• Do deceased relatives help us? Do the souls of deceased relatives meet after death in the next world in heaven. What does a person see when he dies?


    Find out if the dead are helping, if they see their loved ones and if it is possible to ask for help from deceased relatives. Here you can read the advice of experts, and learn all the subtleties.


    Today, few people doubt the existence of such a category as the soul. The soul of a person can be formed during his entire earthly life. Experts characterize the human soul as a kind of energy substance that leaves the body after death and contains part of the human mind, namely memory and imaginative thinking. To understand whether contact between the soul of the living and the soul of the deceased is possible and whether the dead help their loved ones who remain alive, it should be borne in mind that the communication of the soul of a living person with his mind occurs in a dream. Therefore, it is often possible to see your departed relatives in a dream, communicate with them, and sometimes get some advice. When a person is gnawed by some kind of problem, and he is not able to find a solution, deceased relatives who loved very much during their lifetime this person, can dream and suggest the right thought, sending a clot of energy to the soul of the living. The likelihood of receiving such assistance and the intensity of contacts with other world generally depends on how close the soul is to the earth. Unsettled, burdened souls are able to maintain contact with the living for a longer period of time.

    Do the dead see their loved ones?

    In the process of moving the soul away from the material spheres, the dynamism of contacts decreases, and a high mental connection is formed. As a rule, contact with the deceased can take place when the memory of the heart about the deceased loved one comes to life, which causes an emanation of energy to the soul of the deceased, regardless of where it is located. And as soon as images of dead people begin to emerge from the depths of human memory, the emanations of energy unrealistically quickly overcome spatial and temporal barriers, rushing to the point of residence of the soul of the deceased. After that, the soul of the deceased relative sends a return beam of energy. Often people are interested in the question of whether the dead see their loved ones who are still alive. The possibilities of thought energy are endless. The dead see and hear the living, feel what is happening in the soul of the living. There is a version that the deceased are not able to see the earthly body, the physical shell of living relatives, but they can see the energy shell, see the aura. The true feelings and state of the living are known to the deceased relatives under any circumstances, so there is no point in hiding your thoughts from the deceased. The mind of a person during life contacts with his soul only during sleep. That is why there is an assumption that when a person sleeps, his soul leaves him and for a while acquires the ability to communicate with the souls of the dead.

    Is it possible to ask for help from deceased relatives

    As mentioned above, people who have departed to another world periodically help their loved ones. However, it cannot be said that this phenomenon occurs all the time. Before asking whether it is possible to ask for help from deceased relatives, it is worth considering how close the deceased was with the remaining relatives in order to provide them with the help they really need, and whether the living really need this guardianship. If a person does not stop thinking about a departed relative, persistently asks him to help, to give an answer to tormenting questions, then the likelihood that he will attract the attention of the deceased increases. However, is it worth bothering with your problems those who have already passed their life path to the end? One should not burden with earthly problems those whose energy, given for life, has already been used up. With their tears and suffering, the living can only interfere with the movement of the soul of the dead. When a person mourns the deceased for a long time, he does not allow the soul of the deceased to travel in the subtle worlds, weighing it down and grounding it. Therefore, there is no need to disturb the dead, especially without a good reason. When the soul of a person, breaking away from the physical shell, settles there, beyond, then she herself will decide whether those who remain in earthly life need her help.

