• Marseille tarot major arcana. What is the uniqueness of the Marseille tarot deck. High Priest or Pope



    The Marseille Tarot, to which our today's review will be devoted, is, strictly speaking, not the name of a particular deck - it is rather the name of the card design, repeating historical drawings known since the 15th century. Marseille is considered one of the classic tarot destinations. The Marseille school is more often chosen not by beginners, but rather by professionals, since the Minor Arcana of these decks are not plotted, unlike, for example, the Waite tradition. However, among the tarologists there are those who begin training with this particular deck.

    History of the deck

    Marseille Tarot was named after the French city in which these cards were printed very actively - Marseille. Papus wrote about the Arcana of this deck in his book “Gypsy Tarot” - it is the mention of Papus that is considered the very first to appear in print. Despite the fact that the Marseille Tarot was widely used in France, the design and symbolism of the cards are considered rather Italian.

    The traditional designs used in modern Marseille map design were created by Nicolas Conver - they are also called the "Marseille II" type. The Conver deck first saw the light in 1760 (approximate date) and was published for 120 years. The original, older version ("Marseille I") refers to the design of the decks by Jean Noble and Jean Daudal - these card samples were produced between 1650 and 1701. Today you can find several Marseille-type decks for sale from different publishers, but they all essentially repeat the style of Conver: this is the Marseille Tarot by Paul Marteau, the artist's version of Otto Spailinger, Philip Camoin and Alexander Jodorowsky cards, the Ancient Marseille Tarot, Tarot de Marseille (Piatnik) and others.

    Key features of the deck

    If you look into the gallery of the Marseille Tarot, the first thing that catches your eye is the rather simple style of the images. Here you will not find complex images, as, for example, in Crowley, astrological, cabalistic and numerological references - the Major Arcana look quite simple, but the minimalistic classical symbolism still does not disappear anywhere.

    The numbering of the Major Arcana differs from Waite: Justice has the serial number 8, Strength - 11. The suits are traditional. The Minor Arcana are not drawn, but at the same time they are decorated with very beautiful patterns. Court Cards: Page, Knight, Lady, King. All Arcana are numbered with Roman numerals, Senior - on top, Junior - on the sides. However, there are variations of the deck without the numbering of the Minor Arcana. By the way, in the old Marseille decks it was not customary to put a number on the Death card, while the authors of modern cards often neglect this rule.

    Symbolism of the deck

    The meanings of the Marseille Tarot cards can be deduced if you carefully consider the beautiful medieval costumes of the characters, their gestures, facial expressions, and the attributes present. Also, special attention is paid to the color component: despite the fact that very few colors are used (in most decks they are red, blue, green, yellow, black, white and beige, in some a slightly different combination), they do not mix with each other. with a friend and are clean, bright, saturated, without any shades. Many tarot readers use the colors of the Tarot de Marseille as a clue when working.

    Major Arcana

    Let's take a closer look at the Marseille Tarot cards and try to look at the archetypes of the Major Arcana through the eyes of a person of that distant time. In this regard, I cannot pass by and not quote the book “Marseilles Tarot. Theory and Practice”, in which I found an interesting way to read the Major Arcana:

    “The full set of twenty-two trumps can be read as follows: The Human Will (1), enlightened by Science (2) and manifested in action (3), must find its Realization (4) in works of Mercy and Benevolence (5). A Wise Choice (6) of this Will brings Victory (7) - at the expense of Balance (8) and Judgment (9) - over the ups and downs of Fortune (10). Fortitude (11) brought into the Sacrifice (12) will conquer Death itself (13), and this wise Combination (14) will allow a person to challenge Fatum (15). In each Tribulation (16) he will see the Star of Hope (17) shining through the twilight of Deception (18) and the final Happiness (19) will be the Result (20). On the other hand, Stupidity (0) will bring a Reward (21) in the form of misfortune.

    As you can see, during the Renaissance, the images familiar to us were perceived somewhat differently, although the Arcana still retained their main essence. Let's, for the sake of interest, dwell in more detail on several Trumps of the Marseille Tarot. By tradition, we will take the Fool / Fool first.

    As you can see, the presentation of this image is somewhat different from the classics we are used to. The hero does not step off a cliff, but simply walks along the road, with his unchanging knapsack behind his back. What was the archetype of the Fool in the eyes of Renaissance society? A fool is essentially a combination of two images, one of which is a homeless beggar, the second is a court jester. Be that as it may, but during the Renaissance, this character was perceived rather negatively. Homeless wanderers often endured humiliation and insults from other people, because they did not fit into social norms and were considered atheists, people with mental disabilities. If you look at the card from this side, it immediately becomes clear that the dog here is not a warning about danger and not at all a true friend, as we often perceive it in modern decks, but rather, it is a dog set on a beggar by someone from townspeople, annoyed by the sight of a tramp.

    The jester at the royal court is also an object of ridicule, a kind of holy fool. In general, a positive cut of the meaning of this Arcana is also present, but the emphasis here is again on freedom from social customs and duties, which, in general, could be envied. Only the court jester could let out aloud some kind of taunt against those in power, and he was not threatened with any punishment for this. Summarizing the above, the meaning of the Fool of the Marseille Tarot can be shone to the following key phrases: freedom from social norms, humor appropriate to the situation, stupidity, lawlessness.

    Now let's turn to the image of the Magician / Magician. In the Tarot of Marseilles, he is an image that combines a street vendor and an actor who entertains the crowd. Many considered such “magicians” to be ordinary swindlers, while others secretly envied their dexterity of hands, speed of thinking, cunning, and ingenuity. Where did the image of the traveling merchant come from? I think that's what the travel bag on his desk says. The meanings of the Mage are quickness of thinking, dexterity, cunning, ingenuity, the ability to use others to their advantage. In a negative manifestation, the card may indicate that you have become a victim of some kind of deception.

    In continuation of the conversation about the Major Arcana of the Marseille Tarot, let's consider the image of Death that frightens many in the Middle Ages. It is not surprising that the unlucky number 13 was even refused to be placed on the image of the card. What is Death? This is both physical death during mass epidemics of the plague, and death from deadly diseases, and at the same time it is a challenge to a person’s simplified ideas about his own life as something unchanging. The image of the skeleton was quite popular at that time, since in the 15th century there was an allegorical narrative about the Dance of Death, mentioned in books, poems, theatrical performances. And this dancing Death was depicted precisely in the form of a skeleton. But, since the Arcana Death comes at number 13, it is still not worth perceiving it solely as the death of the physical body, because after it there is a whole series of Trumps.

