life are one of the main components of his life. He does everything possible to preserve and preserve all the values ​​​​of the family hearth. In addition to the family, the Rabbit has positive feelings for the environment and animals. He is a romantic in life.

    A feature of the Rabbit is his ability to feel the feelings of other people, if necessary, help them and support them. If the representative of the Year of the Rabbit occupies a leadership position, then in his work his subordinates are very important to him, he feels his responsibility to them.

    Emotions take possession of the Rabbit on rare occasions. As a rule, he is a quiet and calm person. There are situations in life when inner experiences haunt the Rabbit. Depending on the situation, this representative may, without thinking about the consequences, hotly solve the problem without fear of risks. But, at the same time, the Rabbit can approach such a situation from a different point of view and express increased caution and deliberation in his actions.

    If something abruptly intrudes into his peaceful life, the Rabbit begins to get very worried. He does not tolerate difficulties in personal life. To achieve success in work, the Rabbit requires security and comfortable conditions for himself.

    Most of the representatives of this year are distinguished by the skills of doing business, increased entrepreneurship, and a sense of responsibility. They are well aware of situations when they owe something to someone. The rabbit is pedantic. He treats every little thing with special importance and accuracy.

    These people are closely associated with art. They are characterized by an extraordinary perception of the world, a colorful imagination, an extensive fantasy. They love a narrow social circle, consisting of relatives and friends. Noisy companies with strangers do not like the Rabbit. Thanks to their knowledge and positive character traits, they can win their place in society and win their own authority. In their work, they show great success, however, at the same time, they may not have knowledge in other areas.

    Over time, Rabbits only improve their financial condition. In any transactions, they always win and thus receive a good income. They have the ability to catch everything on the fly. Therefore, the Rabbit will not miss his chance and will always take only the best from life.

    The fair sex, born in the year of the Rabbit, are successful in many areas where beauty and taste are present. They are very hospitable. Using their melancholic character traits, they only win. Thanks to these qualities, Rabbit women captivate those around them with their charm and attractiveness.

    The rabbit must consciously move away from difficulties, dramatic incidents, any obstacles in life. Only then can he be at peace and harmony. Any catastrophic situations, martial law and everything connected with it is not interesting to him and does not bother him much. However, as soon as it invades his personal space, his life, the Rabbit begins to take everything to heart. The representative of this year will do everything possible in any way to protect himself and his family from such difficulties.

    Those Rabbits who love communication, are polite and sincere, able to find the right solution in any situation, can perfectly manage their feelings and emotions. And those representatives who are characterized by isolation and special shyness prefer loneliness, like to meditate. However, they are endowed with deep feelings and experiences. Sometimes such rabbits can have the ability to foresee the future, have the ability to divinate.

    According to the peoples of the East, Rabbits are the owners of God's spark, who inherited skills and abilities from sorcerers, shamans and priests.

    Rabbit Compatibility with Other Signs

    Rabbit and Ox

    In such a situation, the behavior of the Bull is of paramount importance. In marriage, the Rabbit must lead exclusively, and the bull must be subordinate to him. Friendly relations between such signs are possible at the level of secular strata. Business relations between the Rabbit and the bull also take place. However, the Rabbit often takes advantage of the Ox's patience and tries to use it to his advantage.

    Rabbit and Rat

    Marriage between these signs is not desirable. The unprincipled behavior of the Rat greatly annoys the Rabbit and he wants to eliminate him with all his might, but at the same time he tries to control himself and not complete his intentions. And friendly relations between these representatives, as a rule, do not add up, as well as relations at work. A situation may arise that the Rat will be in danger if it conducts a joint business with the Rabbit.

    Rabbit and Tiger

    Their relationship has many problems. But, at the same time, the Tiger can see many positive qualities in the Rabbit, namely his calmness and goodwill. The opposite also happens. The Rabbit relates well to many aspects of the Tiger's character. Their relationship cannot last long, over time they begin to conflict, this leads to their break. Friendly relations between them do not always develop, because mutual understanding of each other often does not work out for the Rabbit and the tiger. As for relationships in the business sphere, they have a place to be, due to the fact that both of these signs take a lot of necessary and useful things from each other. The daring character traits of the tiger go well with the caution of the Rabbit.

    Rabbit and Bunny

    Due to some circumstances, the union between these signs can be happy, but on the fulfillment of one point. One side must obey and obey the other side in everything. Their friendly relations develop positively and are of a long and strong character. Also, business relationships between Rabbit and Rabbit can be successful. And if these signs work in the same room, for example, both are engaged in legal practice, then success is guaranteed to them.

    Rabbit and snake

    Marriage between these signs can be successful. They have a feeling of love at first sight. In order to keep the love that has arisen and not start to hate each other, they must constantly keep their feelings and emotions under control. There is often cunning in friendships, they like to boil for a long time and try to talk one over the other. In business affairs, they can succeed if they both try.

    Rabbit and Dragon

    The fact that the Rabbit can make concessions and is optimistic about life is very pleasing to the Dragon. At the same time, the rabbit disapproves of the Dragon's heightened sense of power. When they find mutual understanding, then success and good luck will be guaranteed to them. To build friendship among themselves, the rabbit and the Dragon often fail. It's better for them not to be friends at all. In the business field, they can succeed, provided that the Rabbit gives only the necessary advice and does not interfere anywhere else. The decisive vote should only be with the Dragon.

    Rabbit and Goat

    They can make a good union, as these two signs have a lot in common: wild fantasy, expanded imagination, desire for art. Even when the Goat is naughty, the Rabbit is able to ignore such quirks. Friendly relations between them will be strong due to the mutual craving for the high. Also in business, both representatives of these signs will be successful, and if they choose free professions, then their success will only increase.

    Rabbit and Horse

    The marriage relationship between them can be successful. The ambition of the Rabbit is in perfect harmony with the love for the life of the horse. Representatives of the year of the Rabbit always strive to understand and respect the feelings of their partner. However, if they conflict with each other, this can negatively affect their relationship. They are destined for a lasting friendship. Relations in the business sphere will also develop successfully and have signs of sports competitions with mutually beneficial features.

    Rabbit and Rooster

    The marriage between them is doomed to failure, since these two signs are the exact opposite of each other. Due to the fact that the Rooster constantly plays theatrics, this is very annoying for the Rabbit. Also, friendly relations with them may not work out due to the increased activity of the Rooster. In the business sphere of their relationship, they may face failure, because both parties are distinguished by secrecy and isolation in work.

    Rabbit and Monkey

    They may be lucky and build a strong marriage, even though they have different views. The reason for the success of family life in such signs is their mutual complement to each other. The monkey does not let the Rabbit get bored, and he always takes care of her. Friendship will succeed, but business will most likely fail.

    Rabbit and Pig

    Marriage between these signs can work out, as they respect each other, do not argue over trifles. However, it is very important that in marriage they do not have betrayals on the part of the Pig. In a narrow circle, they can get a strong friendship. In business affairs, they will also be successful and have many prospects due to the fact that the Pig will be successful in business, and the rabbit will be distinguished by agility. As a result, they can get rich.

    Rabbit and Dog

    Thanks to joint fidelity, an excellent marriage can turn out between them. Like a friendship that will be long and strong. The dog will be able to feel in the face of the Rabbit a reliable support and shoulder. In the business field, they will also have fantastic success, as their desire for hard work will bring results. These two signs are perfect for each other, because they complement one another. The Rabbit shows his gentleness of character and balanced disposition, and the Dog in return gives him his devotion.

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