    Non-Fictional Stories:
    The dead can see and hear us...
    The older you get, the more you have to deal with losses. Dying, the most relatives, those to whom he is accustomed, those who are not closer and will not be closer: dad, mom, relatives, friends, neighbors - all those whom he knew and loved. And no one can do anything about it, and you can’t turn back time, and you won’t get used to it. They say time heals, but not always and not for everyone. Our turn will come when the priest will sing over the coffin "trampling death by death." And now, in this century, crazy at speed, perhaps only once a year you can see all your relatives - this is on the day of Radonitsa. They will meet, commemorate the dead, talk with the living, be glad that they exist ... and God forbid they will be for a long time ...
    I was always interested in many things, and I constantly asked my mother, mothers, why on the Day of the Rainbow there are so many people in the cemetery? What could she, brought up in the “best Soviet traditions” of terry disbelief in God, answer me? So she said furtively, what her parents told her, and their parents told them, and so from generation to generation. Maybe it's true, or maybe a legend, but I remembered it for the rest of my life. It turns out that it is on the day of Radonitsa from dawn to sunset that the dead are waiting for us near their graves, and even meet us immediately at the cemetery gates! They do not need to be told anything, they know everything about us and see everything, constantly, because where they are, there are no clocks, numbers and alarm clocks, there is only their Kingdom, the Kingdom of the dead. They prompt from heaven and help us alive, how we should live, how we should act, probably, we call it the inner voice. And be that as it may, but on the Day of Radonitsa, we must come to them, because they are waiting for this day like no other in the year, waiting right at the gate.
    Two years ago, I agreed with my friends to drive to a half-abandoned sawmill near the Mayak stop (along the Slutsk highway). And there, not far from the sawmill, a few meters away is the village cemetery, where my uncle is buried. The funeral took place in winter, the grave was somewhere on the very outskirts of the cemetery. Many people, many wreaths, then several years of trips, searches, returns. All this time I remembered that my uncle rested in this cemetery. He began to look, but the grave, which was the last one a few years ago, was “overgrown” on all sides with neighboring graves. I searched for a long time, as if I was being led or led away from the grave, by some unknown force, to me alive. I was already hurried out of the car, they say, let's go home. Well, how is it, how embarrassing, nephew, you can’t find your uncle’s grave. I was about to leave, promising myself that next time I would arrive early, pick up a bunch of flowers and definitely look for them. How a village woman appeared to meet me. From some kind of despair or something, I was unfamiliar to her, and told how ugly of me for so many years and would never appear !? I can’t find a grave, the woman looked into my eyes in an unusual way and said, don’t blame yourself, you never know what happens in life, you’re looking for the main thing, you’re ashamed. You just call your uncle by name, you will see, he will respond. The woman appeared just as suddenly and disappeared among the crosses, monuments and graves, and my dumbfoundedness from what I heard changed to curiosity, but what if!? I started, leaving the cemetery, quietly calling, Uncle Adam, forgive me for being a badass, forgive me, and tell me where you are. You can’t believe it, I’m not used to swearing, but somewhere on the third or fourth time (I had passed this place several times before and up and down) something made me turn around, Poteychuk Adam rushed right into my eyes ...
    I told this story to many, tonight my cousin (daughter of Uncle Adam) called me and says, Vova, she remembered how you advised me, on the advice of a village woman, to find a grave. The cemetery grows from year to year, and no matter how I tried to find it, I did not find the graves of my old neighbors. And then, on the advice given to you, she called by name, turned around and saw the inscription on the monument. She asked for forgiveness and remembered, put things in order to Radonitsa, they no longer had anyone left.
    Why am I all this, to the fact that many of us on the day of Radonitsa will look for the graves of those whom we once knew. Try to do as that woman in that cemetery advised me ...
    Vladimir REPIK

    Answers to questions about communication with the dead and told the rules for the commemoration.

    It is very important to commemorate deceased relatives, because this is a certain reverence for the deceased relatives. But it's important to do it right. And how exactly do you learn from the article.

    How to commemorate deceased relatives?

    All people are mortal. Sometimes their life is cut short tragically, sometimes by an absurd accident, and sometimes the time just comes. You shouldn't be upset about this. After all, no one is immune from this.

    The least you can do in such a situation is correctly commemorate and see the deceased in another mi R. Everyone has a different understanding of how to do it right. The ignorance in this matter is sometimes astounding.

    One should always look for answers in the church or the Scriptures.
    Many under the phrase "remember the deceased" understand the distribution of sweets and cookies to people. This is correct, but there are many more customs and rules in this matter.