    The Arcana Devil of the Marseille Tarot is essentially not much different from modern images. We see people who followed the path of temptation, followed their base instincts, failed to curb them. This challenge, which invariably meets a person on the way.

    The illustration of the Tower reminds us of the pictures of the Apocalypse popular at the time, often described in religious sermons. In principle, a person of that era imagined that the end of the world was not something abstract, as we think now, but something that could happen at any moment, so this card made a rather frightening impression. Although in essence - this, of course, is not the end of the world at all in the literal sense of the word, but rather the destruction of an unstable situation, the liberation of the soul from those shackles into which it fell on Arcana 15.

    On this with Trumps, I propose to finish and move on to the Minor Arcana, although their description will not be so interesting due to the lack of plots.

    Minor Arcana

    Most of the authors of books on this school offer to work with the Minor Arcana of the Marseille Tarot in the following way: combining the meaning of the suit with the meaning of the number corresponding to the card. I will give these values ​​and we will try to work out several maps using this technique.

    So what do the suits mean? These are the four areas of human knowledge. Staves (Wands or Sticks) - creation, energy of creativity, Bowls - interaction, contact with people, Swords - self-defense, protection, control boundaries, Coins (Pentacles) - receiving, finding a comfortable state, provision, including financial.

    Brief values ​​of the numbers I designed in the form of a table.

    Card number Meaning
    One (Ace) First step, start
    deuce Dialogue, meeting, weighing and comparing different possibilities
    Troika Having a specific plan, creating a strategy to achieve the goal
    Four Effort leading to a particular manifestation, the means necessary to accomplish something, the first success
    Five Contradictions, troubles, a challenge thrown to yourself or thrown in your direction by society
    Six Stabilization period, entry into a new rhythm, accumulations that allow sharing with others
    Seven Knowledge of underlying causes, motives, deepening, dissatisfaction with superficial knowledge
    Eight Highest realization, high efficiency, thanks to acquired knowledge, self-discipline
    Nine Reward for effort spent, merit
    Ten Completeness, achievement of the ultimate goal, but at the same time the desire to achieve something more, time for new beginnings

    Speaking about the meaning of the numbers of the Minor Arcana of the Marseille Tarot, it is worth mentioning that it can manifest itself in a positive or negative way. So, for example, the Eight can be interpreted as too rigid discipline, dogmatism, excessive assertiveness.

    So let's try? For example, let's try to answer the same question with two arbitrary cards: what will be the relationship of a man named, say, Ivan, with a girl named Marya? Take, for example, the Two of Cups. The bowls speak of interaction, the number two speaks of dialogue, comparison. It immediately comes to mind that Ivan and Marya will interact harmoniously with each other. Next, we connect intuition and see what happens in the end? I think love, friendship, strong relationships. However, this can be guessed when looking at the card itself, although it does not have a plot, the drawing clearly speaks of something positive.

    What if we take the Ten of Swords? Swords - protection, defense, ten - achievement of the ultimate goal. In fact, the Ten is the maximum, a situation where there is simply nothing to defend and defend and you need to look for new ways. This is the period of disengagement, the end. By connecting intuition and applying this data to the situation under consideration, we can say that the relationship is likely to be destroyed.

    To complete the picture, let's take another question: what awaits a person in a new job? Let's imagine that the Four Coins of the Marseille Tarot fell out. Coins are getting, finding a comfortable state, including financial, and four are initial success and efforts leading to a specific manifestation. If we formulate the meaning for prospects at a new job, we can say that a person will be able to win “his place in the sun”, join the work team and receive the first awards.

    What if the Five of Wands came up? Wands - creation, creativity, five - challenge. We can say that this work will be fraught with certain difficulties: perhaps a person will have to defend his interests, show what he is capable of, or face opposition from the team.

    In general, of course, after any other deck with traced Minor Arcana, associations when considering pictures of the Marseille Tarot come to mind by themselves, because in fact Tarot is always a system where the meaning of the same card cannot be directly opposite in different decks.

    court cards

    The court cards of the Marseille Tarot describe human behavior. Their values ​​are also distributed by rank: first come Pages (Jacks) - attention, first impulse, interest. Next, the Knights - directness, certainty, seriousness, followed by the Queens - confidence, persuasiveness, purposefulness, approval, but without a power component. And the Kings close the chain - will, pressure, control, love of power. In fact, each character can have both positive and negative manifestations. But here, I think, and so everything is clear, so I will not dwell on the values. Just try to take the characteristic of the suit and apply it to any character of the Court.

    Features of the interpretation of cards

    When divining on the Marseille Tarot, both direct and inverted cards are most often used. At least most books on this deck provide interpretations for both positions. However, this question, as always, remains at the choice of the tarologist himself, since many see the possible shadow meanings of the Arcana even without a physical flip of the cards. In general, the layouts for the Marseille Tarot do not differ from any other decks: you can use absolutely any you like.

    What issues is the deck suitable for?

    The Marseille system is universal, so the deck can be called suitable for considering any issues: general events, forecasts of professional and personal life, health topics, negative diagnostics, and much, much more.

    Who is the card for?

    • For those who are attracted by the historical design of the cards
    • For beginners who are ready to study a deck from scratch without plotting the Minor Arcana
    • Experienced tarot readers who want to expand their horizons and master another system

    There are more than enough books on the Marseille school at the moment. If you decide to buy the Marseille Tarot, the choice of literature for studying the deck will be very wide. To be honest, I work in a different system, so I cannot be responsible for the quality of the information presented in these books, so I simply provide you with a list of references that can be easily found in stores and on the Internet:

    • Marseille Tarot. Theory and Practice (publishing house Vneshsigma)
    • "Universal Marseille Tarot" (Lee Bursten)
    • "Marseille Tarot" (A. Simonenko)
    • Marseille Tarot. The Book of Universal Symbols (Fred Gettings)
    • "The ABC of Wisdom of the Marseille Tarot" (Vitaly Zaichenko)
    • Marseille Tarot. Open Card Reading Method (Yoav Ben-Dov)

    In addition to the books mentioned above, if you wish, you can find others. This concludes my review.

    Marseille Tarot is a classic deck of cards that will be ideal for everyone who has decided to get acquainted with the world of esotericism and divination. The name is due to how much the deck goes back to the cards that were printed in the city of Marseille for several centuries of otvorotti-povorotti. See the gallery and read the features of the interpretation of this Tarot deck.

    Marseille tarot - adult arcana

    It cannot be said that the Marseille tarot is the name of a separate deck, rather, it is the definition of a whole system, tradition. The classic Marseille tarot is executed in a special style, corresponding in all respects to the canons of symbolism, the location of the image on the cards. Such a system is allegedly one of the most ancient, since such decks were still known in the fifteenth century.

    The deck is slightly different from the usual universal Tarot Waite or the popular Tarot Thoth. In order to start working with this deck, you need to know the basic meanings of the cards. It is worth undertaking a study from the major arcana.

    Fool- creativity, spiritual uplift, going beyond. Inverted (hereinafter referred to as P.) - madness, withdrawal into oneself, absinthism of stability.

    Mag- knowledge, the beginning of a new one, the manifestation of professionalism and skill. P. - diseases, mistakes, collaborationism, lies.

    popess- comprehension of secrets, the personification of the feminine, a strong flair, wisdom. P. - selfishness, unwillingness to fight, narrow-mindedness, the collapse of ideals.

    empress- the accomplishment of reason, marriage, the birth of children, good news. P. - inability to make decisions, tension to dump their problems on others.

    Dad- the presence of a patron, a wise adviser, that pious. P. - vulgarity, lack of ideals, collapse.

    Beloved- the inevitability of choice, sexual bonds, temptation. P. - wrong choice, unrequited love, false promises.

    Chariot travel, conquest. Ant. losses at any cost, wealth, fame. P. - bankruptcy, loss of control over the situation.

    Temple of Justice- balance, nobility, honor, observance of the canons, retribution. P. - loss of meaning, wrong decisions.

    Ascetic- voluntary refusal to communicate with people, harmony with oneself, routine. P. - the presence of enemies, fear of society.

    Wheel of Fortune- success, victory, to which prefixes are not worth putting a lot of effort into. P. - misfortune, stagnation.

    Force- good nature, a step forward of reason, observance of moral standards. P. - rigidity, intrigues of enemies.

    Hanged- good oppressed innocence, altruism, self-search, transition to a new level of development. P. - ailment, mental disorders, repentance.

    Death- rejection of a past life, the abyss of a burdensome relationship, the beginning of a new life. P. - illness, a series of failures, a deaf time.

    Moderation- the ability to find a common language with others, recovery, positive perseverance. P. - emptiness, hatred, aggression.

    Devil- selfishness, the power of instincts, lust. P. - perversions, anxiety, immorality.

    Tower- wounded pride, the destruction of hopes. P. - disaster, chaos.

    beacon of the universe- opportunities, success, gaining new abilities. P. - an unstable emotional state, bad news.

    Disk of the Moon- life in search, passion for the occult, supernatural abilities. P. - fear of drowning, stomps. Ant. activities, quarrels, bad news.

    Sun- good emotions, close relationships with loved ones, ijma problems, good luck. P. - selfishness, resentment, aggression.

    Court- recognition, harmony, your activities will be appreciated. P. - illness, disappointment.

    World- completion of the project, failure, well-being. P. - lack of power, anger, rebellion.

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    Wands - interpretation of drawings

    Caduceus symbolizes fire, constant movement, labor activity.

    Ace- the beginning of something new for some reason, strong energy, the emergence of ideas, the struggle for the bait of ideals.

    deuce- planning something important, preparing for the decisive moment, caution in actions, be patient and you will succeed.

    Troika- work in society, the arrival of new colleagues, the unity of interests.

    Four- completion of the case, new string bag and nahrenaska, teamwork.

    Five- failures, obstacles that are very difficult to overcome, the collapse of hopes.

    Six- work, success, setting specific goals.

    Number- in order to achieve the desired, it is worth putting all the activity.

    Eight- the search for rest, the presence of a strong assistant, the search for oneself.

    Fosca- the collapse of plans, a senseless waste of energy.

    Jack- neatness, masculinity, a tendency to conquer someone.

    Knight- a long journey, independence from others, the case of a young man.

    Queen- dynamics, achievement of goals.

    King- grown experienced man who has his own opinion and achieves goals.

    Denaria - the importance of the cards

    The suit corresponds to the earth element, which is responsible for the translocation of values, the development of wealth, the emergence of new connections.

    Ace- material happiness. Ant. poverty, a revolution in the system of values, the embodiment of the plan.

    deuce- obstacles, you need to reevaluate your views on life.

    Troika- admiration for other people, laurels.

    Four- the emergence of a source of income, stinginess.

    Five- financial problems, courts and gossip, negative reputation.

    Six- victory, help of friends.

    Seven- profit, new subscription.

    Eight- profit, important negotiations.

    Nine- excessive ambition, gossip.

    Chechen- benefit from business connections, spending.

    Jack- slowness, escape from the hustle and bustle.

    Knight- protection from a friend, confidence in the future.

    Queen- checking feelings, useful connections, good nature.

    King- sociability, the emergence of new acquaintances.

    Swords - Pinakothek, interpretation

    The suit corresponds to the element of air, which is responsible for rational perception.

    Ace- the triumph of reason, rationality, cold calculation.

    deuce- impasse, helplessness to make decisions, mistakes.

    Troika- contradiction, confusion in business, minor troubles.

    Thursday- a revolution in the value system, financial turmoil, health problems.

    A- refusal of help, manifestation of weakness, hermitage.

    Six- opening of new horizons, good plans for the future, successful completion of affairs.

    Seven- lack of conflicts, sudden victory.

    Boat- criticism from colleagues, lies, bad news.

    Nine- aggressive alloprining, uncontrollable emotions.

    Ten- depression, bitterness, resentment, a sharp evolution of the situation.

    Jack- sensitivity, narcissism, selfishness.

    Knight- struggle, confrontation anxiety.

    Queen- deceit, female cunning and dexterity.

    King- rationalism, power, clear mind.

    Bowls - meaning

    The bowls correspond to the element of water, which is a symbol of faith, feelings.