    First of all, it is worth mentioning how to properly bury a person. After all, even in this, many people make mistakes. Mistakes that should not be made:

    • In no case should you commemorate the deceased alcoholic drinks. Faith forbids it, in many scriptures talk about it. Thus, the deceased person will be doomed to inevitable torment. The best way out is to distribute food and clothes to the homeless
    • Don't order a funeral band. Sometimes you go and hear heartbreaking music. It makes her feel bad and uncomfortable. From it you can determine that someone is buried nearby.
      Wise people they say that they come to this music crafty. They rejoice and dance. And the deceased cannot say goodbye to this world calmly.
    • People have died and are dying. And so it will always be. Nowadays, the grave and monument are hung with wreaths. But if you go back to the past, you can understand that in those distant times there was no all this. They always came to the grave with fresh flowers. But the godless time of Soviet power made its own adjustments to this tradition. There is no such custom abroad.
      If you remember the movie "Visiting Eternity", you can be horrified. The hero talked about his journey through that world. There, all the people were hung on wreaths. They became gallows for them. Therefore, before buying a wreath (and they are not cheap), think about the deceased. Does he need him and do you want to find your deceased relative for eternal torment?
    • Don't commemorate a dead person sweet food. Almost all of this is done with sweets and cookies. But you shouldn't do that. Such delicacies are foodstuffs that are attributed to the weaknesses of gluttons. And with this you only delight them, and do not commemorate the deceased

    So what's the right way to do it? What should be done, what should not be done? These questions should always be answered in the Bible or asked old people. In any church, they will help to understand this matter, provide the necessary literature and simply give advice.

    It is believed that the soul of a person after death roams our land for another 40 days. Most often, she is near her body. You should be attentive and listen to all extraneous rustles and sensations. After all, a person can contact loved ones.

    His soul seeks peace and tranquility. She tries to get through to the people around him.

    On the fortieth day, the soul flies away. And before deciding on her place in heaven, she has to go through several circles of hell. To help the deceased in this difficult moment, you should read Psalms.

    Love for the dead should be shown through funeral services. They are held in any church after morning prayers. Prepare in advance: buy products. You will then give them to those in need.

    Do not forget about the ban on alcohol and treats. Also, do not lose sight of the fact that for such a ceremony they write a note according to the model, which indicates the name of the deceased. You should go to memorial services Saturdays for parents. These days, the power of prayers increases several times.

    There is a special day for the remembrance of the dead. He is called commemorative. It falls on the ninth day after Easter. This day is called Radonitsa.

    Many people go to the grave on Sunday, that is, a week after the holiday. But it's not right. The souls of the dead come to their grave only after a set time - 9 days.

    If for some reason you cannot visit the gravestone of a loved one, then the souls come to your home or work. They can also wait for you in church churches.

    It happens that a person passes away of his own free will. The church does not pray for suicides. They consider it a great sin. But relatives can read the prayer themselves and ask the Lord for forgiveness for the actions of the deceased.

    You can commemorate a person on the date of his birth and date of death. Don't forget to order magpie in the church. All commemorations are best arranged a day or two before the expected date.

    Can our dead relatives see and hear us?

    The church answers this question affirmatively. It is worth a little all the same to understand this matter and clarify the main aspects.

    According to church beliefs human soul is immortal. And death is just an intermediate state in which a person is reborn, acquires a new body and a new life.

    People who have been in a state of clinical death claim that they remember everything and saw their body from the side. From this we can conclude that death is just a dream. But sleep forgets the body, not the soul. The soul wanders, seeks shelter, visits loved ones.

    According to beliefs, a sinful soul gains a chance to atone for its evil deeds. She is reborn and lives life again. Sinless souls go to heaven, to a place where there are no diseases, sorrows, grief. There they follow the lives of their relatives, friends and acquaintances.

    They not only hear our speeches, but also look into our souls, read our thoughts and learn about our innermost secrets and desires. Therefore, you should not burn your life just like that, you should not plot bad deeds and commit bad deeds. The souls of our loved ones will suffer.

    Do dead relatives see us at the cemetery?