    Influential- harmony, love, trust, understanding.

    deuce- intuition, sexual attraction, association of two loving hearts.

    Troika- inspiration, support from relatives and friends.

    Quartet- nervous disorders, depression, longing for better times.

    Five- desertion, shattered dreams, disappointments.

    Six- thirst for change, increased attention, warmth and spin.

    Seven- lies, illusory, unjustified expectations.

    Eight- deep feelings, complicity in someone else's life.

    Nine- joy, pride, narcissism.

    Ten- fulfillment of desires, fun, doing what you love.

    Jack- naivete, good news.

    Knight- passion, temptation, creativity.

    Queen- sensuality, virtue, understanding.

    King- a strong serviceable man who can help in difficult times.

    Marseille Tarot is a simple, affordable company that everyone will love. Working with her will bring one pleasantness to both an experienced magician and a beginner.

    Marseille tarot - gallery and meaning of cards - still secrets on the site

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    If you decide to conduct fortune-telling on the cards, then the Marseille Tarot will do just fine. It is used by both novice fortune tellers and more experienced ones, and all thanks to its simplicity in interpretation and layout. In total, the deck contains 78 cards (22 major and 56 minor arcana). To make the interpretation easier, we give a description of each Tarot card (Marseille).


    So, let's start parsing the values. The Marseille Tarot begins its numbering not from 1, but from zero - an unnumbered card. She is "Jester" (or "Fool"). In a straight position, it symbolizes a movement for the better. His appearance suggests that a person is on the right track and is striving for positive changes. In the inverted position, "Jester" means stagnation and refusal to change. A person in this state does not seek to change anything in his usual life, even if the changes will benefit him.

    Major Arcana (1-9)

    Now let's move on to the numbered positions that the Marseille Tarot can give a person. Major Arcana are the most important in layouts and always play a decisive role.

    1. "Mag". His appearance suggests that a person is the master of his own destiny and everything he does leads to success. This is a map of truly strong-willed people. In an inverted position, it symbolizes missed opportunities and vices associated with performance.
    2. "High Priestess" Influences knowledge and learning. The opposite meaning is unresolved problems, indecision and hypocrisy.
    3. "Empress". It promises good luck in negotiations and dialogues, but if you are not lucky to pull it upside down, then be prepared to lose.
    4. "Emperor". Symbolizes everything connected with power. Otherwise, he crosses out everything, turning positive features into shortcomings.
    5. "High priest". It guarantees the protection and favor of higher powers in any business. In the inverted position promises failure.
    6. "Lovers". They symbolize the choice of the path in any position. In one case, easy and voluntary, in the other - forced and painful.
    7. "Chariot". Talks about progress and triumph in a person's life. In a negative sense, it is also failure and depression.
    8. "Justice". The name speaks for itself. Negative consequences include theft or loss of control.
    9. "Hermit". The wisdom of loneliness, reflections. The opposite is stagnation and passivity.

    Major Arcana (10-22)

    Now it's the turn of the second ten major arcana, which contains the Marseille Tarot. It cannot be said that they are less important than their predecessors, but they still have less influence on the fate of a person.

    1. "Wheel of Fortune" is a card of movement, and in a positive direction. If it comes out upside down, it means helplessness.
    2. "Force". The meaning of the card is in the name. Her "reflection" will be impulsiveness and tyranny.
    3. "The Hanged Man" symbolizes sacrifice and the need to follow one's path, even if it is difficult. Everything should calm down by itself. In an inverted position indicates a series of failures and a moral breakdown.
    4. "Nameless". Revival and transformation. In a negative sense - the loss of goals and despondency.
    5. "Moderation". Guarantees good health and peace. Denying this card, a person must prepare for chaos in his life.
    6. "Devil". In an inverted state, it is a source of energy. In the original, it absorbs all the best in a person.
    7. "Tower" is a symbol of trials. And only when turned upside down, the card warns of danger, but it is still negative.
    8. "Star". Peace, success. Inverted "Star" - failure and isolation.
    9. "Moon" symbolizes madness and loneliness. Upside down - speaks of daydreaming and unconsciousness.
    10. "Sun" is the complete opposite of "Moon" and is interpreted in the same way.
    11. "Judgment" gives protection and success, in an inverted state - failure and failure.
    12. "Peace" is the best thing that can fall out if you use the Marseille Tarot. Guarantees success in any endeavor. Its reverse value also promises victory, but only much slower.


    The Marseille Tarot deck contains 56 minor arcana cards. They, in turn, are divided into four equivalent suits. The first of them - "Bowls". The value of the suit is determined by its predominance in the layout and does not affect the interpretation of a particular lasso. "Bowls" - a symbol of love, fertility and prosperity. Hereinafter, we will use the letter R (reverse) to denote an inverted card.

    • "King" - kindness, a blond man. R - an influential man with "dirty" hands, duplicity, suspicion.
    • "Lady" - blonde. Luck, happiness, luck. R is an influential woman who puts spokes in your wheels.
    • "Knight" - a meeting, the end of the path. R - distrust, malevolence, deceit.
    • "Jack" - a young blond, a sober mind, patience. R - lick, deceit.
    • "10" - place of residence, influence. R - conflict and confrontation of the parties.
    • "9" - achievement of goals, successful completion of affairs, overcoming. R - vices, shortcomings, conflicts.
    • "8" - young blonde, union, love, affection. R - holiday, happiness.
    • "7" - insight, ideas. R - result, conclusion, conclusions.
    • "6" - former, past. R is the near future.
    • "5" - wedding, betrothal, close union. R - sudden news, guests, events.
    • "4" - melancholy, discomfort, anxiety. R - meeting, omen, intuition.
    • "3" - successful completion of affairs. R - business trip, the rapid development of planned events.
    • "2" - strong bonds, love. R - conflict of interest, battle.
    • "Ace" - a triumph. R - changes, transformations.


    This is the next suit that can be found using the Marseille Tarot spread. Its predominance on the table warns of grief and sad news.

    • The "King" is responsible for education and knowledge in general. R is a good but tough person who is able to give wise advice.
    • "Lady" - greed and greed. Credits. R is a kind and good woman, but at the same time stingy and economical.
    • "Knight" symbolizes separation, departure. R - warns of quarrels and disagreements.
    • "Jack" brings good news and satisfaction. R is a messenger of problems and grief.
    • "10" bestows protection and confidence in the future day. R - reports betrayal and duplicity.
    • "9" speaks of peace and order, serenity. R - trials and obstacles on the way to the goal.
    • "8". A person will show the way and make sure that everything works out for you. R - disease, relationship problems.
    • "7". You will achieve success and be able to realize all the possibilities. R - doubts and indecision.
    • "6" - hopes for the future, attempts to change. R - treason, stab in the back.
    • "5" - financial luck, acquisition, income. R - problems with the law, court.
    • "4" - agreement, association, union. R - stability, success, flourishing.
    • "3" - business, trade relations, entrepreneurship. R - breakthrough, aspiration, dreams.
    • "2" - financial victories, abundance. R - sudden news or events.
    • "Ace" - start, beginning, birth. R - danger, persecution, anger, envy, suppression.


    The third suit in the Marseille Tarot is associated with finance in all its manifestations - money, securities, documents. If there are too many "coins" in the layout, then everything that the lasso will promise will relate to work and business issues.


    The last suit is responsible for both the military component and relationships with children. This is the most difficult part when deciphering the alignment, since it is responsible for very contradictory things. If necessary, use special books for the Marseille Tarot.

    • "King" - a man-"lawyer", pressure, restrictions. R - immoral person, tragedy, anxiety.
    • "Lady" - a lonely woman, loss, deprivation, loss. R - a wayward obsessed woman with a bad temper, "a barrel of honey with a fly in the ointment."
    • "Knight" - military, professionalism, skill, talent. R - artlessness, inertness, directness.
    • "Jack" - observer, tracker. R - control, help.
    • "10" - trouble, tragedy. R - temporary luck, minor success.
    • "9" - monk, saint, spiritual person. R - duplicity, doubt, ambiguity.
    • "8" - insult, lie, setup. R - negative events in the past.
    • "7" - the pursuit of dreams and desires. R - intelligence, knowledge, excellent advice or recommendation.
    • "6" - a messenger, a long journey. R - opening, offer, contract.
    • "5" - sadness, melancholy, sadness.
    • "4" - loneliness, isolation. R - self-interest, saving, counting finances.
    • "3" - nun, conflict, separation. R - chaos, collapse, disorder.
    • "2" - mutual assistance, feat. R - betrayal, stab in the back.
    • "Ace" - continuation of the family, flourishing, fertility. R - barriers, vain love.

    Pulling out the cards

    In addition to the value, it is also important to place them correctly on the table, and choose the decks that are suitable for a particular situation. If you are worried about things to come, then the Marseille cards are perfect for you. Tarot divination can be decomposed in various ways. Starting with the usual drawing of a couple of cards from the deck and ending with the same "Celtic cross".

    If you want to use the easier way, you can simply choose two cards from the flipped deck. Another one is usually pulled out by a fortune teller. are interpreted independently of each other. In this scenario, only the major arcana are used.

    Celtic cross

    This method can also be used to spread the Marseille Tarot. In this case, all cards are used. You can see the order of expansion in the figure above. The meanings of the arcana must be interpreted in accordance with the order of disclosure and layout on the table.

    1. The essence of the problem.
    2. current circumstances.
    3. The real reasons for the current situation.
    4. Past.
    5. Impact on a problem in your life.
    6. Future.
    7. The personality of a person.
    8. Relationships with others.
    9. your hopes and fears.
    10. Result, total.

    Marseille Tarot is a deck of cards that professionals and beginners use for divination. It got its name from the place where it was printed - the city of Marseille.

    Features of the Marseille deck

    The classic deck of Marseilles Tarot cards is executed in a special style of Italian graphics. It is slightly different from the universal Waite and Thoth.

    The Tarot of Marseille became known to the world in 1650.

    There are 78 cards in the Marseille Tarot deck. She does not attribute the Jester to any of the arcana.

    Another notable feature is the attachment of the Minor Arcana to the natural elements:

    • Swords correspond to Air,
    • Pentacles are associated with the Earth,
    • Wands represent the Flame,
    • Cups are signs of Water.

    The Marseille Tarot deck has difficulties in mastering for beginners: the meaning of the Minor Arcana is initially difficult to interpret, because they do not carry a visual plot.

    Meaning of the Major Arcana

    The Major Arcana of the Marseille Tarot spread:

    • Jester (Fool) - in the correct position means the beginning of a creative path, optimism and inspiration, indicates a mysterious person. Inverted - on carelessness and wasted energy, lack of stability.
    • Magician - directly dropped out indicates a new stage, highlighting a person with skill and enthusiasm. Inverted symbolizes indecision, deceit and betrayal.
    • The high priestess - directly placed in the layouts is associated with strong intuition, wisdom and potential. In the opposite direction is a symbol of unreasonable behavior, scarcity of knowledge and limitation.
    • Pope (High Priest) - in the right position - morality, promises an upcoming marriage or a new friendly relationship, the appearance of a patron. In reverse, it indicates slander, lack of control over the situation, collapse as a result of the lack of principles and ideals.
    • The Empress - in the upright position means the predominance of the mind, portends marriage and the appearance of offspring, acts as a symbol of good news and financial luck. The opposite is a predisposition to shift problems onto others due to the inability to independently solve them, material difficulties.
    • Emperor - dropped out in the correct position speaks of the maturity of the mind, which is a source of authority. Inverted - a sign of despotic behavior, the presence of vices.
    • Beloved - in the direct position, the card symbolizes temptation, love and new relationships, in the opposite direction it indicates a wrong choice, which leads to a conflict situation and a break, is a harbinger of unrequited love.
    • Chariot - straight means achieving the goals and overcoming obstacles, obtaining the necessary help. Reversed is associated with confrontation, which leads to loss.
    • Justice - directly promises the inevitability of retribution, justice, an inverted card is associated with false accusations and wrong decisions.
    • Hermit - direct leads to a refusal to communicate with others, isolation, loneliness, being in harmony with oneself. Fallen in the opposite position portends enemies, irrational actions and failures.
    • Wheel of Fortune - the direct position predicts unexpected success, the opening of new opportunities, the opposite - collapse, stagnation and lack of success.
    • Strength - a direct card is a symbol of a good soul and rationality, courage and ability to overcome difficulties, the presence of moral principles. The reverse is a sign of cruelty, impotence and abuse of power.
    • The Hanged Man - directly dropped out is associated with sacrifice, a change in views. Inverted - a harbinger of poor health, selfishness.
    • Death - a card in the right direction is a symbol of change under the influence of new circumstances, the rejection of encumbrances, deadly diseases. Inverted brings with it a series of failures, immobility.
    • Abstinence (moderation) - a direct card speaks of tolerance, the ability to self-control, positive energy. The reverse means a manifestation of aggression, lack of communication skills, conflict.
    • The devil - a direct symbol indicates a person who is thirsty for material wealth, carries destruction and violence. The reverse means abuse of power, authority through violence, immoral behavior.
    • The tower - direct and reverse portends the collapse of hopes, symbolizes destruction, only the last one - with lesser consequences.
    • Star - a direct image - a symbol of hope and good luck, it promises prospects and rewards for the work done. In the reverse direction, the card means hopelessness and disappointment, it is a messenger of bad news.
    • Moon - directly dropped out predicts deceit and insincerity, which will lead to disappointment. The reverse symbol keeps the hope of recognizing the untruth in time, avoiding losses.
    • The sun - the image in the right direction is a messenger of achievements, the emergence of new acquaintances, communication. The inverted does not change the main meaning, but delays the execution in time.
    • Judgment - a direct recognition card in the Marseille Tarot promises a worthy assessment of the work done. Inverted leads to disappointment, has the meaning of a slow and cautious person.
    • Peace - directly acts as a symbol of the successful completion of affairs, which will be awarded. Upside down, it means upcoming failures.