    On memorial days, all relatives and close people of the deceased gather near his grave. There they talk about him, remember all the joyful and happy moments with his participation.

    As the saying goes: "they say something good about the dead, or nothing." These days, souls also come to the cemetery to see everyone. On other days, the soul that has found peace does not visit the earth. If you decide to visit the deceased person on other days, then he is watching you from heaven.

    This is what the church teaches us. Skeptics are suspicious of these moments. They believe that the person died, and his consciousness was forgotten by eternal sleep. It cannot come to life in another reality and watch everyone from the sidelines. This is the work of Faith. If it is easier for you to survive the death of a person, hoping that he sees and hears you, then just believe in it.

    How to call the spirit of a deceased relative?

    Magic has always allowed to penetrate into another world, to call the spirit of any dead person and talk to him. But before the ritual should think about the consequences. Spirits don't always want to be disturbed.

    It is better not to perform such a dangerous ceremony yourself. You should trust a trusted medium in this matter. Only he can summon the right spirit. Seances are best done in a relaxed state, with good thoughts.

    Alternatively, you can use a Ouija board. A few tips to help evoke the spirit of a deceased relative:

    • Relax, throw away all problems and worries, free your mind
    • Don't feel fear. If the session is not conducted correctly, then evil spirit. He will feed on your fears
    • Before the session, fumigate the entire room incense
    • It is advisable not to eat or drink anything on the day of the ritual, do not drink alcohol for 3 days
    • call the spirit at night - after 12 and before 14 hours
    • put wax candles in the room
    • thread the black thread into the needle and make it look like a pendulum
    • On the sheet, write all the questions you would like to ask the deceased
    • call the name of the deceased and call to come
    • if the needle starts to move, then the spirit of the deceased is nearby. You can leave the window open, so it will be easier for the soul to get into the room.
    • if everything worked out for you and you received the answers, then do not forget to thank the spirit for coming and say that you are letting it go back

    How to communicate, talk with a deceased relative?

    Many people are interested in how to talk with dead people. It's not hard to do. There are several ways to do this:

    • Seek help from a medium. A good specialist in this field will provide you with such an opportunity. He will not only do this, but also tell what state the soul of the deceased is in, what his aura is, what he lacks. But don't get too carried away with séances
    • You can communicate with the dead in your sleep. Sleep is considered a small death. In this state, all human organs stop working. A person simply plunges into non-existence and his consciousness turns off. It is in this state that it is easier to talk with the deceased
    • You can also communicate through paper. This method is similar to communicating through a Ouija board. Only in this case you will need paper with written letters and a saucer

    Can deceased relatives help the living?

    This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Even if this happens, it is in rare cases. The dead help only those who really need it. They can do it through signs. But people do not always understand them correctly.

    There is an opinion that after death the soul is not able to feel anything, it does not know what love, hatred are. Therefore, in this case, there can be no question of any help.

    Do not heavily "load" the spirits with your problems and requests. After all, a person freed himself from the physical body and left the world. He lived a life full of not only joys, but also grief, tears, sorrows. He drank his cup of sorrows to the dregs. Why should he experience such emotions in heaven?

    How to ask for help from deceased relatives?

    In difficult life situations, people sometimes turn to deceased parents or relatives for help. There are many prayers and conspiracies for the implementation of such actions. In some, it is proposed to go to the cemetery, others simply use household items when reading the plot. You should think about such rituals. They are true and will not bring you more trouble.

    It is better to ask for help through prayer, but from God. So you will find peace and tranquility. This will help you find a solution to even the most intractable problem.

    If you still decide to resort to the help of deceased relatives, then below is a conspiracy. It should be read near the grave of the person from whom you are asking for help.
    “My dear (my) father (mother) (name of the deceased), get up, wake up, look at me, at your baby. How miserable I am in this white world. My dear, look at me, an orphan from your home, amuse me with a kind word.

    You can communicate mentally with a dead person. In a conversation with him, you can outline the situation and ask for advice. Some people go to church and pray. Within the walls of temples, it is easier for them to concentrate and understand what the deceased wants to advise them.

    Do not turn too often to the spirits for advice.
    If you have any doubts about making a decision, go to the cemetery. At the grave of the deceased, you will express all the pros and cons of this situation. And the first thing that comes to your mind, consider the advice of a deceased person

    Will deceased relatives meet after death?

    This question has always interested close people of the deceased relative. Even the priests do not give an exact answer.
    Some mediums claim that will definitely meet. Indeed, in the case of clinical death, people say that they met their loved ones there.

    But in order to meet them again, a person should be cleansed of sins, go through Purgatory. And only then will he reach Paradise, where all his relatives are waiting for him.
    Priests on this score say that it is possible that they will meet if the place of their final stay coincides. And this is known only to God.

    Do the souls of the dead come to relatives?

    People give many examples that prove that deceased relatives visit their relatives. Some of them have things falling, others are honoring a light breeze that cannot occur indoors.

    One woman said that her dead son was calling her from that world. But no one can say for sure that this is the soul, and not the fruit of their own imagination.

    According to beliefs, the soul roams the earth for another 40 days. At this time, she visits relatives, relatives and acquaintances. Many say they feel the presence of the spirit of the deceased. Sometimes it happens in a dream.

    If this happens after forty days, then it is worth considering. Usually this means that the soul has not found peace. Or guilt haunts her, and she wanders in search of forgiveness. The priests advise go to church and light a candle for the repose.

    After the death of a loved one, our consciousness does not want to put up with the fact that he is no longer around. I would like to believe that somewhere far away in heaven he remembers us and can send a message.

    In this article

    The connection between the soul and the living person

    Followers of religious and esoteric teachings consider it as a small particle of the Divine consciousness. On Earth, the soul manifests itself through the best qualities of a person: kindness, honesty, nobility, generosity, the ability to forgive. Creative abilities are considered a gift from God, which means that they are also realized through the soul.

    It is immortal, but the human body has a finite lifespan. Therefore, the soul leaves the body and goes to another level of the universe.

    Major theories about afterlife

    Myths and religious beliefs peoples offer their own vision of what happens to a person after death. For example, the "Tibetan Book of the Dead" describes step by step all the stages through which the soul passes from the moment of death and ending with the next incarnation on Earth.

    Heaven and Hell, Heavenly Judgment

    In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the heavenly court at which one's earthly deeds are judged. Depending on the number of mistakes and good deeds, God, angels or apostles divide dead people into sinners and righteous people in order to send them either to Paradise for eternal bliss or to hell for eternal torment.

    However, the ancient Greeks had something similar, where all the dead were sent to the underworld of Hades under the custody of Cerberus. Souls were also distributed according to the level of righteousness. Pious people were placed in Elysium, and vicious people in Tartarus.

    Judgment on souls is present in various variations in ancient myths. In particular, the Egyptians had the deity Anubis, who weighed the heart of the deceased with an ostrich feather to measure the severity of his sins. Pure souls headed for heavenly fields solar god Ra, where the rest of the road was booked.

    Souls of the righteous go to heaven

    Soul evolution, Karma, Reincarnation

    Religions ancient india look at the fate of the soul differently. According to traditions, she comes to Earth more than once and each time gains invaluable experience necessary for spiritual evolution.

    Nearby there are souls of close people who have passed away earlier. They look like living substances that emit light, but the traveler knows exactly who he met. These essences help to move on to the next stage, where the Angel is waiting - a guide to the higher spheres.

    The path that the soul walks is illumined by the Light

    People find it difficult to describe the image of the Divine being on the path of the soul in words. This is the embodiment of Love and a sincere desire to help. According to one version, this is the Guardian Angel. On the other - the progenitor of all human souls. The guide communicates with the newcomer by telepathy, without words, in the ancient language of images. It shows the events and misdeeds of a past life, but without the slightest hint of judgment.