    Meaning of Wands

    The main meaning of the Marseille Tarot cards of the Wands is the need to stay in constant motion and active work.

    • Ace means a new stage, a struggle in upholding ideals,
    • 2 requires the construction of plans to prepare for a decisive event, caution in decision-making and tolerance,
    • 3 - a symbol of work, new colleagues and common work interests,
    • 4 means the end of the projects implemented in the team,
    • 5 portends the emergence of difficult obstacles and the collapse of a dream,
    • 6 advises to set specific goals in work in order to achieve results,
    • 7 obliges to make efforts with the intention to achieve something,
    • 8 means the presence of an assistant, advises you to find inspiration,
    • 9 will destroy all plans,
    • Jack - a sign of accuracy,
    • The knight promises a long journey and a new meeting,
    • The queen is associated with activity,
    • The king promises the appearance of an adult patron with experience and his own opinion.

    Meaning of Denarius

    The main meaning of the cards of the Marseille Tarot Dinaria comes down to the need to increase well-being and the emergence of new relationships:

    • Ace means the implementation of the plan, which will provide materially,
    • 2 will create obstacles, the overcoming of which will require a revision of the views,
    • 3 advises to confess feelings,
    • 4 will show the source of income,
    • 5 - a harbinger of money problems, gossip and loss of reputation,
    • 6 will lead to victory with the help of friends,
    • 7 promises profit and the emergence of new acquaintances,
    • 8 will indicate the need to negotiate for profit,
    • 9 will show ambition,
    • 10 will benefit from connections, but will require costs,
    • Jack means no fuss,
    • The knight gives confidence with the protection received from a friend,
    • The queen will test feelings and connections,
    • The king will lead to new acquaintances.

    Meaning of Swords

    The gallery of Marseille Tarot cards Swords in layouts is responsible for rationality in the perception of the situation:

    • Ace - a harbinger of cold calculation when making decisions,
    • 2 leads to a dead end and does not allow you to make the right choice,
    • 3 - a symbol of inconsistency and confusion,
    • 4 will overturn the value system and lead to financial gaps,
    • 5 speaks of the manifestation of weakness, refusal of help,
    • 6 will open up new opportunities and allow you to successfully complete business,
    • 7 promises victory if conflict situations are not allowed,
    • 8 will lead to criticism at work accompanied by lies,
    • 9 - a symbol of aggression,
    • 10 promises depression and resentment,
    • Jack shows selfishness,
    • The knight promises trouble
    • The queen is bound with cunning deceit
    • The king will show power and rationalism.

    Meaning of Cups

    The meaning of the Marseille Tarot Cups comes down to faith and feelings:

    • Ace - a sign of harmony and understanding in love,
    • 2 portends a marriage union,
    • 3 predicts help from loved ones,
    • 4 leads to nervous depressions in longing for the old days,

    The Marseille Tarot is, first of all, not a specific deck, but an ancient system that has existed for six centuries. It is not known for certain who is the author and founder of this complex.

    Marseille tarot is very popular in France

    However, there is evidence of involvement in its creation by Marsilio Ficino, an Italian philosopher, humanist and astrologer who became one of the key figures of the Renaissance. The Marseille Tarot also gained wide popularity in France, where, as in all of Europe, it was usually called "Italian" because of the specific design and symbols.

    History of the Tarot of Marseilles

    For the first time, the term "Marseille Tarot" was used by the French occultist, freemason and magician Gerard Anaclet Vincent Encausse, known as Papus, in his book "Gypsy Tarot", which dates back to the end of the 19th century. However, in European countries, this deck was known before - it was usually called "Italian" in connection with its typically Italian graphic design, symbolism and origin. In different cities of France, the Marseille Tarot deck has been produced since the 17th century.

    The deck became known under this name due to the fact that there were publishing houses in Marseille that could print such cards. However, it is known that one of the first series of the Marseille Tarot publishing house was produced in the capital of France in 1650. Ultimately, this name was fixed thanks to Paul Marteau, who published the Ancient Marseille Tarot deck in 1930, after which, already in 1949, he published a book about the deck, in which he described all the cards.

    Marseille Tarot deck gallery

    Tarot cards usually consist of 78 units, the Marseille Tarot deck is no exception. However, it is characteristic that in this case the Fool, or the Fool, does not apply to either the Major Arcana or the Minor Arcana. The Tarot of Marseilles has another notable feature due to its occult significance: the Minor Arcana are closely associated with the natural elements. Thus, Pentacles correspond to the earth element, Wands to flame, Cups to water, and Swords to air.

    It is very significant that for beginners who want to master the Marseille Tarot, the meaning of the Minor Arcana cards can initially be very difficult to open, since they are not traced and do not carry any visual plot.