    The road passes through a space filled with Light. Survivors clinical death they talk about the feeling of an invisible barrier, which probably serves as a boundary between the world of the living and the realm of the dead. Beyond the veil, none of the returnees comprehended. What lies beyond the line is not given to the living to know.

    Can the soul of the deceased visit?

    Religion condemns the practice of spiritualism. This is considered a sin, because under the mask of a deceased relative, a demon-tempter may appear. Serious esotericists also do not approve of such sessions, since at this moment a portal opens through which dark entities can penetrate our world.

    Church condemns seances to communicate with the dead

    However, such visits can occur at the initiative of those who have left the Earth. If in earthly life there was a strong connection between people, then death will not break it. For at least 40 days, the soul of the deceased can visit relatives and friends and watch them from the outside. People with high sensitivity feel this presence.

    Russian biologist Vasily Lepeshkin

    In the 1930s, a Russian biochemist discovered bursts of energy emanating from a dying body. The bursts were captured by ultra-sensitive film. On the basis of observations, the scientist came to the conclusion that a special substance is separated from the dying body, which in religions is called the soul.

    Professor Konstantin Korotkov

    The doctor of technical sciences has developed a method of gas discharge visualization (GDV), which allows fixing fine-material radiations of the human body and obtaining an image of the aura in real time.

    Using the GDV method, the professor recorded the energy processes at the time of death. In fact, Korotkov's experiments gave a picture of how a subtle component comes out of a dying person. The scientist believes that then consciousness, together with thin body sent to another dimension.

    Physicists Michael Scott from Edinburgh and Fred Alan Wolff from California

    Adherents of the theory of multiple parallel universes. Some of their variants coincide with reality, others radically differ from it.

    Any living being (more precisely, its spiritual center) never dies. It is simultaneously embodied in different versions of reality, and each separate part is unaware of twins from parallel worlds.

    Professor Robert Lantz

    He drew an analogy between the continuous existence of man and the life cycles of plants that die in winter, but begin to grow again in spring. Thus, Lanz's views are close to the eastern doctrine of personality reincarnations.

    The professor admits the existence of parallel worlds in which the same soul lives simultaneously.

    Anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff

    Due to the specifics of his work, he observed people who were on the verge of life and death. Now he is sure that the soul has a quantum nature. Stewart believes that it is formed not by neurons, but by the unique substance of the Universe. After the death of the physical body, the spiritual information about the personality is transmitted into space and lives there as a free consciousness.


    As you can see, neither religion nor modern science deny. Scientists, by the way, even called its exact weight - 21 grams. After leaving this world, the soul continues to live in another dimension.

    However, we, while remaining on Earth, cannot voluntarily make contact with departed relatives. We can only keep a good memory of them and believe that they also remember us.

    A little about the author:

    Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

    Incredible Facts

    On Easter holidays, the theme of the afterlife is especially relevant. These days, we all remember not only the resurrected Savior, but also our dead family members.

    Surely, many have heard that our loved ones, even after death, somehow influence our life and destiny.

    But what role do dead relatives play?

    Our deceased relatives

    1. What happens when a family member dies?

    The death of our loved ones and loved ones is perhaps the most tragic moment of a person's earthly life. Such a loss is the most terrible event, it affects our mind. We feel the bitterness of loss especially acutely as we get older.

    It is quite logical that when we lose a beloved grandfather, grandmother or one of our parents, we are interested to know if they are lost forever or will they return to us in the form of our children or grandchildren?

    It is for this reason that many cultures around the world worship their dead ancestors...

    2. Worship of dead relatives among the Hindus

    Hindus have the opportunity to pay respect to their ancestors in the form of shraddha, a religious ceremony held in honor of a deceased relative not only on the anniversary of his death, but also on a dark, moonless night every month.

    This night is called amavasya, and is a very important part of Hindu culture.

    In addition, twice a year Hindus celebrate Pitri Paksha, a period of 16 lunar days designed to honor their ancestors.

    3. Altar for ancestors

    In addition to the Hindu faith, in many other cultures around the world, people worship their deceased relatives.

    There is a special altar for worshiping the ancestors, where food is placed and other gifts are presented, such as incense.

    This is done as a sign of respect for the deceased relatives, as well as in gratitude for everything they have done for us.

    4. We owe them

    Always remember that we are all indebted to the deceased grandparents and parents.

    While some may overlook the need to be grateful to our ancestors, one cannot help but acknowledge that, one way or another, we owe them a great deal.

    They gave us life, raised us and invested a lot in us. Therefore, be sure to thank the deceased ancestors for what they have done for you and in no case deny their role in your life.

    Help for deceased loved ones

    5. Our guardian angels

    There are even those who believe that our deceased loved ones are our guardian angels, or at least they are very similar to them.

    Like angels, their souls protect us from all evil and protect us from evil. Sometimes they can even do for us what neither various deities nor even angels are able to do.

    Their souls can influence our destiny in one way or another, as well as be present in our daily life. For example, the souls of our deceased loved ones can help find lost things or give us a brilliant idea at the very moment when we need advice so much.

    6. They are watching us

    What if we knew for sure that our deceased relatives are watching us and want to help in our Everyday life as if they are alive and really present in our lives?

    In fact, their presence is palpable, it looks like after death they have some kind of supernatural power and help us from another kingdom.

    Indeed, their help and incredible wisdom can enrich our life, fill it with a completely different meaning, we just need to recognize their energetic presence...

    7. Do some of our deceased ancestors return to their families?

    Ancestor worship is respect and tribute to the memory of our relatives who left this world. Moreover, the followers of some religions in their perception of the afterlife went even further: they firmly believe that the souls of their ancestors return to them.

    Such a sincere belief that they really return to their families in one form or another helps people live.

    In fact, this is another proof of the deep affection and love of our deceased loved ones for us, the living members of their family, despite the fact that they are separated from us at the level of the body and exist only in the form of a soul.

    8. Gratitude, as well as forgiveness

    Of course, if we honor our deceased loved ones, this means that our ancestors were kind and loving people rather than evil and cruel. And they continue to be so even after their death.

    Be sure to remember them in your prayers, thank for everything, and also ask their forgiveness and forgive them for possible mistakes they have made.

    9. What if they return for a specific purpose?

    What if they're coming back to take care of you, or because they need to get on with something and complete an unfinished task?

    It is quite possible that during the period of numerous reincarnations they will definitely find time to return to their family on earth.

    10. Plans of our subconscious

    Do we make any plans for the afterlife during our earthly life?

    Our survival instinct drives us to invest effort, means and money in our children. Although we do not admit it, we do it at some subconscious level. Our destiny and our continuation of the family is the most important component of our life and it is also what will be our continuation after death.

    11. Route for the soul

    What about those who don't have offspring? There is also a map of routes and their souls. They also return.

    Our soul lies in our DNA. The souls of these people will return to the descendants of one of their family members.

    12. Visiting the cemetery and the graves of our loved ones

    Another way to honor ancestors is to visit their graves. Cemetery visits are common in both Christianity and Islam, where people visit the graves of their dead relatives on holidays or special days set aside in the religious calendar.

    For Christians, memorial days come a week after the Easter holiday. It is this period that is considered the time of commemoration of the dead.

    13. Doing good deeds

    With our prayers, we pay tribute to our departed relatives. But another way to pay tribute is to do conscious good deeds that improve our karma.

    We can donate money to charitable causes, give food to those in need. For example, Hindus believe that by giving away a cow, which is considered a sacred animal, they are doing a great act of kindness...

    14. Acts of mercy

    For Christians, good deeds are "charity", for Muslims - "sadaka", for Buddhists - "bhiksha". Doing good in the name of our ancestors is another way of our gratitude, as well as honoring them.

    15. Fulfillment of our destiny

    The best thing that dead ancestors can do for us is to help us fulfill our destiny.

    In many ways, they help us understand the value of the things we already have, as well as appreciate the blessings we may lose if we do not carefully take care of some things.

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