    So, the gallery of the Marseille Tarot is as follows:

    Jester or Fool

    In a straight position, it indicates new beginnings with the presence of enthusiasm and an optimistic mood. In the course of an event, unexpected circumstances may come to light. And it can also talk about the mystery of a person.

    In the reverse position, the card makes it clear that a person acts carelessly, thoughtlessly, takes risks in vain and wastes his energy.


    In the upright position, the card speaks of human enthusiasm and the desire to act. Moreover, he is gifted with good dexterity, skills and craftsmanship.

    In the reverse position, it indicates indecision, doubts, neglect of one's skills.

    high priestess

    In the upright position, the card speaks of the creative potential of a person and a strong flair.

    In the reverse position, the High Priestess symbolizes the lack of intuition, the lack of understanding of the opposite sex. The card can talk about a person’s meager knowledge, vanity and possible danger.


    In a direct position, it indicates material wealth, as well as achievements in creative activity.

    The card "Empress" in a direct position indicates material wealth

    In the reverse position, the card speaks of a creative crisis, material difficulties, useless waste of energy. May indicate the overthrow of a tyrant or revenge.


    In the upright position, the card speaks of a mature person - a person who tirelessly fights for the truth and wins.

    In the reverse position, the Emperor symbolizes the neglect of his duty, the lack of authority, weakness in the face of his own vices. Can mean subjugation to a tyrant.

    High Priest or Pope

    In a direct position, it indicates the need for knowledge about one's will. The Pope symbolizes morality and wisdom. May portend marriage, new friendships or good deeds.

    In the reverse position, the card speaks of shame, disgrace, slander. Events are not subject to man, he only has to wait for better times.


    In the upright position, the card symbolizes the wise choice of a person between two equivalent intentions. May indicate the beginning of a new relationship, camaraderie, love.

    In the reverse position, Lovers talk about the wrong, stupid choice. This may be accompanied by a conflict with another person, a break in relations.


    In the upright position, the card symbolizes triumph, achievement of goals, overcoming barriers. Can also talk about revenge, help received at the right time, victory over inconsistencies

    The reverse position refers to a conflict or confrontation in which a person is weak and loses.


    In the upright position, the card indicates a fair and balanced judgment based on honesty and the absence of prejudice.

    In the reverse position, Justice speaks of slander and false accusations, imbalance, provoked by prejudice and fanaticism.


    In the upright position, the Hermit speaks of a person's prudence, his balanced decisions and deep reflections. In some cases, it may indicate regression, withdrawal into oneself, loneliness.

    In the reverse position, the card indicates stupid deeds and carelessness. It can also talk about the postponement of cases due to excessive reasoning about the subject or failure due to thoughtlessness. The mind is not properly balanced.

    Wheel of Fortune

    In the upright position, the card predicts previously unforeseen success or good luck. New opportunities and perspectives open up.

    In the reverse position, the Wheel of Fortune symbolizes failure, failure, fall.


    In the upright position, the card speaks of a person's strength - not only physical, but also the ability to endure life's trials, courage and willingness to challenge.

    The card "Strength" in an inverted position speaks of impotence

    In the reverse position, it symbolizes impotence, a tendency to temptation or abuse of power and strength.


    In the upright position, the Hanged Man testifies to sacrifice, self-renunciation, a strong change in outlook on life or its individual aspects after the test.

    In the reverse position, the card speaks of the selfishness of a person, a vain or petty sacrifice that will not bear fruit, unfulfilled oaths.


    In the upright position, the card symbolizes the transformation, during which the old "I" dies under the pressure of new circumstances. However, it can also speak of a serious illness or physical death.

    In the reverse position, the card speaks of immobility and stagnation, a successful escape from death. May indicate apathy or resignation.


    In a straight position, it speaks of moderation, the ability to endure through self-control. Usually also implies association and merger, a mutually beneficial partnership.

    In the reverse position, Abstinence symbolizes conflict, the inability to interact correctly with other people for the common good, the inability to find a common language.


    In the upright position, the card speaks of an excessive thirst for material wealth, which will tempt a person. Usually the Devil is also associated with destruction, violence, addictions, misfortune.

    In the reverse position, it symbolizes the abuse of the need for power, self-affirmation through violence, a strong concentration on one's own material goals.


    In the upright position, it symbolizes destruction, war, fall, collapse. This can equally apply to the material resources of the questioner, and his worldview, which will change dramatically during the predicted event.

    In the reverse position, the card also speaks of losses, however, in a smaller equivalent. The man manages to escape from the falling tower. May predict or indicate imprisonment.


    In the upright position, the Star symbolizes hope, new opportunities and prospects, the favorable influence of the constellations on fate, reward for deeds, pleasure and good luck.

    In the reverse position, the card speaks of a hopeless situation, restrictions, imbalances, disappointments. The person runs the risk of being robbed.


    In the upright position, the card testifies to lies, nebula and twilight, in which a person cannot recognize the truth, insincerity and disappointment. A person runs the risk of being used in the interests of others and betrayed by friends.

    In the reverse position, the Moon predicts similar phenomena, however, on a smaller scale. There is an opportunity to have time to recognize deception and overcome destructive temptations.


    In the upright position, the card portends achievements and success in various activities, warmth, satisfaction, positive relationships with other people, gratitude. There is a possibility of making a new friend.

    In the reverse position, the Sun does not speak of negative aspects, but a person will have to make more efforts to achieve goals, wait and be patient. Success will make itself felt, but with a slight delay.


    In the upright position, the card testifies to the necessity and inevitability of redemption. A person needs to forgive and be forgiven. If the questioner was offended, there is a possibility that the enemy will pay for this in the future.

    In the reverse position, the Court speaks of the slowness of a person, his excessive caution and delays, which can lead to failure. New opportunities open up before him, for which he must tirelessly grab and move on.


    In the upright position, the card symbolizes the completion of affairs, a successful end and a long-awaited reward.

    The Mir card in a straight position can predict the imminent receipt of a long-awaited reward

    In the reverse position, the World speaks of failure and failure due to stagnation, disorientation or certain barriers.

    Tarot spreads

    When working with Tarot, the layouts of several cards that complement each other are of particular importance.

    So, the Jester next to the following cards testifies:

    • speaks with the High Priest about returning to the right path;
    • with the Wheel of Fortune - improving health;
    • with the Devil - an unsuccessful love relationship;
    • with the Court - unexpected help;
    • with the World - improvements in all aspects.
    • with the High Priest - irrational management of affairs, inspiration and intuition are higher than prudence;
    • with the Wheel of Fortune - favorable changes;
    • with the Devil - irresponsible decisions;
    • with the Court - a happy ending;
    • with the World - the acquisition of goods in an easy way;
    • with the Jester - the inevitability of mistakes.

    High Priestess:

    • with the High Priest - achieving the desired, getting rid of the disease;
    • with the Wheel of Fortune - good luck in all areas;
    • with the Devil - inevitability, lack of influence on fate;
    • with the Court - a change of decision due to new curious discoveries;
    • with Peace - successful overcoming of barriers;
    • with the Jester - a missed opportunity.


    • with the High Priest - fortitude;
    • with the Wheel of Fortune - a fair acquisition of wealth;
    • with the Devil - conflicts and jealousy;
    • with the Court - an unexpected reward;
    • with the World - the acquisition of the desired relationship, can also talk about the birth of a boy;
    • with the Jester - extravagance and neglect.


    • with the High Priest - a successful solution to the conflict;
    • with the Wheel of Fortune - a reward that requires great effort;
    • with the Devil - a person must endure temptations and vicissitudes;
    • with the Court - help in the form of advice, strong intuition;
    • with Peace - comfort and absence of danger;
    • with the Jester - fear of the future, fatigue.

    High priest:

    • with the Wheel of Fortune - profitable stagnation, ultimately bringing joy;
    • with the Devil - the inevitability of making decisions that will make you regret;
    • with the Court - material wealth;
    • with Peace - victory over evil;
    • with the Fool - help that could not be expected.

    The High Priest in combination with the Jester portends the arrival of help that you do not expect


    • with the High Priest - evil will pass, a portent of a speedy recovery;
    • with the Wheel of Fortune - deterioration in well-being, failure in love relationships;
    • with the Devil - indefinite friendship, problems with material wealth;
    • with the Court - a triumph over vices and temptations, achieving success;
    • with Peace - inspiration and glorification;
    • with the Jester - deceit, failure, wastefulness.


    • with the High Priest - success in various endeavors;
    • with the Wheel of Fortune - a change in views, a vain journey;
    • with the Devil - violence and selfish love;
    • with the Court - the birth of new ideas and discoveries;
    • with the World - the beginning of relations or their transition to a new favorable stage;
    • with the Jester - the risk of falling into a disaster.


    • with the High Priest - an easy triumph;
    • with the Wheel of Fortune - difficult changes;
    • with the Devil - a conflict that will end favorably;
    • with the Court - changes after death, new discoveries;
    • with Peace - longevity, fearlessness;
    • with Jester - imbalance due to neglect of dangers.


    • with the High Priest - immunity;
    • with the Wheel of Fortune - a predisposition to melancholy;
    • with the Devil - a nervous breakdown;
    • with the Court - victory over difficulties;
    • with Peace - determination, the return of the right person;
    • with the Jester - it is recommended to consult a doctor.

    Wheel of Fortune:

    • with the High Priest - you need to stay at home for a while;
    • with the Devil - it is recommended to be careful in financial matters;
    • with the Court - monetary success, development;
    • with the World - a favorable journey, career growth;
    • with the Jester - a certain danger.
    • with the High Priest - inspiration, marriage is possible;
    • with the Wheel of Fortune - abandonment, difficult journey;
    • with the Devil - negative and excessive concentration on material goods;
    • with the Court - a change of work for a better one;
    • with the World - improvement in all respects;
    • with the Fool - danger due to carelessness.


    • with the High Priest - success;
    • with the Wheel of Fortune - failure;
    • with the Devil - vain expectation and hopes;
    • with the Court - unexpected help contributing to the solution of the problem;
    • with the World - a good patronage;
    • with the Jester - a drop in well-being.
    • with the High Priest - patronage;
    • with the Wheel of Fortune - a fatal outcome;
    • with the Devil - fatigue;
    • with the Court - unexpected success;
    • with the World - the annulment of the negative value of the XIII Arcana;
    • with the Jester - misfortune.


    • with the High Priest - voluptuousness, especially with regard to the female sex;
    • with the Wheel of Fortune - the implementation of plans;
    • with the Devil - a blow to vanity, malice;
    • with Judgment - successful avoidance of failures;
    • with the World - compensation for an error;
    • with the Jester - disappointment.

    Card "Temperance" with the Jester - a prediction of disappointment

    • with the High Priest - wise judgments;
    • with the Wheel of Fortune - the alternation of "white" and "black" stripes in life;
    • with the Court - it is recommended to be guided by common sense;
    • with the World - acquaintance with an influential person;
    • with the Jester - deceit in financial matters.
    • with the High Priest - self-discipline;
    • with the Wheel of Fortune - boring acquaintances;
    • with the Devil - it is recommended not to abuse hopes, they will not come true;
    • with the Court - there is a reason for a positive outlook on life;
    • with Peace - there is hope;
    • with the Jester - difficulties and annoyance.
    • with the High Priest - determination;
    • with the Wheel of Fortune - an unfinished plan or an unsuccessful organization of the workflow;
    • with the Devil - refusal of petition;
    • with the Court - there are new opportunities, but a person risks neglecting them;
    • with Peace - success;
    • with the Jester - fear, mistakes in preferences.
    • with the High Priest - immunity and recovery;
    • with the Wheel of Fortune - victory over failures;
    • with the Devil - problems with the reproductive system of organs;
    • with the Court - freedom;
    • with the World - portends a quick solution to difficulties;
    • with the Jester - pain.
    • with the High Priest - a predisposition to longevity;
    • with the Wheel of Fortune - a favorable journey;
    • with the Devil - disregard for morality, enthusiasm;
    • with the Court - productivity, mutual sympathy;
    • with Peace - new incentives;
    • with the Jester - mental misfortune, fall.
    • with the High Priest - success;
    • with the Wheel of Fortune, a key life-changing ride;
    • with the Devil - children bring experiences, humility is necessary;
    • with the World - preference is given to warm relationships with people;
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